Since Tag Fairy Requests are so popular...

Originally posted by Maleficent2
I'm jealous I quess the tag fairy did not like my tag suggestions LOL I kindof feel left out

Congratulationsto you though! Way to go!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


Here, see if you can see it if I quote you.
which one do you not see the rolling one?

that is so strange!

Oh and why haven't you left yet????going to miss ya gal.;)

can you guys really not see it???? I am going to log offthis puter and go to my sons and see if I can see it there. BRB
It's actually anything from this site:

We're waiting for my SIL and BIL. They should be here at about 10:30 AM. They're going to the beach with us and want to follow us since DH uses his top secret "back way" through Virginia so we don't have to hassle with I-95.

SIL went to a funeral this morning of a friend who died at 45 from cancer leaving three kids, 15, 9 and 7, so they are running a little late. :(
but you guys can't?

What are you seeing exactly could you try and post one so I can see if I can see it? Thanks

Have a safe trip.


If you can't see the warning, it's a big red box that says "DONT STEAL MY BANDWITH" in great big green letters.
Mal, I am not very up to par on how to do the smilie thing so I thought I would just explain to you what your "smilie" looks like.

Well you have a very large red box that takes up more space than the screen so you have to scroll across and up and down to see everything it says. And inside this big red box it says in green writing:

steal my

Message from (in black)

Nope, no smilies in there. It is quite funny though and I was trying to figure out if it was a private joke or not.:rolleyes:
oh well I quess I will not use his smiles anymore I thought that is why he had them posted! bad guy huh....

I wish I could see this box how many post is this guy messing up I guess I will have to ck my posts and remove him for all of them.
here's my message to him]
Same thing happened to me earlier when I tried to post from "unfriendly guy's" site. Selfish bugger, isn't he?

I did not know what you were talking about back then because I can see all his smiles no red boxes for me! that is just totally weird why I can see them and you all see red boxes with his nasty little message.

I feel so silly

my apologies...

YEAH! I finally was tagged by the tag fairy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your tag made my week!:Pinkbounc

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. This is a lot of fun!

Oh and by the way..... In regards to my thinking of something clever to say... all I can say is, "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.";) (Tag Fairy are you still listening? I would love a second tag.:smooth: )
Mal, the message doesn't show up on every post, only a few. You do have many smilies that show up. Maybe it's just the ones from his site or a certain smilie you are using.

I like your message to him though.;)

BTW-he's the one who looks like the wacho, not you!
I think the tag fairy hates me. Another round of tags and nothing for me. :(

I'm going to go cry in my jello shots now.
this lime green cutie should make you smile and maybe even the tag fairy will like him and be generous with the tags today...

Smile and here's a hug from me at least....

I got a new tag! I got a new tag!
Thank you...thank you...thank you!!!

By the way, I thought those big red boxes were put there intentionally. I've been trying for days to figure out what they meant. (Didn't want to seem stupid by asking ;) ) LOL
I wish I could see them but all I see is the smilies even when someone else posts that is so weird....

I have MSN maybe bad guy does too and only other ISP can see them...just a thought.

Glad you got a tag now if AdventureKat would get one.....hint hint hint.....

Mal:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
AdventurerKat - I hope you get tagged soon too. Instead of pixie dust I'll send some clapping and believing your way.

AdventurerKat believes, AdventurerKat believes, clap, clap, clap!!!

Tag fairy please give AdventererKat a tag, please, please!

Mal - I was thinking the same way about maybe it had to do with who we had for online service. I have SBC for DSL so maybe that's why I cannot see the smilies. It is strange though. I also think you went alittle easy on him though.;)


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