Something About Nothing ... #12 overdrive.........

Mrsbluer......hope you feeling ok after your op.........glad bluer is taking care of you so well........:crutches:

Vicki........glad you had lovely time on your trip.....well except the dodgy food bit......not good!! Something you hope only happens once in a lifetime!!

Gina......not allergic to cats, not real ones anyway. Just don't like them very much.

Janet.......yep, if it's not one thing it's another.........I blame hitting 40....... Even though I'm only 35.....:rolleyes1 Hope you had fun with the family.......:)

Belle....sorry about your dog........that's gotta sting......:hug:

Good luck Robbie/Andy.......hope it goes well for you........

I'm sure pc said something I wanted to reply to but I forget.........will check in later and see what it was..........

So, back home safely. Better journey home than going up.......made it in 4 hours and weather is lovely. Not cooking tonight walking round to village pub for dinner........

It's lovely being away but so nice to be back home again..........back to normality again.......:thumbsup2
Nearly forgot..........


To Todd.........Metro West.........he may not come in anymore on here, but just wanted to remember his birthday.........he was a huge part of this forum and I miss his posts...........:wave2:
Hm, I was the opposite on Tramadol. Had it a few years back when I broke two ribs. Woke up hallucinating and shaking. Threw them out and the doc gave me Tylenol 3 instead. No one in my family can take any of the Oxy/hydrocodone types (Vicodin, etc.) because they all do nothing (other than constipate) any of us. So stick with the Tylenol 3 or OTC.

Foot (feet?) are doing better - thanks for asking Mac. Back to where I've been for the last 15 years with the heel spurs and plantar fasciitis but not the horrible pain/cane/wheelchair when Janet first saw me.

Hoping the surgery goes well Janet - better get up and healed before you're supposed to be down here again!

the sunlight woke me up early......
that and two cats lying on my chest.

drinking coffee and found out here it is saturday.

welcome back home schumi!
and're off for another holiday trip with in 3 weeks.

i love traveling too.

hope all the homies have a great weekend.
mrs bluer, hope you stay pain free real soon.

marcie, i was sure i remembered when you had the last bout of feet pain.
are you going to be fine now or will it occur again?

keisha, hang in there, you'll have surgery and be back to the grind soon.
if you need a wc for hhn, i volunteer to push you that night.
that's what a good homie i am........
bluers - aw craps, sorry to hear the meds aren't working. vitamin V was what they doled out for my gallbladder. usually it doesn't do much more than take the edge off but amping up the stronger than usual pill I'm prescribed had me in la la land lol. Fingers crossed this does the trick~


keisha, hang in there, you'll have surgery and be back to the grind soon.
if you need a wc for hhn, i volunteer to push you that night.
that's what a good homie i am........

indeed, but even I can't milk nose surgery that far out nwahaha

why stop @ goldfish? lookie what we have in the wooded area next to my house

my son snapped a pic of him yesterday in area where woods clear to main road in town. At least he's a little one, that fence is approx. 6 foot high. would like to think momma bear kicked him out of den and she's nowhere close.:scared:
Hello everyone. Thanks for all the well wishes. Finally feel a little better and wanted to say HI. My foot is real swollen and in pain but I'm doing better. Mac-- I agree tramadol has done nothing for me. DH has the good stuff that has been helping. Hopefully I will be back running around in a few weeks.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Looking forward to seeing some homies in October. have my sympathies with plantar fasciitis.....I have had two cortisone injections in the heel in the past for them.....very painful thing to have, not the injection, my surgeon numbed my foot before injecting me......seems to have dissipated now.....touch wood........

Keisha.........a bear??? Oh that is scary butt stuff.........worst we have to worry about over here is a fox........but bears are up there with the big predators........yeah I'd be thinking.....where's momma bear.......:scared1:

Mrsbluer.......sorry you are still in pain........hope the next few days bring you some relief.......:hug:

We sat watching Harry Potter tonight.......the third one......prisoner of azkahban.......good favourite is still the first....Philosophers stone.....or Sorcerers stone as it was called for American market........

had lovely dinner at local pub and had some nice wine.......early night tonight ::yes::

Catch up tomorrow :wave2:
Welcome Cdn :welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:

Glad you are here. Join in with the rest of the homies and feel right at home.
Hello all ... haven't been here in ages .... hope I'm still welcome here :flower3:

Bonnie.......Fantastic to see you post again........youse is missed :)

Hope youse are ok........miss seeing those lovely snow pictures you posted regularly.......and the dogs of course.....beautiful!!! Don`t be a stranger........:flower1: Nice to see some regulars come back.......

Gorgeous Sunday here......we are being boiled with what`s being called a Spanish Plume..........years ago we just called it nice weather............:beach:
Hi Bonny! Good to welcome another Canuck to the group! Which part of the Great White North are you from? Maybe we're neighbours and don't even know it, lol! :laughing:

schumi.....your pic is exactly how I'm feeling this morning!! ::yes::
Good morning all..:wave2: Having my morning coffee sitting by the window..:surfweb:. Sun shining here :sunny:
Dad and Stepmother still in town. Going to have everyone over for an Italian dinner this evening. Lasagna, salad, garlic bread and for desert Black Forest cake. I am covering Italy and Germany all in one meal.

Something interesting I read in our local paper a few days ago was about was about Disney enthusiast's meeting in Indianapolis. They have been doing this for years. I think there are chapters thoughtout the U.S. That get together.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get all the Universal enthusiast's and fellow Universal disboard folks all together at Universal at one time? :cheer2: I don't know if this has ever been attempted before?

Good to have you back Schumi. Sounds like you had a great time on your visit with your mum. We tried to keep your minions going while you were gone.

Hope everyone else is having a restful Sunday.
i noticed that schumi was able to get a purple minionion pic for us.....
favorite color of many here......

tanks homie!

robo, i was in a thread that became a mega thread years ago and peeps in it set up meets in different cities.
i didn't go to them as it was too expensive for me after air, hotel, transportation was figured out.
but the others that did meet up had a blast.
it was nice to set up a 3 days mini vacation in a city that they could sight see and do dinners together.

i've done meet ups with others on the Dis before at the motherland and darkside.
if all can coodinate a schedule that allows everyone to be able to spend the day together, that would be kewl.
but no one has attempted to organize a full meet up yet.

only thing i have done is get the meet up with homies here before the private tour i book.
together for that event and then try to make plans with others for during the time period i am there.
so far i have been very fortunate to hook up with the Bluers when ever i am in town.
and do get hook up time with keisha and her mr.
lucky to hook up with other homies here on a hit or miss set up.
have been lucky to meet quite a few homies on this thread even if it is for a brief time or do a ride together.

if we all are hungry at the same time, makes it easier to hook up

this is the first year schumi is on my list.
for the past 7-6 years, we have been missing each other by a day or hours......
lots of fun to look forward to.

robo, the indiana dis group has been active for quite a few years.
if you go to the dis board, there is a section where you can pull up city meets.
i've done that before and gone to chicago dis meets.

robo, yes it would be awesome for a big homie meet up!
make it happen. :yay:
A meet up sounds good to me:thumbsup2

Today was my first day back at work in a week..wish I was still at the beach:beach:

My body is in GA but my mind is in FL :flower1:

Oh least I'll be there next month so it's all good.::yes::
Robo.....enjoy your meal tonight.....sounds nice. Yes I had a lovely trip thanks.......
There`s quite a few of us meet up.......depends when we`re all there really.......

mac.....I do remember the year we missed each other literally by hours!!! Our plane left at 8.30pm one evening and you arrived in orlando next am..........that was annoying!!!! Keisha is top of my "to meet" list...........maybe next time.......... being back to normal.......but yes next month!!!! woohoo........:D

Quiet day, little gardening and chilling in garden as it was so hot......perfect Sunday..........:-)
no yogi or boo-boo sightings today - phew Loving the baby pandas!
:banana:mrs bluer, take your time & regroup!

bonny:wave2: the kitties here better watch out...release the husky pics!

tink - yuck, 1st back to work is a killer

carole - well hot damn...I feel special!:flower3: hopefully, next year! if we weren't going to be on west coast this year would try to at least coordinate driving up for a visit when @ WDW pre U. Had to laugh yesterday when I was on phone with DVC switching things around for May '16 travel so I'd have enough points to book for October '16. crazy hoop jumping to get a room at the inn. DH who was in the room, asked me if anything was wrong with upcoming trip. When he found it I was planning for next year, he bust out laughing. apparently, he thought the travel fairy took care of planning our trips.:rolleyes1

sappy time in response to meets n greets: somebody who used to frequent here coined the term 'friends in the box' referring to online buds. Thought it very apt but a bit derisive. Bit the bullet to overcome my extreme shyness (believe it or not:guilty:) and have met many DISrs over the years (finally meeting marci this summer after watching her kids grow up on the DIS). I do consider Mac a true, RL friend. this is mac reading this o_O nwahahahahaha couldn't resist:rotfl:. I cannot wait to hang with my fellow RIPers...don't forget, what happens on the tour, stays on the tour:P).
Hi Bonny, yep, pictures of the huskies in summer would be nice to see. Hope you are having a good summer.

Schumi, now DS is fond of Formula One races. Likes the looks of the cars. Like the minion pic too!

Robo, enjoy that lush meal you have planned. Steak on the grill for us, it is still hot today.

Keisha, it was a good thing you did not have a pool in the yard. Did you see in New Jersey, a momma bear and her five cubs enjoying the above ground pool and pool toys in a family's backyard. Hope the one you had went back into the woods. There are black bears around here, but deer is the routine wildlife in our yards.

Relaxing day to all, including Mrs. Bluer. Hope you are feeling better.


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