Sequoia Lodge pool

you shouldn't feel silly or embarrased aboutasking (I know we all do though)

We are all neighbours here even though we may live a long way apart and like neighbours we should all muck in and help each other whe needed.

good luck with the Retail Therapy this P.M. We did some pre trip retail therapy last night after DW :love: finished work . Didn't com back with much though we'd only been shopping for holiday clothes 2 weeks ago


5 days to go to Sequoia Lodge DLRP ( just DW :love2: and me)
Oh Bonnie I know how you feel! :hug:
I've put on weight since I've had rheumatoid arthrits as I am unable to be as active as I was before. We are going to be staying at The Explorers & my DD is really looking forward to using the pool there.
I bought my swimsuit the other week, its a tankini kind with a vest style top & shorts bottom. I also got a swimskirt (a short, flarey skirt that you can swim in) to wrap around the bottoms for extra concealment! :teeth: I am not huge by any means but I am lacking in self confidence when it comes to exposing flesh in public.
Berwyn - I'm not looking forward to the shopping at all! I hate it! I can never find anything that fits and looks ok!

Morveryn - Your swimsuit idea sounds great! I'm not sure I've ever seen adult-sized "swimskirts"! Where did you get yours from?
Bonnie said:
Berwyn - I'm not looking forward to the shopping at all! I hate it! I can never find anything that fits and looks ok!

Morveryn - Your swimsuit idea sounds great! I'm not sure I've ever seen adult-sized "swimskirts"! Where did you get yours from?

I've found you can guarantee that when I go clothes shopping if I like something IT WON'T BE IN MY SIZE

It's just one of the great unwritten rules of life like the last two chocolates in the box always being the butterscotch and the montelimar [whatever that is!] and the last parking space in the car park being exactly 1/2 an inch bigger than your car so you have kittens parking. :rotfl:
I know that feeling well living with DW, she's size 20 and it's murder getting clothes to fit. we usually end up in Bon marche, bewise or Matalan.
She loves going shopping but does nothing but complain that there is nothing to fit.

Bonnie said:
Morveryn - Your swimsuit idea sounds great! I'm not sure I've ever seen adult-sized "swimskirts"! Where did you get yours from?

I bought mine in Debenhams but I have seen a few in sportswear shops too, though there doesn't seem to be a lot of choice. :confused3
There are aslo some on ebay - type in 'swim skirt' like that as two words with a space & add your size to bring up a list of whats available in your size.

You shouldn't feel silly for asking (that's what we're all here for!) but I agree with what everyone has said - please don't let your worries spoil your holiday - if you can't let yourself go at DLP then where can you??!! I can pretty much guarantee no-one will look twice at you (I mean that in a nice way!) because everyone will be too worried about how they look! Believe me even slim people get cellulite (haven't you seem those pictures of Posh Spice, size 6 but cellulite on her thighs!) I'm a size 8/10 but am still prone to putting weight onto bum, tum and thighs like all women who have gone through puberty!! I feel a bit exposed when I'm wearing a swimming costume in front of people but just remember everyone's more worried about themselves and they won't be looking at you!

Just think how great you'll feel if you do this - and I bet you'll enjoy it loads!! Go for it!! :cheer2:

Rhiannon :wizard:
I am feeling a bit better today as yesterday, I went out and got a swimming costume! I don't look as hideous as I thought I'd look (though my thighs still look awful) and I'm a bit more confident about going swimming now. I ended up getting one of the ones with the little shorts and tank top like you mentioned you had, Morveryn. :) ::MinnieMo
Good stuff Bonnie,
Gladyou got sorted. DW :love: had a total panic Thursday night she took all her clothes for going out and Said stuff was o.k. but nothing matched :scared1:
so it was down to George in ASDA last night and she found some nice clothes at dcent prices.
Heaven help me when the Credit card bill arrives!!!
we are off to airport hotel after lunch for half the night :sad2: 4.30am check-in at manchester .
I'll let you know about the hotel and building work etc. as soon as I get back next weekend.

Bonnie said:
I am feeling a bit better today as yesterday, I went out and got a swimming costume! I don't look as hideous as I thought I'd look (though my thighs still look awful) and I'm a bit more confident about going swimming now. I ended up getting one of the ones with the little shorts and tank top like you mentioned you had, Morveryn. :) ::MinnieMo

I'm glad you bought one & are feeling a bit better about going swimming now. I don't feel quite as exposed in those tankini kinds of swim suits.

Not long to go now Bonnie -just got a phone call to say our tickets have arrived, I'm off to puck them up this afternoon! :cheer2:
Have a fantastic time, Berwyn! :flower: I'm sure you will and I look forward to hearing all about it when you get back! Have a safe trip! ::MinnieMo ::MickeyMo

Morveryn - We had a phonecall from Thomson about our tickets a few days ago, and I picked them up on Thursday morning. It's so exciting! I love the tiny little guidebook they give you. Now I need to make sure I don't lose these things! We have our little vouchers for Buffalo Bill, the Fantasyland breakfast, Disney Express, etc. I'm off to buy a new suitcase today! :goodvibes

Not long to go! This time in two weeks, we'll be on the Eurostar!
Bonnie, its so nice that you can express your excitement on the boards - I loved checking in here this morning and feeling your vibes through this post. I can almost feel you jumping up and down!! We are off this Thursday and as the boys think we are in a B & B nearby (is there even such a thing!!) I cant wait to see their faces. Ive told them we have to collect our park tickets at the Disneyland Hotel (which is where we are staying), so they will be none the wiser. And because they will no doubt be confirming where we are staying on the Eurostar train (the cms on the train check your name and where you are staying so they can issue you baggage tickets for the Disney Express), ive covered myself by telling the boys we have to say Disneyland Hotel and not the name of this ficticious B & B as this is where our park tickets are - complicated this fibbing stuff!! Im so glad it does not come easily to me - couldnt cope with lying for long!!
Good grief - just checked weather on yahoo - few days ago it forecast wet every day, then it was dry for Sat/Sun, yesterday it went back to the wet scenario and this morning we are heading for thunderstorm on the Saturday with downpours on the Sunday - could it get any better!!!! Now is this my punishment for telling my little white lie!! ;)
I think that's a brilliant plan, Widget! I don't think I'd be able to keep the secret myself, but well done for thinking up some good (and probably convincing!) little white lies to tell them! I hope everything goes to plan and they don't figure it out beforehand! I can't wait to find out their reactions. You must post about it when you return. :earsboy:

I also hope the weather gets better for you! How annoying!
The surprise is brillant. Wait till they realise that they will be waking up at the park each morning :banana:

Widget, have a fabarooney trip!

I hope you realise your public expects a Trip Report, too ;)
Miffy2003 said:
Widget, have a fabarooney trip!

I hope you realise your public expects a Trip Report, too ;)

Yes we do!!!:teeth:

What a fantastic surprise for your sons.:goodvibes
Doncha just enjoy the vibes from someone Disneybound? :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

Have a great time!
I went to look at the SL pool for you Bonnie , there were people of all shapes and sizes in there and all having too good atime to take any notice of anyone else.
It's very warm in there and looks smaller (especially the bit that goes outside) than on Thomas Cook TV promo videos.
I'm not good on pools as we had no local pool when Iwas young and were forced to take school swimming lessons in the Irish Sea UUGH!!! and we all know what goes in there . So I swim like a lead brick and like my water 1 ffot deep and boiling hot in the bath.

Not long to go now for you :Pinkbounc :sunny:



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