Rude Rude Rude

There are multiple issues 1. You have people penny pinching and skimping so much to afford to come to Disney, that they are now miserable walking in, this vacation is EVERYTHING. It HAS to be perfect and they should have everything they want because otherwise what was this sacrifice for? 2. People as a whole have become more impatient and more narcissistic. They don't believe the rules apply to them. They don't care about those around them, it about their family. 3. Technology has caused a real disconnection in personal relationships. Think about the people who will give over their phone or give their kids tablets versus talking with them, playing a hand game or just being in the moment as a family.
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For me it's just something I accept as being part of the experience. It can be annoying when you're tired from a long day or a lack of sleep..but it's nothing that's ever ruined my vacation. Gotta pay the devil his due when you're having fun.
Haha, my intended sass may not have been evident in my initial comment. Let me be clear - while it certainly never crossed my mind that anyone would expect people to remove their ears outside of certain rides (RNR, 7DMT, BTMRR, things like that), I also have no intention of starting to now remove my ears any time I'm not the only person in the area - because it's DISNEY WORLD. It's going to be rare that I'm ever the only person in an area that isn't my specific hotel room. So I guess I'm now being rude. But, I'm also short, and am 99% certain that most people can see over me even with my ears, unless they're shorter than I am. I also try to not stand directly in front of people in situations like fireworks and castle shows. We show up early to get our spots and we stay standing, fully dressed, so if anyone stands behind us at some point they are well aware of the view they're going to have. So maybe I'm not being rude? Sometimes it's really hard to tell nowadays, haha.

OP was absolutely incensed that "no one takes them off for shows anymore!" and in my 25 years of visiting WDW, I don't remember ever being told I needed to remove my ears in a show, nor do I remember everyone else removing their ears during a show. That remark alone makes me wonder how many genuinely rude people the OP actually encountered, and how many weren't being rude at all but the OP deemed it so.

Now, OP, if you have someone who intentionally waits until the show starts and then they put on mouse ears that they were not otherwise wearing, despite knowing they have people standing immediately behind them whose views would be impeded, then you have a fair claim about wearing mouse ears being a rude behavior.
Fireworks and Castle shows are high up, I doubt anyone’s view would be obstructed. But in some indoor shows I find myself having to look around someone’s ears. Some people don’t mind having an obstructed view of screen, some do. I’m average height. So I take my ears off in indoor shows, I find it easy to slip them on & off, no big deal to me.
I don’t intentionally sit behind someone leaving their ears on, I try to sit towards the back with a few empty rows in front of me. Sometimes they fill up though. I don’t think people are being intentionally rude, they just don’t think about it.
At Disney, people are either in slow motion or fast forward. There's no in between.

The New Yorker in me is driven nuts by the slow motion group that. randomly. stops. in. the. middle. of. Main. Street... but it's understandable.

The fast forward runs everywhere and is always in a rush. <snip>

Reminds me of a George Carlin joke:
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?
just a bit of a rant here, but it seems like every year I go to Disney, the people get more and more rude, pushy, and overall unbelievable with what they let their kids do.

A day has not gone by where I have not been stepped on, slammed into, or pushed. All for these people to get ahead 30 seconds - or in the case after the fireworks, to get no where fast. Or stopping in the middle of walkways, when there are people walking behind you, just to look at their phone or a map, or talk. Running people over with strollers. No im sorry ever muttered.

Let's talk about the amount of children I've seen standing on chairs at shows, jumping on them- in the middle of dark shows. Completely limiting the views of those behind them. And the mickey ears- no one takes them off for shows anymore, again with the view problems.

And the masses of phones and external lighting at the fireworks! It's terrible!

It's unbelievable how completely oblivious, rude, and self centered 75% of the people currently in wdw are.

Rant over, for now. Ann I just overly sensitive or does everyone experience this nonsens?! Will enjoy my remaining days!
We took a day trip to the Bronx zoo last weekend and some people were rude there too. It’s everywhere these days..
I was at a wedding recently where they announced before the procession that they ceremony was to be “unplugged” and please do not take pictures or video during the procession or ceremony. (Reception was fine)

Out of the crowd of about 80 people, at least 20 filmed or took photos of the procession or parts of the ceremony.

People don’t listen anywhere.
just a bit of a rant here, but it seems like every year I go to Disney, the people get more and more rude, pushy, and overall unbelievable with what they let their kids do.

A day has not gone by where I have not been stepped on, slammed into, or pushed. All for these people to get ahead 30 seconds - or in the case after the fireworks, to get no where fast. Or stopping in the middle of walkways, when there are people walking behind you, just to look at their phone or a map, or talk. Running people over with strollers. No im sorry ever muttered.

Let's talk about the amount of children I've seen standing on chairs at shows, jumping on them- in the middle of dark shows. Completely limiting the views of those behind them. And the mickey ears- no one takes them off for shows anymore, again with the view problems.

And the masses of phones and external lighting at the fireworks! It's terrible!

It's unbelievable how completely oblivious, rude, and self centered 75% of the people currently in wdw are.

Rant over, for now. Ann I just overly sensitive or does everyone experience this nonsens?! Will enjoy my remaining days!

First of all Disney World is no place for kids!
Next the only time we can go is in the summer so its crazy hot, crowded and the most expensive time of the year.
... and get off my lawn.

People aren't getting any worse, you're just getting older and noticing it more.

I don't agree. I believe people are worse. They are more entitled than ever before. Comes along with everyone getting a trophy for just showing up, and mommy and daddy making sure their little Prince or Princess doesn't learn any of the harsh truths of life. When their bedrooms are cleaned for them, and they never lift a finger around the house it is no surprise tables are left looking like a pig sty and people are pushed out of the way. What, my little Princess wait in line???
I don't agree. I believe people are worse. They are more entitled than ever before. Comes along with everyone getting a trophy for just showing up, and mommy and daddy making sure their little Prince or Princess doesn't learn any of the harsh truths of life. When their bedrooms are cleaned for them, and they never lift a finger around the house it is no surprise tables are left looking like a pig sty and people are pushed out of the way. What, my little Princess wait in line???
@maxiesmom - I totally, heartily (and VERY sadly) agree. And I'll add that the little Princes/Princesses of yesterday are growing up to be the entitled Kings and Queens of today and beyond. Again, very sadly.
Has anyone ever seen Disney CM or security ever get involved in a family or children misbehaving? I don't mean where there is a complaint or a fight but where perhaps they were back watching a camera & took action?

I ask because I am thinking unless life or limb is involved they do nothing.
My family was at Toy Story Mania where a sibling family of 4 ( two girls about 15 & 14 were with their 9 & 10 yr old out of control brothers. The boys were not only "jokingly" pushing each other in a crowded line but climbing up on the game pieces!!! No one from Disney ever appeared and I was shocked!
Eventually my husband who was behind them and another guy who was in front of them told them to settle down. (this after the boys ran into people)

I was miffed thinking somewhere in the park are their parents happily away from these kids......knowing full well that they don't listen to their sisters and shouldn't be away from them.
I don't agree. I believe people are worse. They are more entitled than ever before. Comes along with everyone getting a trophy for just showing up, and mommy and daddy making sure their little Prince or Princess doesn't learn any of the harsh truths of life. When their bedrooms are cleaned for them, and they never lift a finger around the house it is no surprise tables are left looking like a pig sty and people are pushed out of the way. What, my little Princess wait in line???

Totally agree with this:sad2:
Well...I don't usually comment on threads like this, mostly I just lurk, anyway. I know this is a fairly old post, too, but I'm fairly sure things have not improved.

I'm afraid the self-entitled, HOORAY FOR ME AND THE H*LL WITH YOU attitude is prevalent everywhere, not just WDW. (We just notice it more there because we are crammed in with so many other people at WDW.) Just this morning I read a PTR by a woman that breezily commented on how she will be buying the early-bird pre-boarding fee for Southwest Airlines for herself and her two children, aged 10 and 12, so that they will be guaranteed seats together, and also, "that way I can save a seat for my husband, whose employer won't pay for that". :sad2: So...she evidently believes her purchase of three early bird fares entitles her to four early bird fares. The saddest part is that she sees nothing whatsoever wrong with doing so.

I'm fighting the impulse to comment that, hey, you could always purchase the fare upgrade yourselves, and oh by the way, your children are watching you.

The irony: Recently, on a trip on SWA despite purchasing the early bird fare for herself and her children, my daughter and the children (aged 6 and 9) were separated on the flight--- because so many people were saving seats for those they were traveling with that did not want the added expense of the early bird fare. Two would purchase and save seats for an additional three, etc. Quite ridiculous and absurdly rude.

Our family finds WDW to be a lot of fun and the place of many happy memories--and also a bit of a trial. Because I was raised to respect the rules, authority, and other people-- and since I raised my children likewise, we find the behavior of many ppl to be shocking and depressing. We would never save seats (or curb space) for those not there. If they want to sit with us, or see the parade, show, etc., then make the time to get there early like everyone else that would like a decent view. Otherwise, stand in the back.

Its. Just. That. Simple.

The challenge, of course, is to not allow other ppl's bad behavior to effect you or your enjoyment or your vacation/commute/trip to the grocery store/gym/other public space. To do that it is necessary to ignore, ignore, ignore, and to not respond in kind. Praying is also helpful.:sunny:

If not downright essential.
Or you could look at it as we all need reminders of what not to do.
You are exactly correct.... ALL of us do... I bet that every guest who has walked through those turnstiles has done something that another guest would deem inappropriate. We are all at fault
Surely, an intelligent person can differentiate between a faux pas which regretfully inconveniences a fellow park guest, and a pattern of thinking that leads one to conduct themselves as if they are, in fact, the exact center of the universe? The assumptive statement that we "all" think we are the center of the universe, thus we are "all" guilty of behaving habitually rudely is incorrect, I hope. I'd like to believe some of us have been taught to think of others as at least as important as ourselves.

"We are all at fault" as a presumptive statement seems a bit much, but if the impetus behind making the above statements is that extending grace to others is a good thing to do, because after all, we may sometimes need it ourselves, then I certainly agree. My 18 month old grandson may sometimes be a pill in a restaurant and so I tend to be forgiving of toddler tantrums in public--which is not quite the same as habitually behaving as an inconsiderate boor.

But I am reminded of why I tend to lurk more than post, particularly on "controversial" threads such as anything regarding decent public behavior.

And condemnation doesn't enter into the thing. I am not their judge nor jury. I didn't raise them, and I don't condemn them. They condemn themselves.
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Surely, an intelligent person can differentiate between a faux pas which regretfully inconveniences a fellow park guest, and a pattern of thinking that leads one to conduct themselves as if they are, in fact, the exact center of the universe? The assumptive statement that we "all" think we are the center of the universe, thus we are "all" guilty of behaving habitually rudely is incorrect, I hope. I'd like to believe some of us have been taught to think of others as at least as important as ourselves.

"We are all at fault" as a presumptive statement seems a bit much, but if the impetus behind making the above statements is that extending grace to others is a good thing to do, because after all, we may sometimes need it ourselves, then I certainly agree. My 18 month old grandson may sometimes be a pill in a restaurant and so I tend to be forgiving of toddler tantrums in public--which is not quite the same as habitually behaving as an inconsiderate boor.

But I am reminded of why I tend to lurk more than post, particularly on "controversial" threads such as anything regarding decent public behavior.

And condemnation doesn't enter into the thing. I am not their judge nor jury. I didn't raise them, and I don't condemn them. They condemn themselves.
I do not think saying we are all at fault is too much at all. What Im saying is I just get frustrated on here when I read about holier than thou people condemning strangers behavior when Im sure they are not Mother Teresa themselves....
I do not think saying we are all at fault is too much at all. What Im saying is I just get frustrated on here when I read about holier than thou people condemning strangers behavior when Im sure they are not Mother Teresa themselves....
Common sense and decency and heck a regard for people other than yourselves does not make anyone holier than thou. There are times were judgment is right, people should feel shame. Maybe if more people did that we would all be better off on multiple levels.


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