Sarah & Fred - 1.11.07 - AK/MK - The Perfect Midnight Stroll

truly worth the wait...fantastic so far! it just gives me chills... :goodvibes
Sarah- Where did you get your ring box from? I love it and would love to have one for our wedding
sarah-i was actually thinking of you the other day and when we were going to get to see the rest! i dont remember if i told you this or not but we honeymooned at the GF from jan 6-14, we probbaly crossed paths and didn't know it! :goodvibes

i am not done reading yet, but so far I LOVE it! :wizard:
Sarah I'm thrilled to see another installment of your trip report. Unfortunately 1/2 way through the pictures disappeared! Hopefully they'll pop back up.
I was just on her site with the pictures and now the url isn't working!!! :eek:
Is anyone else having this problem, or is it just me?!?!?!?!
How amazing your wedding looks and you look gorgeous. I explained to my husband (19 years in December) last night that instead of my red 450SL convertible Mercedes that I want in 5 years ( for my BIG birthday), that I'll take a Vow Renewal in WDW in front of the Castle. Needless to say, he's not exactly on board.....yet. I don't think it's the vow renewal that's hanging him up (Lord, I hope not; we've been together since our first date 24 years now), I think it's the price tag. Oh, well. As long as I can do it at WDW, I'm happy.

Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. What an incredible night that must have been. We're having a storm outside of Atlanta right now and the internet connection is messing up reading your report and looking at your pics....AHHHH.
Sarah ~ My mother actually ordered it from my little cousin when they were selling stuff for a school fund raiser. A small child's necklace originally came in the box. We just made to slits for the rings.

Sorry about the temporary outages today. Each time we update the website, it's down for about five minutes when uploading the new information. This afternoon Fred was busy fixing my spelling errors and typos, adding his own thoughts, and attempting to get the videos to work. So, hopefully that's why you experienced some problems today.
Sarah - thank you (and Fred) so much for continuing these. Reading your recaps is like watching a dream! Everything looks like it was beyond wonderful!
Your perfectly welcome! I just wish I could have finished them faster. :rolleyes1

Main Street U.S.A.

Our guests arrive at the main entrance to the Magic Kingdom and are greeted by the Dapper Dans who escort them through Main Street.

Our guests had the option of walking with the Dapper Dans or hitching a ride on a Main Street vehicle. Either way, they were serenaded throughout their journey.

After they reached the end of Main Street, the Dapper Dans set the tone for the remainder of our event by concluding with a fabulous rendition of “When you wish upon a star.”

Our guests are then directed towards the castle by those famous light sabers! They then find their seats just as the castle comes alive with light!

Meanwhile, From Fred’s Perspective
A few moments after concluding my mini-photo session, I was back in CRT to check on everyone. Just as I was confident that everyone was ready, Diane called everyone to line up in the breezeway. We arranged for Bob to stay behind on his bench as long as possible so he would not have to stand very long.

It was 10:27pm and our special surprise Castle light show began . . . which unfortunately neither Sarah nor I could see, but I could certainly feel it. The music was powerful. You could feel the base beats in the breezeway of the Castle. I could hear the surprise from our guests as the show began. On our wedding program, there was no indication that there was a light show. It only listed the song, “Flying” which the light show based on.

As Flying was winding down, the perfection in me came out again. Everyone was lined up in the middle of the breezeway. I realized that the guests would be able to see everyone when the currents opened and closed for each person/couple to walk out onto the stage. I spoke to Diane and the lady w/ the headset and we got everyone to step over to the wall except the couple that was about to go out onto the stage. This way when the curtain opened the guests would only saw that couple and as they walked out, the guests only saw the Carousel behind the Castle before the curtain closed behind them.

Meanwhile, From Sarah's Perspective
Paranoid Sarah had returned. I was absolutely certain I was going to fall on my face in front of everyone when getting out of the coach.

We make our way to the coach and I’m being prompted to get in already. I just assumed that we had been kept in City Hall a little longer than expected and that we were fast approaching the moment we needed to leave. Boy was I wrong! They got me up into the coach and then told me to wait. Our photographer took a photo from every angle known to man and we were still waiting.

Immediately after the “Flying” light show ended, an acappella choral version of “The second star to the Right” started. My step-father and step-mother entered through the curtains of the castle breezeway as a pair and made their way to their assigned seats on stage. Next, Fred’s parents entered and made their way to their assigned seats next to my step-parents. Then, Reverend Knox entered and took his position in the center of the stage.
Meanwhile, From Fred’s Perspective
The parental pairs walked out, followed by the pastor, and then it was my turn. I stepped to the center of the breezeway and prepared myself. Just a second before the curtain opened, Diane stepped over to my shoulder and half whispered, “Good Luck!” The curtain opened and I was on my way. I was taken aback by the sheer beauty and magnitude of what I saw as I entered the dimly lit stage. The parents were on my right smiling at me; the pastor was directly in front of me, looking back and smiling at me. Beyond him were the ferns and floral arrangements lining the edge of the stage and beyond that were about 50 people sitting in front of the stage.

I made myself walk slowly. I knew that I was probably walking faster than I realized. I was going to enjoy this moment and take everything in. Shortly after I arrived at my mark on the stage, Second Star From the Right ended and Beauty and the Beast began. I could see the first couple begin their approach.

As they got closer, the stage lighting gradually got brighter and warmer in color. This was “The Sunrise” that I had worked with Rick Harbin on. It went off flawlessly. The “night” (Second Star From the Right) was over and now the sun was rising as the first pair made their way up the ramps opposite each other. As the couples were making their way up, I could see Sarah’s Coach (if only her coach for that one night) making its way down Main Street, still out of view of the guests. The last couple made their way to their positions just as the song was ending.

Meanwhile, From Sarah’s Perspective
But then the coach started traveling faster. The coach started to creak and I literally thought that it was going to fall apart. Then the plexiglass part of it started to make sounds too. The faster we went the louder it was. Plus, due to the shape of the pumpkin part of the coach you can’t hardly hear anything that’s going on outside. It’s like a cone of silence . . . but with lots of noise.

I knew from the time line, that we were suppose to hit center street when “Go the Distance” began playing. So, being the obsessive compulsive person that I am, I lean over to one side in an attempt to hear what music is playing when we pass center street. I manage to learn that “Beauty and the Beast” is still going strong. Panic starts to set in at this point. I know were not on time. Then just as the trumpeters began to do their thing, I see my reflection in the window of the Main Street Bakery and lose it!

All I could think was that I looked absolutely ridiculous sitting in a coach made to look like a pumpkin with a light shining on my face. I seriously considered jumping out. How could I really show my face in front of my closet family and friends looking like this? Who did I think I was? Cinderella? I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes and I realized I had a decision to make. I could either give into my feelings and ruin the wedding we had fought so long and hard to have or I could get a hold of myself and enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. I thought about the family who had laughed when we told them we wanted to get married in Disney World, but then I thought about the way even the most serious members of the bridal party reacted when they first saw the castle at night. And finally, I thought about the first time I remember seeing the castle and how perfect and full of hope the world seemed at that moment. And well about that time, the coach slowed down significantly and I could finally hear the almost motivating melody of “Go the Distance."

Meanwhile, back on the stage (Fred’s Perspective)

We suddenly had pony footsteps, herald trumpeter’s from the platform on the stage and now, it was Sarah’s time to shine . . . literally. I was over whelmed by how beautiful she was as her coach, lead by 6 white ponies and 3 coachmen approached. She was glowing. In the darkness of the Magic Kingdom, she appeared angelic as the lights in the coach shined on her. You could not actually see the lights shining on her. It just looked like she was glowing. She was truly the vision of an angel. I shed a single tear at our wedding, and this was when it occurred.

I was a little disheartened as I saw the Fairy Godmother and Major Domo step up to meet the coach before it arrived. On the timeline that we worked tirelessly on, Major Domo was supposed to escort Fairy Godmother to the coach once the coach came to a stop. I knew this was going to foul up the timeline a bit. I could only imagine what was going through Sarah’s mind. I knew she would be able to deal with it though.

Fairy Godmother fussed over Sarah’s dress a bit and then Major Domo escorted Sarah up the ramp. Up to this point, I was not aware that Sarah’s father, Bob, had not come out onto the stage when he was supposed to (as her coach was approaching). The problem was soon solved and as Sarah was making her way up the ramp, out popped Bob to meet her. Major Domo presented Sarah to her father and Bob escorted her up to the front of the stage. Once Sarah was in place, Bob had a bit of a deer in the headlights look on his face, not remembering which way he was supposed to get to his seat. I subtly motioned with my hand and he made his way to his seat.

At this point because of the foul-up with Major Domo and Fairy Godmother entering too soon, we still had about 30 to 45 seconds more song to go. I was wondering if we were just going to stand there until it finished. Then at the perfect moment in the song, it just faded away. I am certain that the guests thought it was the natural end of the song. We later learned that Rick had seen the problem and found the perfect place in the song to fade out.

Meanwhile, back in the coach (Sarah’s Perspective)

Now, I wish I could say that I immediately felt comfortable or that when I saw Fred I was fine, but that just wouldn’t be the truth. I had calmed down - i.e. I was no longer considering jumping out of the coach - but I was far from comfortable. I still felt a little like a cupcake. The only thing that really snapped be back into reality (or out of, depending on your perspective) was when I realized that our timing was seriously off. “When you wish upon a star” hadn’t even started and they were almost ready for me to get out of the coach. But what was I really going to do? Refuse to get out?

Oddly enough, I never even thought about falling flat on my face when I was getting out. (I was half way up the ramp before I actually realized that I didn’t fall out of the coach.) However, I didn’t exactly enjoy the moment because the first thing I said to the Fairy Godmother was “We’re early . . . can you stall?” Yes, I know! In the middle of a fairytale, Sarah asks the Fairy Godmother to waste a bit of time! Ruined a perfectly good moment, but it just came out of my mouth!

Anyway, I was out, the Fairy Godmother had given me my bouquet, and she was busy fluffing my dress and fixing my veil. Meanwhile, I was stuck just standing there right in front of everyone doing nothing. Finally, Major Domo came around to my left side, offered his hand, and we were off. I started to calm down a little when we were going up the ramp, but as we approached the center I noticed my father was missing. (He was suppose to be out there to see me arrive in the coach.) Major Domo asked where my father was in his headset and presto . . . my father appeared.

Major Domo handed me off to my father and we walked up to meet Fred. My father gave me a kiss, I handed my bouquet to my mother, Reverend Knox joined our hands, and we patiently waited for the music to come to an end.

I then stood on the stage in the middle of a deserted Magic Kingdom for the next twelve minutes in a state of pure bliss.

Dearly beloved,
we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocence, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church. This holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee; and is commended in holy Scripture to be honorable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered upon, nor taken In hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God; duly considering the causes for which Matrimony was ordained.

Into which holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. Therefore if any man can show any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.

I require and charge you both in the Name of God, from whom no secrets are hid, that if either of you know any impediment, why you may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, you do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that if any persons are joined together otherwise than as God’s Word doth allow; their marriage is not lawful.

Fred wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?

I will.

Sarah wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?

I will.

Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?

Her mother and I do.

I Fred take thee Sarah to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

I Sarah take thee Fred to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.

BLESS, O Lord, this Ring, that he who gives it and she who receives who wears it may abide in thy peace, and continue in thy favor, unto their life’s end; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
With this ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

O ETERNAL God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life: Send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this Fred and Sarah, whom we bless in thy Name; that they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this ring given and received is a token and pledge, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Now let us pray as Christ taught us to pray:


Forasmuch as Fred and Sarah have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

GOD the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that you may live together faithfully in this world, and in the world to come you may inherit life everlasting. Amen.

The Fairytale Moment

Reverend Kevin told Fred he could kiss his beautiful bride and we gave each other a little peck on the lips and then hugged. (Sorry, we’re not a kiss in public kinda couple . . . just ask our photographer. She had a terrible time getting us to kiss!)

We fumbled around with our arms and hands a bit before assuming the proper escort stance and were about to go about our merry way when I see my mother shoving something in my direction. Oh yea! My bouquet . . . might need that, huh? By that time, Fred’s already moving so I quickly attempt to grab my bouquet from mom while being pulled in the other direction by Fred. It was a rather awkward moment for me, but everything worked out fine. We started on our way past the remaining parents and I was very interested to see whether my father was crying. WooHoo! He was! (Yes, I’m evil! I wanted them all to cry!)

Now, on the way up Major Domo told me that I needed to briefly pause after turning onto the ramp when we were exiting. He said that would give him enough time to make sure the train was straight. (I thought this was a very observant and nice idea, by the way.) After the problem with the bouquet, I wasn’t sure whether Fred would get the idea or not, but I was determined to make something work. (Which now leads me to wonder why in the word I was so obsessed with having my train straight.) I was concentrating so much on the task at hand that I walked right past our photographer without realizing (or looking directly at her for that matter) until we were halfway down the ramp.

Now, for all of you that are disappointed because I let my emotions ruin a fairytale entrance, take heart, there was a fairytale exit:

When we were almost to the bottom of the ramp, the music swelled, Fred took my hand, and we started running down the ramp to the waiting coach. It truly felt like the end of a movie. This all came as such a surprise to all our guests that they all started cheering and clapping. Their cheering in turn surprised us. It was all very surreal.

When we arrived at the coach, I was literally up and in within seconds. ( I still can figure out how that happened.) Fred made it in, and we managed to get situated just before the lead pony reared back and took off. As the coach was pulling away, we waved goodbye to our guests (who were still cheering and clapping) and rode off into our happily ever after. It was simply perfect.

My description of our exit doesn’t quite to it justice. If you want a more accurate representation just click play below.
Sarah what a truly unique experience you had! Everything was beautiful. I can't imagine the feeling of essentially having the MK to yourself for your wedding! And I especially love the picture of the coach, where you can see you and Fred at the castle in the middle of it. Thanks for coming back to share!
Sarah - I loved your exit...brought me to tears. What a wonderful experience.
Sarah your wedding was absolutely beautiful! Thinking back on it and putting it in writing must have you reliving the experience all over.
wow...What a fairytale! The Exit was so cute and perfect. I'm with Pooh Friend#1, your exit brought me to tears! I can't wait to hear and see more! The only word to describe it is amazing!
If you couldn't tell from the title of the post, the most magical moment of our wedding (at least to us) was our exit. I could truly do that over and over and over and over and never get tired.

In other news, I'm sorry but there won't be any new pages tonight. See today just happens to be a special occasion and well I honestly didn't have any time to fix or upload any more pages. Nevertheless, everything is ready waiting for me to do tomorrow.
If you couldn't tell from the title of the post, the most magical moment of our wedding (at least to us) was our exit. I could truly do that over and over and over and over and never get tired.

In other news, I'm sorry but there won't be any new pages tonight. See today just happens to be a special occasion and well I honestly didn't have any time to fix or upload any more pages. Nevertheless, everything is ready waiting for me to do tomorrow.

Thank you so much Sarah for posting the reports. It brings tears to me and my DGD as well. She's 11 but dreams of experiencing being a princess bride also. You look just like a princess. Thanks again and we are waiting for tomorrow. :)


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