SB- Working in order


DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
I was just having some thoughts (spurred by a post here and some things I was reading on another SB board yesterday and a comment by a sb'ing friend) about working in order.

It seems that people avoid using CM albums because they think they have to work in order.....I don't really understand this at all. I generally keep my album chronological, but to work out of order has been no problem for me with my CM albums.

So am I the only person who manages to work out of order and still have good chronology with CM albums (or any other strap bound album I suppose) ? Really I just always make sure I finish the back of a page I'm working on....I have plenty of extra pictures to throw in a seasonal page or whatever if I need a filler, but I can usually make it work out with just the themes I'm using.

I did originally think I wanted to use 3 ring albums....but my Disney Millenium album scared me off from doing this...the page protectors look like they'll tear out pretty soon and my pages keep falling out of the top. I've toted the book around quite a DIS meets and the like and have to be very careful.

And I don't intend this as a criticism of anyone who doesn't use CM or strap hinged albums.....we all find what works best for us ...just wondering why this seems to always be mentioned as a "problem" with these albums.

I try to do my albums in order, but sometimes I jump around. I use CM albums and have never had a problem. I take my pages out of the album to work on it anyway, rather that work with the album lying in front of me. As long as you're careful to get the pages on the back right side up, and leave the page open on the back for what you plan to put there, it's not a problem. A little confusing at times ;)
Happy Scrappin
I love CM albums but I didn’t like using them because I never knew what page to do next. It would make me crazy. I got good at pealing things off. Once I figured out my own system I was fine.

I jump all over, never in any order. I always use a separate background paper. When I finish a page I slip it under the page protector. When I have my album complete I rearrange the pages and then I attach them permanently to my CM page with either hermafix or the little photo stickers.

I think you have to find your own method and that comes with time.
I don't get it either. I work in chronological order and CM albums work great for me. Of course, I'm anal retentive and everything I do is planned out! :)

I can see how double page spreads could cause a problem for moving pages around, but I just plan ahead with my pictures so I don't have that problem. I think it's a matter of preference. I've always worked chronolgically and probably always will. I'm sure it works the same for those who jump around. It would be difficult to adapt to the other way of thinking. But I always say there's no wrong way to scrap and as long as we're preserving our memories it doesn't matter how we do it.
I've never had a problem with it either. Like you said, you could always throw in a filler page if needed. :D
I do everything in order too. I can't seem to think out of order!

But my good friend just skips around all over the place. She can be working on her 10 year old son's first Easter one day and the next this season's baseball team. My brain doesn't work that way! Anyway, we both use CM albums - she has never mentioned that it caused her any problems. The pages are removable, so I don't see a problem.
I try to work in order. It's just easier for me. I dread my mother coming over with a bunch of pictures for me, but I really feel confident that I can add to the middle if needed with the CM books. I just happen to like double page spreads so adding in the middle at times can be tough.

I decided today to do a school days book for my DD. I started at 6th grade, will finish that tomorrow and guess from that point on, will work backwards! Guess I'll really be out of order!

I do try to work by month in the family album. That way, I spread all the pics out (or at least in piles by theme) and then decide how to lay the pages out. This digital camera is costing me a fortune. Can you believe that I took over 200 pictures in June? Can't wait to start scrapping that!!:D

I posted before that I got involved with scrapping several years ago and wanted to do albums for both of my sons who are grown now. I went thru tons of pictures, some dated, some not, and to the best of my ability, tried to put them chronilogically (sp?) from birth on up.

For the most part, I have succeeded, but sometimes come across some photos that I know squeeze into a year I've already done. I've done what I call some "odds n ends" pages, in fact, that is what I've titled the page, and just scrap them all together, putting the dates or whatever under the picture.

Again, I feel that these are your own personal albums and whatever or however you lay them out is your own thing. All my newer photos will be in order, because now I am keeping them up to date, but it is very hard for those of us trying to go through 22 years worth of photos to keep everything in the right order.



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