Screw In the Light Bulb-All New x 13 4/25!!

The One with Some New Friends

We were on the monorail bound for the Magic Kingdom by 8:30 and were through bag check in time to see the end of the welcome show.

Upon entering Bryan ran for Space Mountain FP while Maddie and I took a spin on the teacups. We had the ride to ourselves and enjoyed every minute of it.

We’d decided to make meeting Peter Pan a priority on this morning, but as we passed by New Fantasyland, the pull of ETwB proved to be too strong for the little Miss to resist. The wait was posted at 20 minutes, but we were in Maurice’s shop in 6.

This time around Maddie was chosen to play the part of Phillipe the horse. I feel like I got better at taking photos inside by my 4th try.

After another great performance, we got back on track. Unfortunately Peter was out adventuring, but we did get to meet Wendy. She was lovely and Maddie had a nice time visiting with her.

After that we took a closer look at the Rapunzel bathrooms where my DH was so impressed that he took out his cell phone to take pics in the men’s room. I assume he was the only one in there.

Our Space FP was good so we took another spin through space

Since it was officially my birthday, Maddie was allowing me to call some of the shots. I cashed in by taking her to town square to meet some Limited Time Magic friends.

RGirl had helped me find out who would be out that week (thanks Roni!), and I was super super excited to find out that it was Louis and the Shadow Man. Maddie was slightly nervous that Shadow Man would be mean and scary, but after watching him interact with those that were ahead of us she relaxed. I had been prepared for a crazy long line, but luckily almost everyone was in line to meet the Chicken Little gang and we only waited 10 minutes.

They were so much fun! Maddie remarked to Shadow Man that he wasn’t scary at all to which he replied “aren’t I?” with a raised eyebrow and a wink. Mads was also in awe of his extra long creepy fingers.

Bryan had been grabbing Splash FP, and didn’t get back in time to meet them. On our way to meet up with him we ran into a few Citizens of Main Street. Hildegard was a hoot.

We stopped for snacks and watched Dream Along With Mickey from afar before moving on.

I was on a birthday roll, so next I suggested that we move into NFL to see the other guy on my must meet list.

The line to meet Gaston was longish, but he was totally worth the wait. He was so perfectly in character and hilarious. I cannot wait to meet him again! Maddie told him that he was kind of mean, and he said that really the Beast had been mean to him, stealing Belle away. They eventually agreed to disagree. He called his antler ‘manly trophies” and suggested that Belle would likely change her mind about him soon. Gaston also changed poses several times and encouraged Maddie to admire his muscles. He was fabulous.

Birthday wishes fulfilled, we started off to use our Splash FP. This time around Maddie wasn’t frightened of the dark parts and loved the drop!

She’d seen Woody and Jessie meeting on our way in, so we stopped to see them once we were done. The line moved super slowly, but they were well worth the wait.

Seeing Bry with the video camera, Woody decided to help him “direct” and Jessie immediately began dancing with Maddie. After a few minutes of hugs and fun we started to walk away, but Jessie had developed a little crush on Bryan and insisted that we pose for pictures too.

We’d crammed in a lot of fun, but it was hot and we were ready for a break.

The One with Liberty Tree Tavern

We checked in for our lunch ADR right on time and waited about 10 minutes to be called to our table. Our server took a while to come to the table, and by the time he did we were ready to order. Right from the start he seemed a little annoyed with us-I’m not sure if it was the dining plan or that he just didn’t like the looks of us or what, but his attitude remained intact for the entire meal.

Maddie started with apple slices which she found to be delicious

and Bryan and I opted for the crab and lobster dip for 2

Crab and Lobster Dip for Two $14.99

The dip itself tasted great, but the slice of white bread that it was served with offered no contrasting texture and was just plain weird as an accompaniment.

For my entrée I selected the Pilgrim’s feast since Thanksgiving dinner is pretty much my favorite thing ever

Pilgrims' Feast - traditional roast turkey with herb bread stuffing, mashed potatoes and a garden vegetable $16.99

I’d love to say that this is just an unflattering picture, but that’s what it looked like. Lumpy gravy, dry turkey, and stuffing that tasted like StoveTop. I like StoveTop, so I ate plenty of that and the mashed potatoes. They were good.

Bry went with the burger

Angus Chuck Cheeseburger - topped with bacon and cheddar or mushrooms and provolone served with fresh fruit or tavern fries $14.99

He liked it but preferred the one at the Plaza

And Maddie had plain noodles.

Our server’s attitude had remained off-putting the entire time, so rather than stay and let him make me more angry we opted out of dessert. In fact, Maddie and I left the restaurant as soon as we were done and let Bryan settle up. Apparently the server came back to the table with a birthday cupcake and light up Ariel clip for me and was pretty upset that I was gone. Bry offered to deliver it for him.

The Liberty Tree Tavern

Food – 2 – Weird bread and disappointing pilgrim’s feast

Service – 1- This guy should hang out with Joe from CRT

Would we return? Not any time soon, we’d have been happier at Caseys.
The One Where We're Cramming it All In​

After lunch we went to BTMRR to use the FP we’d grabbed while we were in line to meet Woody and Jessie. This ride is always fun.

Grabbed a frozen lemonade

We had yet to make it to IaSW, so that was our next stop. Maddie really, really loves this ride and asked Santa to bring her one of the dolls for Christmas (he did).

Fantasyland was super crowded so we went back to Tomorrow land and grabbed another Space FP (I’m really going to miss this) before hitching a ride on the Peoplemover.

After a relaxing ride we hit up the Laugh Floor. Maddie submitted a joke and was disappointed that it wasn’t chosen, but we had fun anyway. This attraction is always a good time.

After that we decided to head over to the CR a bit early to check out the grounds. We’re interested in staying there someday, but we’ve never really scoped out the pools or outside areas. I know that we’ll stay there sometime, but I think I’d miss all of the beautiful gardens at POR. We poked around for a while and headed inside for our traditional last meal.
The One With Chef Mickey​

We checked in and were directed to the photo line. While in line Maddie made us laugh by explaining that she intends to have 8 children and that they’re all going to live at our house so that I can help take care of them. She assumes that she’ll need more space, so she’ll be kicking us out of the master bedroom and taking that over herself.

Our buzzer came alive while we were in line and we were taken to our table right after the photo was taken.

Chef Mickey serves traditional dinner selections. It features a pretty extensive salad bar along with cold shrimp for starters and roast beef and turkey with plenty of sides for mains. Desserts are ice cream with plenty of toppings and standard buffet offerings like key lime pie and cheesecake. The oreo bon-bons offered are not as good at those that used to be served at Cape May. That doesn’t stop Maddie or I from eating them though.

We don’t really go to Chef Mickey for the food though, we go for the FUN! Several old friends stopped by to wish me a happy birthday and pose for photos

Chef Mickey
Food – 3 – it’s pretty standard buffet stuff, not ground breaking, but not offensive

Service – 4- Drinks stayed full, and dirty plates went away

Will we Return? Oh yeah, we wouldn’t miss it. We’ve always had an awesome time there.
The One with our last night​

We left Chef Mickey and browsed the gift shops for a few minutes before heading outside to take a photo that we’d wanted to get for a few years.

Right after taking this, the skies opened up. They’d been threatening all day, I suppose we were lucky that the rain had held off as long as it did. And because of that most of my pics from the rest of the evening are courtesy of PP.

We weren’t about to cut out and go back to POR on our last night, so we ponchoed up and headed back to the MK.

We ran into a PP testing the light on our way into Tomorrowland and asked if he’d mind taking a few pics in our most worn outfits.

We cashed in our final Space FP and finally got Maddie to go along with a fun ride pose

Screw in the lightbulb!

It was still raining pretty hard, so we decided to see how long the wait to meet the gang at Storybook Circus was.

We passed by the Barnstormer and couldn’t pass up the chance to ride with no wait. We ended up riding twice without getting off. It almost added up to a whole ride!

Since there was no one in line for Dumbo either, we popped over for a spin there too. The CMs offered to let us stay on, but we declined. Maddie needed to meet Goofy and Donald again.

They were fun, and Maddie asked Donald if he could conjure a “no rain spell”. He promised to do his best.

We’d grabbed Buzz FP after we rode Space, so we doubled back to use that.

I am pretty sure I won again, but can’t remember. Since I’m writing this, let’s say I did.

We moved on toward Main Street intending to grab a snack and a spot for the parade. It seemed that every tour group in the park had decided to use Tomorrowland Terrace and the doorways of Caseys and the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor to stay dry. We were literally stepping over their bags and legs every step of the way. CMs were begging them to move on, but they pretended not to understand and stayed put.

No one was interested in sitting among the tour groups in the rain, so after our snack we decided to pop in and say a final goodbye to Mickey.

The wait was a little on the long side, but it was well worth the wait. Upon entering the room Mickey gave Mads a hug and then led her over to a bird cage where he proceeded to do a magic trick and make it disappear. Maddie was WOWED! She’s still talking about that magical meeting with Mickey.

It was time for Wishes, so we joined the crowds in town square. We’d found a pretty good spot, but at the last minute about 10 Brazilians swooped in and held up iPads right in front of me. I was not about to let them ruin our last hour in the park, so I tapped them on the shoulder and firmly said “NO.”. They moved! And looked like they were a little scared of the plastic covered American woman.

We stood as a group and I got to spend the last few minutes of my birthday with my favorite people in my favorite place watching my favorite nighttime show. I couldn’t have asked for more.

There were a few tears on our way out, there always are. We got back to POR shortly and finished up packing. Our ME time was 9 am, so we got to sleep in a bit. The flight home was uneventful.

This was my 3rd TR here on the DIS and once again I’m shocked at how many people are willing to follow along and comment. I appreciate all of you that have stuck with me even though updates were sporadic, and cherish the friendships that writing these have allowed me to make. I do plan to get back her and respond to all of your comments, and I'll be back to post a link when the new TR gets underway. I hope that all of you will join me for the next TR-coming very soon!

Thanks again everyone!
Shannon - Love, love, love your TR! Sorry that it is over, but very excited that there will be another one coming up soon! Hope you, Bryan and Maddie have a fabulous time at WDW!

DD and I are headed to WDW in July for World Series Softball so we are planning a few park days as well before she heads off to college. Since it is just "the girlsprincess:" it will be less about rides and more about hitting all the shops and Princess M&Gs that "the boyspirate:" usually don't give us time for!

Enjoy your trip!
Wow...that was a huge update and glad you got it done before your trip in a week (I still have 5 weeks).

Too much to comment on, but I'll make a few.

I love all the photopass photos and the photos of Maddie with all the characters are wonderful as always.

I love her Lilo dress...that was an awesome character can tell from the photos.

We are finally trying Via Napoli this September and I cannot wait.

I'm sorry you had such poor service and a disappointing meal at Liberty Tree Tavern. We've eaten there a couple of times on recent trips and had great service and good meals (although I wouldn't order turkey dinner as it is my least favorite meal on the planet).

I'm sorry you had so much rain; we had the same experience on our August trip.

I'd like to go back to Chef Mickey's sometime...we've not been since 2004. But it would have to be breakfast; I just don't like their dinners.

Thanks for always.

Have a great trip!
Oh my so many awesome updates Shannon.

That photo trail at Club Cool had me howling. First, Maddie's passionate attempts to have you avoid Beverly. :lmao: And then of course the great series of actually drinking it. :rotfl2: That's classic Disney right there.

Haha, all that detail about Narcoossee and what sticks out to me... Prince Edward Island Mussels. Of course. It's close to home. :thumbsup2

This was so much fun to follow along with Shannon. Maddie never ceases to make me giggle. And I totally plan to employ the Screw in the Light-bulb technique from now on.
Yay for some fun at the waterpark! I’ll definitely be getting out there sometime in the next year!!

Ahahaha Maddie DEFINITELY looks like w weary commuter in that pic! Adorable!

Okay, so the lobby, and the area of POR where ya’ll were staying makes me really sad that we’re not staying there for May anymore…’s gorgeous!

Looooove Via Napoli, I will definitely be returning there in the future! Glad you guys enjoyed as well! Love the pics and stories around WS, glad that you were all happy and occupied and enjoying it! WS can get tricky to do that in haha!

Oh my gosh the pics/stories of Mickey are priceless!!

What service!!!! I guess that’s what you get when you’re at a deluxe! Bahaha

Wow…it looks much more relaxaed inside than the rest of the resort and from the outside….and $18 for a cheese plate?! WOW bahaha…that’s a dining plan win right there! Uhm…yeah…you guys definitely won with the dining plan on this meal! Wow the prices! But then again, I’m sure it’s totally worth it as those all look amazing and delicious!!

YUM OHANA! We dined there last week for breakfast and I’ve seriously fallen in love with it, the experience was so wonderful!!

Love shadow man! He’s seriously great, and I am super jealous you got to meet Louis! Also maddie’s faces in character greets are just so cute, especially the “laugh and cover her mouth” ones!

Awwe man, that’s one of my favorite friends of gaston!!! Glad you guys caught him!! He IS HILARIOUS! What a GREAT meet and greet with the toys! That’s so awesome! I find that the wait over there is always so long but it is usually worth it the days we’ve stayed!

Looks like an awesome time at chef mickey’s!! I honestly loved the food there, and can’t wait to go back!

YAY for the brazillians moving!! That’s fantastic!! Awe man, I’m tearing up thinking about such a magical ending to a magical night on a magical trip, how fantastic!!

Thank YOU for writing your tr’s I will ALWAYS enjoy them, and am super glad that they brought us together enough for us to meet last year (? Two years ago?) I’m super sad our trips aren’t overlapping in a few weeks, but I’m sure ya’ll will be down during my year at Epcot, so I hope I’ll get to see you again haha!

Have SUCH a magical time on your next trip, and I really hope you have a wonderful trip and get to see all of the best characters (especially prince naveen, right? bahahah) and eat at the best places and just have a fabulous time! I cannot wait to hear all about it!

So many awesome updates! I love all your pictures. A few favorites were Bryan in the beret, your series of Beverly pics, and any photo of Maddie where you can see the pure joy on her face!

I can't believe you go back in less than a week! I'll be anxiously waiting for your new TR to start! Can't wait to hear especially about how the FP+ works and how long the wait is for Anna and Elsa even with that.

Sorry those tourists got in front of you with their iPads. I would have done the same thing you did. I"m sorry, if you're going to use that big gigantic thing to record with, you need to stand in the back. Someone used an iPad at my DD7 music concert last month and they were sitting in the front. I almost had a coniption fit.

Have a wonderful trip!
I've been frantically trying to get everything done for our next trip because we leave in 7 DAYS!!!! I think I have a handle on things, and am really excited for the trip.
Wow... so jealous. Have a great time!

I hope that you'll join me for that TR!
Wouldn't miss it!

While we were deciding what to do next, it began to rain lightly. At this point in the trip, even that small amount of precipitation was enough to get under my skin. I was beyond tired of the rain.
But you're already wet anyway!!! :lmao:

When I got back to our lounge chairs I found Maddie building a sand castle, and my towel missing. It was just a bath towel from POR, so I’m not sure why someone chose to snag it. I have to admit that it was a bit of shock for that to happen inside the Disney Bubble.
It is a shame, but I'd hope it was a case where someone else also brought a resort towel and just grabbed the wrong one... :confused3

I love this one-I think she looks like a weary commuter

Bry had been very disappointed that Via Napoli hadn’t made the ADR cut this trip, and it was no surprise when he jumped at the chance to add a stop here when we realized we’d be back at Epcot on this afternoon.
Good recovery. It is almost inexcusable to leave it off the ADR list. :crazy2:

Via Napoli
Food-5 – The appetizer and pizza were both amazing

Service – 5 – From busboys to servers to hosts everyone was friendly and attentive

Would we Return? We will. Next week as a matter of fact!
One of my "can't miss" favorites. I'm glad you had a great experience there this time. And hopefully just as good next week. :thumbsup2

We stopped for some PP pics on our way to the UK, and once there Maddie had a lengthy conversation with the CMs about Princess Kate.
Of course. What else would Maddie talk about with a UK CM other than royalty? :confused3 :lmao:

She tries to warn me

But I don't listen

It was worse.

The fine folks at the Grand did us one better than the umbrella, and offered up a ride on a covered golf cart to get us to our destination.

Our driver refused our offer of a tip, and insisted that we just go and enjoy our dinner. Once inside the doors of Narcoossee’s the CMs sprang into action greeting us warmly by name, offering warm towels for us to dry off, and ushering us to a lovely window table with views of the Magic Kingdom.
Wow... That's service. :thumbsup2

Entrees are served family style, and Mickey waffles are brought individually much like the meat skewers at dinner.
I hope they bring an individual stack... cause 1 waffle ain't gonna do it! :lmao:

They were so much fun! Maddie remarked to Shadow Man that he wasn’t scary at all to which he replied “aren’t I?” with a raised eyebrow and a wink. Mads was also in awe of his extra long creepy fingers.
That's great! I'm glad that you had an opportunity to see them... and that Maddie enjoyed it!

Birthday wishes fulfilled, we started off to use our Splash FP. This time around Maddie wasn’t frightened of the dark parts and loved the drop!
:thumbsup2 She might just become a thrill ride junkie yet...

The Liberty Tree Tavern

Food – 2 – Weird bread and disappointing pilgrim’s feast

Service – 1- This guy should hang out with Joe from CRT

Would we return? Not any time soon, we’d have been happier at Caseys.
Yuck... sorry it was a disappointment. I love LTT, but then again, I've always gone for dinner, never lunch. :confused3

Fantasyland was super crowded so we went back to Tomorrow land and grabbed another Space FP (I’m really going to miss this)
Well, at least it is kind of back... You'll have to let us know how the new changes for FP+ work out since they'll be changing next week!

Will we Return? Oh yeah, we wouldn’t miss it. We’ve always had an awesome time there.
It is just one of those places... as long as the kids are into the characters, you just have to go. :thumbsup2

I am pretty sure I won again, but can’t remember. Since I’m writing this, let’s say I did.
:rotfl2: If you say so.

CMs were begging them to move on, but they pretended not to understand and stayed put.

The wait was a little on the long side, but it was well worth the wait. Upon entering the room Mickey gave Mads a hug and then led her over to a bird cage where he proceeded to do a magic trick and make it disappear. Maddie was WOWED! She’s still talking about that magical meeting with Mickey.
That's cool! Always nice when a character meet can involve a little something above and beyond the norm!

It was time for Wishes, so we joined the crowds in town square. We’d found a pretty good spot, but at the last minute about 10 Brazilians swooped in and held up iPads right in front of me. I was not about to let them ruin our last hour in the park, so I tapped them on the shoulder and firmly said “NO.”. They moved! And looked like they were a little scared of the plastic covered American woman.
:thumbsup2 I applaud you for standing up to them!!! :thumbsup2

Great job, Shannon! I always enjoy your TR's despite our very different park touring strategies! :rotfl2: And of course, I always appreciate your candid dining reviews. I hope you have a wonderful upcoming trip and I look forward to that TR when you return!
first off, your ADR list for your next trip looks great! Good luck with being in MK for the media event ... or rather, best of luck in there being a soft opening then :goodvibes .... Have a great trip!


I like your photo tour of POR ... and while I see what you are saying about Maddie looking like a weary commuter - if any commuters were wearing that outfit they would get some stares :rotfl2:

Sorry that TL wasn't that great for you. We've always preferred Blizzard Beach as far as the Disney Water Parks go - though the wave pool at TL is pretty darn cool

Your lunch sounds very nice!

Love just going through the countries in the WS - and looks like Maddie is doing great with his scavenger hunt ... that was just a great idea!

Wow, Maddie really did try to warn you!

That first family pic you posted from on the way in - the B&W horizontal one zoomed in is a very, very nice picture!

smart idea to ask the front desk for an umbrella - and just like that you got a ride in a golf cart!

yeah for finding a new favorite cheese!

your meal sounds very nice and even if your meal was better, Bryan definitely got the better value out of the DxDP!

I'm not a cheesecake fan but I could see why that dessert would be much loved

Very cute Lilo dress!

sounds like some great character interactions. That looks like a perfect Gaston!

wow, 8 grandkids , and everyone living with you ... good luck with that!

I got a chuckle out of your comment of 2 trips on the Barnstormer almost equaling 1 full ride :rotfl:

good job standing up to the Brazilians that cut in front of you. If that ever happens to me I will look for the closest plastic covered woman to help!

Sad to see the trip end and your TR with it. You did a great job!

Again, hope you upcoming trip is the most magicalist yet!
The One Where She’s on a Mission​

My girl had finally started enjoying Epcot and danced her way over the bridge

We stopped for some PP pics on our way to the UK, and once there Maddie had a lengthy conversation with the CMs about Princess Kate. I was tempted by a Beatles hoodie, but in the end couldn’t justify the $50 price tag.


I just love Maddie dancing across the bridge! So happy and carefree! And, I too love the picture where Maddie is so excited she covers her mouth!

And, I just love walking into the Beatle shop in England! My son just rolls his eyes and smiles.... And, you do know Paul will be in Chicago July 9th at the United Center! I'll be OUT THERE somewhere, just haven't decided where yet to see Paul!

Last time in the UK shop DGD had bought her Merida dress and was carrying it in the bag. I had given her some English pub coasters to hold on to that were suppose to be a surprise for her dad. Well, he walked over to us... and she panicked... and quickly shoved those coasters right into the bag... just like a shop lifter... her dad and I just had to laugh as we knew she wasn't really intending to shop lift those coasters... but still too funny to see her throw them in the bag so he wouldn't see them! And, yes, we did pay for them once her dad walked away.

The One Where She Tries To Warn Me​

We stopped on the way so that I could change into nicer clothes (luckily princess dresses work for any occasion so Maddie didn’t need to change), and then got some of my favorite pics of the whole trip. In fact, I plan to use one of these for above the fireplace.


This is a beautiful photograph and says it all! Love the classic look of the black and white! It gets my vote!

Thanks for sharing with us! Karen pixiedust:
The One with our last night​

There were a few tears on our way out, there always are. We got back to POR shortly and finished up packing. Our ME time was 9 am, so we got to sleep in a bit. The flight home was uneventful.

This was my 3rd TR here on the DIS and once again I’m shocked at how many people are willing to follow along and comment. I appreciate all of you that have stuck with me even though updates were sporadic, and cherish the friendships that writing these have allowed me to make. I do plan to get back her and respond to all of your comments, and I'll be back to post a link when the new TR gets underway. I hope that all of you will join me for the next TR-coming very soon!

Thanks again everyone!

It's always sad to say good bye...

Shannon, I thank you for sharing your beautiful family holiday memories with us! I love your trip reports and Maddie is just a year younger than my DGD Angie, so it's fun to see the magic through their young eyes. Although, I'm afraid, as Angie has really matured this year and some of the princess magic is fading... but, I'm sure when we do get back to Disney the magic may still be shinning through~! And, about those sporadic updates... well, life does have a way of interfering with plans :) I'll be here waiting when you post! Enjoy your holiday and know I'll be here waiting for your trip report! The sporadic waits only extends the trip reports.

Enjoy! Here's some pixiedust: for your trip! Karen
so many updates, so much to like! I am sorry that this TR is over, but i'm so excited for you all to be going back in just a few days! can't wait to read the new report. you know we'll be there--can't miss seeing maddie in her princess outfits and all the magical happenings!
I've spent the week tying up lose ends in the sewing room, and I made a few new things too

I like the Mary Poppins black silhouette the best, but they're all very good!

I hope that you'll join me for that TR!

If you post it, we will come.

Someone had to pose with her new umbrella

Who, Maddie? Or her AG? :laughing:

We got to the bus stop around 8:30 and encountered our first real taste of morning bus stop mania. It was a madhouse!

That's what elbows are for, ya know.

Bry and I were mildly interested in trying out the Shark Reef, but by the time we arrived the wait was already at 40 minutes.

IMHO, you made the right decision by not waiting.
Quickly swimming across a cold pool? Boring.
Go to a real ocean and do that instead.

While we were deciding what to do next, it began to rain lightly. At this point in the trip, even that small amount of precipitation was enough to get under my skin. I was beyond tired of the rain.

I would think that it was worse since you were at a waterpark.
It's supposed to be sunny and hot when you go to one, right?

We chose to hit up the storm slides next. The wait wasn’t too bad, but once we got to the top we stopped completely. After a few minutes the CMs stationed at the top of the slides explained that they’d lost water pressure and had to shut them down. Disappointed, we trooped back down the stairs.

Those stairs should never be used for going down.

the wave pool was a major highlight. We had a blast there, and jumped and dodged waves for about 30 mintues.

I bet that time just flew by, too.
I remember the first time I took the DDs in one.
I took them out after what I thought was about 30 minutes...
Turns out it was an hour and a half!

On the way to the buses we did stop for some of the famous TL doughnuts, and they did not disappoint. They were AMAZING!

This is the first I've heard of them.
What set them apart?

"Yep. Just havin' some joe while waitin' for the bus to take me to the plant."

Little Girl On Hammock


As we passed by, we tried on hats in Mexico

Love that. She's totally dwarfed by that hat.
Very practical.

We checked in and were led to our table right away. Immediately bus boys began filling our water glasses and removing extraneous place settings while our server hovered right behind ready to take our drink order.

Ya know what's a good word when it comes to service?

Perfectly cooked risotto fried crisp and stuffed with gooey cheese. There is nothing not to like about these little nuggets of joy.

mmmm... those sound good.

After lunch we finally gave in to Maddie’s desire to try out one of the Agent P missions.

Are they the same (the actions, I mean) as the KP missions?
I remember having so much fun with the KP missions with the DDs.

The Voices of Liberty were just starting, which thrilled me since I’ve wanted to catch one of their performances forever.

Lucky. I've still got a ways to go before I'll get a chance to hear them.

Maddie had other plans, however, and only let me hear one song before dragging me out the door to find some CMs.

Nope! Not surprised at all!

Japan was next, where it was finally time to complete our mission. Maddie LOVED doing this and can’t wait to do it again. Bry and I were less impressed since Maddie insisted on holding the phone and wasn’t the most confident reader.

I could see how that might slow it down just a tad.

The perfect accessory, don't you think?

Bryan's best "French" look


I was tempted by a Beatles hoodie, but in the end couldn’t justify the $50 price tag.

And how do you feel about it now?
Glad you didn't? Or wish you had?

We moved on to Canada where we got in line behind a bunch of tour group kids at the Kidcot station, but it was worth the wait. The CM there was lovely and talked to Mads for a long time about pancakes and maple syrup.

That's pretty much all we talk about up here.
Plus hockey, the weather and hockey.

Maddie was too smart to try the Beverly, but I was not. I guess I wanted to see if it was as bad as I remembered?

She tries to warn me

Those shots are hysterical! :rotfl2:

Now when people ask me who you are, I've got a photo to show them.
Thanks! :)

Mickey was a gem. They danced, bowed to one another, and then strolled arm in arm to meet Pluto.


She did get her pretzel eventually

I should hope so! I'm only slightly shocked that she was able to hold off as long as she did!

Wow. That sky.

and then got some of my favorite pics of the whole trip. In fact, I plan to use one of these for above the fireplace.

That one's my favorite.

The fine folks at the Grand did us one better than the umbrella, and offered up a ride on a covered golf cart to get us to our destination.

Talk about service!

Once inside the doors of Narcoossee’s the CMs sprang into action greeting us warmly by name, offering warm towels for us to dry off,

Nice touch.

Maddie selected Sprite. Really, she had sprite

Sure. It's Sprite. Gotcha. ;)

As we finished up and paid the bill our server mentioned that Wishes was about to start and we should feel free to make our way out to the deck surround the restaurant to enjoy the show. Much like other monorail resort locations, the music is piped in. We very much enjoyed this vantage point for the fireworks and the water pageant.

Wow. Sure sounds like that night was a roaring success!
All the dishes sounded so good... even Maddies Mac 'n Cheese!

We were up before the sun on our last day-6 am came very early.

It always does....

It always does.

The food was all fresh, hot, and plentiful. We have no complaints. They don’t do anything out of the ordinary here, but it’s always been tasty.

I don't have a problem with ordinary.
Just do it well.

Upon entering Bryan ran for Space Mountain FP while Maddie and I took a spin on the teacups.

Sounds like Bryan got a good work out this trip.

This time around Maddie was chosen to play the part of Phillipe the horse.

And how did she feel about that?
Happy? Or disappointed?

I feel like I got better at taking photos inside by my 4th try.

Oh? I thought you'd done quite well all along.

After that we took a closer look at the Rapunzel bathrooms where my DH was so impressed that he took out his cell phone to take pics in the men’s room. I assume he was the only one in there.

'Cause that's what you want to see when you're in a bathroom.
Someone taking pictures.


I was super super excited to find out that it was Louis and the Shadow Man. Maddie was slightly nervous that Shadow Man would be mean and scary, but after watching him interact with those that were ahead of us she relaxed.

Sure looks like she's having a good time.

They were so much fun! Maddie remarked to Shadow Man that he wasn’t scary at all to which he replied “aren’t I?” with a raised eyebrow and a wink. Mads was also in awe of his extra long creepy fingers.


We stopped for snacks and watched Dream Along With Mickey from afar before moving on.

Once again. A wise snack choice.

The line to meet Gaston was longish, but he was totally worth the wait. He was so perfectly in character and hilarious. I cannot wait to meet him again! Maddie told him that he was kind of mean, and he said that really the Beast had been mean to him, stealing Belle away. They eventually agreed to disagree. He called his antler ‘manly trophies” and suggested that Belle would likely change her mind about him soon. Gaston also changed poses several times and encouraged Maddie to admire his muscles. He was fabulous.

Those pics are great. He sure does look like he's playing it up to the hilt!

Seeing Bry with the video camera, Woody decided to help him “direct” and Jessie immediately began dancing with Maddie. After a few minutes of hugs and fun we started to walk away, but Jessie had developed a little crush on Bryan and insisted that we pose for pictures too.


Right from the start he seemed a little annoyed with us-I’m not sure if it was the dining plan or that he just didn’t like the looks of us or what, but his attitude remained intact for the entire meal.

Too bad.
We enjoyed LTT.
Nothing special, but it was a nice relaxing meal.

Apparently the server came back to the table with a birthday cupcake and light up Ariel clip for me and was pretty upset that I was gone. Bry offered to deliver it for him.

Did he? Or did the waiter whisk it away?

After lunch we went to BTMRR to use the FP we’d grabbed while we were in line to meet Woody and Jessie. This ride is always fun.

::yes:: One of Disney's best, IMHO.

We had yet to make it to IaSW, so that was our next stop. Maddie really, really loves this ride and asked Santa to bring her one of the dolls for Christmas (he did).

For Christmas, did you ask Santa to have her grow out of her love for that ride?

No reason. Just asking.

After a relaxing ride we hit up the Laugh Floor. Maddie submitted a joke and was disappointed that it wasn’t chosen, but we had fun anyway. This attraction is always a good time.

I wouldn't know. I've yet to try it.
And I have no idea what "that guy" means.

While in line Maddie made us laugh by explaining that she intends to have 8 children and that they’re all going to live at our house so that I can help take care of them. She assumes that she’ll need more space, so she’ll be kicking us out of the master bedroom and taking that over herself.

That seems well thought out and quite practical.

Our buzzer came alive while we were in line and we were taken to our table right after the photo was taken.

It's alive! It's ALIVE!!!!

The oreo bon-bons offered are not as good at those that used to be served at Cape May. That doesn’t stop Maddie or I from eating them though.

Those look good! Funny I don't remember them.
Maybe they didn't have them when we were there.

We weren’t about to cut out and go back to POR on our last night, so we ponchoed up and headed back to the MK.

I love that expression. "Ponchoed up".
Reminds me of cowboys and moving the herd to new grazing areas.

"All right. Let's poncho up and move these heifers. Hiyaah!"

We ran into a PP testing the light on our way into Tomorrowland and asked if he’d mind taking a few pics in our most worn outfits.

:laughing: That's a keeper!

Screw in the lightbulb!

:rotfl: Screw in the lightbulb!

We ended up riding twice without getting off. It almost added up to a whole ride!


They were fun, and Maddie asked Donald if he could conjure a “no rain spell”. He promised to do his best.

How'd he do?

I am pretty sure I won again, but can’t remember. Since I’m writing this, let’s say I did.

I dunno. He looks pretty serious.
Just look at that concentration! How could he lose?

It seemed that every tour group in the park had decided to use Tomorrowland Terrace and the doorways of Caseys and the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor to stay dry. We were literally stepping over their bags and legs every step of the way. CMs were begging them to move on, but they pretended not to understand and stayed put.

Ugh. :sad2:

Upon entering the room Mickey gave Mads a hug and then led her over to a bird cage where he proceeded to do a magic trick and make it disappear. Maddie was WOWED! She’s still talking about that magical meeting with Mickey.


It was time for Wishes, so we joined the crowds in town square. We’d found a pretty good spot, but at the last minute about 10 Brazilians swooped in and held up iPads right in front of me. I was not about to let them ruin our last hour in the park, so I tapped them on the shoulder and firmly said “NO.”. They moved! And looked like they were a little scared of the plastic covered American woman.

Way to go Shan! Show 'em who's boss!

We stood as a group and I got to spend the last few minutes of my birthday with my favorite people in my favorite place watching my favorite nighttime show. I couldn’t have asked for more.

And nary a tear was shed? C'mon. Fess up.

There were a few tears on our way out, there always are.

Thought so.

This was my 3rd TR here on the DIS and once again I’m shocked at how many people are willing to follow along and comment.

Don't be shocked. There's a reason.
You is good riter.

I appreciate all of you that have stuck with me even though updates were sporadic,

Perhaps... but when they came... whooo boy!

I hope that all of you will join me for the next TR-coming very soon!


Thanks again everyone!

And thank you for doing all that work!
Thoroughly enjoyed it, Shansafrass! :goodvibes
Thanks for writing these! Can't get back for more than a year and reading TR's helps so much!! Yours are so much fun too with the wit and honesty. I love how much you allow yourselves and Maddie to be kids and go with the flow.

Also, Bryan's French face was just plain awesome. I loved you as the tiny American woman covered in plastic. Both just priceless!

Hope you have a wonderful trip soon!
I really enjoyed your TR and hate to see it end.

Holy mega updates there at the end!

I absolutely love all the pictures of Maddie on the last day. She just looks so happy and has so much non-stop energy. I especially love the pictures with Gaston. Just perfect. Well played Maddie.

And the space mountain photo was really cute!

Love LTT for lunch. Good choice!

Good for you for clearing the iPad brazilians out of your way. Ugh - I really can't stand when people take pictures with iPads. So annoying.


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