So what are your thought on masks around the resorts?

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I hope masks are required forever seeing how many people don’t want to go to Disney with a mask requirement. Should really free the parks up. This might be the answer to the huge crowd issue that Disney has had for a while now.
Wow. This sounds like the people who were posting that we just needed to wait for a recession- then the prices will drop, hooray!
I hope masks are required forever seeing how many people don’t want to go to Disney with a mask requirement. Should really free the parks up. This might be the answer to the huge crowd issue that Disney has had for a while now.

I'm guessing you don't have a child or family member who has CF, asthma, or another illness or disability that cannot wear a mask and breathe at the same time. I hope you never do, but I do hope some day that you will learn empathy for others.
My germaphobe husband is living his best life right now with all the hand washing, sanitizer and masks, lol. We are also used to the culture in Asian countries where wearing a mask is the norm. I wouldn't be sad to see these habits stick around.
I fully expected it. It would seem silly to have people all masked up in the park but roaming all over the resorts without them. Especially since if the resorts did not require them that alone might be a reason for larger numbers of people to hang around the resorts a bit more during the day. (Coupled with shorter park hours, too.)
I'm guessing you don't have a child or family member who has CF, asthma, or another illness or disability that cannot wear a mask and breathe at the same time. I hope you never do, but I do hope some day that you will learn empathy for others.
Relax it’s a joke. Also there are plenty of face coverings out there that allow people with disabilities to breathe. They don’t need a N95 mask to be in the parks.
So why can I go to the pool or waterpark without a mask? I wont catch it there but I will walking down main street? Why do i have to distance 6ft in front of me but not on the side of me when the line comes back the other way? Like i said before, one by one these “solutions” will be lifted because they have no proof they work. Now its just become political. Never waste a good crisis
I am personally waiting it out. BUT, we live just two hours away from WDW so we go all the time. If It was a big vacation that we saved for years for, I would deal with the masks.

Masks are needed right now wherever large number of people gather. It just is what it is, at the parks or resorts. Nothing can really be done any differently to protect all.

Just because things are opening back up, this virus is not magically disappearing. Watch this graph change by date to get a picture of what our world is facing right now. We all have to cooperate and do what we can to minimize the spread. If I were making the decisions for Disney, I would have arrived at the same conclusion. It just has to be.
I think the mask rule will be going away before the opening of the parks. Not just in theme parks but in general. Disney had to include that in their plans right now to get it OK’d but by the time parks open , it wont be a mandatory think nation wide. I think thats part of the reason they chose a later date rather than June.
I think the mask rule will be going away before the opening of the parks. Not just in theme parks but in general. Disney had to include that in their plans right now to get it OK’d but by the time parks open , it wont be a mandatory think nation wide. I think thats part of the reason they chose a later date rather than June.

I respectfully disagree. IMO, masks will be commonplace until a vaccination is developed, distributed, and most of the public has been inoculated. I would say absolute minimum time frame is a year from now, and likely quite a bit longer.
I respectfully disagree. IMO, masks will be commonplace until a vaccination is developed, distributed, and most of the public has been inoculated. I would say absolute minimum time frame is a year from now, and likely quite a bit longer.

Okay. I have been a lurker for sometimes, and I've read this entire posting on here at dinner to my wife, who is a physician at the 2nd largest hospital in Charlotte, NC. They had a meeting today about this "mask" issue, and you want to know something about masks, and this is coming from not only my wife, but all her colleagues at the hospital (aka, people smarter and more informed than ANYONE commenting here)
Masks, cloth masks, is something that is being pushed to show solidarity. That is it. They basically do next to nothing. Argue all you want, but that is what it is. There are so many moving aspects to masks right now, so believe what you want, but what it comes down to is the psychological affect of making people feel like they have control... or some form of control. Much like hording toilet paper was the form of control 2 months ago, this is the new one. People need something to believe in, and it's been attached to masks. It's actually rather sad imo. And for anyone talking about Asian culture, I lived in Hong Kong for 6 months years ago. As I toured China for my job, masks were worn largely for pollution. Not because of germs.

Here are some other tidbits to think about.
A 2017 study, showing the affects of wearing cloth masks and the spread of the flu, showed that people were 20% more likely to get the flu than those in the control group (no masks).
People are more likely to touch their mask and face due to having a mask on. Basically, you will touch you mask, and your dirty hands will get germs all over it. You will breath them in because cloth masks have spacing between the fabric much larger than viruses.
Masks, like the ones Disney is selling, are not tested. There is no guidelines or government quality control in how they are made, or with what material they are using. Different manufacturers use different material, and they are all not the same. n95 masks have strict manufacturing guidelines they have to follow. And every user has to be trained in how to wear the mask, and goes under spray tests to make sure the fit is accurate.
Basically, for those playing at home, cloth masks have none of those standards, and with no standards, you cannot make any claims about how affective they are. Because everyone is different.

So, argue. Get mad. Shame people all you want. The truth is, in about 5 years when this is well passed us, and we look at this virus (which will probably have a mortality rate of about 0.3% (as the CDC is now saying)), this entire mask thing will looked at the same way kids in the 50s and 60s look back at their duck and cover drills.

And for those holding out hope for the first ever coronavirus vaccine. LOL. Okay..... I could go into statistics about the flu vaccine and how affective that is, and the percent of people who get it. But I won't.

Also, good luck getting a 2 year old to wear a mask. I am fully expecting reports of children getting heat stroke in strollers because of what is happening. I mean, I've already read about 2 kids dying in China from wearing masks (AND THEY WEAR MASKS THERE ALL THE TIME according to posters here), as well as a runner having a collapsed lung from wearing a mask. Good luck heros... good luck.
Okay. I have been a lurker for sometimes, and I've read this entire posting on here at dinner to my wife, who is a physician at the 2nd largest hospital in Charlotte, NC. They had a meeting today about this "mask" issue, and you want to know something about masks, and this is coming from not only my wife, but all her colleagues at the hospital (aka, people smarter and more informed than ANYONE commenting here

How interesting that you think your wife is the only doctor among us.

I don't recall saying masks were effective, just that they will be commonplace.

It's late here on the east coast, so going to leave it at that.

We'll see. Doctors don't make public policy, politicians do.
Okay. I have been a lurker for sometimes, and I've read this entire posting on here at dinner to my wife, who is a physician at the 2nd largest hospital in Charlotte, NC. They had a meeting today about this "mask" issue, and you want to know something about masks, and this is coming from not only my wife, but all her colleagues at the hospital (aka, people smarter and more informed than ANYONE commenting here)
Masks, cloth masks, is something that is being pushed to show solidarity. That is it. They basically do next to nothing. Argue all you want, but that is what it is. There are so many moving aspects to masks right now, so believe what you want, but what it comes down to is the psychological affect of making people feel like they have control... or some form of control. Much like hording toilet paper was the form of control 2 months ago, this is the new one. People need something to believe in, and it's been attached to masks. It's actually rather sad imo. And for anyone talking about Asian culture, I lived in Hong Kong for 6 months years ago. As I toured China for my job, masks were worn largely for pollution. Not because of germs.

Here are some other tidbits to think about.
A 2017 study, showing the affects of wearing cloth masks and the spread of the flu, showed that people were 20% more likely to get the flu than those in the control group (no masks).
People are more likely to touch their mask and face due to having a mask on. Basically, you will touch you mask, and your dirty hands will get germs all over it. You will breath them in because cloth masks have spacing between the fabric much larger than viruses.
Masks, like the ones Disney is selling, are not tested. There is no guidelines or government quality control in how they are made, or with what material they are using. Different manufacturers use different material, and they are all not the same. n95 masks have strict manufacturing guidelines they have to follow. And every user has to be trained in how to wear the mask, and goes under spray tests to make sure the fit is accurate.
Basically, for those playing at home, cloth masks have none of those standards, and with no standards, you cannot make any claims about how affective they are. Because everyone is different.

So, argue. Get mad. Shame people all you want. The truth is, in about 5 years when this is well passed us, and we look at this virus (which will probably have a mortality rate of about 0.3% (as the CDC is now saying)), this entire mask thing will looked at the same way kids in the 50s and 60s look back at their duck and cover drills.

And for those holding out hope for the first ever coronavirus vaccine. LOL. Okay..... I could go into statistics about the flu vaccine and how affective that is, and the percent of people who get it. But I won't.

Also, good luck getting a 2 year old to wear a mask. I am fully expecting reports of children getting heat stroke in strollers because of what is happening. I mean, I've already read about 2 kids dying in China from wearing masks (AND THEY WEAR MASKS THERE ALL THE TIME according to posters here), as well as a runner having a collapsed lung from wearing a mask. Good luck heros... good luck.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this! awesome
Has anyone seen that Disney has now updated their mask policy for ages (2) and up. This is a joke right?
This thread is closed.

The poster started this thread to talk about how the mask policy will affect resort guests. Which was a useful topic for a thread. And that’s lost, because a few people can’t resist getting on a soapbox, arguing, or rudely attacking other posters.
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