Sister Challenge - moved to New Years Resolution in July

Hey Amy & Anna....thanks for the p&pd on the boxer. Got the phone interview last night. almost 2 hour phone call. the woman was super nice...but man...she was a talker!! she said when she got my application, she read it, printed it, and read it to her husband. she said it was the best, most honest application she had recieved in her years of placing dogs. She said she felt really good about us. I'm still not getting my hopes up....(yeah...right!!) anyway, they do a home visit....then we have to go "meet" the dog. gonna be a long week. sis#1 and here family get here late saturday afternoon. no prob. we sat and visited....ordered pizza....had drinks....and a few more....and maybe one more after that. Then Sunday, I had a photo shoot so sis & the gang hung out at the house....dh & bro-in law went in the attic to look for something....and discovered the water heater was within minutes of blowing. thank god they were up there farting around! so i get a phone call....they go buy a water heater...install it..(bro-in-law is GREAT at that kind of stuff!!) $250-$300 later, we're all set. Sis#2 gets in around 3....goes shopping w/ sis 1.....all is good. cooked out on the grill.....had some drinks....just hung out. only problem was....6 kids running in and out and in and out...and picking on my dd - she is the youngest....she came to me crying. i told here there was nothing I could do about the other kids being brats, and to stay w/ me. both sis's heard me....called their kids in.....totally reamed their butts!! told them if they couldn't play nice, then they wouldn't be going to the lake...blah blah blah. my ds stayed in his room, or my room watching t.v and reading....he KNOWS how his cousins are, and would rather not deal w/ it!! smart kid!!
anyway, we did weigh and pay this morning....pretty funny!!
Sis#1 - 173 - i think she is down 9 lbs
sis#2 - 180 -
sis#3 - 156 - if that's not a miracle, then nothing is!! i'm down 9 lbs also. :woohoo:

ok...gotta get to work!
Great job on the weigh-in!!!!! :cheer2: See, you haven't been doing as bad as you thought! :thumbsup2

Tell your kids at least they have cousins! My poor kids have none... (I just have 1 brother who just got divorced - no kids). I bet they'd take some even if they were brats! :rotfl2:

I am keeping my fingers crossed about the boxer! I bet you'll get him - be prepared!
Hey Marie. Wow...what a busy weekend! That's great that you were able to see your sisters and hang for a while. And GREAT job on the weigh in. Don't you love it when it magically goes the right way? Those are the BEST weigh ins! I'm sure all those romantic evening strolls with DH were the reason for your weight going down!!

I can't really inspire you to get back to eating healthy right now.... :rolleyes1
Romantic evening strolls....uuuhhhhhh.....yeah.....right.
3 miles.....40 minutes.....100 degrees.....soaking wet w/ the romance!!
Heck girl....just reading your journal is inspiration!! hope mom is on the mend....hang in there!! sis#2 was taking the train back to Illinois last night. was supposed to leave at 10:40pm. we got there at 10:15.....train was delayed...until 1:20!! (first they told us between 11:30 - 12:00, then 12:30, then you really couldn't leave because you didn't know when it was gonna be there!!):furious: :furious: :furious: I got home at 2:00 am....couldn't fall asleep until around 3....had to get up at 6 to call mom to tell her not to pick up sis until 10:00am. i'm sitting at my desk right now....about to nod off!! if i yawn one more time, i honestly think my face is gonna disappear!
Anyway, before we left for the train, we went to the mall....tried on shoes!!!(we both love shoe shopping!!) got some ice-cream, and just really had a nice evening!! no kids, no husbands...just a couple hours of sister was really nice.
ok....keep your fingers crossed my friends!!! the lady is doing the home interview tonight at 7:00. I'm so anxious. I have got to quit being this way!! I know alot of people here at work have said, "you have to go through all of this for a dog....why don't you just go buy one?!" my reply...."because this one NEEDS a good home, and besides, that would be the easy way, and I don't like taking the easy way!" (he's at a rescue group right now) if everything goes good tonight....we'll go meet him on Sunday. DH and I both agree...if it's meant to be, it will be...and it will be worth it to make the 2 hr. drive.
a little pixiedust: needed to help me stay awake today....and that tonight will go well.

later guys....
marie :dogdance:
I bet your house visit will go great. You will have that cute new dog soon! :wizard:

That's wonderful that you got to spend some time with your sis even though the train was so late. Geez, I thought the airlines were bad! I guess it's all transportation, huh?

Come on, you left out all the gory details, like WHAT KIND of ice cream?!?!?
lovinaz said:
I bet your house visit will go great. You will have that cute new dog soon! :wizard:

I really hope guys are probably so sick of hearing about it!! I can't wait to post pictures....(see....there I go again....getting ahead of myself!)

lovinaz said:
That's wonderful that you got to spend some time with your sis even though the train was so late. Geez, I thought the airlines were bad! I guess it's all transportation, huh?

OMG!!! she just called about 10 minutes ago....she JUST got to her took 11 1/2 hrs!!! Plus since they had a 3 hr. delay before they got to Memphis...they had NO food....and she said it was freezing cold. she was not a happy camper!!! (major understatement!!)

lovingaz said:
Come on, you left out all the gory details, like WHAT KIND of ice cream?!?!?

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
(i only got a single o man was it GOOOOOOOD!!

OK, I'm gonna rag on you like I rag on DH. There are so many cool and interesting flavors at Baskin Robbins and you got Gold Medal Ribbon?!?!??!?! He usually gets that too if they don't have pumpkin or a couple of the other specialty flavors he likes... Here I am trying to live vicariously through your BR experience and I am utterly disappointed... :sad2:
lovinaz said:
OK, I'm gonna rag on you like I rag on DH. There are so many cool and interesting flavors at Baskin Robbins and you got Gold Medal Ribbon?!?!??!?! He usually gets that too if they don't have pumpkin or a couple of the other specialty flavors he likes... Here I am trying to live vicariously through your BR experience and I am utterly disappointed... :sad2:
OMG!!! How could you not LOVE gold medal ribbon!!! that is the ONLY flavor they ever need to have in stock as far as i'm concerned!! i'm not into all that RaspberryLemonadeMochaFrapachinoDaquiri Swirl flavors. I told dh to get me a BR GMR ice cream cake for my b-day......that stuff is :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9:
It's not that I don't like it, I just think there are far more superior flavors out there. Like Baseball Nut, Tea of Tranquility, Strawberry and/or Blueberry Cheesecake, True Blue Ginger, Pumpkin, etc. Broaden your horizons woman!

Ooh, what are we doing, this is supposed to be a HEALTHY EATING journal and now I am drooling about ice cream. Kinda counter-productive, don't ya think?!? :rolleyes1
Good luck on the home visit tonight! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :wizard:

Glad you got some nice sister time. Sibling time is so hard to come by after spouses and kids come along.

Gotta weigh in on BR - branch out! Sometimes I do go for more traditional (rocky road!), but most of the time I figure this is a time to be exciting without committing to a whole pint! :rotfl2: Of course, GMR would be "branching out" for DH. He likes French Vanilla. :confused3 He really isn't an ice cream kinda guy ....
ok ok....i'll try something different next time I go to BR!!! (which might be for lunch today!!)

Home visit went great!!! she said that we would most likely bring him home on Sunday!! She said to go ahead and bring the crate. :woohoo: :woohoo: :dance3: :dance3: :banana: :banana:
ok...i'm calm.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
kmp1191 said:
Home visit went great!!! she said that we would most likely bring him home on Sunday!! She said to go ahead and bring the crate.
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: That is fantastic news!!!!! Congrats!!!!

Now go pick out the wildest flavor out there at BR today (just not the neon blue one .... )
OK, am I the only one that has NO IDEA what Gold Medal Ribbon is??? Vanilla, chocolate, something else?? Come on now...we don't have BR around here!! Help a sista out :rotfl:

Good luck and (congrats) on the dog. Don't wanna say that too loud until it's official-official. ;)

Sister time is (almost) always good, but it's better without kids. She's a trooper to make that long trip!
Woohoo!!! Awesome news about the dog!!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :yay:

I think you should try either Baseball Nut (vanilla w/cashews and a black raspberry swirl) or Apple Pie a la Mode (vanilla w/pie crust, apples and a cinnamon creme swirl). I can't wait to hear what new flavor you tried!
kimwim8 said:
OK, am I the only one that has NO IDEA what Gold Medal Ribbon is??? Vanilla, chocolate, something else?? Come on now...we don't have BR around here!! Help a sista out :rotfl:

Good luck and (congrats) on the dog. Don't wanna say that too loud until it's official-official. ;)

Sister time is (almost) always good, but it's better without kids. She's a trooper to make that long trip!

ok Kim.....GMR is vanilla, chocolate & caramel all swirled together. it is better than sex....and I don't care how good the sex is!!! :teeth: (the more caramel in the swirl, the better!!) put it on a sugar cone, and OMG!!!
yes...i will try the apple crisp one...but not the baseball nut one. I'm not a raspberry fan. and WTH is blue neon?? that doesn't even sound good!!
i guess i'm just an old fashioned chocolate/caramel girl!!

the girls here at work are really pissing me off today. just sitting here w/ my mouth shut....biding my time....biting my tounge. i've already spouted off once today....gonna watch the clock til 5!
BUNCO tonight...should be fun.... :crazy:
later taters!
nothing new or interesting here. didn't win anything at bunco, but it was still fun. sis#2 will be back in town tomorrow sometime. sis#1 will be in around 5 or 6....sis #1 will drop off sis#2's kids, then head back to AL. sis#2 will stay the night and head back to IL on Saturday morn. sis#3 will be going to a fish-fry/pool party on saturday evening, and, hopefully have a nice, relaxing evening. (not gonna hold my's at my bosses house and it's the "office party"....would be fine if it was just my boss & her hubby, but it's the whole crew....yeah.) then sunday is MY DAY!!!! gonna get my puppy!!!!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :dogdance: :dogdance: :dogdance: :woohoo:

oh yeah....sis#1 took sis#2's kids on vacation w/ them.....houseboat thing. i don't know what it was, but sis#2's youngest daughter (10) slipped off a ladder and broke her foot. (my kids weren't invited, and that's fine because I wouldn't have let them go. i don't even drop them off at b-day parties....yes, i'm overprotective.....and that's ok!) anyway, sis #2 isn't happy.....should be another fun visit! i'm gonna start :drinking1 now!!

ok....have a great day.... :butterfly
Holy cow, Marie. You always have SO much going on!! Take care, and keep the shooters on hand!!
Geez, I think I would have been really ticked off if one of my kids broke a bone while on vacation with someone else! But then again, the same thing could have happened if the mom were sitting right there - that's why they are called accidents...

YAY on the puppy!!!! You will have a blast with him!

Bummer on the office party. I really dread those things! Isn't it bad enough you have to make small talk with the people you don't really care for at work, but then you are forced to socialize with them while you're not getting paid?!?! :crazy:
Well, my bosses husband called my husband last night and told him if we didn't come, then he would personally show up on our doorstep and make our lives a living hell. he is really funny. great personality. and he and my dh get along great.'s gonna suck....but like i told my boss....i'll have fun, so therefore she'll have fun! i think she and i will be the only one's in the pool! i announced this morning that i am wearing my suit, and i will be in the pool, and if they didn't want to see 156lbs of fun, then to look the other way!! i'm not one to mind my manners.....ever!!

My boss & I went to Petco at lunch today.....2 books...1 magazine...treats...a kong ball...and a tug rope later...i think i'm ready for my baby!!
i can't wait to show you guys're all gonna be SOOOOO jealous!!! (just kidding of course!) to do....(yeah...right!)


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