Secret Sister thread

OK, beansmom and Laura. Fess up. If you tell me who had you :tongue: :teeth: ::yes:: maybe that'll help me figure out who my SS is.

I'm usually pretty good at putting puzzles together. I don't know what's the matter with me this time.


17 days and counting . . . again!
what.....Ev-er!!! :crazy:


All I can say is my ss is wonderful and she's in the Midwest.
I have NO idea who my secret sister is.
I know she is from Texas but that is it. (at least that is where they were both mailed from)
(and she is very generous:D )

Is there going to be another SS thingy after we finish this one?
Thank you for the T-day BEEFCAKE - WOHOO

LOVE the e-cards! :)

made it to the post office today and there was no line (which trust me, is a bit of a shock at our post office):D Anyhow, I mailed off my dec ss package. :D Hopefully it will get there monday at the latest..... maggie
at this point I am not sure -
we have had problems with this SS swap that we did not have with the last.
People not fullfilling thier obligations - and not notifying me that they can no longer do it.
Then I feel very bad -
and someone has missed out and they feel bad.
It is unfortunate that 1 or 2 have to ruin it for everyone :(


Me, too. It's so much fun to shop for someone else. It gives me a chance to check out new things and also check out things I would have never thought of before.
It's kinda crummy when people sign up and then don't follow through. Sorry to hear that happened.

As to who my SS is -- I thought I had a real good idea who it was after the last package and now I'm just not so sure.

I will say she has been so generous and I appreciate everything!

pattyT Just to make sure that I understand the rules, it's been kinda :crazy: here lately, in this package that is going out in the very near future I reveal myself. Then when my SS has revealed herself to me I send a thank-you gift to her. I do/not send a Chistmas gift to the person I was sending to after I have revealed myself?

Thanks, I just want to make sure I do things right>

I've enjoyed this swap!!:wave2:
Just a Thank you hopefully by the 15th -
so that everyone can worry about Christmas not the SS! :)

Thyanks for being one of our MANY GREAT participants in the SS swap -

This is the first swap I have ever participated in and I am one of the few who have only received one package. I no longer anticipate receiving any future packages. - So I guess you could say that I have NO idea who my SS is. (he-he) :)
I just wanted to let everyone know that even after all that, I would do it again in a heart beat. I have enjoy sending packages to my SS. It has been a great experience and I find myself always thinking of her when I enter a Scrapbook store. I have also enjoyed reading this thread and finding out about new products and things.

pattyT - if there would be another SS after this one, you for sure can put me down as a participant. ::yes::
What a great sport..... It is a shame that a few people could ruin it for the many of us that followed the rules!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE lets do it again.:Pinkbounc :bounce:
Crazy for the mouse -
I thought by now you would have recieved something -
yous SS told me she was sending something out!

ANYONE else who hasn't yet recieved 2 packages PLEASE let me know!

But I am glad that you are having fun anyways!

I really have more scrapbook stuff than I need or will probably ever use, especially since I am constantly buying more. I'd be happy to send you a surprise if you pm me your address.

A :crazy: scrapaholic
crazyforphooh - Oh, That is very kind & thoughtful of you. Truthfully, I too have more than I could ever really use... i just can't stop buying. :p
But thank-you.
Wow I am so sorry to hear someone else didn't get their package...shame...Thing do happen and come up but I am sure an email could have been sent out and something done so the fun wouldn't be spoiled!
I love the secret sister and THANK PATTY so much for doing all of this! I know this time around it was HUGE!
Still no package for me either. And I also agree I enjoy the shopping for my SS.
But it would have been nice if she could have drop Patty an e-mail if money was tight or a family emerg. came up. We all can understand that, but just to ignored is a little hurtful, when I read about all the great stuff everyone else is getting. Now this isn't a pity party by any means its just alittle upsetting thats all.
piglet's pal, don't feel bad about your post at all! I would be screaming and yelling if I hadn't gotten anything! I agree all it would have taken was an email and patty would have fixed it all up right away. But not to worry, here's wishing you a bunch of pixie dust! maggie
Piglets Pal - I agree with Spinning and Nicurn all it would of taken was an e-mail and everything would have been fine.

PATTY worked very hard to make all this happen and I think it's not right for people to be so inconsiderate of others.

Here's sending :hug: s and pixie dust :wizard: to all who didn't receive their packages.

It's just to bad that a few have to spoil it for the rest of us who are having a heck of a time.

A :crazy: scrapaholic


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