Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.6

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OK, DH want to know where this place is, he reckons that burger looks like a nice snack. :rotfl:

I wish I could eat beef but no such luck!!

Oh, Steffy, you made me laugh out loud. I see Sarah has explained the answer to you. We will be travelling for over 34 hours to get to Barcelona and I prefer to take my shoes off on the long flights, but at the same time I don't want some strangers urine on my feet, I usually wear socks in my seat and to the loo, if the floor gets too yukky I will pop my shoes back on before I go. :thumbsup2

I tend to bring a couple pairs of airline socks so if the floors get yucky, I just toss them and change socks.

Annie, I usually wear leggings and a stretchy dress for comfort. I think Noel mentioned leggings to. I have the horrible fear that if the plane goes down they'll find me legs spread, upside down, with my underwear showing, :rotfl2: so leggings are great, comfy and keep you warm. I have worn jeans on a Brisbane - LA flight which is 13 hours, but they weren't very comfortable.

I do wear leggings thought not precisely for that reason. :lmao::lmao:
I do find them extremely comfortable and warm to wear on long flights.

How could you not like chocolate ice-cream, I thought everybody liked that! :rotfl: I am not a huge fan of marshmallows, but don't mind them in a hot chocolate, BTW, is the hot choc on board the same as the parks, I think it's Nestle, It is very yummy?!?

I like hot chocolate but would rather have whipped creme. I prefer white chocolate to milk or dark chocolate. I just don't like the taste of chocolate ice cream. Must be some weird thing, but just tastes yucky to me. Marshmallows taste pasty to me. I can't describe the taste in my mouth but it is not good.

Totally agree on both counts, after 34 hours we will look more than disheveled! I will take a change of clothes and get showered and changed in London at the British Airways lounge, that way when we arrive in Barcelona if our hotel isn't ready we will at least be showered. :thumbsup2

The first thing after an international flight is shower. We are going right to the hotel so I will hit the shower for a nice long time.

If you don't mind me asking, you didn't say you have stones, Is there something else that is making you gallbladder not function well? I have 6 tumours or polyps, but a lot of people have them with no symptoms, I have symptoms and attacks, was wondering if there may be a secondary issue. My GP is pretty useless, just wants to take it out. If it is too much information I will totally understand. :goodvibes

Sometimes if you don't have a specialist take a look at your case, you get an easy answer like take it out, instead of a more though investigation of your case!! Can you get your GP to refer you to a specialist?
OK, so I am / was allergic to mushrooms.

General question... If you are multi posting and you have too many images, is it Ok to delete duplicates from the original post??? LOL _ i guess I should have broken this into multiple multi posts...

I'm not allergic to mushrooms; I just hate fungus!

Most of my on-line time is with an "air card" which is limited to 5 GB per month, so for me it's better if images aren't duplicated!
Sorry to hear your DH's news. My DH has also been looking for work for awhile. Though he's still looking, he's also enjoying the extra time home and with the kids, and we've enjoyed the additional flexibility we have to travel, including this cruise and others.

I was laid off last year and ended up taking a job in Virginia, even though the family is still in Orlando. It's difficult being so far away but we do what we have to do. I travel a lot with the job and generally get one or two weeks per month back in Orlando, so that's an advantage.
Oh that is sucky news. I'm so sorry. DH is soldiering through his layoff and we are keeping him very busy at home :worship:, but layoffs are a real blow to the ego, and really suck the wind out of you. Best of luck in finding something great soon for him!

This is a hard time to be looking for employment. Best of luck to your DH!!

Thanks everyone for your well wishes about the Lasik. I had a second consultation today with another very reputable place and I think I am switching to them. I liked the chatty CEO gal who walked me through everything and she gave me lots of information about their process and etc that was really reassuring. Every time I think about walking, on my own free will (but with some valium on board!) into the surgical suite to have it done I get a cold sweat.

I am really interested to hear how your Lasik procedure goes. Keep us posted.

I hate anything medical - even the dentist! I cancel every appt I make with the dentist, multiple times, before I actually go. Ironically, I am a midwife, assist in surgeries, resuscitate babies, suture, catch vomit and worse, put in IVs, and control often heavy bleeding, etc., without any issues whatsoever - but for my own self personally, I *hate* even simple blood draws. I was a terrible 'patient' with my last baby with my midwives! I find as I get older it makes me more anxious. So that's the only problem I am foreseeing: severe anxiety until it's over. But seeing as this is my choice, I have to stop being daft and just jump on board and forget the stress. Right? Riiiiiiight.

I am a procrastinator about dental appointments now because of all my gum issues so really can sympathize. When middle DD had emergency surgery on her nose when she was 16, I held her hands for support. I can be calm in the face of an emergency but don't like just going to the dentist!!
We fly Brisbane (Australia) to Singapore to London to Barcelona.
We are Qantas Club Gold members, it is part of the Oneworld alliance, so we get entry to BA, AA among others. We are also Qantas frequent flyers, I think you get entry into the clubs when you reach a certain level.
I think the red eye is better, at least you are tired and can sleep, it makes the flight go faster, and then you arrive semi refreshed. ;)

I agree with you about the red eyes flights. I have also spent some time in the Virgin Atlantic First Class lounge in San Francisco, Gatwick and Heathrow. Almost make up for the long flights. Sure miss the old days of what I call the "real" first class....
LOL - no you are not required to fly shoeless but many of us while flying on these long trips take off our shoes to sleep. If you have shoes that are harder to get on many just go without putting their shoes on.

I do walk barefoot at home - but wear shoes that I can slip on and off on the plane. I admit I try not to go to the bathroom on the plane - and can on short flights but not on the long ones but do try to limit if possible.

We flew airfrance coming home from the EBTA and they did give us a small packet with socks, sleep mask, earplugs, etc. but not a nice one like you get in first class. But we travel with the ones from first class as my DH often has them from flying FC when he comes home (he upgrades with his points) and he never uses them so we have them hanging around - so I take them with us when we travel.

Your shoes are safe on your feet or at your seat - the plane can get cold so the "socks" will just keep your toes warm.

Thank heavens!!! I was really freaking out. I can't stand to walk barefoot. I'm a huge germaphobe and the thought of walking in a filthy bathroom in socks was sending me over the edge. I can't walk barefoot from my own bed to my own bathroom. :goodvibes:goodvibes

Don't panic! You don't need to fly shoeless, in fact most planes don't allow you to fly without proper footwear these days - my sister got told she couldn't wear here birkenstock sandles on a plane last year and had to go buy a pair of shoes!

Most longhaul flights give you socks to wear around the plane but you don't have to. I wear them as find it more comfy than shoes"

Hey Everybody - I have not caught up yet because I was not on the boards yesterday - we received some bad news. My husband lost his job yesterday so we are in limbo. I am still on the cruise!!!

It is just a curve in the road I know and life could be worse - a lot worse, so we are smiling and together and he is working hard. Just wanted to let you all know that is why I have been so quiet. MISS reading.
I'm so sorry about your husband's job. This economy really suxs.:grouphug::grouphug:

As for shoes/socks on the plane, wearing socks to the bathroom is totally gross. If the socks soak up what's on the floor, then what's to stop the stuff on the floor from completely soaking the socks and then soaking into the bottom of your feet? Just the thought of that makes me :sick:. I always wear slip on shoes which are easier for security anyway. I take them off once I am situated, but they go right back on if I'm heading to the loo (okay, I'm not from UK but how often do I get to use that word?).
My point exactly!!!!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Steffy - her comment about the socks on the plane made me laugh. First time I laughed in 24 hours! Thanks Steffy - your comments were so sweet and cute. Thank you!

Okay, I am sure I forgot somebody or something, but I will get back to worrying about my husband - :eek:
I'm so glad I could make you laugh. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Hang in there.:goodvibes

...and then you need a plastic bag for them....

Yea. I'm with you. No way I would go to the bathroom with only socks on!
You got it! No flipping way!!!:goodvibes

Oh my!! Thanks for the chuckle, but you can stop now as it still hurts!

In all seriousness, you have to wear shoes to fly, but I like to take mine off. My feet tend to swell and they do better without shoes... I learned this flying to CA for a business trip... Needless to say on the home bound flight I was in socks.

For the record, we got nothing flying across the country - well, we got the complementry pillow and blanket but that was it...

So, 77 days until we leave!! Cant wait! I packed all of our FE gifts, candy exchange bags and CM gifts yesterday. Becca could leave tomorrow and while I would need to do laundry, she could do our time in Spain and 6 days onboard without me needing to wash... I have my evening wear packed and I got a tag on pour front door that I had a package to pick up from the post office. I think that is my formal!!! wahoo!!

Are cabins being assigned yet??? Is anyone else getting VERY excited??? Am I aslone in getting chills thinking about the trip? (Is it my fear of flying???) :confused3

General question... If you are multi posting and you have too many images, is it Ok to delete duplicates from the original post??? LOL _ i guess I should have broken this into multiple multi posts...
I am really excited and now that I can calm down about my flight, really, really excited!!! Can't wait.

And I have to delete images in the original posts all the time...:goodvibes:dance3:
I was laid off last year and ended up taking a job in Virginia, even though the family is still in Orlando. It's difficult being so far away but we do what we have to do. I travel a lot with the job and generally get one or two weeks per month back in Orlando, so that's an advantage.

One of the guys that works with my DH lives in Washington state and commutes to California as he wife wants to live near her family. Since he travels at least two weeks a month, it doesn't really matter where he lives.

We have another friend who for the last 10 years commutes to Oregon. He comes down on Monday and goes home on Friday. His wife wife refuses to live anywhere but here. Kids are all grown but her family lives here.

I guess there are all kinds of reasons to live one place and work another.

Just my thoughts...
as of now my kids are on summer holiday - ten weeks of summer holidays, so very very long. Oh and after they go back to school for three days we pull them out again for the cruise.

So that means they have over a quarter of a year off! :scared1:

Thank goodness they are still young, but i think perhaps some homework may be called for so they don't forget everything.

You know . . .taking your kids out of school is the sign of very good parenting!! Keep it up!
One of the guys that works with my DH lives in Washington state and commutes to California as he wife wants to live near her family. Since he travels at least two weeks a month, it doesn't really matter where he lives.

We have another friend who for the last 10 years commutes to Oregon. He comes down on Monday and goes home on Friday. His wife wife refuses to live anywhere but here. Kids are all grown but her family lives here.

I guess there are all kinds of reasons to live one place and work another.

Just my thoughts...

I'm beginning to feel like I'm missing something. Hubby works and loves living in Virginia. I really want to live in Florida. I think I should move and have hubby visit when he can .. . LOL. I know it's rough when you have to live like that. We live in a largely military area and see lots of families living without mom or dad while their in Afganistan or Iraq for a year or more. It's really challenging. My heart goes out to those families especially.
Just a quick post to say Hi. Those of you who are friends on Facebook have seen my saga. No phone or internet since Friday. And each technician (5 now) that has come out has referred the job to another group.

I've been skimming when I can on the Blackberry or on my nightly visits to Starbucks to mooch on their free Wi Fi.

So excited I just helped some friends with their first Disney cruise. Too bad they didn't think to ask my until the day before they leave!! Gave them some quick tips before they fly out tomorrow.

Theresa (Dia Lady) good to see you posting!!

Ok, they are mopping the floors now, guess I'm about to get booted out. :rotfl:
This reminds me of the time we were in Florida and we went to a place called Cheeburger Cheeburger. Tony decided in his wisdom to try and eat the 1lb burger ... he managed to eat it, plus fries, and got his photo taken and put up on their wall of fame. He couldn't eat another thing for the rest of the day ( very unusual ) and didn't go to the loo for days :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

and we have photos :

The 1lb burger:


Tony tackling the monster:


Finally finished ... round of applause and an even bigger burger:


The Wall of Fame:


There is a Cheeburger Cheeburger about 20 minutes from here! It's a great place to go! The french fries are wonderful and they do have really good milkshakes - the best PB&J milkshake outside of WDW!

Hey Everybody - I have not caught up yet because I was not on the boards yesterday - we received some bad news. My husband lost his job yesterday so we are in limbo. I am still on the cruise!!!

It is just a curve in the road I know and life could be worse - a lot worse, so we are smiling and together and he is working hard. Just wanted to let you all know that is why I have been so quiet. MISS reading.

I am so sorry to hear about your husband's job. I'll be laid off for a year on July 16...never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be out of work for so long. As I type this, I have another tab open with a job search pulled up - sadly there isn't much there. Good luck to your husband and to your whole family - I know how it feels to lose a job and it stinks. :(
Closing this thread per the request of one of your cruisers. Someone will need to edit their post and provide a link to part 7.

Have a great cruise.
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