Sitting with your significant other

We would sit next to each other so we can both see around the room and then talk about everyone else in it!
If it's just us two, across.
If we're with others in a booth, next to each other.
If we're with others at a depends. Usually, next to each other.
Across - I've always thought it looked odd when I saw couples alone in a booth next to each other, but to each their own. :)
My husband has always sat next to me in booths. I thought it was weird at first, but now I'm used to it. The only exception was Jersey Mike's, because their booths were smaller and I needed the elbow room to eat my sub.

However ,now that we have a toddler, we tend to sit across from each other and put her in a high chair on the end so we can both assist with mealtimes.
Just the the two of us in a booth, or at a small table - across

Just the two of us at a standard table - usually on adjacent sides

When out with others - it varies:
If it’s a booth with one other couple, next to each other.
It it’s booth with DS, he usually sits with me and DH with the coats.
If it’s a large table with lots of people, usually either next to or across, depending on what everyone else does, but sometimes not either one.
Family diner type place - across
nice steakhouse place that has a booth - across
Fancy place that has a banquette - we will sit next to each other on the bench part - (we both hate staring at the wall)


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