Silly question: Do the Disney buses still leak when it rains?


<font color=green>Has a thing for the Swiss Family
Apr 6, 2002
Back in 2000, when we were at WDW, there was a problem with some of the buses leaking when it rained (which was everyday). Has anyone noticed this lately, or did they fix them? I wrote a letter to Disney about it but never heard anything.
I'm not sure that it was the rain (we only had about 2 5 min rains) but we just returned Sunday and two different busses were leaking water from the top of the bus at the back. It was hard because the busses were so full and yet there was water leaking and laying in several at the back of the bus.
I wish I could provide a better answer for you, however... it really depends on the bus that you get.

All the new Nova busses (4815-4861, and soon 4862-4886) do not leak... (the only exception is some condensation from the A/C... but that's only onto the driver... me... lol)

I know that 4806 and 4807 leaked pretty bad this past June. We wrote it up, and Im hoping it was taken care of.

Some of our old 27xx series that use Lexan windows don't have proper sealing around them... during turrential downpours, they *might* leak a little... however, those busses (2701-2744) are usually used as cast shuttles, and during peak busy times... They're 20+ years old, and although they often times run better than the brand new busses we have... they dont get used a lot.

2745-2780 were rebuilt in 1998, and got brand new windows and sealants... so they really shouldn't leak. It also should be noted that those busses typically have the best A/C units.

As for the rest of the fleet.. *shrug* it's hit or miss. I'm hoping that Maintenance has fixed all the leaks that we reported this past June when it rained every day for the entire month. As for recently, I havent noticed any leaks when it's been raining. I'm going to be meeting with some folks, and I will bring this topic up, and see if I can get a better answer for you.

On a side note... the top rear vent in the back is the A/C unit... Im wondering if that might have been condensation dripping from it? *shrug*
Thanks for the info guys. It's pretty interesting. It sounds like they're very aware of the situation and working on it. Good to hear.
I was there in August and had 2 experiences with leaking buses....interesting this has been going on for some time.
Originally posted by Tracy M
I was there in August and had 2 experiences with leaking buses....interesting this has been going on for some time.

Well, keep in mind that the majority of our busses are 10-20 years old... So, just as soon as they fix one... another one might start to leak.
I have only had one experience with a leaking bus, it occoured this past July during what I describe as a monsoon. During the past 3 years I have visited in July so I have experienced plenty of rain but not like this.

The bus that was leaking was one of the older models as Chip 'n Dale Express has stated. I don't even blame the age of the window seals of the bus as much as the deluge of water they endured.
Originally posted by jwill
I have only had one experience with a leaking bus, it occoured this past July during what I describe as a monsoon. During the past 3 years I have visited in July so I have experienced plenty of rain but not like this.

The bus that was leaking was one of the older models as Chip 'n Dale Express has stated. I don't even blame the age of the window seals of the bus as much as the deluge of water they endured.

This past June and July, we received a whole ton of huge rain storms... I remember this one in particular... I had to wade in 6" of water, turrential downpours, and high winds, just to get from the parking lot to the time clock... I was soaked to the bone...
I read this post late last week and was going to reply but didn't but know I will!

The Older RTS buses that WDW has are very prone to leaks around the windows and other areas! Alot of these same models from different transit authorities in the US have the same problem!!
Just today it was raining in the Boston area and I decided to go off and when I got on the bus I might as well as been using my umbrella!! All the seats in the very front were soaked!
I chuckled and thought of this post!

So needless to say its not just WDW that has problems with leaky windows!


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