SB- Challenge

Well, I've only scrapped one page since the terrorist attack. My chest hurt the first few days, now my stomach hurts. My heart hurts. God help us get through this. We were in DC just 9 days before the attack. All of my biological family is safe, but this is still personal. All Americans are "my people". I am going to keep praying for more survivors and those sweet, precious families that are suffering the most. Love in Jesus, d4disney
I actually worked again last night. The coverage is really getting to me ~ so many horrific stories, I just have to do something happy. I think many are feeling that way, otherwise you start drowning in the grief.
I finally finished those two pages I had gotten stuck on.

The left side was finished and it turned out wonderful but it was the right side I was having such a problem with. It was a farm layout with my DGS. I featured one picture on the L page. Here in Maryland our farms are rolling hills and my plan was to create rolling hills and tuck the rest of the pictures amid the hills. I just could not come up with any arrangement that was eye appealing. I ended up doing a color-blocking ala Becky Higgins. It looks great but I am afraid I will always remember that it was the page I was working on during the tragedy.

I finally did a couple of pages and I believe it was wonderful therapy. My Mom is coming today and we are going to work on redoing our (my siblings and I) baby albums. This will be my first black and white, and somewhat of a heritage album. Please wish me luck and I could use any pointers. I look forward to the time with my Mom and the distraction from our mutual pain about our tragedy. Back to scrappin', d4disney
I actually scrapped 16 pages this week. I needed something to keep my mind off of everything! I had been waiting for my new CM sand album to do my vacation pics from June. It came on Tuesday. I knew my shipment was coming that day and it was hard to get excited about it after what had happened that day. I didn't really look at anything until Wednesday. Then Wednesday I decided that I had enough of the news and needed to focus on something else. It's been very therapeudic (sp?) to work on my album this week! To remember happy times of our family all together. This trip was sort of a family reunion for my mom's side of the family and it was my sister's wedding. I'm REALLY glad we all got together in June! We're a little spread out and don't get to see everyone too often. We've decided to do these family vacations at least every 2 years. I see the importance of it even more now. And I also see even more now the importance of preserving my family's memories and leaving the legacy for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.... God Bless everyone!
My total so far for September is 33 pages. What a boost you all have been. In between this challenge and needing something happy to do this week at night while the news went on and on (it was so sad), I've gotten a lot accomplished. This has been good therapy this week.
Ok friends, I have completed 31 pages. One of my goal albums is complete (I only need to add future events through October). The album is for my brother and sister-in-law for Christmas. I titled it "The First Year". They married October 2000. Now I'm starting an album for my sister and brother-in-law! They own a lakehouse and I will scrap each summer since they bought it in 1995 or 1996. Do you think these will be good Christmas gifts? All my money is tied up in scrapbook supplies anyway! Ha!

How much have each of you scrapped? I need to know what the competition is doing.

Scrappingly, d4disney:)

You are on a roll.

I think your scrapbooks will make wonderful Christmas gifts. Your time is worth much more than money and the memories that you will be giving them will be priceless. Gee, we could do one of those credit card commercials.

The only problem I see with making scrapbooks as gifts is parting with them.

What a wonderful gift idea ~ something they will treasure always I'm sure. For my nephew's baby shower, I have my SIL a blank CM baby boy book with the promise that I will help her with the pages. She's already looking forward to working on it :-)

As for an update on my September Challenges. I'm almost done with all the Disney pictures I have to scrap. Once I finish that I'm moving back to my Europe albums (from our trip last year) then on to our family albums (where I put family weddings, showers, parties, etc. ~ I have 2 1/2 weddings to do :-). I was overwhelmed but now that I'm on a roll it all seems possible. A friend I scrap with is coming next week to work on our books ~ can't wait. :pinkbounc :bounce:
My local scrapbook store had a sale Saturday ~ Uhh ohh :-). Yep I went and found some great stickers for our Wilderness Lodge Dinner and Animal Kingdom pages. Also I bought the Becky H scrapbook book you guys have been talking about AND a Disney book, but the layouts are far more complicated that I want to deal with sooooo, I read enjoyed and am back to simple until I get more caught up. I find that I want more pictures on the page than anything else for the books I'm working on. But I'm at 44 pages now. My Disney pages turned out really cute, and now I'm working on my 2 year old Europe pictures so I'm not using as many stickers more journaling.
44 pages!!!!! You are so lucky. I am stuck. I made a two page layout with a bunch of grapes (with pictues in the circles). I put "we all love the lake house a whole bunch" on the opposite page. It just doesn't look right. I am going to pull up my grapes and start over. The colors aren't right or something. Help! d4disney
I did have a couple of pages that had to say soso because I put down the sticker boarder in the wrong place by accident and it wouldn't come up without tearing the page. I had to work around it. The Disney pages have taken longer because I love doing stickers and fun stuff with that. With my Europe pages I'm doing more journalling because the stickers just don't seem to work. When I get on my family book, I'll be working on weddings so that'll take longer because I love stickers and boarders for wedding pages. I'm at a standstill again though. My friend was supposed to come over last night to work on our books but couldn't because she got sick so I ended up not working on my books ::sigh:: maybe this weekend. I feel like if I don't work a couple of hours there's no point in pulling all the stuff out.
I haven't made a single page since July :(

MikandMinMouse, did you try Undu to take up your stickers?
I've never heard of undo what is it and where can I find it? I've only had this happen a couple of times but when it does ~ oyyyyyy. I've found that the Me and my big ideas stickers stick right away and quickly, those are the one's I've had problems with and it's the first time I've used these stickers. With most other stickers I've been able to reposition or I stick them on lightly until I get them lined up right. It seemed with the M&MBI stickers the second they touched the page they were permanent.
MikandMinMouse, you can get undo at your local scrapbook store. I've also seen in in Target in the scrapbook section. I love that stuff. It even helps get pictures out of the old magnetic albums. I'll be using it to redo the grapes! d4disney
Ok Scrapbook Friends,

I scrapped 35 pages! I know somebody beat me. I have 3 sheets of stickers to send you! Please, everyone post your totals. Thanks to all for the inspiration. I appreciate the competition.

Scrappin' Love,
d4disney:D :D
I finished only 9 pages, but I am well pleased.

I love our challenges.

I know I am not going to be the winner from the start, but I love to play.

I hope someone starts an October challenge.

I ended up with 44 pages ~ you guys were an inspiration. :-). I'll start an October Challenge. I have to think of a prize. Maybe some die cuts or stickers. what's best. This will be my first challenge to start :bounce:
Ok, MikMinMouse,

You are the grand winner! Congratulations! Please e-mail me with your address and I will send you 3 sheets of stickers!

This is off the subject, but I went to Hobby Lobby today and their stickers are half off! Needless to say, I went on a spree.

Thanks for participating,


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