Saw 4 large Confederate flags flying at a house today,

Quick... let's add a poll...

Where do you shop and what does it say about you?

Walmart or Target?

Walmart but only because Target left Canada. I preferred Target. It's my first stop when I go to Fargo..I need my Jif lol
Does anyone else have a problem with the OP' s use of the words "white trash " to describe the neighborhood where he/ she saw the flags? I find all racial/ ethnic pejoratives offensive, but maybe I'm too sensitive.

Plenty of people here used the word ghetto to describe the mom and teen in the fight at Epcot a few weeks ago.
Why quote me then?

I was responding to the fact that people have no reservations calling people "white trash" but have issues with a flag that some people think has racial connotations. Yours was not the only one I saw. Yours was just the one I saw when I started my reply.
Quick... let's add a poll...

Where do you shop and what does it say about you?

Walmart or Target?
I live in Brooklyn, NY. There aren't any Walmarts here. The closest one is in Long Island.

I love going to Walmart when I'm in VA,NC or SC. The entertainment there is just priceless. A few times I had to stop laughing look around for the hidden camera.
There are a few flying in my neck of the woods too, and I'm about as far from southern as you can get without being in Canada. The association for people who fly it here is far more Lynyrd Skynyrd than Jefferson Davis but I'm sure it still raises plenty of eyebrows.
I live in Brooklyn, NY. There aren't any Walmarts here. The closest one is in Long Island.

I love going to Walmart when I'm in VA,NC or SC. The entertainment there is just priceless. A few times I had to stop laughing look around for the hidden camera.

This is exactly it. There are the stereotypes of the people who shop at Walmart. There are the stereotypes of people who shop at Target. Yes, are either available in all areas? No, but the responses to the rhetorical poll I put in... Look at how the answers are worded, the inflections being given off. They aren't the most positive.
no one could call me white trash, most my trash has ragu mixed in with it, Im more of a red trash type of guy
I don't. When I think of someone flying that flag, I'll admit that the words that come to mind are white trash, redneck, hillbilly, ignorant. I am sorry if that upsets people but it's what it brings up for me.
Personally, I'm not into the whole PC thing, but how is what you are saying any better than other words people get in a snit over?
Does anyone else have a problem with the OP' s use of the words "white trash " to describe the neighborhood where he/ she saw the flags? I find all racial/ ethnic pejoratives offensive, but maybe I'm too sensitive.

Oppression, greed, hate, racism, murder, enslavememt, crimes against humanity, and stupidity are what that flag symbolize. If you proudly fly a flag with these associations then you are TRASH. White or black. Pure trash. Fly it all you want. Its garbage.

If it makes you feel any better I feel the same about the Nazi flag. I'm probably just a bad person though...
he has a right to have these flags and so does anyone else. they are apart of American history. people need to get over this

No, they are not. They are one of two things: 1) a flag of a defeated foreign country or 2) a flag of domestic terrorists. Now, of course, anyone has the right to fly a foreign flag on their property, or a flag supporting ISIS. But to consider those flags part of American history would just be silly. American history flags are the flags of the Union. Also, you are not entitled to be respected by others for your decision to fly such flags.

My hubby does Civil War living history re-enactment. They got a LOT of grief for having the flag up. Explain how they are supposed to re-enact without using the proper props?

I don't give re-enactors grief. I've known quite a few. It's important for them to remind those of us living in the modern world what happens when Americans turn from their Union and turn on one another. Re-enactors honor the fallen on both sides of the conflict. People who raise Confederate flags in their yards are yearning for a return to that time period when America was at war with itself.

I'm a Civil War buff, by the way. And I don't buy the argument of people who say they're honoring their heritage by sticking the stars and bars on the back of their truck. You can respect history and still not appreciate the Confederate flag.
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But by objecting to the term white trash, aren't you (General you) profiling too? I bet you don't think of someone in a three piece suit or made up to the nines when you hear that term. You have a preconceived image, no?

So by saying I don't judge people based on 1 behavior I am profiling. I am not objecting to the term white trash I am objecting to using it because of the flag & the OP's obvious bias to the socioeconomic basis of the area. So all people in poorer areas are white trash.

I will say people dressed to the "nines" are just as likely to be white trash. Money does not make you less white trash, just makes you better dressed white trash.
Personally, I'm not into the whole PC thing, but how is what you are saying any better than other words people get in a snit over?

I didn't say it was any better. Show me where I did? I know what I said isn't PC. It's my opinion and I stick by it.


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