"Someone left their inside b*** on the toilet!" July-Aug 2014 Done 3/03/2015

One of my students had given me a gift card for a local spa, so I had my very first pedicure done about a week and a 1/2 before the trip. I had heard that if you get a pedicure done too close to your trip you will get blisters because your feet are too smooth and the new skin has a hard time with all the walking. I was really hoping that I'd left enough time! I'm sure you'll see my toes at some point in the TR. ;)

Princess had received a gift certificate to get some nail art done, so I said I'd go with her. We went on the Friday before the trip. I don't have a picture of her nails, but she got some pretty orange and green nails with palm trees! (We might see them at some point too.)

I, naturally, got something Disney related! I really loved them! (Well, the white nail a little less than the others...)

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

So Sunday morning came, we all went to our regular churches and had our normal Sunday lunch with most of the family at my parents.

Princess and another one of my nieces took 2 younger nieces to a little event that was happening in town. There is a big party happening in Charlottetown all summer long for 2014. The 150th anniversary of a big meeting that had happened here that started Canada, basically. So they took the younger girls, but mostly because there were supposed to be some hockey players there. Teenage girls, you know!

By 2:45 we were ready to head out because the Queen was getting antsy. Not me, I'm nice and calm before a trip! (yeah, right!)

We were driving to Halifax because we'd gotten some great rates. It's not worth the drive to Halifax unless you get flights for really cheap, because we'd have to pay for the bridge or the boat off the Island, then the gas, tolls and a hotel over night (sometimes). Then the drive to the airport is about 3.5 hours. Our flight was leaving at about 6:40am, so we'd booked a hotel for the night.

Here are the King and Queen getting into their royal carriage:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I got in and looked to my left to say "eek" to the Princess:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

EEEEK! Is right! That is not her! We were dropping my nephew off at a friend's house. Here he is when I took him to WDW:


Do you know where he is?

The King:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

and the Queen:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Smiles are good!

We then realized that we were supposed to drop off the other niece at her friend's house, and we'd forgotten her bag at my house, so we had to turn around and go back! Nice start, but at least we weren't late for a flight, just a drive to a hotel.

Here's my mother as we pulled back home to get the bag.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

In the end, we dropped off my nephew, and picked up the Princess. The other niece went with my other sister and we hadn't needed to pick up the bag after all because she took her back home for a bit longer! My family is kind of complicated! Hahahaha

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Finally on our way!!!

I had taken my Dumbo pillow pet for the Princess, and I brought my Eeyore neck pillow for me.

We picked up a hitchhiker... or at least the Princess had picked it up before we left.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We had to pull over to find Gravol for Princess. She was struggling with the ride. I get a kick out of how she gets car sick, but loves all the roller coasters!

We took the Confederation Bridge because the Queen got a gift card from her work. The ferry is more expensive. The funny thing is that we have to pay to leave PEI but it is free to get there, well, in a car!

Heading up to the bridge.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The toll at the bridge. Hahahaha, so exciting to share these ones!

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20140720_153043 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

$45. Yuck! I think it was about $37 when it first opened. Or less. The ferry is more, something like $65.

You can sort of see the bridge here:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

You can't see much in a car, but it's a little better in an SUV.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We stopped for a quick bathroom break in NB, that turned really long. So I played with Dumbo:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We stopped at the gas station. That's all I can call it. It seems like it's the place everyone stops when they come or go from PEI. It took a long time because there is only one room and it can be really crowded.

I stayed in the Escape while the others went inside. Sitting there, minding my own business, and a flying insect buzzed near my face. Thinking it was just a fly, I swatted at it. It seemed to annoy the insect as it kept buzzing around my face. After a closer look, I realized that this flying thing could sting me! I felt just a little nervous as I was trapped in the Escape with no quick escape. I didn't have my shoes on and I was buckled in. Normally I don't mind bees, wasps or hornets a whole lot, but I don't particularly like them either. I unbuckled and hopped open, leaving the door open for the menace to follow. It apparently loved my scent because it followed me out.

I didn't even have time to put the window up before he flew back in. Eventually it flew out the window and I was able to ensure my safety by putting up my window. This false feeling of safety was short lived as the evil creature flew in the front passenger window! After a few minutes, it must have decided that I was not so appetizing and flew out. I quickly reached forward and closed the front window as well.

After a little bit, the others finished up and we were on our way again!

We started teasing the Princess that the King and Queen were getting a little "frisky."

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

How does she react?

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The rest of the way was uneventful. We played games on my phone (the ones where you put the phone to your forehead, but we changed that, it was too hard!) Princess and I ate my PB and J sandwiches that I'd made for our breakfast. I guess we developed the munchies.

Princess played games on her DS while I read. Eventually we got to Truro where we at at the Superstore! Hahaha. A grocery store for supper. Hey, it's good and not extremely pricey but a step up from fast food. I had their chicken fingers and potato wedges.

We drove the rest of the way to our hotel. I think it was the Holiday Inn Express (?) at the airport. Free parking if you spend a night, so that's good.

I had some donations ready for the fundraiser (the one I went to on Sunday), and the lovely lady that organized it offered to come to the hotel to pick them up. I had a framed picture of Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle, an iphone case with a picture of Cinderella Castle, and a few pictures of PEI. Evelyn is just so sweet!

The Princess wanted to swim, so they went down to the pool, but she decided it was too crowded so she wouldn't. They then went to the "workout" room and pretended to work out for a bit.

We each had a cookie or two and some apple water and we went up to bed early.
Wow! I'm an only child so these big family runarounds make my head spin! Glad you got your bed back. :thumbsup2
Wish we could have made it to the GKTW fundraiser. We just didn't have anything left in the budget to go down for it. Oh well, maybe next year! Glad it was a success!

It's hard to budget things! We took my car this time because we took one less little one and it made it almost 1/2 the price compared to the vans. They really are gas guzzlers. Next year we'll have less going. One of my sisters is hard of hearing and she's just finding it less fun because she can't hear anything. The podcast recording is so funny, but she can't hear a word of it, so I totally understand.
Love your nails!

Wow, you do have a big family. :)

That toll....is that typical in Canada? I thought the ones around Disney were high, but :eek:.

That's the worst when a bug is in the car and you can't escape it. I'm sure you were glad when it finally flew out!
Love your nails!
Thanks! I might have to go back and have her do them again. They were only $10!!!

Wow, you do have a big family. :)
Yep! And we get along, MOST of the time!

That toll....is that typical in Canada? I thought the ones around Disney were high, but :eek:.

No, actually, it's not. It's just that we're an Island, and the bridge is the longest bridge that is over water that freezes over. It is around 13 km (8 miles), took about 4 years to build and cost about a billion. Other than that, there are no tolls on PEI. If we take the bridge across to Halifax, we hit a toll highway and it's $4.00.

That's the worst when a bug is in the car and you can't escape it. I'm sure you were glad when it finally flew out!

I know! And yes, I totally was relieved when it was gone. I have a feeling the Queen and the Princess would not have entered the car otherwise!
Wow, that's a great price for the nails!!

Oh good, I am glad you don't have that sort of toll all of the time. That would get quite expensive! :worried:
Don't worry, my camera does come out! But sometimes I just rely on my phone, especially until we land.

None of us slept very well, as it was the night before we flew, and I totally am NOT used to having anyone sleeping in the same room with me. It messes me up the first few nights unless there is total exhaustion.

We were up by 3am ish. We got cleaned up and I the King went out to drop off my bag I used for the night and another one of their bags into the car. It was funny because there were all kinds of signs around saying to be careful because bears had been spotted around there! EEEEK Sorry, no bears have yet crossed over the "fixed link" as we sometimes call the bridge to PEI, so we don't have bears on the Island at all. The closest thing to a bear that I've seen is, well, something more along the line of the Country Bears! (There's blood on the saddle....)

I showered... no wait, did I the night before? No, I don't think so! I think I just said I'd wait until Florida and chose to sleep.

We were disappointed in breakfast. There was supposed to be breakfast available for us. The Queen had even double checked at check in and had been told that there would be muffins, yogurt and stuff like that. Nope. Gross muffins, yes, but the fridge was locked. We could not get anything else. I think they were able to find something for coffee or green tea,but the princess and I couldn't even get juice or a hot chocolate as there wasn't anything out.

While waiting for the shuttle, I noticed the red sky.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Sometimes my cell takes ok pictures, and sometimes not.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

That one is not the phone's fault I guess! LOL But I tried to use the flash. Without it, this is what I got:

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I'm sure we took other pictures with their phones/camera, but until I get them, I will have to leave them out!

The shuttle left for the airport fine and we were the only ones on it.

Security and check in were fine. No issues at all. I bought a pricey ($3.15) water, and told myself to be prepared for Disney prices! Hahaha The Princess got a chocolate milk because she knows she doesn't like chocolate milk in Florida (and to be honest, I haven't found a chocolate milk that I like outside of the Maritimes either) and they bought three waters that were smaller, but less expensive, than mine at Tim's. I will have to remember that next time I fly, Tim Horton's has almost normal, if not normal, pricing in the airports.

We were laughing and talking about documenting a lot of the trip with our pictures because the Queen is like I am and is quite forgetful without pictures or notes to refresh our memories. (And will I be able to take good notes through the whole trip or not? I normally don't last past the first day or so!)

So here is our blurry/grainy picture in the airport.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The Princess is into Twilight. She'd had the first one borrowed from the library, but I'd been planning to get rid of my copies (yes, I've read them and watched the movies. Decent reads, okay movies, nothing Harry Potter worthy, but entertaining) so I gave them to her and she didn't have to take the library book to the US. Wouldn't want to lose that.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oh, that picture was taken after.... Princess forgot to put the cover on her milk, and spilled it in the airport. OOPS. No use crying over spilled milk! We said that maybe now she'd remember to close things!

Dumbo kept interrupting her reading, or maybe it was my pictures?

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Can't stay annoyed for too long, heading to Disney!

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We flew with Delta, because that was the best rate. Flights were fine, uneventful, no issues, no problems, but NO entertainment! (Worst thing about Delta I guess though).

Oh, had I mentioned what I did? We were wanting to book for 10 days, but the flights we found were for 15 days, and I tried to look to see if I could get a little shorter (crazy me!) and accidentally booked my ticket to leave on the Tuesday and they were leaving on the Monday! Yuck! So then when I realized it, I had to fix it of course, I am NOT letting someone else get there without me! Hahahaha. So my cheap flight was no longer cheap. I had to pay their pricey change fees, plus the rate difference as the price had gone up in the few days it took us to notice! We had had a few issues trying to get our seats together, and the Queen was seeing different seats than I was, but we just thought someone else was trying to pick seats at the same time we were.

In the end, we knew that I was scheduled to sit apart from them. Which is fine by me, I fly solo so I can deal with that.

In the end there was an empty seat next to the King and I was allowed to move.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Doesn't he look happy?

They ladies were doing some puzzle/game in a teen magazine.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I took cloud pictures at some point.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I usually try to get orange juice AND water to drink on the plane. Since I spilled my diet coke on the way to DL in 2012, I don't like to drink pop/cola on the planes! Hahahaha. Plus, I know that I shouldn't.

I got pretzels on the first flight.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The King got peanuts.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oh, we switched seats at one point when someone went to the washroom...

I do get a little silly when travelling somewhere is involved, especially travelling to Disney.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

That's my Eeyore neck pillow, not a fur lining on my sweater, by the way!

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I'm not sure where this one was taken because it says it was taken AFTER the next picture, but I think the next picture was taken in LaGuardia, so I think it was just before. It probably was and then the time changed when I landed! That's it! Hahahaha I'm a little slow I guess.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We landed in NYC! Woohoo!!!

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We landed at something like gate 16 and had to get to gate 18 for our next flight! It was so funny. But it was really crowded and there were not many seats. Especially not close to our gate. Of course, we hadn't realized that we could sit at the seats with the iPads, we thought they were for the restaurant ONLY. (hint - yes, we sat there on the way home). There still were not many seats. I didn't not like that. I do worry about my sister and brother in law traveling through there next April/May. They have 3 kids. I'm sure they will be fine, it will be hard for them to sit though.

I think we just snacked on our snacks we'd brought, and used the facilities as airport facilities are usually at least a little better than airplane facilities!

The Princess had made me a shirt for the trip, so I wore it down! Isn't it cute?

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Is that NYC?

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

That was our plane we were going to get on.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Stop taking my picture! (My answer: GET USED TO IT!)

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We literally sat on the floor.

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And somehow hid in Dumbo's ears!

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The second flight was fine too. I think I found a seat near the others again, but I can't be certain because I wrote the notes a few days later while sitting at the pool at All Star Sports! Oops. I did write that I got cookies with my OJ and water this time. They were ginger cookies and really good!

Coming soon: Pictures from my camera! Hahahaha

Happy to hear your flights were uneventful. I wish we could fly when we go but it's just too much. The drive is only 9 hours for us so it's not too bad. I suppose you don't really have much of a choice being so far away.

I'm too curious not to ask this...what is different about the chocolate milk? I love chocolate milk from anywhere.
Happy to hear your flights were uneventful. I wish we could fly when we go but it's just too much. The drive is only 9 hours for us so it's not too bad. I suppose you don't really have much of a choice being so far away.

I'm too curious not to ask this...what is different about the chocolate milk? I love chocolate milk from anywhere.

Safe, boring, flights are best! Driving 9 hours and being in Orlando would be lovely! I would do that in a heartbeat! That would not cost the $500 minimum it costs from here for sure. :thumbsup2 Of course, getting there faster is always nice. We left home on Sunday afternoon and got there about 23 hours later. Normally it doesn't involve the overnight in Halifax for me, so it's more like go to the airport at 5am and get to Orlando at about 2 pm (our time). We fly in the time it takes you to drive, I guess.

I'm not exactly sure what it is, whether it is just too sweet, or too thick or what. I honestly have no clue what I don't like. In Spain, my problem was the lemon in it, but that was my fault! :rotfl: They brought me my chocolate milk with a lemon on the glass. I think they just put it on the glass, but my thought was not a good one, I said "When in Spain..." :confused3 And put the lemon in my chocolate milk!!!! :upsidedow
It sounds like an uneventful flight, which is always a good thing. Glad it worked out that you could sit with your family. I love the Dumbo pillow pet! :)
We have landed at MCO!!!

And we have taken out the camera! Woohoo!!!

We likely stopped at a ladies room along the way... we did that a lot, with three ladies.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I snapped a shot of Harry Potter as I'd only been to Hogsmeade/Hogwarts the first summer, and now I was going back, and to Diagon Alley!!!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Looks like they are tired of my camera already!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I took them down to the very end so we could see the way we were going, and be closest to the exit.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was starting to dance practically, since I was so excited to be going back to Disney! Sitting here typing now, I want to go back again! I am totally addicted!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The Princess looks a little more excited than the Queen. Kind of like Queen Elsa and Princess Anna! Hahahaha

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think someone else had sat down and then got up when she saw my camera!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The King looked too bored, so I told him to smile and look excited.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Much better!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Palm trees! Palm trees!!!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love Palm trees! I want one. I need to research and ask if there are some potted kinds that won't grow too tall that I can grow inside.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This is a really pretty airport!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The Princess was hiding behind Dumbo again!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think we took the elevator down one flight after the escalators the first. It's fun to switch things up! Hahahaha. And the Princess was impressed with the size of the elevator and said it was big enough to lie down, so I, naturally, encouraged her to do so! I was just not quite fast enough to get the perfect picture. (At least that's what I think was happening! hahaha There is nothing in my notes)

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I had taken last year's gray Magic Band to try to use for DME. They don't ship MBs to Canada, so I had to bring the old one or just use the papers. The first two times worked perfectly fine. (In my notes, I stop to explain that I was writing this while sitting at the pool at All Star Sports while the other three were swimming. And then the Queen just came up behind me and made me screech and jump and lose my train of thought! Hahahahaha Yes, there were a few looks, but I scream if someone scares me... as some cast members from Haunted Mansion are well aware!)

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

But here, the third time they scanned it, it came up as Port Orleans Riverside and they almost didn't let us go. I try to be prepared and had all the paperwork, so they scanned my paperwork and we were good to go!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We got a Cruise Line bus. The Queen was excited, as she loves to cruise. She said she'd do a Disney cruise, but they are just so much more than any other cruises, so she needs to win the lottery first!

Our bus was waiting for us, so we basically just walked through the line, slowing three times to scan magic bands. I was happy to see the front seats free, but sad when I noticed they had "reserved" papers on them, but then no one sat there!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Can't help it, I just love them!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We waited a few (agonizing!) minutes and then the bus left. We were the second stop, second to Coronado Springs. One day I'll stay there too!

Barbara is on the new video. I didn't like the new video as much as the old, but it's still kind of fun to watch!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It is hard to get a good welcome sign picture from the bus.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

At least this time there wasn't any bug guts on the window....

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love all the Disney advertising. They are so fun! One day I might have a rental car where I get to sit in the front so I can get better shots. Maybe I'll get to rent one just for me to drive around taking pictures of things that are hard to get from the bus or from back seats of rental cars! Of course, I'll need to hire a driver too.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

My attempt to document where we went first! Hahahaha

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The windows were cute on this bus, but I was glad I was sitting at an bare porthole window.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We have arrived at our destination! I think the others enjoyed the lack of luggage and ease of DME for our arrival day at least. They were renting a car, but not until Thursday.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I made them go back and walk on the red carpet after I got my carry on from under the bus.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oh, and here's a picture that I took with my cell of the Princess and I on the DME bus. At least I think that's where we took it, there is not much background to tell!

by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
We stayed at AS Sports when we were there in June. It was my second time there. I love the updated food court. They have so many good options.
It sounds like an uneventful flight, which is always a good thing. Glad it worked out that you could sit with your family. I love the Dumbo pillow pet! :)

He is quite comfortable! I actually used him as a pillow while sleeping on the love seat last week! Hahaha.

I totally agree. Safe, boring flights are the best! But good entertainment is always nice!
We stayed at AS Sports when we were there in June. It was my second time there. I love the updated food court. They have so many good options.

I don't like sports very much, so Sports isn't my first value pick, but I definitely liked the resort. I think I'd pay for preferred next time. The Surf's Up area doesn't seem "sporty" just "beachy" to me! Hahaha. I liked the resort though, the buses, everything was fine! I could easily go back.
He is quite comfortable! I actually used him as a pillow while sleeping on the love seat last week! Hahaha.

My nephew has a Lightning McQueen one that I've used before and it was pretty comfortable, too. :)

Yay for arriving at MCO! Haha, your family is like mine and gets tired of the pictures quickly. :)

I'm glad things worked out with your magic band at DME. We usually drive so I haven't experienced DME yet. (Although I told my nephews next time we are flying....15 hours is a long time in the car to get there).

Love that welcome sign!! Like I said we always drive, so I can try to get pics of those signs. It's hard though still, because there is always so many people in that area, and there are those signs that say don't slow down, stop, etc.
My nephew has a Lightning McQueen one that I've used before and it was pretty comfortable, too. :)

Yay for arriving at MCO! Haha, your family is like mine and gets tired of the pictures quickly. :)

I'm glad things worked out with your magic band at DME. We usually drive so I haven't experienced DME yet. (Although I told my nephews next time we are flying....15 hours is a long time in the car to get there).

Love that welcome sign!! Like I said we always drive, so I can try to get pics of those signs. It's hard though still, because there is always so many people in that area, and there are those signs that say don't slow down, stop, etc.

DME is fun. It's what made the final decision to go to Disney the first time all that much easier. Knowing that I was in "Disney" hands (I know they are owned by Mears, but Disney pays them) from the time I left the airport made it easier to go solo.

I wish they had an area where you could pull over. Every DME bus could stop and get pictures! :lmao:
Hehe, I take some kind of joy in seeing photos from the Halifax airport... not sure why though.

Awwww, I do love a home made shirt.

Oh Palm Trees. One of my favourite things in the world. I want one too. I've seen mini ones for sale in Florida, and always wanted one (yes, they grow in a pot), but sadly, no way to get it home. :(
Hehe, I take some kind of joy in seeing photos from the Halifax airport... not sure why though.

Awwww, I do love a home made shirt.

Oh Palm Trees. One of my favourite things in the world. I want one too. I've seen mini ones for sale in Florida, and always wanted one (yes, they grow in a pot), but sadly, no way to get it home. :(

Hahaha! I only wish I'd taken pictures coming home. That Canadian Customs corner is really nice!!!

I thought it was really sweet that she made me the shirt. She made a few for herself too.

I will find a way, Rob! One day there will be a Palm Tree in Atlantic Canada!
We arrived at All Star Sports.
My notes say "I love it. Of course, it's a Disney hotel, so I knew I would." The Princess chose the hotel, so I think she liked it! The Queen said it was "cute". We checked in, and got our Magic Bands before heading to our room.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Oh boy! I want to go back! Just looking at the pictures!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We were in Center Court, and we got a little mixed up on our way. I think she told us to go right, or I took us right, or something. But it took a little longer to get to our room. I had noted that I made a request for close to transportation and top floor. I was excited to see what we got. Obviously it wasn't too close to transportation, but it was no biggie to me.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Ooh, the Princess is at the room already!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

She used her MB to open the door, and we went in. I snapped just a few pictures of the room. We got room 4210, a corner room and second floor. Not at all what I'd requested, but it was funny because I had requested corner room for POR. It's a small enough resort, so not being right close to transportation is no big deal.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

When you flushed the toilet, it snapped at you. It was almost like it bit your finger because it bounced back or something. We all jumped the first few times.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Hey! I just noticed the Queen in that picture!

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We liked our purple door.

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by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We looked out on the Tennis courtyard.

from raw-6298
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We were getting hungry, especially the Princess, I guess. hahaha

from raw-6299
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6300
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6301
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6302
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6303
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

from raw-6304
by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


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