Shugardrawers... please, how are you doing?

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
As we head out for surgery, I was thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are doing..

Can you update when you have a second?? I think of you all the time and wonder what is going on....please know you are in my prayers.
I'll let Shug know that you are asking about her...she's headed to WDW today so I'm not sure when she'll be able to respond!
Thanks Roadie :hug: I do have a tendency to hide when I'm having a hard time and I'm sorry.

The surgery was extremely successful for me and while it's too early to see major changes on the first mri, there are positive changes. Enough that everyone is holding their breath.

The treatments had to be put on hold for a while so I could have knee surgery which was deemed low risk enough to go ahead. I'm headed to WDW today and terrorizing people on on my scooter until Thursday. Friday I'll pick up treatment again. In all this I've also dealt with my dad's rapid decline and a few other issues. I've pretty much retreated into a small group of friends and hidden there. I need to stop that I know. When I get home I'll come back, I promise. Thank you for thinking of me.
I am sorry to hear you need knee surgery. It sounds like you have your hands full. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hugs to you Shugardrawers.. you go get em girl in that scooter and have a ball in WDW.. Come back filled with magic and take up the fight again.. We are here when you need us..

:grouphug: to you Shug. Hope you are able to have a great time in WDW!
Alright, alright, you can stop hounding me (you know who you are ;) ) Updates, both good and not so hot:

I had the best time I was able to at WDW but because the person I went with has some serious issues, it wasn't all pixie dust. She needs help I just can't give her and finally, after trying all her life to take care of everything for her, I've come to the realization that I just can't do it all. It was both a relief and a crushing blow to come to terms with the fact that I can't make it better. All my life I've been the fixer, I stepped up when no one else would or could, but this time, I can't. Only she can do it. My heart breaks for her but I can't allow my life to be consumed by this anymore :sad1: Letting go of someone on a colllision course with disaster is one of the hardest things you can do.

While at WDW we got the news that my daddy is very ill and is not expected to make it much longer. He has been coming down with severe pancreatic infections for the past year for which no cause could be found. A stone did eventually show up in his common bile duct and they tried to remove it surgically but it was much too large and deeply lodged and is not in a place they can get to it. He's been referred to the University at Albequerque but it's more of a "maybe they know something I don't" kind of referral. At 76 years old, and with the infections getting increasingly worse, the Dr. wants to be hopeful but isn't optimistic. He seems weaker every time I talk to him. It is possible that he won't develop an infection bad enough to kill him and he'll stick around another 10 years. It's much more likely that he will get a couple more and be gone in under a year. It's also extremely likely he'll develop pancreatic cancer in the not too distant future. My daddy didn't come into my life until I was 14 and without even sharing DNA, he's been the only real parent I ever had. I'm not ready for this. I'm going to hop a plane to New Mexico for a suprise father's day gift on the 14th. He won't know until I show up at his door. Sadly, I think this is the last father's day I'll have with him. I just couldn't take the thought of the next time I see him being in a pine box. :sad1:

It's been hard emotionally the past few months with all that's been going on, and with the knee surgery on top of it all I suppose it's suprising I'm still hanging on. But the good news is that not only the surgery but the new chemo treatments have been an astounding success. Keeping this in laymen's terms, including the debulking surgery finally being successful, the tumors have been reduced by 60%. There is absolutely no evidence of cancer anywhere but the area of my left ovary anymore. None. Zero. Nada. Zip. No organs, no lymph nodes, no nothing. In short, my chances of survival shot up from 15% to 50% and for the first time in 4 1/2 years I'm optimistic. 4 years ago this past October, I was given 18 to 24 months and told that peritoneal cancer has a 100% mortality rate within 5 years. 4 1/2 years into that death sentence I have a 50/50 shot and climbing. I like those odds a lot better:)

I am now off to catch up on how everyone else is doing. I see it's slowed down. I've updated so now everyone else has to now.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like it has been tough lately for you. I am sorry to hear about your father.

I am glad to hear your odds are improving. :)
Shug, thanks for updating us.. To me, sounds like your head is in the right place and that is so key with Cancer. I really do not like to even use the word, but I do like that you are doing better.

One thing I must say, and I try to do this myself, not always successful as I do like to help those in need, removing the negativity can be so uplifting for you in your fight..

Your Dad, my heart is heavy over that one.. I am so glad that you are going to give him a surprise visit for Father's day. Is it just that no one wants to risk trying to get that stone out of the bile duct, I mean like what if you went to some super surgeon, would he concur with the diagnosis or is it just that hospital? No wonder he is having so many infections, and I imagine they are painful too. The threat of PC on him is upsetting and I wish they could do something for him to stop these infections and get rid of that stone.

Anyway, take care of you... you sound like you are in a good place and I am happy about that... made my morning.. Hugs!!!!!
Your Dad, my heart is heavy over that one.. I am so glad that you are going to give him a surprise visit for Father's day. Is it just that no one wants to risk trying to get that stone out of the bile duct, I mean like what if you went to some super surgeon, would he concur with the diagnosis or is it just that hospital? No wonder he is having so many infections, and I imagine they are painful too. The threat of PC on him is upsetting and I wish they could do something for him to stop these infections and get rid of that stone.

Anyway, take care of you... you sound like you are in a good place and I am happy about that... made my morning.. Hugs!!!!!

He went to a specialist who attempted to do the standard surgery to remove the stone but he couldn't get at it. I haven't had a chance to talk at length with his Dr yet so I don't know exactly why they can't just cut things open and pluck it out but I will be going to one of his appointments while I'm there to get the whole truth. As I understand it, it would require pretty much transplanting his pancreas which he's not a candidate for at his age. I think that's the hope with the referral to the University hopsital, that they'll have a newer method to remove it. I'll know more in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for thinking of him. Which reminds me, I need to call him back :)
So sorry to hear about your Dad, Shugardrawers. :( I think you of all people should know doctors are not God, so we'll just keep him in our prayers that he lives another 10 years and then some. :)

So glad to hear your positive news and your increased odds. :goodvibes Made my day, in fact. :goodvibes Many blessings to you, I pray you continue to get better with each passing day. :goodvibes


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