(Sea)Lions & Gators & Dolphins….Oh, My! A Halloween PTR/TR with a “wild” theme - Oct/Nov '18

Ahhh we are under 24 hours in our household!!!

I only have one pre-cruise form to print. All the DiscoveryCove/SW stuff is done. DH checked us into the airline this morning and per Gina's experience, I did the skip the counter at Alamo and we decided to shlep the kiddos booster instead of paying the $10 a day for it. So technically my rental went down $60 (tee hee hee vacation math).

I also called Discovery Cove and canceled the lounger bed we had reserved. The bad review here and the fact that it is supposed to be an overcast day has me thinking the money could be better spent on something else. They were kind enough to refund it even thought we are so close to our date.

Packing here is at the "there is a pile in each suitcase". I have a long day at work (boooooo) so I have a decent list to get done when I get home tonight. I have added everyone's restaurant suggestions over the course of this thread to a note in my phone so we have lots of options to choose there. I am really excited to explore Orlando offsite for the first time in a loooooonnnnng time.

I probably won't check in here again until I get back. To everyone traveling this week, safe travels to you and I hope everyone has a great trip!!! Thanks again for all the opinions, reviews, experiences, and just overall fun in this thread (or any of Gina's).

We have our first taste of cold weather here and had snow/sleet over the weekend. Florida sunshine here we come!
Ahhh we are under 24 hours in our household!!!

I only have one pre-cruise form to print. All the DiscoveryCove/SW stuff is done. DH checked us into the airline this morning and per Gina's experience, I did the skip the counter at Alamo and we decided to shlep the kiddos booster instead of paying the $10 a day for it. So technically my rental went down $60 (tee hee hee vacation math).

I also called Discovery Cove and canceled the lounger bed we had reserved. The bad review here and the fact that it is supposed to be an overcast day has me thinking the money could be better spent on something else. They were kind enough to refund it even thought we are so close to our date.

Packing here is at the "there is a pile in each suitcase". I have a long day at work (boooooo) so I have a decent list to get done when I get home tonight. I have added everyone's restaurant suggestions over the course of this thread to a note in my phone so we have lots of options to choose there. I am really excited to explore Orlando offsite for the first time in a loooooonnnnng time.

I probably won't check in here again until I get back. To everyone traveling this week, safe travels to you and I hope everyone has a great trip!!! Thanks again for all the opinions, reviews, experiences, and just overall fun in this thread (or any of Gina's).

We have our first taste of cold weather here and had snow/sleet over the weekend. Florida sunshine here we come!

Have a great trip!!:goodvibes
Hope those drugs work quick and you feel back to normal very soon! Sinus infections are just awful!

Steve and I have been married long enough, he always knows I'm planning SOMETHING :rotfl2:. Of course, he also knows that I'm the thriftier one of the two of us, so maybe that's why he doesn't worry so much? :scratchin He is quite happy to live by the YOLO philosophy, while I have a little more trouble with being spendy!!
Right?? I am sure DH knows I've got a cruise booked already as I have mentioned stuff several times (like kids have to have passports-hmmm saw the forms printed out already to get that going on his desk...) and we need tourist visas (ship will do for us for a charge), and have to have other paperwork done-who knew the travel to Cuba would require so much extra stuff? My Dh also goes outside a budget when we are on vacation (signature meals at Disney, upgrade to premier AP at UO even though I told him we only needed power pass). It is why I always have extra money padded into budget...

So far, it's INSANELY awesome
YES!! Freeze frame that forecast so it doesn't change!!

Florida sunshine here we come!
Safe travels to you too!!

Ugh-no trips planned until January (Vegas baby!) and just got home a week ago Monday but it is so sad to have the suitcases actually put away instead of out and waiting for next trip:sad: Thankfully there will be pictures to look forward to in TR's!

I did online check-in for our Alamo rental on Sunday, so I'm officially done with checking rental rates. We are all set up for skipping the counter, I've added myself as the free extra driver (love that little bonus through Costco!.....we will likely never use it but its a "nice to have" perk, just in case) and we can head straight to the garage once we have gathered our luggage at MCO. I was going to keep stalking rates for the next few days, but decided that my time could be better spent on other tasks (like chatting with y'all here :teeth:), especially when I was reasonably certain that rates weren't going to decline below my current reservation.

I still haven't heard anything back yet from the pre-arrival coordinator at the Vistana :confused3 (super odd, the first time ever) so I submitted a Diamond Lane form as well, just in case. At the very least, our wait to check in should be a bit less, as we can use the Diamond Lane check-in line (which is almost always shorter)...so submitting the DL form will hopefully reap some benefits one way or the other.

Other than a few last-minute toiletries and our standard "OMG bag" (which contains medication to help manage any malady that might befall us while we're vacationing......everything from Gravol, Imodium and Excedrin to band-aids, hydrocortizone cream and cough drops), we're pretty much packed. I ended up back at the urgent care clinic on Sunday morning - that rotten sinus infection that I was treated for 3 weeks ago came back with a vengeance, and I honestly couldn't imagine schlepping around a theme park when I could hardly put one foot in front of the other here at home - so I'm back on a stronger prescription (and longer .... 14 days this time) to see if I can kill the pesky bug that I can't seem to shake. On a good note, I'm feeling noticeably better tonight for the first time in days (yay!). And it is comforting to know that this current round of drugs will carry me right through the trip and back home again (making it unlikely that I'll catch any other germs while I'm there). So far, I've managed to keep Steve from catching my cooties (hand washing and Purell-ing have become my two favorite past times!!) so hopefully he escapes it entirely. If something does hit, we will have the OMG Bag ready and stocked! (and a Walgreens just steps from the resort :thumbsup2)

Two more work days for me: a LONG one tomorrow (my regular day, followed by a staff meeting from 6:30 to 9:30) and then Thursday. Wednesday I'll do a deep cleaning of the house, and a last minute review of the contents of the suitcases. Thursday after work, I have a hair appointment and Steve will get a fresh head shave. We've got to cut the lawn and rake the leaves one night as well (likely Wednesday if the weather cooperates) and then I think we're ready to roll. Or, make that ready to fly.

OH, and the long range weather forecast? :sunny: So far, it's INSANELY awesome. So much so, I'm almost worried.....too good to be true!! Right now its showing sunshine and pleasant temps (high 70's/low 80's for daytime highs, and nighttime lows in the high 50's/low 60's) for the ENTIRE week. I still have a full arsenal of umbrellas and ponchos in the luggage just in case, but hopefully that's right where they will stay :thumbsup2.

We are getting SO close! :woohoo:

Umm, 'cuse me? I CANNOT get sick again. I've literally had a sinus/double infection at least six times this year, the most recent being last weekend. Don't be bringing that crap with you to Florida. We don't want it here!!!!
Umm, 'cuse me? I CANNOT get sick again. I've literally had a sinus/double infection at least six times this year, the most recent being last weekend. Don't be bringing that crap with you to Florida. We don't want it here!!!!

I started a new temp job yesterday, that's already showing to be as bad as the job I quit months back, but that means new people and cooties and I'm not happy. I've never had so many people want to shake my hand while being introduced around an office and all I could think was I need to wash my hands, I have a vacation and a half marathon to run in less than 2 weeks get away from me! So I started the heavy duty once every 24 hour airborne today and am extra thoroughly washing my hands.
Hope your deep cleaning day has been a good one. Bet Dash and Violet were entertained by you moving all over the house while they watched. Hee hee.

I was going to ask how you have been recovering from the sinus infection, but I now see it never went away. I’m sorry you are dealing with that but glad you got the stronger Rx and are on the mend....and should be totally covered for your vacation.

Well....the golf cart :drive:just wasn’t meant to be. That means you will have it as something new to try on a future trip....Halloween or Christmas - either one- would be fun. AND more money accessible THIS trip for the Walrus Up Close Tour. :thumbsup2

Glad the visit with Jake was so great....and that you have Christmas and March to look forward to to make the good bye tolerable, even though still rough.

Have a fabulous vacation, Gina! Can’t wait to hear about Infinity Falls.....all the tours, dis meetups, etc. :goodvibes May it be the great escape you and Steve have earned!:beach:
I think ponchos would definitely help. It is not as much of a soaker as the Popeye ride in IOA. If you're at the front of the raft when it hits a couple of the standing waves, especially the one under the pedestrian bridge, you will get water over you. There is also a part where you go under the big drop, and there is water falling from above. If you wear a poncho tucked around your legs and bottom and with the hood up, you should be okay. You still need to watch your feet though, as water sloshes around in the bottom of the rafts, and I don't recall footrests like on the Popeye ride to help keep your feet up.

We had awesome rides on Kraken. We were in the front row with no screamers on the ride, so it was just a smooth run with the wind rushing by our ears. It was pretty cool. When we got back to the loading area after our first ride, there was no one waiting, so they just let us ride again. The second time around, there were people waiting for the front row, but no other rows, so we just moved back to the second row. We also got to ride in the front row on Mako a couple times, as well as the back row, which is probably the wildest row.

Thanks for in the insider scoop on Infinity Falls :thumbsup2. I think I'll probably use the poncho (can't blame a girl for trying to stay dry, can you? ;)) but Steve will likely just deal with the soaking. He'll actually probably enjoy it......he's always hot! (and I'm usually NOT :rotfl2:)

Sounds like a plan!:thumbsup2 Yep- Joe can't keep up with all my plans!!:laughing: Hey I'm with you on YOLO! Rather than buying stuff, we'd rather travel and make memories!!:)

I like that!! Always better to have the meds with you than have to run out to a store! Cheaper too!:thumbsup2

The OMG bag is officially packed. We are officially prepared for nausea, diarrhea, migraines, congestion, blisters, cuts, cold, flu, mucus, rash, muscle ache, and sunburn :sick:. Did I miss anything? :scratchin

I always carry the entire contents of our medicine cabinet with me when we travel! Unfortunately, I usually pack it way before we leave, and my husband has to struggle to find medications I have packed away:teeth:

:laughing: I have done that before, too. That's why I left packing ours until tonight....hopefully neither of us needs to raid the supply in the next 36 hours!


Tomorrow is going to be a L-O-N-G work day :crazy2:. Exciting though to be just a day and a half away from finally arriving!

How are your last minute preparations going?

Ahhh we are under 24 hours in our household!!!

I only have one pre-cruise form to print. All the DiscoveryCove/SW stuff is done. DH checked us into the airline this morning and per Gina's experience, I did the skip the counter at Alamo and we decided to shlep the kiddos booster instead of paying the $10 a day for it. So technically my rental went down $60 (tee hee hee vacation math).

I also called Discovery Cove and canceled the lounger bed we had reserved. The bad review here and the fact that it is supposed to be an overcast day has me thinking the money could be better spent on something else. They were kind enough to refund it even thought we are so close to our date.

Packing here is at the "there is a pile in each suitcase". I have a long day at work (boooooo) so I have a decent list to get done when I get home tonight. I have added everyone's restaurant suggestions over the course of this thread to a note in my phone so we have lots of options to choose there. I am really excited to explore Orlando offsite for the first time in a loooooonnnnng time.

I probably won't check in here again until I get back. To everyone traveling this week, safe travels to you and I hope everyone has a great trip!!! Thanks again for all the opinions, reviews, experiences, and just overall fun in this thread (or any of Gina's).

We have our first taste of cold weather here and had snow/sleet over the weekend. Florida sunshine here we come!

Safe travels to you, my friend, and have a WONDERFUL trip! :goodvibes Enjoy every single minute!

Have a great trip!!:goodvibes

Safe travels to you and Joe as well :thumbsup2. Can't wait to see you both!

Hope those tablets get to work quickly for you Gina!! Hope things go smoothly in the last few days :goodvibes

Ah, thank you! :blush: This current round of medication seems to be helping with the sinus infection but giving me some nasty side effects....the worst of which is a rash and small blisters around my eyes :crazy2:. Going to wait until tomorrow and if it continues to be bothersome, I'll head back to the doctor to make sure it's nothing to be super concerned about. What horrible timing for this darn bug!

I checked today and it went down another $7.00

Woot! :banana:

Hope those drugs work quick and you feel back to normal very soon! Sinus infections are just awful!

Right?? I am sure DH knows I've got a cruise booked already as I have mentioned stuff several times (like kids have to have passports-hmmm saw the forms printed out already to get that going on his desk...) and we need tourist visas (ship will do for us for a charge), and have to have other paperwork done-who knew the travel to Cuba would require so much extra stuff? My Dh also goes outside a budget when we are on vacation (signature meals at Disney, upgrade to premier AP at UO even though I told him we only needed power pass). It is why I always have extra money padded into budget...

YES!! Freeze frame that forecast so it doesn't change!!

Safe travels to you too!!

Ugh-no trips planned until January (Vegas baby!) and just got home a week ago Monday but it is so sad to have the suitcases actually put away instead of out and waiting for next trip:sad: Thankfully there will be pictures to look forward to in TR's!

January isn't too far away, really.....after all, Christmas is just 9 weeks from yesterday. With both Thanksgiving and the holiday season approaching, the next couple of months will pass super fast and you'll be in Vegas before ya know it :thumbsup2. And I'll be jealous because I won't be going anywhere until spring!!

So far, so good on the forecast......I'm hoping, praying that no wonky storms blow in. Temps look pretty fine, too......mid 70's to low 80s. Hopefully the humidity is low too!

Umm, 'cuse me? I CANNOT get sick again. I've literally had a sinus/double infection at least six times this year, the most recent being last weekend. Don't be bringing that crap with you to Florida. We don't want it here!!!!

I promise not to kiss you or drink from your straw ;). And by the time we get there, I'll be on these darn pills for almost a week.....so surely I'll be long past the contagious point. Lots of hand washing and an extra dose of purell!

I started a new temp job yesterday, that's already showing to be as bad as the job I quit months back, but that means new people and cooties and I'm not happy. I've never had so many people want to shake my hand while being introduced around an office and all I could think was I need to wash my hands, I have a vacation and a half marathon to run in less than 2 weeks get away from me! So I started the heavy duty once every 24 hour airborne today and am extra thoroughly washing my hands.

Do you find that airborne actually works? I have often wondered it if lives up to their claims. M

Hope your deep cleaning day has been a good one. Bet Dash and Violet were entertained by you moving all over the house while they watched. Hee hee.

I was going to ask how you have been recovering from the sinus infection, but I now see it never went away. I’m sorry you are dealing with that but glad you got the stronger Rx and are on the mend....and should be totally covered for your vacation.

Well....the golf cart :drive:just wasn’t meant to be. That means you will have it as something new to try on a future trip....Halloween or Christmas - either one- would be fun. AND more money accessible THIS trip for the Walrus Up Close Tour. :thumbsup2

Glad the visit with Jake was so great....and that you have Christmas and March to look forward to to make the good bye tolerable, even though still rough.

Have a fabulous vacation, Gina! Can’t wait to hear about Infinity Falls.....all the tours, dis meetups, etc. :goodvibes May it be the great escape you and Steve have earned!:beach:

Ha ha, yes......I'm definitely giving some serious thought to the Walrus tour :blush:. Unless I completely blow the budget somewhere before that point in the trip.......in that case, I may have to reign in my enthusiasm :rolleyes1.

I will try and pop in to this thread and give a bit of an update (and hopefully a photo or two) over the course of the week. Especially of the Dismeets!

:jumping1:popcorn::Have an amazing trip eagerly waiting pic.


As you know, there will be LOTS of photos :o . It's a bit of a sickness :rotfl:.
Do you find that airborne actually works? I have often wondered it if lives up to their claims.

I think it does. I don't know if he keeps me from getting sick when I take it because I don't get sick, coincidence? But for sure it works when I start using it when I feel a sore throat or something coming on. I normally use the reg tabs that come in a tube in a box that you can use every 4 hoursish, so I can take in the morning and at bedtime. But these 24 hour packet things were on clearance so I got some to try.

When I take them when I feel something coming on it'll either stop at a sore throat or it'll be what I call a cold lite, so I might get a bit of a stuffy nose but not full on, I might get some cough but not full on and I may or may not get congestion. For me it helps or at least I think it does so it does :)

I do think it's better than just taking echinacea which I used to use but it wasn't as effective. I also think taking the vitamins I need and exercising also help but not as much.
Tomorrow is vacation!!

Tomorrow is going to be a L-O-N-G work day :crazy2:. Exciting though to be just a day and a half away from finally arriving!

How are your last minute preparations going?

Going! I want to go through our luggage one more time - make sure that we actually have everything we need and not forgetting anything. Have to get through work today, THEN still get through work tomorrow until 1pm - then we head down to the hotel for the evening.

I’m already getting my ‘flight bladder’ which is aggravating
I think it does. I don't know if he keeps me from getting sick when I take it because I don't get sick, coincidence? But for sure it works when I start using it when I feel a sore throat or something coming on. I normally use the reg tabs that come in a tube in a box that you can use every 4 hoursish, so I can take in the morning and at bedtime. But these 24 hour packet things were on clearance so I got some to try.

When I take them when I feel something coming on it'll either stop at a sore throat or it'll be what I call a cold lite, so I might get a bit of a stuffy nose but not full on, I might get some cough but not full on and I may or may not get congestion. For me it helps or at least I think it does so it does :)

I do think it's better than just taking echinacea which I used to use but it wasn't as effective. I also think taking the vitamins I need and exercising also help but not as much.

That's great to know :thumbsup2. I think we may try that for our Spring trip. Nothing ruins great plans faster than illness, so even if it works even in the smallest way, it would be totally worth it.

Tomorrow is vacation!!

Going! I want to go through our luggage one more time - make sure that we actually have everything we need and not forgetting anything. Have to get through work today, THEN still get through work tomorrow until 1pm - then we head down to the hotel for the evening.

I’m already getting my ‘flight bladder’ which is aggravating

Oh no, what is flight bladder? Like nervous bladder :confused:.....ie frequent trips to the loo??

I hate those tiny bathrooms on the airplane :crazy2:. I always feel so bad for Steve or any other larger person: *I* feel cramped in there, so I can only imagine how awful he feels when Mother Nature calls!!

I hope your final work hours pass swiftly!!! We look forward to meeting you and Sam on Sunday!

One more work shift!! :woohoo: I can't WAIT to have this day at the office all wrapped up!

We got the lawn mowed and all the leaves raked last night, so that's off our pre-trip to-do list. Of course, we'll be buried in leaves again when we come home :rolleyes1 but hopefully the grounds won't look too terrible with a good clean-up completed in advance.

Tonight are hair appointments....one for me, one for Steve (ha, well.....I cut Steve's hair.....but we have an "appointment" to do that before bed).

Tonight will also be laundry and a detailed review of the contents of the luggage. We are down to the time to double, triple and quadruple check to be sure nothing important gets left behind.

Tomorrow morning, we'll pretty much just have to do a full change of the litter box and a last run-through with the vacuum cleaner. We will be whisked away to the airport by @DontRushMe and her DH sometime around 10:30. Lunch at DTW then we're airborne by around 2.

Concentration today is going to be VERY hard!! :crazy2:
Have an awesome trip! We had some medical/personal/life things come up, and ended up cancelling the trip late last week. I know it was the right decision, but I wish I was headed to sunny Florida this weekend! I'm looking forward to your reviews, especially BOMA (a personal favourite) and Trails End (I've tried twice now to make that happen!).


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