Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.7

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ok all the talk about stats for the cruise - I set up a Google spreadsheet to track everything! I will slowly use the main site to transfer over info that is on the website (except for real names - just sticking with DISnames so it is not so big. If you would like to help in this project personally you can go and fill in your own information! It will take me days to do it myself but I will start doing it. If you think of something else besides what i have on there that we should be tracking - let me know and I will add it.

I took all the names from the website and/or the wristband sheet so if you are not on there add yourself to the bottom please! We have a total of 145 cabins listed!

to get to the sheet go to:


Oh very nifty!
A lot of this was media hype. We decided on the Monday before our cruise, at the height of the whole volcano business, that we were not going to chance missing the boat and we booked everything then for leaving the next day. This is not going to be on the same scale as there are plenty of UK airports that are not operated by BAA.


Im sure its going to be fine but I am just a worry wort! Bristol isn't a BAA airport hence we booked Sleazyjet as our second option!
Attention jewellery people

I now have the preferences for most people so thanks to everybody who has send them to me. If you have not done so yet, could you let me know your preferences sooner than later please. I will post an updated spreadsheet tomorrow.

I am now ready to take payment for the supplies. The cost per person (which includes shipping of the materials worldwide) is GBP15 per person. Could you please use the personal option and mark it as "gift" as this seems to avoid fees even for international transactions. If any fees are incurred, I would appreciate it if you took care of them.

Could you please ensure that your DIS name and any person you might be paying for is in the notes so that I know who has paid and who has not.

The address for the Paypal payments is

I would like all the payments by Saturday please as I intend to place the orders on Sunday. I will post stats once the order has been placed as the sheer scale of this is mind-blowing.

Could you also please PM me the address where you would like to have the goodies shipped to. As I said before, even though the individual kits won't weigh much and will be inexpensive to ship, bringing the stuff for everybody would fill my suitcase. All going well and assuming everything is in stock and shipped in a timely manner, I will send the materials out a month prior to sailing the latest.

Do you have a particular time you recommend for an Alaskan cruise?

We have been in May and July. July obviously has the better weather (although May really wasn't bad). However, I highly recommend late June to early August (even though it's more expensive) because that's when the humpbacks do their "bubble net" fishing. It's an absolutely incredible sight to witness! :thumbsup2
I know that I still owe some people a PM, but I am beat and heading for bed. I will respond to the rest of the PMs tomorrow morning before I go to work.

So cool seeing the USPS box as I pulled up from work!! Shirts look great!! Thanks to all involved!
It couldn't be simpler. Just hop on an afternoon Eurostar from London to Paris, then take the Elipsos 'trainhotel' from Paris to Barcelona overnight. Enjoy dinner in the restaurant or a drink in the bar as French villages swish past in the moonlight before retiring to your sleeper for the night, then wake up in Spain. Fares start at £59 return for the Eurostar plus £66 each way for the trainhotel, including a bed in a 4-bed Tourist class sleeper.

Travel from London to Paris by Eurostar, leaving London St Pancras at 15:02 and arriving in Paris Gare du Nord at 18:17 .

Travel from Paris to Barcelona overnight on the trainhotel 'Joan Miro', leaving Paris Gare d'Austerlitz daily at 20:34 and arriving next morning in Barcelona França station at 08:24

Hope we do not need it.

Great backup plan!! If I get to Frankfort and can't make the Air Berlin flight, is there a similar train?

You could get a train from Frankfort to Paris, it takes about four hous and trains leave ever 2 to 3 hours.
We looked at that option too but can't get to London for 3 on the 17th and will not make the cruise intime so hence booked another flight. Im sure I'm panicing over nothing but would rather waste £50 than find we can't make the cruise. If we were travelling earlier I wouldn't have bothered, but we can't leave until that evening so bit of a panic!

Hope your flights are on time and you have no problems
Received our shirts today and they are great. I have PM'd Todd because we also received a second box with two shirts that we did not order. I am hoping he can track down the person that did not receive their shirts so we can send them to the correct person. I am sure this was an overwhelming project for him and appreciate all those that made it possible.
I told my DIL we can do more shopping and pick up a cheap suitcase since we can now bring 2 suitcases each for the way home. :yay:

Me doing Disney shopping, never! LOL!!!! :lmao:

ok all the talk about stats for the cruise - I set up a Google spreadsheet to track everything! I will slowly use the main site to transfer over info that is on the website (except for real names - just sticking with DISnames so it is not so big. If you would like to help in this project personally you can go and fill in your own information! It will take me days to do it myself but I will start doing it. If you think of something else besides what i have on there that we should be tracking - let me know and I will add it.

I took all the names from the website and/or the wristband sheet so if you are not on there add yourself to the bottom please! We have a total of 145 cabins listed!

to get to the sheet go to:


OK...I went in and added the information...I saved it so hopefully it got saved.

I didn't have much of a chance to read yesterday. I worked at the Disney Store in the morning and then in the early evening I had to go to the doctor to have an ingrown toenail that was infected and very painful. I was hoping that it would heal on it's own, but it wasn't meant to be. So I got there, and the doctor takes one look at it and says "we're going to have to numb it up to get that nail out oft here". OK...a shot in the toe is VERY painful - I've had them before.

I don't know what I was thinking - that it was going to take her longer to prepare the medicine than what it did, but when it came time for her to come with the needle (which I don't even remember seeing) I completely freaked out! :eek: I didn't hurt as much as I remembered, but it did hurt and then I was embarrassed for freaking out so much! Needless to say, the local didn't numb the part that was REALLY infected and sadly I felt it when she was taking it out. :( I have to go back and have the procedure to remove part of my nail again to help prevent this from happening - did I mention I already that this procedure done once?! Only me!

I had to wear a slipper home from my parent's house - on my bad foot was the flat slipper and on my other foot was my Sketcher Fit Flop which is about an inch off of the ground. It was quite funny watching me walk! LOL!

It's feeling better today, but I think I'm going to take something when I go in for that procedure. I had myself so worked up over the needle (well the pain) that I just freaked out. I'm usually not like that...I think my nerves just got the best of me.

On a better note, I cashed in my $100 on Sunshine Rewards for a Disney Gift Card to take on the cruise! :yay: I love Sunshine Rewards - I've earned most of that money just taking surverys online. I do a little online shopping (where you can earn a percentage back) but it's mostly surverys. :)

Only 50 days now! :)
Well checking in after a while. I have been very busy at work this week. Since Monday a have driver over 675 miles. :scared1: Here is a pic of my route the last 3 days.

Tomorrow a should be local, but Friday it looks like another 200 mile day.

On other new it looks like the wrist is finally healed. It only took over 3 months, but now I need to rebuild the wrist muscle to get rid of the stiffness and get my strength back in my hand and wrist.

Only 49 days till I leave for Barcelona:cool1:
ok all the talk about stats for the cruise - i set up a google spreadsheet to track everything! I will slowly use the main site to transfer over info that is on the website (except for real names - just sticking with disnames so it is not so big. If you would like to help in this project personally you can go and fill in your own information! It will take me days to do it myself but i will start doing it. If you think of something else besides what i have on there that we should be tracking - let me know and i will add it.

I took all the names from the website and/or the wristband sheet so if you are not on there add yourself to the bottom please! We have a total of 145 cabins listed!

To get to the sheet go to:


a big mickey mouse thank you !
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