~~~~~ Sew, the heat is… ON! ~~~~~ June 2019 ~~~~~ Update x4 6/30!!!!!!!!

Joining in...you and your daughters are adorable!

Happy Belated Birthday - I feel your pain in the dressing room. It's sooo frustrating. But if it makes you feel any better, to me you look like you could be your daughters' sister :)

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Day 4, Part 1

It's my birthday!!! :woohoo:

I was up at 6:30am... Again, I didn't note when the girls got up. :scratchin Usually, I remember Allison getting up right after I got out of the shower - and V was usually dragged out of bed by the promise of coffee about 20 minutes before we had to be out the door. ::yes::

We were out the door at 8am.

We grabbed coffee at the Java Cafe. :lovestruc

I was so excited for today - we had so much planned, and I was looking forward to every bit of it!

Shady Shuttle ----> Poly ----> Monorail ----> Contemporary Resort (I am sure you already know what's planned... ::yes:: )

We shopped for a little bit, but we didn't buy anything.

Cindy met us at the wave at 9:30am... Woohoo!!! My favorite breakfast, with my favorite people in all the World!!!!


I was so excited to wear this outfit today... It's a Lilly Pulitzer Donna Romper in the Playa Hermosa print... I got it for an absolute BARGAIN! And I am now obsessed with rompers, but this is still the only one in my closet. It was so comfy and I love that it looked like a dress, but it's actually shorts. ::yes::

We had to wait a few minutes for our table to be ready...


Our server brought us 2 glasses of champagne to toast my birthday... Allison did the toast with me - seeing as it was just her 21st birthday. :lovestruc

My plate of wonderful goodness.... Grits... Sweet Potato pancakes with Walnut Honey Butter... Eggs Benedict... I know there was waffles with warm syrup too... It is all so marvelous here!


With full-bellies, we went out to the Marina and Cindy took a few pictures of us at our favorite photo spot...



And then we hopped in Cindy's car and headed towards Disney Springs!

I was MOST excited about this portion of our day - well, I was most excited about the entire day, but this was definitely something I had been looking forward to for a while... This might get long...

So, as most of you know - I am new to wearing the Lilly Pulitzer brand... I rediscovered it when I was shopping for a few fun and new things to wear in Aruba last January. I first found out about the brand when they did the Lilly for Target release a few years ago (2015? maybe?) - when I'd purchased a couple shifts there (and have worn them several times since - so flattering and comfy)... Anyways, I really wanted - in the worst way - to be able to wear this clothing line, and look good wearing it. So, I made a "self-imposed rule" that I couldn't buy anything until I'd hit my goal size... Try as I might... I have yet to hit my goal size - so frustrating!!! Finally - after 4 more years of trying, I released myself from my stupid rule and decided to buy a few items for Aruba... And then when I got home from Aruba, I purchased a few more things for Disney... All of it used or second hand. We don't have any Lilly Pulitzer stores in MN, so this trip to Disney Springs would be my first opportunity EVER to get to try on and purchase something brand new from the store - and I had saved up plenty of souvenir $$ for just this purpose on Disney GCs. ::yes::

We go into the store... I find a PILE of stuff to try on... Try it all on, one by one... Skirts, dresses, skorts, tops... You name it, I tried it on.

And nothing looked right. Not. A. Thing. All of it looked terrible on me... Or not good enough to justify paying full price. My heart was so broken!

I literally work out every single day... I do cardio, I lift heavy, I try to make good food choices... And right there, in that moment, on my birthday (no less) - I was going to have a mini-breakdown right in that dressing room. :(

I took one try-on photo, of the one item that I really wanted to buy - but never bought - that looked half way decent on me. It was a romper, of course.


And that's it... We left the store, with me nearly in tears, and no bags in my hand...

We did a bit of other shopping in Disney Springs... We went into the Vera Bradley store and World Of Disney, where we found a couple of items.

We stopped at Starbucks for some giant waters and sat at a table in the shade for a bit - while we decided what the rest of our game plan for the day would be.

We hit one more store with Cindy - where the girls bought just a couple of small things

I was cheering up as time went on... but I am sure that everyone who was with me during this time was feeling my inner-sadness. It was something I really, truly had to pull myself out of - and it took me a good amount of time to do so. I felt badly - after all, it was my birthday, and the people spending this day with me just wanted me to have a great day! I know that with all my heart, and I am so grateful for everyone! :lovestruc I know I have talked here (a lot) about how much I struggle with how I see myself... My self-perception is something very difficult in my life & something I struggle to overcome on a daily basis. It is what it is... We all have our demons, right?

After our last store, Cindy dropped us off at Fort Wilderness... We said our good-byes for the day, she wished me a Happy Birthday... And off we went to navigate the crazy internal bus system of FW. :lmao:

Link to Day 4, Part 2

I just binged your TR. I’ve been away from DIS for far too long!

I’m sorry your bday shopping trip to LP store was bad. You’re too hard on yourself because you look amazing! And the romper/dress you had on at the Wave looked great! (Love the blonde hair, btw. I’ve been contemplating going back blonde myself since I’ve pulled out several gray hair over the past little bit)

Looks like y’all had an awesome trip!
Hope you have a great 4th! Loved that you got to do the fireworks cruise and you found more dresses. They look super cute. I am just waiting for one more email today and then I get to have a few days off.
Of course - my V has so say (loudly) - "Karma is a b****)... And we all chuckled & kept walking to the front of the crowd, while Mom had to wait for Dad. ::yes::

Hahaha love it!

And enjoyed our ride... And I'll say this in every TR for eternity - it will never be the same or as fun as the original TT. ::yes::

AGREED. And the original queue was fantastic!

I just love that pineapples grow this way.

So cute!

HAHA your face! THis is great.

I had it with me on the last trip and I forgot to give it to him. I was glad to have finally delivered it - however - since he was on vacation, I have no idea if he actually received it?

Aw how sweet! I hope he got it!

First was Chewy! :lovestruc

He's the best!

It's clear from the photo that I am carrying-on about something... But BB8 doesn't really talk, so I have NO IDEA what I am saying? :lmao:

So funny, I have very animated conversations with him too. But how?! He just beeps!!!

This is beyond cute. Jealous of the great relationship you have with your daughters!

What!! Such a unique PP spot!

Wow beautiful view! I should go up there more often.
What a wonderful birthday surprise! Your fireworks cruise looked like great fun. You're so happy in the pictures!

I never understand why some people at Disney act so entitled and rude. Good for V for saying something (and yay for karma! :laughing: ).

I LOVE your dresses! They're very cute! I'm so glad you found some great things after your disappointing first attempt.

I have the same thought about shrimp and grits as you had about the VN pizza. I've gotten really good at making it and sometimes the restaurants just don't compete!

Wow, you're very fast with your trip reports! I'm impressed! It was fun to hear about your trip and it seems you and your girls had a great time!
The dresses you bought are adorable! I wish I could find some cute summer dresses like those. I don't think there are any LP store around here. Not sure though. I guess I will have to investigate a little more.
I totally understand your anxiety with airport security. It's not really a big deal to go through but it makes me soo nervous. I'm not sure why. I'm usually fine after we get to our gate but until then I am a nervous wreck. My family doesn't understand it and they dilly dally (not really, but in my mind that's the way it seems) getting this business all done. I just want to go and get it over with. :)
Love the updates! Have a great day!

Thanks so much! I really love that they are cotton and comfy... Pssst... I wear shorts under them. ::yes::

I am getting better with it - but I do find I am much less stressed if I get there early and don't have to rush through it. I'd rather sit there for 2 hours behind security then try to rush.

Thanks! You too! :lovestruc

Wow... I am not even sure where to start here... First off - thank you for always giving me your candid knowledge about life and living life - it means a lot to me, especially this - right here - losing my mom at a young age... A) she never got to an age to experience any of this. And B) I was too young and it never would have occurred to me to ask. So, thank you - from the bottom of my heart - for taking the time to type this out. :hug:

You are very welcome. I am trying to go through this stage of life paying attention to my body as best I can, and it's been interesting, I have to say.

As women, I feel like we have such high expectations of ourselves... I've already started to experience some of the things you mentioned... I have no idea if the zero skin elasticity is due to "getting to be that age" or if it's because of my gain 50 lbs, lose 50 lbs a hundred times in my life??? I can definitely see though, where my skin hasn't bounced back - and I doubt it ever will - I probably struggle with this part the most - as it affects me so much... My thighs - my stomach... No matter how loose the waist of my clothes are - I will always have a "muffin top" because of the excess skin. Sigh. And when I look at photos of myself - that is all I see. Age is really not good to us, is it? It's almost scary and sad to think that our bodies will never get better, only worse... :eek: Thank you again - for taking the time to write all of that - truly. :lovestruc

Again, you are very welcome. My heart goes out to you, because I know exactly what you're feeling because it's been me too, and I still struggle sometimes with it. Carrying that mental burden around is exhausting and it's much more complicated than just "wanting" to accept your body.

Also... At this point in my life - I have a very hard time taking any sort of medication - unless it's necessary, of course... (This is just me talking now) - I've never once in my life taken a hormone for any reason, I've always felt like it would mess with my body and just nature in general. I've kind of already decided, and of course - I reserve the right to reevaluate at any time (LOL) - that when the time comes, I will not take any hormones for the menopause time of my life either... I have a hard time taking anything to off-put something that is supposed to occur naturally within my body. And - I totally agree... To each their own - this is just me. :lovestruc

FYI for you and everyone reading here - I have been very successful combating hot flashes with this magnesium supplement: Nested Naturals magnesium glycinate chelate . Luckily, taking two at bedtime has virtually eliminated my hotflashes. Every few months I'll stop taking it to see if that phase is over, and they come back so I do know a) it works! and b) that phase is NOT OVER lol. And thankfully I don't experience hot flashes with the excessive sweating that plagues some women.

On to the rest of your post...

I can totally see how that would be bothersome... As someone, who doesn't live in that area of the country, I can honestly say that I didn't give much thought to it... And to be very honest - I couldn't hear a lot of the show - so any implications simply went straight over my head. ::yes:: As a girl - I loved HeeHaw... It was always on before/after Lawrence Welk - who was my mom's FAVORITE - so we always ended up watching it... However - at that age - I had NO idea what it represented... But now, I can totally see how it could be offensive. :hug:

We watched HeeHaw and Lawrence Welk, too! Not many channels back then. My dad, who looked like a set extra for HH in his everyday clothes (always wore overalls) enjoyed Roy Clark's musical talent. And I'm sure the pretty girls LOL. My mom loved Lawrence Welk.

Yes - according to everyone who was there... "It was the hottest week EVER" ::yes:: The girls were miserable... For some reason - yes, I was hot - but I wasn't as miserable as they were. :confused3 Not sure why? You'd think it would be the other way around?

It's because you're cool, calm, and collected LOL. Or maybe because you're wearing cotton/linen and they're not. I'll never be convinced that these performance fabrics of polyester keep you cooler than good old 100% cotton, linen, and silk.

As I said, I've been trying to be aware while going through menopause, and it's been sincerely so interesting. Since puberty I've felt like there was a war going on inside my body - let's face it, fluctuating hormones/PMS/pregnancy can make a person feel if not react a little crazy at times - and menopause is like the other side of the war suddenly quit and ran away! I feel myself "becoming", but I haven't been able to put it into words. Then, Friday I realized - it's like the difference between being a child before puberty, and then all that happens and you're an adult. I feel like I'm going back to where I was in my head before puberty, but with all the wisdom of a lifetime. It's actually fabulous from a mental/personality point of view. And to gain all that I'll take the physical consequences (not necessarily happily - that's a work in progress).

I hope to have that insight one day. ::yes::

It is hard... And it's hard to explain. Thank you for "getting it"... There are so many who just don't understand - and not that I expect people to - but it's nice to know that others can relate. :hug: I sometimes end up feeling worse about myself because half the time, I don't "get it" either. ::yes::

I have heard EXCELLENT things about Magnesium - I even purchased some (months ago) with the best of intentions to start taking it... Sadly - (or luckily) I don't take any meds, so reminding myself to take it has been an issue - like I've never even popped the seal on the bottle. LOL

But I bet that you dad was an amazing man! :lovestruc I try to never judge people by how they look (yet, I judge myself - I know)... I also try not to judge people by other's experiences with them - if possible - I try to "judge them" (for lack of a better word) for how they have treated me personally and my own experiences with them.

Maybe? Not sure why the heat wasn't as hard on me as it was on them? I mean, you'd think it would be easier on them because they are young? :scratchin

A very interesting take on it. ::yes:: Again - thanks for sharing! I can only hope I can have that sort of mental clarity at that time of my life.

DANG GIRL 🔥 you blew right through that trip report! I LOVE your Lilly dresses! I wear a lot of dresses all summer long here in Georgia and for me the key to them being so cool and comfortable are these Maidenform bike shorts . I don't know about you, but this girl's got some thigh chub. :rotfl:

I love V's fanny pack! I'm a fanny pack enthusiast from way back. They're just so convenient! I hope the popularity trend continues.

My daugher and grandson and I ate at Via Napoli last August and I have to say, I've had better pizza. The waiters sure were handsome, though! We got the large pizza and I took a picture of it, and for whatever reason, in front of my grandson, it looks g-i-g-a-n-t-i-c but it really was just your average large pizza: :lmao:

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The closest I've been to a fireworks cruise has been using boat transportation for whatever reason during the fireworks, lol. I do love fireworks from the water. And OMG Suzi's cake! I was reading your report and glanced at the pic and my knee-jerk reaction was "awwwww, they each got birthday cakes how nice wait does that say Fuzi OMG HER CAKE SAYS FUZI" I bet it tasted delicious, no matter!

My daughter lives in Atlanta and has a "dee-luxe apartment in the sky" on the 19th floor with a balcony. I'll go out there but I'd rather be attached with some of those rock-climbing ropes to something sturdy inside when I do. :eek:

No hate about V's comments to the pushy rude stroller family. That sort of thing drives me crazy. I mean honestly, when you've got a stroller and kids in tow (hopefully!) you're not going to be theme park commandos. Slow the heck down. There will be plenty of Epcot left when you get there!

Thank so much for sharing your trip with us! I'm not sure when my family will get back to WDW. My grandson is at that age (3-4) where he doesn't want to wait for anything (rides, food, buses, etc) and that can make for a miserable time. Been there, done that, don't have to do it as a grandma. LOL

Hehehe - I just opened the link for the bike shorts... I do secretly wear shorts under all of my dresses - thigh rub here too - but I will look into those for sure! Thanks for sharing! :)

Well - V's fanny pack is technically Allison's - though Allison really wanted to wear it, she never did.

That pizza does look huge - especially next to your adorable grandson. Our pizza was definitely good this trip - just not as good as other trips or as good as V's. I probably won't keep us from going back. And yes - the waiters are a nice bonus. :lmao:

Right!!! LOL Fuzi was GREAT!!! Like - it was just so funny!

No thank you! LOL - I couldn't do that, no way. LOL

I agree - it was just annoying and rude all around.

I love sharing our trips and I am so happy that people enjoy reading about them... If people didn't actually read and comment, I don't think I would continue? But as long as people enjoy - I am happy to share. :lovestruc

Thanks for taking the time to always respond to my posts. :hug:

I’m sad your trip report is over! I hope you have something to keep writing about in your pre-trip report because I sure love reading them.

I love the LP dresses you purchased! So cute! We are headed to the beach next week and I know there is a LP store there - I’m going to have to go in and browse.

In all our years of traveling to Disney, I never once thought to stand up at the train station to watch the fireworks. We might need to try that next trip.

I am sure I'll find something to write about. :scratchin

Thanks! You will have to go look! LMK if you get anything - I'd love to see!

Yes - try... It's a nice vantage point. It does get crowded - don't get me wrong... But IMO - it's less busy than Main Street. ::yes::

😂 It was hilarious 😂 and yes, it still tasted amazing! I think we all had a piece of each. It had a nice light mousse inside, so it was light and refreshing. Such a great experience!

It was so FUNNY!!! I love my Fuzi!

What a great trip report. Your dresses are gorgeous and I love seeing all your bags/ears/outfits.
I hope Bob gets his present. He looks so pleased to see you all :)
Also very happy for that little bit of karma to the lady at Epcot! What is it with some people >:(
Really enjoyed reading about your adventures. Thanks for taking us along :)

Thank you! :lovestruc

I think you mean Joe? I hope so too! He was very happy to see all of us! From what he said - we are the only ones who come back to see him trip after trip. :lovestruc I feel like everyone who works at Disney should have someone who shows them that they make a difference.

Right? LOL I was happy to be able to witness Karma that day.

I am so happy to share them with everyone! Thank you for following along! :lovestruc

YUM! It's impressive that whoever was decorating cakes has probably seen so many names that someone being named Fuzi did not give him/her pause. I actually understand that because I work at a state university and man, the names . . . so many unusual names, especially international ones. o_O

LOL We were thinking the same thing. LOL

How great that you had the deck of cards to get time to pass while waiting on Josh.
Sounds like your trip back home went well. I can't wait to hear about your next trip.

Yes - it was sure a life saver and a good way to pass the time.

It did go well - a little long - but it was fine. :)

Wow - so many updates! A few random comments. Good decision to use Lyft. We've used taxi's in the past especially to get from our resort to another resort. So nice Uber and Lyft are now available - do they still have the polka dot Minnie cars? I've always loved that house in L with the L! V's LP pants are so cute and look very comfy. Your LP dresses are so cute and they are very flattering on you. I love floral prints and have a few in my wardrobe. LP has never been on my radar but I might have to watch for them. LOVE your pictures with Donald and Daisy! The Key Lime dessert looks SO good - that will be something I try when I can finally make a return trip happen. I think this is the week you usually head for the lake - if so hope you have a great time!

Yes - we will definitely be using some sort of Lyft/Uber in the future. Yes - I did still see the Minnie-vans around.

Thanks so much - I love florals too! I have always worn them a lot. ::yes::

Thanks - they did turn out really well.

The key lime dole whip was EVERYTHING I imagined it would be - and more! ::yes::

Thank you - you are right... We didn't go to the lake for the entire week this year - only for a few days... Josh had some work commitments that he couldn't get out of. ::yes:: But it was nice - we had a good time. :lovestruc

I may have LOL at work over "fuzi"'s birthday cake!!! I have actually seen the fireworks from a pontoon boat too! It is AMAZING! But, honestly, it was more fun because of the company...I actually prefer the fireworks from the park.

Cute dresses!

Have a great 4th of July!

LOL - trust me - we all were howling! It was so funny!

Right - the company was fantastic!!! It was so night to share it with old and new friends!

Thank you - I do like them a lot!

Same to you!!! :lovestruc

what an amazing birthday surprise!!!! That was simply awesome! I love the dresses you picked up and they look fantastic on you ::yes:: Looks like you all had a great little get away! Sometimes it's those last minute put together trips that work out so great and are just what a person needed

Funny cake writing story. I was picking up an ice cream cake for our son in law at our Dairy Queen. The person working the register...told me to write down what I wanted...and also put on there what color I wanted them to use. A couple minutes later...someone came out with the cake I picked out with " Happy Birthday Tom in Blue " on it :laughing: I can laugh now...I wasn't very happy at the time...as they didn't have another plain cake that size to write on. So I took it home. Now it's a running joke when it's his Birthday, Needless to say, I also suggested that if the employee who is doing the writing doesn't read English or understand much English...DON'T let them do that job :eek:

It was incredible - my words did not do it justice!

Thank you! I do love the dresses - and even though I desire something a lot more "fancy" - these are so practical, I will get a lot of use out of them, I think?

Hahahaha!!!! That is so funny!!! I would have been slightly irritated too - but I am glad everyone saw the humor in it. It's things like that, you just can't make up. LOL


I'll continue working on replies as I go along... This is all I have time for this morning though.

Josh and the boys and I are back from the lake... We had a great and relaxing - but short - trip. Not our typical 10 day trip... This year was only 4 days, including travel. Oh well, at least we got to go and were able to spend Josh's birthday there. :)

The weather was good...


We did a little bit of Jet-skiing... Pontooning... We had a few fires and a bit of wine...


The boys are always happy there!



I read a book and did a lot of relaxing...


Allison even made it up for a couple days. Overall a great trip! But now I am back to working and life. :lovestruc

I still have to write my "final thoughts" update here, and then I will close out this TR - hopefully one day this week. :)

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend! Prayers and pixie dust to all! :grouphug:

Your time at the lake looks so nice - and relaxing. There's a lake in NW Wisconsin we've gone to for many years. But, we're skipping it this year and I'm really missing it. Our dog loved it there too! I'll be watching for your final thoughts and then hope to see another PTR!
I can’t think of a better way to spend four summer days than at the lake. It looks like heaven. :)
Your birthday surprise looked amazing! The photos of the fireworks were great but I'm sure don't do it justice to the real thing. How cool! And yay for V for saying something about the line cutters. I totally would have done that. Someone cut in front of us when we were in the mad rush for Hagrid's coaster the second day of opening and while I contained myself, it was about to get ugly if she cut in front of one more person. I think her hubby knew and offered us guilt snacks when we finally got to the point of waiting in standstill for the line. Can't wait to see the PTR for the next trip. Is this the "big" family one??
Joining in...you and your daughters are adorable!

Happy Belated Birthday - I feel your pain in the dressing room. It's sooo frustrating. But if it makes you feel any better, to me you look like you could be your daughters' sister :)

Thank you and thank you! :lovestruc

Awwwh - you're so sweet. :) I love to hear that - my girls hate it. :lmao:

I just binged your TR. I’ve been away from DIS for far too long!

I’m sorry your bday shopping trip to LP store was bad. You’re too hard on yourself because you look amazing! And the romper/dress you had on at the Wave looked great! (Love the blonde hair, btw. I’ve been contemplating going back blonde myself since I’ve pulled out several gray hair over the past little bit)

Looks like y’all had an awesome trip!

Yay!!! Welcome back! How are you?

Thank you! I've since had a few good shopping experiences - so I am over the major disappointment of it all... I do wish I would have found something there, but oh well. :)

Thanks - I am LOVING being blond!!! However, at my last root touch up appointment a few weeks ago - the root color she used was a bit darker... So, I am still blond - but not as blond. The more time I spend in the sun though - the better it looks. ::yes:: If you want to go blond - I'd definitely do it! As long as you don't bleach it, you can always go back. :)

We did have an awesome trip!!! It was probably one of our best! :lovestruc

Hope you have a great 4th! Loved that you got to do the fireworks cruise and you found more dresses. They look super cute. I am just waiting for one more email today and then I get to have a few days off.

We did have a great 4th! I hope you did too!

It was a fantastic surprise cruise trip - a great memory I will cherish forever!!! :lovestruc

Wahoo!!! I hope you enjoy your time off!

Hahaha love it!

AGREED. And the original queue was fantastic!

I just love that pineapples grow this way.

So cute!
HAHA your face! THis is great.

Aw how sweet! I hope he got it!

He's the best!

So funny, I have very animated conversations with him too. But how?! He just beeps!!!

This is beyond cute. Jealous of the great relationship you have with your daughters!

What!! Such a unique PP spot!

Wow beautiful view! I should go up there more often.

I love it when replies are done this way! It's so easy for me to read and see what you're responding to... However - then when I go to reply to you, it doesn't show me what you are replying to - so I get to this point and I am like "huh?" LOL... So, just know that I read all of your replies - thank you for responding. :lovestruc

I did get the BB8 reference though - and LOL - Yah, my girls claim that I can talk to everyone... Which is super funny, because I am relatively shy... I just talk a lot. ::yes::

Thank you - I love the relationship I have with my girls. I am so lucky!!! I don't know how I did it? Or how it evolved... But it is something I cherish in my life greatly. :lovestruc

What a wonderful birthday surprise! Your fireworks cruise looked like great fun. You're so happy in the pictures!

I never understand why some people at Disney act so entitled and rude. Good for V for saying something (and yay for karma! :laughing: ).

I LOVE your dresses! They're very cute! I'm so glad you found some great things after your disappointing first attempt.

I have the same thought about shrimp and grits as you had about the VN pizza. I've gotten really good at making it and sometimes the restaurants just don't compete!

Wow, you're very fast with your trip reports! I'm impressed! It was fun to hear about your trip and it seems you and your girls had a great time!

It was so fun!!! It's definitely ruined me forever - and I guarantee that I will want to do a fireworks cruise on every trip forever. :lmao:

Love Karma!!!

Thank you - I love these dresses and I wear them often... Which is kinda funny, because up until now in my life - I've never worn dresses much. :scratchin I did tell myself though - if I was going to spend that much on a dress, it better be something that I can wear for many occasions, or no occasion at all - so I am getting a ton of use out of them. Then, when I am done, I can sell them on one of the resell markets, recoup some or most of my $$ and buy different ones. ::yes:: I have a strategy now. LOL

That is so hard isn't it... It almost ruins the fun of going out. So, now the best part of going out, for me - is the fact that I don't have to do dishes. Nothing competes with that! ::yes::

I try to get them done quickly... I get in a groove and I kind of have a routine I use and it works well for me. Besides, I like to finish them while everything is fresh on my mind. :)

We did have a great time - one of our best trips yet!!! :lovestruc Thanks for following along! :)

Your time at the lake looks so nice - and relaxing. There's a lake in NW Wisconsin we've gone to for many years. But, we're skipping it this year and I'm really missing it. Our dog loved it there too! I'll be watching for your final thoughts and then hope to see another PTR!

It is - Just bummed that it was such a short trip this time. Oh well! There's nothing better in life - I am very fortunate that Josh's family has this space for us to use - and that they let us use it with them! :lovestruc

Bummer that you're missing your trip this year - I hope you can continue the tradition next year?

Me too - LOL... Hopefully I will have a reason to start another PTR soon! :scratchin

I can’t think of a better way to spend four summer days than at the lake. It looks like heaven. :)

Thank you - it was wonderful!!! How is your summer going? Are you still loving your new kitchen???

Your birthday surprise looked amazing! The photos of the fireworks were great but I'm sure don't do it justice to the real thing. How cool! And yay for V for saying something about the line cutters. I totally would have done that. Someone cut in front of us when we were in the mad rush for Hagrid's coaster the second day of opening and while I contained myself, it was about to get ugly if she cut in front of one more person. I think her hubby knew and offered us guilt snacks when we finally got to the point of waiting in standstill for the line. Can't wait to see the PTR for the next trip. Is this the "big" family one??

It was so amazing!!! I feel like we got to see 2 different shows out of the same show... The fireworks cruise was just a great vantage point for the fireworks, and the train station was a great vantage point for the projection show... However we coudn't see the high fireworks well because we were under the roof of the train station - had we gotten there hours earlier and been able to stake out a spot at the front by that railing - I think we would have been able to see both better? ::yes::

Sometimes our spouses can do things that embarrass us right? LOL Poor guy was probably super embarrassed? LOL Just because I am standing next to my spouse doesn't always mean that I agree with him. :scratchin

It's supposed to be the "big" family trip... However, shortly after we came back from WDW, BMTL had to postpone it until 2021 (thankful now that I didn't buy an AP)... However, the girls and I are still trying to figure out if we can get to WDW for V's 21st birthday. So, we are working on it - however - nothing firm and I hate to start a PTR without anything booked. Hopefully I will be able to start one soon? ::yes::


OK all - gotta run!!!

All caught up on replies - I hope you have a great weekend! Pixie dust to all! :grouphug:

I love these dresses and I wear them often... Which is kinda funny, because up until now in my life - I've never worn dresses much. :scratchin I did tell myself though - if I was going to spend that much on a dress, it better be something that I can wear for many occasions, or no occasion at all - so I am getting a ton of use out of them.
This is the right summer for these cute dresses. I see women wearing them all the time. I have a cute one that I bought when we were in Door County on Memorial weekend that I need to wear soon. :)
How is your summer going? Are you still loving your new kitchen???
The new kitchen is great. I've been baking bread and other yeast raised goodies and found out that my new oven has a proof setting. Proof is just a fancy British word for letting the dough raise. We learned that on the Great British baking show, which we have been watching.
We have a trip to Disney planned for August 24th to 31st and are looking forward to it, in spite of the fact that it will be hot.

I am trying to retire but a replacement hasn't been hired yet. I don't think the boss is ready to let me go yet. But I am ready. ::yes::

BMTL had to postpone it until 2021 (thankful now that I didn't buy an AP)...
It is lucky you didn't buy the AP but if you had you would have had a good excuse to book the 21st birthday trip for V. :)
I'm all caught up and finished! What a great trip! I am thrilled for you that you got to spend so much time with DIS friends! It looked like You and "Fuzi" had an awesome birthday! (you should totally submit that cake to cakewrecks.com CLASSIC!) I love that you caught up with Photopass Joe, too! I love how Disney brings people together! Your outfits were awesome and I am so glad you found some new LP that you like. It seems like your girls connected pretty well on this trip? I know you love seeing them enjoy time together.
We are leaving TN tomorrow and heading back to our new (empty) house permanently. Jason will join us next week, so we are all excited to see him and start the process of settling in. We won't have wifi for a little while, but I will have FB on my phone.

I can't wait to hear about the epic Family trip in 2021 and hopefully another girls trip before then? I think the end of January sound like a good time (only because we will be there at that time, LOL). Thanks for sharing another wonderful trip, D! Sending you all lots of Love!
Hey there Dorine! I thought I was going to be so, so behind and here you are already bam done with the TR, so now I am at the tail end. But, I have so enjoyed sharing this trip through your eyes and seeing all of the memories made with your beautiful daughters and treasured friends. I have just a few comments. First, and foremost, you know I am your biggest fan and cheerleader. My heart hurt for you on your birthday shopping trip. Girl, you are beautiful, and are so blessed. We as women get things into our heads and it is so hard to stop. I cannot stand my smile. If you look at a lot of my pics I am either not smiling or have the most awkward look on my face. You have a beautiful, radiant smile, and so beautiful inside and out. Every day remind yourself of this. Talk to yourself if you have to. As said by another poster, it is really hard when you are in your 50's, and my hubby loves to remind me I am over halfway to 60. You age and change and have to accept what has been given but strive to be as healthy as possible. And then your dinner turned out not so great. But, look at how the evening ended. Beautiful, beyond words. This trip and report flew, and I cannot wait to see more of your adventures. I hope V gets her wish to celebrate her 21st in WDW!

A huge Texas hug sent your way!!!!
Oh you guys!!! So sorry I went MIA again... We have been so busy! I don't even know where to start?

How about we start with V at Menards... Which is a Now n' Then... :lovestruc


As you know (I think?) we have been working on landscaping our yard this summer... It has been crazy - and turned out to be a LOT more expensive than we wanted it to be, only because the end decision was to finally build our garage. :scratchin We are slowly getting our yard into shape... We've planted some bushes, relocated some hostas, added rock, hung a few ferns... You know the drill. Overall - I am so happy with it. I still want to re-stain and possibly update our porch posts and paint all front facings of our porch white... But we will see? For now - this is where we've ended.


And this is how far we have come! (Circa 2006 - before we purchased our house)


A few details...




We took down our old garage in 2011 (some of you who have been following me for a while may remember this?) - we have been living without a garage for all of these years - and it hasn't been fun. So, in the midst of all of our landscaping - we decided it was time to build the garage. We've kind of been preparing for this over the years, but it's still a financial shock. ::yes:: Usually - we do all of our updates ourselves, but this time - we are hiring it out - which is VERY new ground for us - and somewhat strange to navigate. For once, it will be nice to watch other people do the work. We have had a few contractors out here to work up bids - so now we are just trying to decide who we are going with... It is our hope that it will be completely sealed up by Dec 1.

This is the part of our yard that you never get to see... This is where the garage will go.


And finally - we hosted a family gathering for my Dad's siblings and all of the cousins on that side of the family... We had approximately 50 people here on Saturday - it was a beautiful day and wonderful to be able to reconnect with everyone.


And a tribute to my grandparents...


Josh has been working some crazy mandatory overtime these last weeks - last week alone was 89 hours... This week is working up to be about the same. He is tired, but hopefully nearing the end of it.

While he is doing that - I have been putting in some OT of my own... Gearing up for my Fall auctions. So it has been crazy all around here!

The girls and dogs are doing well - the girls are starting back to college next week and the dogs are keeping me company while Josh works! :)

Wishing you all well - And hopefully I can get my final updates done soon!

Prayers and Pixie Dust! :grouphug:

Wow D~!

Your industriousness makes me tired. I wish I had a tenth of your energy! :worship:

Not that you asked for opinions, but I've always wanted to live in a RED house. Just sayin'. They make quite a statement.

Do you mind sharing where you got the artwork hanging above your grandparents' tribute? It would look great in my office. :love:

Have a great day!
Glad to see you back! Love your now and then pictures :-) Sometimes it's hard to realize our little ones are gone but life moves on. My grandsons are growing up too fast - wish I could slow them down! Your home looks lovely. You've totally transformed it. Older homes sure have more character than new ones. Having company over is a real motivator to get things done. I should invite people over more often! How great your Dad and family could reconnect. You must be so excited to be getting a garage! Especially living in the snowy North!
Hi Dorine,

It is great to hear from you again. Josh must be exhausted with that kind of work schedule. Will he get back to something close to 40 hours a week soon?

I love the "then and now" for Victoria. That is so adorable. :)

Are you going to make your new garage big enough for two cars? It will be really nice to have a new one, especially when it snows. And a nice shiny, new garage won't have bugs and cobwebs and decades of old stuff. It will be nice to have a clean slate. :)

Today is my first day of retirement and tomorrow we are going to Disney World. I can't wrap my head around it yet. The training period for my replacement has been very stressful. I will miss my coworkers but not the work itself. I haven't had time or energy to think about my Disney trip, but luckily, I've had so much experience packing for a trip to WDW that I should be able to accomplish it just fine. This is the first time I have a full day to pack, too, instead of pulling the final pieces together after a full day at work. And the best part is that I won't have a week's worth of laundry waiting for me when I get home. I can so it today. ;)


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