Running Down a Dream 2: It's All About the Swag

Ok, so I totally missed the self-destruction journal part there Inspector Gadget! WHAT????? :scared1: You can't let it self-destruct! I would be totally crushed! I know last year, you took some time off from journalling, but really, do you HAVE to that this year??? I know you're going to be doing all this training for your upcoming 2008 races. No reason you can't keep us informed!

Stop being selfish! ;) :laughing: I need your journal! :goodvibes (ok, so I guess I'm the selfish one here :confused3 )
YEAH!!! You tell him Stacie!!!! Scott...we will be very disappointed if you stop posting here mister. :mad: And you tried to sneak that one past all of us. Stop being so know you'll start a new journal ;).
Geesh...just trying to liven things up around here!! It was so dead around the holiday time...

speaking of death...doesn't it breed new life or something? Ms. Quotemeister, can you find that one for me? Would be a nice add to the end of my trip report ;)


You guys are too kind :goodvibes: Sometimes I just like to be over dramatic...keeps things interesting :)'s your quote...

“Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix”. need to start a new journal. A new journal will rise from the ashes of your old journal. And maybe something about eating eggs? or your new marathon goals and training are the egg...and the new journal is the phoenix and the old one is...Oh nevermind. :) How'd I do????

A phoenix is a mythical bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix is destined to live, usually, as long as the old one. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (the city of the sun in Greek). The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — a symbol of fire and divinity.

WOAH....FIRE!!! Cool!!! Love it!! BURN THE JOURNAL!! Up with the ashes and eggs and Helipolis and invincibilty and cinnamon...

But really..

I like cinnamon (if it's a Cinnabon...not really a fan of cinnamon mints)...but am confused with the Egypt stuff....maybe it's a sign that we need to do this:


(not too sure about all the embalming stuff either? maybe just a nice archiving instead?)
Disneyland sounds great!!

But only after ScoJo15 ingnites himself and spawns a new moniker...bigger, bolder, immortal and invincible....

Stay tuned folks...

T-minus 17 days until the burning....
Wow! It must be taper time, as things are getting crazy around here!

In all honestly, I agree with the others, I really hope you continue to post in your journal! You have been such an inspiration to me over the last few months. You always have great advice and are always supportive as well, and i would miss reading about all your success! You have had a really awesome year, and I can't wait to read about your training and success in 2008!
Om....I don't think it takes the taper to make Scott crazy!!!

I like Cinnamon too--especially cinnabon! yum!

Ok...MR. bigger, bolder, invincible, immortal, cinnabon-eatin, The Great Goofy ScoJo15 better burn and come back fast! Don't make me come to GA and put all the cinnamon ashes in an egg!

Have a great weekend!
:rotfl2: crack me up. No worries...he can't stay away. We're too much fun over here on the journal forum!!! :thumbsup2
Taper training update (week in review)

Monday did the elliptical for 30, Tuesday ran 4.3 on the treaddie, Wednesday did 30 on the bike, Thursday did 4 on the treaddie, Friday did 15 on the elliptical and 15 on the bike, Saturday did 30 on the bike...and tomorrow is the LAST LONG RUN!! A nice 6 miler to boot :goodvibes:

Can't believe next weekend is Goofy weekend!! Wow.
I am with everyone else who has said please don't stop posting!You are great to follow for inspiration and you always have me at least smiling if not laughing as I am reading your posts.

I can't wait to hear about the race when you get back,if I didn't already say so GOOD LUCK! I will be thinking of you all. The weather looks awesome there.

Take care,

You have to keep journaling!!!!!First of all, you are an inspiration to so many of us. Second of all, you have a great sense of humor....You crack me up!:lmao: Third of all, because I said so. ;) :laughing:

You are gonna rock the Goofy!!!!:rockband: I can't wait to hear all about it in your JOURNAL!!!:thumbsup2

Have a great week!:goodvibes
Hi Scott! Hope you had a good weekend and your LONG 6 miler went well! ;)

Less than a week to go!

This whole journal destruction thing... You do that just to cause a rukus! What an ego boost you must be getting right now! :goodvibes Must be nice to feel wanted and needed huh? ;) Seriously, you are such an inspriation! I can't wait to see what's next!

We'll see you soon!
Thanks everyone :)

I'm really not an egomaniac, I swear...(right Amy?)...but I do like to have fun and I was getting a little bored of my own repetitiveness, so yes, the journal destruction thing (13 more days!) was just thrown in to cause a ruckus...keep things interesting in the good ol' journal.

On a more serious note, the purpose of this journal for me was to track a path that concluded with the running of the Goofy Challenge. I can't leave these boards, there are too many inspiring, fun and super kind people around here. So while I'll probably put this journal to rest in a couple weeks, I'm not going anywhere. I just have to make a decision on what is next and proceed from there (yes, I have a good idea already...might involve Mickey....could be a race...there I go again with the dramatics! LOL). I hope my fooling around, being all over dramatic is taken at face's just me having fun :)

On a training note...I completed the 6 miler yesterday without incident. I admit that I had visions of WDW's races the entire time I was running and the excitement is at an all time high. I'm super excited to be involved in the half and full, super excited to be meeting some new faces :goodvibes: and super excited to be getting away from work for a week (no traffic, yay!).

Today is a rest day and I'm taking it! Tomorrow I have a 3 miler planned, followed by 30 on the elliptical on Wednesday...and that will conclude my training! From there it's pack my stuff up and get out of town by 6am on Thursday morning.

Thanks to every single one of you for the support and good times. It's very cool to be a part of a virtual group who can come together like we do...picking each other up when down and celebrating all the successes.

No way I'd be where I'm at today without these boards and all of you, so from the bottom of my heart....thank you.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Great post Scott! We all know you're just a fun-loving Goofy-running guy! That's why we love your journal so much! It's fun!!! I hope you take all my comments at face value as well. Just joking and playing!

So, when the journal does go up in flames, you think we can get some fire??? That would be fun!

I'm very happy to hear you are taking your rest day!

So you'll be at Disney for a week!!! Way to go! We're leaving on Sunday. We'll be there for a week in May after the Minnie. We're going to do the water parks. Never made it to those before, so that should be fun! A week for you is a very well deserved vacation!

From your posts is sounds like you are in a great place mentally! That is great to hear!

Hope your training the rest of the week goes well!

I'm looking foward to meeting some new faces too! :goodvibes

Hi Scott,

I am very glad to hear that you will not be deserting us. (Of course, I know these boards are addicting, and we would lso come hunt you down.;) )

I may not make it back here before you leave, so I wish you the best of luck on your races. Do well, but most importantly have a blast and come out of it healthy.

Safe journeys,
Thanks Stacie and Beth :)

Just wanted to stop in and say...




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