Shingles vaccine - bad reaction

If I may ask, having just got a flu shot and not experiencing any reaction beyond a little muscle ache at the site, is not having side effects a problem then?
flu shot is different. The flu shot is basically a booster. You already have the antibodies, so the shot is just reminding your immune system, waking it up. But the shingles vaccine is different, the first dose introduces your immune system to the antigen, but with the second your body reacts and basically has an inflammatory reaction. This is because your body is producing the components that will attack the virus. So of the virus ever becomes active again, your body already knows how to attack it.

The reaction to the flu shot may be less robust though because your body already has antibodies to the flu.
I'm due for my 2nd Shinrix, but I'm waiting until after my flu shot (which will hopefully be on Nov 8). I don't want them both at the same time so my system is overloaded.

For first shot, I had a fever - close to the Covid temp. Tylenol didn't help. Had to take Advil, as well and sleep it off. Sore arm for a few days, as well. If that's all I get, I don't mind, but I'm dreading being out of commission for a few days.

Also, trying to time it so I don't have side effects for any other appointments I might have and thus be sent home because of a fever.
OP, you've gotten many answers so far so mine's a little late. But I know several people who really struggled with the 2nd dose. People who get vaccines routinely and never have issues. They basically felt like they had the full blow flu (without respiratory symptoms) for 2 days.
I had no reaction after the first shot but after the second one I didn’t feel right for a few days. None of the symptoms you had but just didn’t feel good for a few days.
I woke up today feeling much better. I didn't think about timing when my doctor gave me the vaccine, because I lost two days of studying for a midterm. I've decided to go back to school for another degree at my advanced age:crazy2:

Both my husband and I have had shingles before. Luckily, both were mild cases on our lower back that didn't cause any long term problems. I knew I had to get the vaccines, just happy that I am past it now.
I had both doses and like Steve above, nothing with the first, somewhat funky after the second for a few days. Will gladly put up with some funk than the shingles.
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Both of my parents got shingles so on my 50th birthday I happily got my first dose of Shingrex. I honestly didn't think too much about the possible side effects. I got the shot at 10am and by 2pm I was exhausted - so exhausted that I HAD to take a nap. I was wiped out the rest of the day. When it came time for my second dose and I was prepared to be tired again but the side effects were totally different the second time. I got the shot at 4pm and was fine the rest of the day but then woke at 2am with fever, chills and muscle aches. Luckily it only lasted 18 hours. I really wish my doctor and/or pharmacist would have stressed the possibilities of the different side effects. Still better than getting Shingles!
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Just FYI to those saying they would never get this vaccine-my 49 year old husband (so 1 year shy of insurance paying for the vaccine and him thinking he even needed it) got a horrible case of the shingles this summer. He got it on his face, including in one of his eyes. It was some of the worst pain he has had in his entire life. Thankfully his vision seems to be saved due to quick treatment of his opthamologist-but treatment for that has lasted months. The unfortunate part is that he still has nerve ending issues in his face that does not seem to be improving and may be life long. He may need to be on Gabapentin for the rest of his life to "deaden" the itching and discomfort from that nerve ending damage.
My hubby had no reaction. Not even bad soreness me... MY arm swelled up and it was very painful. So much so that I followed with pharmacist and cdc. Due to my med history I was told it was just a bad reaction bre hard less.. having had shingles more than once and with one that was a 9 out of 10 with pain , the 2 shots were a no brainer for me. I was so thankful to finally be healthy enough to get it.
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I had a rough reaction with the first dose; the second was pretty mild. My spouse had the converse: mild reaction for first dose; bad for the second.

As far as skipping the vaccine, I recommend reading a few articles about shingles. Even a bad reaction to the vaccine is far preferable to, say, blindness, not to mention the pain. But that is a decision each person can make for themselves.
My friend just had similar bad reactions to the second dose. She’s better now. Neither my husband nor I had a bad reaction to either.
My dh and I had no reaction to either dose. My sister and her dh also had no reactions.
I’ve had shingles in my eye about ten or twelve years ago. Believe me you don’t want that.
Felt awful after the first one. Slight fever, malaise, headache. I dreaded the second one, but that one gave me no trouble at all.


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