Something About Nothing ... #12

Thanks all.. I am staying home today from work so that I can fully get better. Happy Tuesday.

No countdown post today because my countdown is on my office white board... so I don't know my numbers.. I think it's 54 days now.
:rotfl2: Me and my 27 red and green Rubbermaid bins and two Christmas trees applaud you. I am starting to get tired of the decorating. My mom, on the other hand is a snowbird to Arizona from Minnesota who leaves in October but comes back for the month of December to decorate and host Christmas. I came by it honestly. At least I don't have 68 Santa statues...yet.

68 Santa statues is okay.. 70 would be tipping the scales into obsession... ;)
I agree with Pooh, we need some sun here in VA.

Today is B’s 17th birthday. I can’t believe how the years have flown by.

I need to get her to school and me to work.
Morning all! Nice to hear all are well & the vacation countdowns keep on ticking

I'm slightly ahead of schedule here, good thing as yesterday when clearing off a tall shelf with one of those grabber things vs step stool (my short homies will understand lol) a 2 gallon full Tupperware container slipped & corked me in back of head. Still have headache, eye turning in, feel like shrek. Priorities, the first thing i thought of was OMG i need stitches, can't get my hair dyed on Thursday. Just a brush burn though, phew lol. Probably will sting but I'll man up.

Woohoo Carole :yay: way to get the most out of Tom's are living the dream :cloud9:

Cold rainy day here, perfect for lounging around and catching up with everyone.

Have a great day...time for another cup of coffee :coffee:

No lounging around on BF I'm sure. Any idea when they open? Hoping to snag one of those battery 40 volt kolbalt least blowers for the mr. The big one is a production to fire up all the time.

Thanks Lynne.......he is definitely earning some extra bonus hugs this weather.........:D

Thanks Vicki........yep.......we have the time so why not........very excited! My mum thinks we’ve lost the

Sounds like an ideal day for lounging around....cold but dry here today, very grey and dull. Enjoy your day off :wave2:

Our Christmas Tree has just been delivered.........we needed a new tree for our main room......this looks like it’ll be a nice fit for the room.......Will be putting it up early this year, maybe do that the last week in November before we go.......silver, white and purple theme this year........we do keep all our special Christmas ornaments as well for the tree too........can’t wait to see it all done up now!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday..........time for coffee.........

Never had a real tree, too much of a commitment for me lol. Who is going to water the tree while you are gone?

Well they figured out what I have...Clostridium Difficile.

So FANcy!

Sounds ITAlian!

Now I just have to hope the meds clear it up within 3 weeks.

Yikes, my mom got that in nursing home, 10 days antibiotics & she was fine. What's weird is they said she 'caught' it from taking another antibiotic.

Good evening everyone. I realized today that I have never really properly introduced myself. I don’t really like sharing too much personal information on a public message board, so I will give an abbreviated version. I am “T” an almost 50 year old receptionist at a mental health counseling office. My husband is “C”. He is an almost 55 year old college professor. (He also has a December birthday.) Our daughter is “B”. She is a junior in high school and will be. 17 in a few days. My screen name, Charade, comes from my second favorite movie. (I love Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.) I would have used my most favorite movie, but Singin’ in the Rain was a bit too long.

Lynne - I love my purple Mickey bag, but after 2 years it’s starting to look worn. Maybe I can find something at Universal to replace it with.

Keisha - I tried googling kool aid dye horror stories and didn’t see anything. I didn’t look very long, so I may have just overlooked it. B just wants to dye the ends of her hair. If there is a problem she can just cut it off She has plenty to spare.

Wagman - Good luck tomorrow. Hope your son is able to play. My husband has been wanting a bigger TV for years. I finally agreed that he can have one for Christmas.

Schumi - Cool, another trip. I am a bit envious. We are tied to the school year, so we never get to go to Orlando during the less crowded times.

Squirlz - I am not going to google your diagnosis. I’ll just send speedy get well wishes.

Tomorrow is going to be attempt 2 at getting the cat to the vet for a nail trim. I think his claws are starting to catch on the carpet. I also have a much needed haircut scheduled. I haven’t had my hair cut since December, so I am long overdue.

Beautiful head of hair

PS nice to meet you. I dub you "T"

I had those memories also.. until I saw my best friends square dancing at one of their graduation dances and saw just how much fun it actually is.. especially square dancing in gay square dance groups.. we yell back at the caller, we yell things to each other, there's special moves we have that the straight groups don't do.. Our music is usually much more current than traditional groups. Plus men and women don't have to dance the traditional boy/girl roles.

Sounds like fun stuffs. Any drag queens participate? A few of my parents' friends did the rounds, complete with the women in the crinoline skirts & guys in full blown cowboy attire.

I guess square dance, or any other kind of dance, would be better when you are an adult and can chose your partner. In middle school I always got stuck with the most disgusting boys in my class. Oddly enough, I can still remember the words to some of the songs we had to dance to.

I just got back from a serious haircut. I think I had 6-8 inches cut. The stylist also straightened my hair. I’m curious to see what it will look like when I leave it natural.

I used to have very long hair, but I don’t think it has ever been long enough to cut off 24 inches. I’ve donated twice, but now I have too much gray. It’s also color treated and most places won’t take it.

Never heard color treated hair not acceptable

I've had mine colored and it was never an issue to donate

Gray hair always accepted
Many older females like to match their past gray color hair with a gray wig so they will look more like themselves

Longest I have grown my hair out for Locks of Love is to mid thighs
Hair that long is difficult to live
Would keep it braided to sleep and usually also during the day

Now i get it cut and donate when it is closer to waist length

Up until now I would have sworn that Locks of Love didn’t take color treated hair. I just read their guidelines and it says they that do as long as it isn’t colored over bleached hair.

I have never bleached my hair. My original color is a very dark brown. I think bleaching would be disastrous for me.

If your hair has been processed to a lighter color even via highlights, it's been matter what the box or stylist says.:p

The way it was explained to me Locks of love will accept such hair, but not utilize for their needs as to wigs for children, etc. Processed is not as strong as virgin hair, would be a waste of $ to make the wig if strands will break/not be viable. I'd still donate it, assume they are able to 'flip' the hair in some fashion to make $ to support their cause & that's what's really important in the end. :)
Morning all! Nice to hear all are well & the vacation countdowns keep on ticking

I'm slightly ahead of schedule here, good thing as yesterday when clearing off a tall shelf with one of those grabber things vs step stool (my short homies will understand lol) a 2 gallon full Tupperware container slipped & corked me in back of head. Still have headache, eye turning in, feel like shrek. Priorities, the first thing i thought of was OMG i need stitches, can't get my hair dyed on Thursday. Just a brush burn though, phew lol. Probably will sting but I'll man up.

No lounging around on BF I'm sure. Any idea when they open? Hoping to snag one of those battery 40 volt kolbalt least blowers for the mr. The big one is a production to fire up all the time.

Never had a real tree, too much of a commitment for me lol. Who is going to water the tree while you are gone?

Yikes, my mom got that in nursing home, 10 days antibiotics & she was fine. What's weird is they said she 'caught' it from taking another antibiotic.

Beautiful head of hair

PS nice to meet you. I dub you "T"

Sounds like fun stuffs. Any drag queens participate? A few of my parents' friends did the rounds, complete with the women in the crinoline skirts & guys in full blown cowboy attire.

If your hair has been processed to a lighter color even via highlights, it's been matter what the box or stylist says.:p

The way it was explained to me Locks of love will accept such hair, but not utilize for their needs as to wigs for children, etc. Processed is not as strong as virgin hair, would be a waste of $ to make the wig if strands will break/not be viable. I'd still donate it, assume they are able to 'flip' the hair in some fashion to make $ to support their cause & that's what's really important in the end. :)

Oh it was a fake tree Keisha we ordered.........we don't do real trees ever, far too much work there...........although the bigger outdoor one is real........but we don't need to worry about that......we get enough damp and rain........ :D

Ouch on the bash on the head!!!! Yes, I`m not overly tall either and have stretched for many an item that I really shouldn't have stretched for.......never ends well!!!! And yep, I`d have thought on my hair first it`s not too sore........
Sick bay alert, Chuckers, hope you are feeling better. Keisha, bump on head, oh my. Hope all is well and that bump does nothing more than a homer duh.

Schumi, hope all is well. Yep, fake trees for us. See, older one does not do well with pollen, that even indoor plants still put in the air, so no live plants of any kind for us.

Short one here too. Yeah, been known to use a step ladder or chair, and always think it won't be that hard. LOL

and a big Happy Birthday to B.

And, since no count down by Chuckers.

Do you know that the factors of 36 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 36? Common factor is a single 1.

Oh my, just over a month now. And,

days until
Sounds like fun stuffs. Any drag queens participate? A few of my parents' friends did the rounds, complete with the women in the crinoline skirts & guys in full blown cowboy attire.

At the annual Gay Square Dance Convention, there's a Drag Contest and at the weekend long fly-ins, there's usually a theme night and we get a few drag queens. I tend to shy away from straight clubs because of the dress code. Many are relaxing that code now in order to attract new blood. We don't have any dress code, but mostly, men are asked to wear sleeves, no tank tops.
Sick bay alert, Chuckers, hope you are feeling better. Keisha, bump on head, oh my. Hope all is well and that bump does nothing more than a homer duh.

Schumi, hope all is well. Yep, fake trees for us. See, older one does not do well with pollen, that even indoor plants still put in the air, so no live plants of any kind for us.

Short one here too. Yeah, been known to use a step ladder or chair, and always think it won't be that hard. LOL

and a big Happy Birthday to B.


Today I snagged a week rental for compact on dollar $103 for trip. Saving $130 or so over Alamo full size. Used car rental savers but their citispecial in same ballpark. At that rate I'll slum it lol

I missed Bs happy happy. Enjoy, Oh to be 17 again! Naw lol

Looking for a gypsy to read the bumps on my noggin at least his point

Pot of meatballs and sauce simmering away, love that smell
Can we come for dinner? Little one made pasta last night. May be some leftover Keisha. Nice score on the rental. I'm sticking with Alamo with Midsize. I keep checking, but scary prices from what I had snagged months ago. But, over the holidays, yeah, pricey rentals, and well, everything. My RPR is almost 4 times as pricey. Oh well. It's when we travel. Hope those bumps on your noggin go away fast. Least you didn't knock yourself out. LOL
Happy Birthday Agavegirl1. Lovely, a glass of wine is a great way to celebrate a birthday. Hope you have a great birthday, even if it's on a random weekday.

Double camel reminder today. Yep, Wednesday it is. And the week-end may be coming sooner than you think. Also means Pooh and gang are 2 days away from vacation. All that deserves a Wahoo!

Darn mother nature. Excuse me, it's not winter yet. Below freezing overnight, and a 36 degree start to my day. Scraping the ice off car windows is not appreciated either. Sigh. Cooler days are here. But we are in the last 2 months of the year. Ack. Where has the time gone.

With that, I need tea.

Later homies.`s Wednesday..........

Been out new boot shopping this ankle pair and full length to knee boots too......I love new boots!!!!

Pretty cold but sunny out, so was lovely out shopping was 6c which is 42F..........pleasant in the sunshine........but winter has arrived!!! Veg is roasting in the oven before I blitz it to make soup for lunch.........Butternut squash and a variety of other veg in fridge......should be nice........

Night out tonight with friend as usual......will wear new boots I think........:D

Have a great Wednesday..........
Pretty cold but sunny out, so was lovely out shopping was 6c which is 42F..........pleasant in the sunshine........but winter has arrived!!!
Believe it or not...this is what I miss about living in Virginia...the cold temps around holiday time. I still have a hard time with the old Christmas spirit when it's 86 degrees and sunny and Thanksgiving is almost as bad. I would much rather run around in a sweater and heavy coat than shorts and a t-shirt for holiday time. The rest of the winter it can be warm and sunny but only after New Years Day.


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