Sharing the Disney Magic with Family & Friends-DL Diamond Anniversary-DCA F&W Fest Kiosks & The End!

Oh my what a nightmare. Would it be possible to use your points for the May cruises?

No they're already PiF. Plus I don't think holding points can be used for cruises. I might be able to apply some of the Dream Cruise to the October one though.

This might be a silly question at this time, but what is a 3D friend ?

3D friends are the ones you know in real life. We have a saying that friends here are 2D, sort of friends in a box, until we meet and make the connection as 3D friends. Several people on this thread I have met and had a meal/drinks etc with more often than folks that I see on a regular basis and know in my daily life. Sad but true.
No they're already PiF. Plus I don't think holding points can be used for cruises. I might be able to apply some of the Dream Cruise to the October one though.

I forgot the May cruises were past their PIF date. Darn. I feel so bad for both of you as I know you all were so excited for this trip.
I forgot the May cruises were past their PIF date. Darn. I feel so bad for both of you as I know you all were so excited for this trip.

Yeah and the thing is I was SO looking forward to my first Big Ship cruise and Castaway Cay. I'm going to look at rescheduling this for next Fall, but the cruise pricing may be through the roof by now. I haven't had a chance today to go online and look, so many other things I had to do.

Things are looking slightly up. It seems that my scooter (which is slightly smaller) will drive through the whole house now that I have moved some of the cat boxes and furniture. She will be able to leave the bedroom when she feels up to it, but at least we can get her to the potty and back without too much work!
Things are looking slightly up. It seems that my scooter (which is slightly smaller) will drive through the whole house now that I have moved some of the cat boxes and furniture. She will be able to leave the bedroom when she feels up to it, but at least we can get her to the potty and back without too much work!

That's good news since I'm sure she'll get tired of being in only one room. I hope Fran's Ortho appt. goes well and she doesn't get any more bad news.
Oh no!!! What a nightmare. I will confess to not understanding how DVC points work in the least (your quote about Charlie Brown's teacher applies to me here!) but I sincerely hope you can figure this out and it works out for the best. More importantly, I hope Fran heals quickly with a minimum of pain and that you guys can work out her care. I'm so sorry your plans were interrupted like that. I hope she gets well soon.

I guess I'm a little like Mark and Julie, I now have my own Drew that wakes up in the middle of night and needs consoling!

I wouldn't wish that on anybody! :scared1:
Oh Alison and Fran,

So sorry to hear all of this it was a true nightmare. I wish we were closer we would help, too but we also don't have a car that someone could get into if their entire leg was braced. Ughhh.

The boot would be so much easier, I hope it heals quickly, and that Fran is getting so relief.

In a similar situation I have seen people be able to rent out their reservations on the DIS boards, under the rent/trade section. Hope you are able to get all of that worked out.

Oh carp! I'd trade points with you but I am going to be out of town during your trip. So sorry to hear about the fall, hospital treatment, and the trip issues. Hugs to the both of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Give Fran my best and keep us posted.
Gosh! Hugs and prayers for fast healing. I really hope you are able to get your points rented. Good luck on staying healthy. Sounds like you have worked hard at it and did a good job while dealing with the hospital. Take care!
Oh my goodness, what a nightmare! I'm so sorry :( I hope the ortho appointment went well and no more bad news. Thats good you were able to get your smaller scooter down the hall.
I got behind (stupid lack of updates) and Alison just gave me the heads up there was drama and she was right. I'm so sorry this happened to Fran and you have to cancel your plans. I hope Fran heals quickly so she can get back on her feet.

Big hugs going out to both of you!

Jill in CO
Glad the scooter is able to get thru the house. It would be tough to say in a room all day.
And we know we need potty breaks !
What was the outcome at the Ortho today ?
That's good news since I'm sure she'll get tired of being in only one room. I hope Fran's Ortho appt. goes well and she doesn't get any more bad news.

Well Fran can now traverse the whole house in the scooter, except for Olga's room, and I'll give you guys a spoiler for the House Thread. Olga won't sleep in her room any more. We've stopped the rotation stuff, about a week before the fall. She has become a herd cat, thank goodness, so we're not doing that every other night thing any more.

And there was not Orthopedic Doctor that could see her today. She has two appointments for tomorrow. At the same time. I need to cancel one.

Oh no!!! What a nightmare. I will confess to not understanding how DVC points work in the least (your quote about Charlie Brown's teacher applies to me here!) but I sincerely hope you can figure this out and it works out for the best. More importantly, I hope Fran heals quickly with a minimum of pain and that you guys can work out her care. I'm so sorry your plans were interrupted like that. I hope she gets well soon.

Well, I'm now working on a number of options. I just want to see the Ortho doctor and get some answers, how long do you think it will take to heal? When do you think she can bear weight on it? Just basic stuff, this is killing me when she can't even step on the other foot. A trip to the bathroom takes 40 minutes! With me being there helping to get up, get down the whole time.
I wouldn't wish that on anybody! :scared1:

Luckily she has been pretty good about sleeping through the night!

Oh Alison and Fran,

So sorry to hear all of this it was a true nightmare. I wish we were closer we would help, too but we also don't have a car that someone could get into if their entire leg was braced. Ughhh.

She just wants a car she can lay in the back seat of! I picked up a rental car today for the next week, we'll see how it works.

The boot would be so much easier, I hope it heals quickly, and that Fran is getting so relief.

I do hope that they give her something like a boot like you had. At least that would protect her ankle and fibula. We'll just have to see tomorrow.

In a similar situation I have seen people be able to rent out their reservations on the DIS boards, under the rent/trade section. Hope you are able to get all of that worked out.


I'll check into that before canceling, but most likely go with David's or another possible solution.

Oh carp! I'd trade points with you but I am going to be out of town during your trip. So sorry to hear about the fall, hospital treatment, and the trip issues. Hugs to the both of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Give Fran my best and keep us posted.

Thanks, I'll definitely check in post Ortho Doctor appointment, It's then that we will have some idea of course of treatment and what will be involved in the expectation of healing. Thanks for the hugs, we need them right now!

Gosh! Hugs and prayers for fast healing. I really hope you are able to get your points rented. Good luck on staying healthy. Sounds like you have worked hard at it and did a good job while dealing with the hospital. Take care!

:welcome: I'm sorry you had to come on board to such a dismal TR, but I guess if this thing gets postponed it will be a real bonafide PTR as we reschedule and rebook everything!

Oh my goodness, what a nightmare! I'm so sorry :( I hope the ortho appointment went well and no more bad news. Thats good you were able to get your smaller scooter down the hall.

No Ortho appt yet, that will be tomorrow. I did get a rental car and I hope we can put Fran in the back seat and drive her to the appt. It's a much bigger back seat than the Prius, so we'll see how it goes. Naked Jim should be back from San Diego and he said he would help if we needed it!
Oh my gosh, poor Fran! And then the Doc hit her foot too?! :faint: :eek::eek:

Hopefully the appt goes well tomorrow! Prayers for both of you.
Wishing you tons of good luck today at the appointments! Please keep us posted. Text me if you're bored or want/need to chat in the waiting room. :grouphug:
Glad you were able to rent a car for the next week, hopefully it will make traversing much easier.

Hope you and Fran are doing better today :hug:
Alison and Fran,
I am SO sorry this has happened. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I am really anxious to hear what the Ortho Dr. says. Thanks so much for letting me know what was going on, I had no idea. Bless you.

Please keep us posted. I just wish I was close so I could help. I would be there in a second!!
Goodness, this is not what I expected to find after being away for a few days. I am so sorry. :hug: I am thinking of you and Fran. I hope the appointment goes well and they can figure out something that will make Fran more mobile. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for this trip. On a positive note though, it is wonderful that 1st Street is nearly finished.

That's good news since I'm sure she'll get tired of being in only one room. I hope Fran's Ortho appt. goes well and she doesn't get any more bad news.

Well Fran can now traverse the whole house in the scooter, except for Olga's room, and I'll give you guys a spoiler for the House Thread. Olga won't sleep in her room any more. We've stopped the rotation stuff, about a week before the fall. She has become a herd cat, thank goodness, so we're not doing that every other night thing any more.

And there was not Orthopedic Doctor that could see her Monday. She had two appointments for Tuesday. At the same time. I canceled one, and went with the medical group that did her hip and knee surgeries. The doctor she had for those retired at the end of 2014. The guy we saw today was a complete waste of time.

Oh no!!! What a nightmare. I will confess to not understanding how DVC points work in the least (your quote about Charlie Brown's teacher applies to me here!) but I sincerely hope you can figure this out and it works out for the best. More importantly, I hope Fran heals quickly with a minimum of pain and that you guys can work out her care. I'm so sorry your plans were interrupted like that. I hope she gets well soon.

Yeah, this trip is not happening. However, we still have no idea on how her treatment will go and what is happening based on the comment above. I will hopefully elaborate later this evening. I need it to vent.
I wouldn't wish that on anybody! :scared1:

Surprisingly she has been sleeping through the night and not needing to get up and have help going to the potty from me. That may be different tonight.

Oh Alison and Fran,

So sorry to hear all of this it was a true nightmare. I wish we were closer we would help, too but we also don't have a car that someone could get into if their entire leg was braced. Ughhh.

Well, the Toyota Camry isn't an ideal choice, she still rode with her foot out the window today, but not as far. She was able to get it inside the car when she got cold. We'll see how it goes when she has to ride on the freeway this weekend! :lmao:

The boot would be so much easier, I hope it heals quickly, and that Fran is getting so relief.

They didn't think they could put a boot on her with the shape of her foot and swelling, but I'll get to that later.

In a similar situation I have seen people be able to rent out their reservations on the DIS boards, under the rent/trade section. Hope you are able to get all of that worked out.


We're working on a solution, and if not I'll try David's, maybe the rent/trade section briefly before I totally cancel.

Oh carp! I'd trade points with you but I am going to be out of town during your trip. So sorry to hear about the fall, hospital treatment, and the trip issues. Hugs to the both of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Give Fran my best and keep us posted.

I don't think speedy recovery is going to be in the process, but you never know.

Gosh! Hugs and prayers for fast healing. I really hope you are able to get your points rented. Good luck on staying healthy. Sounds like you have worked hard at it and did a good job while dealing with the hospital. Take care!

:welcome: I hope we are able to salvage something from this trip and then rebook with Jim and then I will be able to tell you all about it!

Oh my goodness, what a nightmare! I'm so sorry :( I hope the ortho appointment went well and no more bad news. Thats good you were able to get your smaller scooter down the hall.

No the Ortho appointment didn't go well. It didn't go bad, but I'll explain later.
OK, so I'm popping in again and will reply to everyone that I've missed when I get a chance, but I wanted to let you know what happened today at the Ortho doctor. When we called this group, I wanted to make an appointment with the doctor who did her hip and knee surgeries. Unfortunately he retired at the end of 2014. So they set us up with his "replacement". Who was no replacement. The old Doctor had years and years of experience and really knew his stuff. This guy and his physician assistant were not all that.

First off, they actually showed me where on the X-rays the fractures had occurred. That was helpful at least for me to know. The ankle fracture is in that bone on the outside of your ankle where the little "bump" is located. The other fracture is at the top of the fibula which is just below the knee. This happens when a leg twists. There are two bones in the leg, the tibia and the fibula. The tibia is the large bone, often called the shin, the fibula is the smaller bone in back which balances the tibia. Think about the part of a chicken wing that doesn't look like a mini leg, and you'll know what I'm talking about (why are all my references to food?). The fracture is completely cadicorner to the ankle fracture which makes perfect sense if you're twisting the leg during the fall.

Here's the part where this Doctor totally fell short. I know that her foot was very swollen, but he totally passed the buck. He referred her to another doctor in the Group who specializes in Feet, told her to take her diaretics, elevate the foot and come back in a week, to see if she needs surgery. She got the idea that he was fat-phobic, he could have also been one of those "you're threatening my view of marriage" people, or he could have been an awkward doctor with no patient skills, who really didn't know what was going on with her. Clearly he had no interest in treating her and that's where we were not happy. However, he was also really young. It's weird now that I'm becoming older and young doctors make me wary. I'm glad we have been referred to someone else cause I didn't get a good vibe from him anyways.

They wrapped up her foot in another "splint" similar to what the ER did, but they did a much better job of it. So now she is in bed with her foot up and we're trying to get the swelling to go down. I'm calling tomorrow to cancel the Dream Cruise, and we have to work out what to do with the VWL points. The thing is if she has to have surgery (which the next doctor next week determines), then the B2B cruise on the Wonder is also in jeapordy. This sucks.
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Wow - just Wow !
This appointment did not go well.
Hope the next doctor and appointment will give you more help.
Good thoughts and prayers sent your way.
Do not forget to take care of yourself also.


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