Something About Nothing ... #12

Image result for happy tuesday sparkling images

Image result for WINE FUNNIES

Image result for minion funnies wishes to your son.....can`t have been easy for all of you. Depression is a horrible thing to deal with. And someone so young. Hope it all works out for him.

Yes, unruly badly behaved children are awful to be around. I will always say something if it`s affecting those around...namely me. No excuses for lazy parenting.....and yes, sometimes they are just medical reason needed although that seems to be tried by some parents. Seen it many times...…..Have a lovely visit to see your daughter

Charade, I`m sure your mother will love the pictures. an easy dinner...chicken and pasta always fits that bill......hope your weather improves......

mac.....that is hot enough!!! Yes, Orlando seems to be suffering a little.....taking to a local Floridian few days ago....yep it is hot!!!! We are to get mid 60`s today, maybe a little higher if we`re lucky...….I`m sure your roses look lovely, you do have some beautiful flowers in your garden.

Tuesday again...….which means

Image result for 3 weeks  gif

Yep......3 weeks today......I think we`re organised…..

Today is trying to find new shoes to some I guess.....I have a fabulous pair of sketchers I`ve had for over a year and they`ve done many trips now, but looking a little shabby. Did order a pair online, but sent them back….yep...never order shoes will have a look this morning and if worse comes to worst, I can clean these ones up again...….

Other than that, not much going on today.....if sun keeps shining will grill tonight...….

Have a great Tuesday...…..
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Good Morning! A very dark and very humid commute.

Hope the weather holds and you get to grill outside, Schumi. Yeah, I very rarely order shoes online. I like to try them on, as sometimes I vary a 1/2 a size. Oh, and I call what Tom is getting is, sneakers, I have a favorite brand and style, and rarely buy anything else, though I don't mind skate sneakers sometimes.

Mac's dinner is out again, most likely a Taco Bell run, in that heat. And I enjoy roses in the garden too, and bet yours are lovely.

So, since Mac's eating tacos today, why not other homies? Why yes, 425280, Indeed.

Smart me, have a sweater on, no need to put the jacket one on, I knew by Tuesday, that chiller is up to its freezing temp setting. And, since the percentage chances of rain start at noon, I will be teleworking the afternoon, at least I am hoping to.

No grill cooked meal for our dinner, well, unless someone wants to dash out on the deck to tend the grill. Not sure, may pick up some ground beef on the way home, and have burgers or meat balls. Some red sauce left over, so maybe I will do both. And there's no pasta left, so most likely I'll make mashed potatoes. I did pick up some romaine, so salad will be the green.

Have the most terrific Tuesday, homies. And a BIG WOOT! For Schumi's 3 week countdown. Hoping Sue and family are enjoying their CA trip, and MonyK is set to take off before me. Travel week, Woot!
Well, got my new trainers........same ones as before which I was over the moon about as they are so comfortable........I like sketchers.

And it’s started raining........again. Shouldn’t be in for long by the look of it so should still be able to cook outside tonight. Rain is now off......yay!

Hope your weather is better Lynne.......

Made some potato salad for tonight.......always hard to not nibble throughout the day and have Tom say I thought you made more than
Quick good morning before heading off to work. Today at lunchtime I’m going to make a trip back to B’s high school to pick up her graduation DVD.

I’m another who doesn’t like to order shoes online. I have wide feet and often have trouble finding shoes that fit comfortably. I love my Skechers. I love the Go Walk slip on shoes for every day wear. I also purchased a pair of lace up Skechers sneakers to wear to the gym. They are so light and comfortable.

Time to see what this day brings. I’m hoping for a quiet day at work.
Morning Sans family :wave2:




Woke to thunderstorms this morning. It’s starting to taper off now. Supposed to be 91 here today and humid.

Lots of vacations coming up here to celebrate. Lynne if I remember correctly you will be leaving soon. You and your kiddos will be at UOAP event this Sunday at Universal Studios. Have a great trip and fun time at the parks. Send some pics.

Liv starts on line school tomorrow and is stressing out. She also has been very sick with her anemia so she is down in the dumps. We are having some problems with her books

Bobbie58 hope Liv feels better soon and gets her books sorted for her class.
Was so nice to hear you all had a good trip to 6 Flags.

My brother texted me a picture of the ring he gave to his fiancée. (Going to take some time to get used to saying brother and fiancée in the same sentence.) It’s diamond and sapphire. Very pretty.

Congratulations to your brother on his engagement.

Duck is a bloody mess as it thaws!

Yuk! not a fun job to clean up that mess for sure.

Tuesday again...….which means

Your trip will be here before your know it.

Happy Tuesday to all the Sans family.
Well, last of the doggie bags empty and the cheesecake is gone...timo to stop milking that BD :)

one son @ myrtle beach the other two tied up with HS football camp along with my favorite water girl - GD. I’ve got a slow week to regroup. Soon will be the boo-hoo’y fool when school starts in September. My friends would always make fun of me for it.

Survived shopping but my CC may catch fire-holy cow have graphing calculators gotten expensive. And then older one tells me "oh I have an extra" :sad2: So going to send that model with HS kid and see if it will work-saving me $125. Worked in garden a bit, need to shower and change and head off to lunch (Ebbet's Field is a tradition before a ball game). Taking two cars as In-laws are here and I will need to leave before end of game to get kiddo from airport!

When i cleaned out a desk in spare bedroom, found 3 of them.
I wish UO would bring back their Rocky Horror Picture Show .....

It was my absolute favorite show for HHN.
Miss it terribly
Keisha...sorry I missed your birthday...hope I can get this in before the popups start.
View attachment 424815
Love it!
lunchtime walk was excellent, and almost too hot, with the humidity much higher than earlier today.

Keisha, just saw, your Steelers' coach died. So sorry for his family and all the Pitt fans.
Sad, only his 2nd year with the team. Seemed like a nice, humble guy.
Keisha...I'm glad your feeling better. I have not had stones like that. I do have trouble with my gall bladder at times.
My gall bladder is long gone :). Believe you were thinking of charade.
Yes, unruly badly behaved children are awful to be around. I will always say something if it`s affecting those around...namely me. No excuses for lazy parenting.....and yes, sometimes they are just medical reason needed although that seems to be tried by some parents. Seen it many times...…..Have a lovely visit to see your daughter

I was just bemoaning this the other day
Well, got my new trainers........same ones as before which I was over the moon about as they are so comfortable........I like sketchers.

Woohoo. I do the sketcher slip ons for casual usual but podiatrist yelled at me when she saw me in the regular lace ups. Saying even with the custom orthotics, the last in the sole wasn’t sturdy enough.
And the rain comes. Wet wet wet, and a wet evening too. Watering the neighborhood. Sigh. As long as I don’t loose power like last nasty line of storms. Tornado warning tonight as well as extreme weather posted to expire at midnight.

Lynne eek to those warnings. Yesterday was beautiful in high 80’s. Just backin house from errands, car said it was 68. Gloomy, rainy day but still seems humid inside despite ceiling fans,weird
My gall bladder is long gone :). Believe you were thinking of charade.

bahahahahah Typical me :rotfl:
Tornado warning tonight as well as extreme weather posted to expire at midnight.

Lynne...take care and I hope that the weather doesn't turn that bad

68 for a temp is coat weather for me

You would probably have coat, toque and mitts on here even though it's summer here this year. Today is nice and warm...not HOT...but at least warmer than we have had. I defrosted my ice blocks that are my feet and toes over lunch...they are no w cold AGAIN even with a heater under my desk
Hi everybody :wave2:

It's too hot to do anything today...98 with a heat index of 106 :sunny:

So a coworker said that her friend needed barn cats and I volunteered to give her 3 kittens and the mama cat since they were too young to be without her. I gathered up all of them and met her in a call from the friend who said she was giving them back because she was allergic to fleas and the kittens were
covered with them...they were not. Granted, they may have had a few on them but I was not about to put them through the trauma of a bath when they were outside cats and it didn't matter. You can't give flea prevention to cats that young and I told her I was under the impression that they were going to be barn cats...she didn't want them to spread to her other animals :rolleyes1 so back the poor things came after the stress of being in a car for the first time. Luckily, my friend said she would take them and she didn't see any fleas...go figure :sad2:

Belated thanks for all the birthday wishes..loved the Braves cake keisha :thanks:

I can't believe I only have 4 weeks to go until our first stay at Sapphire Falls :cool1:

I'm so far behind that I'll just say hi to Carole, mac, Lynne, monyk, Robo, Robbie, Charade, kfish, Bobbie, Sue, pumpkin and anyone else who is reading along...hope you have a wonderful night :flower1:
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Oh Tink, you would think, outdoor cats would not be indoor ones. Hope you can give them that good home soon. And so nice to keep the momma cat with her kittens.

And yay, the bulk of the nasty stayed just far enough East and stayed along the coast, that not much more than just a rainy afternoon and evening. And flood warning has expired early.

Getting ready for bed. And a hump day is coming up as we awake to the new day.

Have a comfy and sound sleep, each and all.
Tink glad you dropped in here
You have been missed !

(We miss all the homies too when we don’t hear from them )

I hear you on the heat
Just saw our high today was 100 on the
news at 10
Thought it was cooler like in the upper 90’s.

Yea did Taco Bell and went earlier than our usual time since a heavy rain was due in later

We drive about 90 seconds until we hit a 4 way stop from our house
I turn right at it to go over the top of the ridge to get to Taco Bell
We left soon as we were done eating as it was starting to sprinkle

Just saw on the early news (10:00) that our road at the 4 way intersection was closed after our downpour
Roads are flooded and camera crew was showing it
Surprised a camera crew came out to show it
Must be a slow day for news
Just came in from enjoying a lovely evening outside. It was a perfect temperature, no wind. But the bugs came out, so I came inside.
We had a whole grilled supper tonight except for the cesear salad - pork chops, potatoes and asparagus. It was even more delightful being able to enjoy it outside on the deck. Every one ( even big D - the fury nephew ) ate and there were no left overs. Love when that happens. It was pretty yummy.
We were watching our furry dog nephew tonight. He an awesome dog - bull mastive/ rottie and loves coming over here. The sister and brother in laws had to pay ball we got to watch him. Love that dog. He's just a big ole couch potato and so well behaved. It's just so easy to watch him.

Trying to plan supper for tomorrow night as it's supposed to be a beautiful day tomorrow as well. So I'll take alll the nice weather days I can get. It' starting to get dark earlier now :sad: I'm still hopefully for a nice warm fall...since summer has not really made an appearance here.

Lynne...I'm glad that the storm cell missed you. When I think of those storms, it makes me glad i live in a place where the air hurts my face at times.

Tink...we had farm cats growing up. We could only have a few as I'm allergic to them. Now that I'm older, I would love an indoor one...but my eyes and I need an airway to I can't. There is something about them that is so lovable. Those kitties are lucky to have you in their corner.

Alright...heading to bed and leaving the light on for everyone. Sleep tight everyone!!!!
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Vicki glad you posted!!!! Good to see you......yes, our trips are so close now.....time to start getting really excited!!!! Good luck with the kitties.....I didn't know there was such a thing!

No wide feet here thankfully.......just awkward as I have to fit orthotics in them. The sketchers padding is lovely, but adds a bit more height so when I put orthotics in I just have to be careful my feet don't end up slipping out. These ones are decent though. would have had a thermal coat on here last night...….we had 52F around 9pm. It felt with that and the trees changing colour already, I think Autumn is here...….

We did end up grilling last night. There was a 30 minute window between downpours and thunder. Doubt we`ll manage it tonight. It does feel chilly this morning...….high of low to mid 60`s today and rain. Again.

No plans today.....not one. Except some housework this morning...….

Happy Wednesday...…...

:umbrella: And a Good Morning this Wednesday! Ah, just before the alarm wet off, I was like, I'm awake? Ah, noisy downpour, eh, back to sleep for a few more minutes. Wet roads, and a sprinkle here and there commute. Busier than usual, but it's known that most have to show up on a Wednesday or Thursday, and most choose a Wednesday. Why? Don't know, except yep, it's a hump day, the middle of those work day workers that say hey, we're half way through the week, let's get over the hump of this day, and yay, Friday will be here before ya know it.


With that, Pumpkin and Sue are at temps I would say, ooh cool, and hope the weather for both of you is a gloriously beautiful day.

And yep, I like being out on a warm night too, but bugs, and ones that bite, would get me inside quick, too, Pumpkin. Glad to hear a lush grilled dinner. And that pup sounds so cute. I love big dogs. We have a neighbor that used to have a mastiff. He was huge. When their teen kid used to walk him that dog stood almost as tall as the kid was. He was very well behaved, and love seeing the neighbor kids. He was an Italian one, and was brindle, so when we got our brindle boxer, our boxer looked like that mastiff's baby. Almost the same coloring.

Mac, glad to hear you dodged the flooding, and had a good taco meal.

We ended up with burgers and, yep, made a big pot of mac and cheese. And was talking with my Dsis last night, so made sure to put some in a tub for her. Decided I have too much to do, so took this Friday off too. Then, plenty of time to park, even though darn SW changed our flights to almost an hour earlier. That at least means, we'll be out of the airport before close to midnight.

Ah, cranking chiller, is making it almost too cool. Tea for me, was drank quick, so off to make some more.

Hello, it's not a Friday, it's a Wednesday, and I think maybe the last night MonyK has before her trip. Or is that tomorrow? Either way, we're trying to get a Dismeet. Woot!

Oh, and this post had to have, you know who, so Keisha is sure to know the day of the week it is. :-)
Need more coffee, had to look at the Adam’s family pic twice before it sunk into my thick head.

Have spent hours trying to instal the hotel canary app to work with chrome browsers on Ipad (priceline hints). stick a fork in me, i’m Done

Off to play with my grand cats & pick up the ‘lil from football camp. I keep trying to ignore it but my least favorite season is starting to rear it head.

Humpy good day to all :)


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