Something About Nothing ... #12

Have to admit though the gray haired old ladies in Florida who flip you the bird if you don’t take off quickly enough for them at the stop light when it turns green does make me laugh :hyper:
Getting up at 5 this morning is a rarity
Only do that when it's forced on me

Especially tough to open the peepers when I go to bed at midnight

Got home about 3 today and decided to cook
Food done at 5:30 but no one ready to eat yet
No worries
I have a microwave

Hope all have their plans for turkey day
For those with extra days off work this week....sweet !!

Robo I'm with you
My days of shopping on Black Friday ended ten years ago

No more shopping for Christmas deals after turkey day

I saved my sanity from those crowds when I decided checks were more appreciated than gifts for Christmas

No black Friday shopping for me as I am working...if I can't buy it online no way Jose.

We were planning our usual 140 mile trip to my brother's house for thanksgiving and I was not looking forward to spending 4 1/2 hours of my day in the car. I was happily surprised to get the news from my brother that thanksgiving is at my niece's house this year...she lives an hour away :cool1: she's due any minute with her third baby girl and needs to be close to home. Turkey day could get interesting if she goes into labor.
Tink, don't know many that would spend over 4 hours in a car for a turkey meal

Now one hour is worth it ...

Hope you enjoy your family T day
And cross our fingers the cook does not go into labor before the turkey is done
We are having Thanksgiving dinner with friends. I have about a 5 minute drive. My husband asked our hosts what we should bring to the meal. They said “anything you want”. I have no idea what to bring.
Shock them and bring jello...

Or a simple relish tray, which is what I usually do

Eww..Jello. No can do. My problem is that I am really not much of a cook. I have some great desserts I can make, but our hosts always go overboard and buy a bunch of pies.
Flowers or candy or wine? Crackers and cheese? Vegetables and dip? Nice to have someone cook. We travel not quite an hour away. But, with a large family, we have 2 days of dinner, though at 2 different homes. Yay for me, as no cooking for 2 nights.

Odd, as does not feel like a Monday night.

But, am tired, so just chilling now. Getting ready for bed. Pasta for dinner, and of course little one had a bowl of soup to start. Leftover, so lunch for tomorrow unless DH finds it. Hehe, older one just realized there was mashed taters in the refrigerator. Asked what they are for. Said, you, as know he would be home for lunch tomorrow. Happy smile from him.

Warm tea needed. Slightly cool inside. I guess after spending the day in a stuffy hot inside, anything feels cool as compared to that. I drank quite a few glasses of iced tea today.

Enjoy your night homies.
Lynne, what a lucky holiday of two days you will have

No cooking for two days and a short work week!

Can't get any better than that

Without having any family where we are, I can cook whatever we want or get pizza

I'm flipping a coin to decide
They’ve been slowly trying to introduce a Black Friday sale period over here too.........utter nonsense. We too have seen ridiculous fights breaking out over giant TVs from a company no one has heard of and fighting over equally ridiculous items.........

Good way for stores to get rid of their rubbish that’s been hanging around for too long.........I am NOT a sales person at all........hate sales and will actively avoid any stores that do have massive sales at any time of the year. I used to be friends with someone who got up at 4.30am on Boxing Day to go to a store that has a sale starting that day.......crazy!!! I’d rather have my toe nails ripped off than trawl through sales crowds or sales stuff. :D

Vicki........hope you have an amazing time, with no surprises arriving early.........least till dinner is

Tuesday again...........

Kyle has a rare day off midweek so they went out and got haircuts.........I don’t get mine done till next badly needs doing as it’s got so long and roots are showing.........

This afternoon taking DH for new clothes, not holiday clothes, but he needs a new suit and few other things......and it’s still grey and rainy outside.

Have diced beef in slow cooker with ale, beef stock and some veggies........the smell is totally lush already!

Grilled turkey Brie and cranberry sandwiches for lunch all round.........

Have a great Tuesday............:wave2:
Up again at 5:00. This time on purpose. The problem is that when I know I have to get up early I don’t sleep much the night before. B had to be at school at 5:45 this morning. The students who are taking U.S. and Virginia history are going on a field trip to Jamestown.

Schumi - Black Friday has gotten absolutely ridiculous here. It used to be that stores opened a few hours early on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The times keep getting earlier and earlier. I know of at least one store that is starting their Black Friday sale at 2:00 Thursday afternoon. I can’t think of anything I want badly enough to deal with the crazed crowds.

I’m going to try to see if I can get in a little more sleep before I have to go to work.
Nice B gets a field trip today, but yikes, an early hour to get to school. Nice you got to drop her off Charade. Since my DH gets up at 4:30, I do too. I try to go back to sleep, sometimes I do, but most of the time, it's more like a nap, and not restful. Makes an early night for me.

Yay! Tuesday it is. Tacos for all. Us, most likely making pepper steak. Bought steak the other day to grill, but ended up with pasta instead, so, homemade Chinese food for dinner tonight.

Sigh, cool start, even if a bright start. Car again warned there may be icy roads. Yes, below freezing last night will give 35 degree mornings. Heated seats were on high. Yes, a warm tush is much appreciated.

Drank that iced tea too fast. I guess I will be well hydrated today. Time for more tea.


Hope your DH clothes shopping was successful, Schumi. Hope you see the sun soon. Gray and rainy is no fun to be out in. My hair gets cut next week too.

I vote for pizza Mac.

Christmas is coming....

Have a wonderful Tuesday, homies. Stay warm and keep that coffee hot.
The Christmas lights minions are a hoot!!

Our temps dropped also so I turned the heat up higher
I no longer have a real winter coat so I'll stay inside until it gets warmer

Not many work days left for many of you homies
Nice to have a 4 day weekend!
Have to admit though the gray haired old ladies in Florida who flip you the bird if you don’t take off quickly enough for them at the stop light when it turns green does make me laugh :hyper:

My first day in Florida, I was almost killed by one of those little old ladies. She couldn't see over the dashboard and decided to get in the left lane from the 3rd lane over.. unfortunately, *I* was *IN* the left lane at the time. didn't look in any mirror.. I beeped my horn, she jumped a little in her seat but kept on changing lanes. I learned REAL fast how bad those drivers are.

No black Friday shopping for me as I am working...if I can't buy it online no way Jose.

We were planning our usual 140 mile trip to my brother's house for thanksgiving and I was not looking forward to spending 4 1/2 hours of my day in the car. I was happily surprised to get the news from my brother that thanksgiving is at my
niece's house this year...she lives an hour away :cool1: she's due any minute with her third baby girl and needs to be close to home. Turkey day could get interesting if she goes into labor.

140 miles? Nope.. can't do it for a day trip. I am driving 3+ hours for Christmas with my sister, but I am staying there for 4 days.

Schumi - Black Friday has gotten absolutely ridiculous here. It used to be that stores opened a few hours early on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The times keep getting earlier and earlier. I know of at least one store that is starting their Black Friday sale at 2:00 Thursday afternoon. I can’t think of anything I want badly enough to deal with the crazed crowds.

Black Friday is horrendous. If I have to do shopping, I will shop at the stores that DON'T open on Thursday. Those that feel it's not right to take families away from the family holiday. Mostly I do my shopping on line anyway now. I hate stores and I hate other people.

  • 47 is the atomic number of silver
  • 47 is the favorite number of Pomona College in California because Professor Donald Bently wrote a fake mathematical proof that all numbers equal 47.
  • The 47 Society is a real group that formed because of the fake mathematical proof. Their belief is that the number 47 appears more in random instance in life than any other number.
  • Joe Menosky, a graduate of Pomona College went on to be a writer for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Because of his association with Pomona College, the Star Trek universe has referenced the number 47 numerous times in The Next Generation series and beyond. A few examples:
    • In the TNG episode, Darmok, the computer finds 47 instance of the word 'Darmok' in its database
    • In the movie, Star Trek Generations, Scotty manages to beam up only 47 El-Aurians before their ship is destroyed by the energy ribbon.
    • In the 2009 reboot film, Star Trek, the Enterprise was built in sector 47 of Riverside Shipyards and Nero's ship destroyed 47 Klingon ships
  • J.J. Abrams, a director and producer involved with Star Trek, has also adopted the use of the number 47 in many of his series. These series include Fringe, Revolution, and Alias. He has also used 47 in the movie Star Wars, the Force Awakens where the thermal oscillator is located in Precinct 47
  • 47 is the direct dial for Norway
  • The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn are located 47 degrees apart
I am personally hoping for some tropical weather when I go to Universal in 47 days!!!

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Hmmph, For some of us shopping is a competitive sport. :). I draw the line at going out on thanksgiving. Everyone has a disposable income/budget. I really work it to stay within mine as I have huge Xmas gift lists. Strategize BF/cyber monday (although that will be challenging when in MCO this year haha DH said he's going to confiscate my phone so i don't shop in the parks hehe) shopping has saved me literally hundreds of $ every year. I. Tend to pick things up through out the year @ the outlets. My last score was a $145 pair of UGG boots for GD for $45. Yes, ran the # on their site to make sure not knockoffs.

I haven't body slammed anybody - yet. Speaking of; was sad to see Kamala is in bad shape. So many of the old skool wrestlers are nearing their end-life. Hastened by all the chemicals & injuries they acquired in their lifetimes I'm sure.

First Black Friday I did many years ago I herniated a disc in my back just putting my shoes
on to leave that Morning. I didn’t know what it was so went shopping anyway and was in hospital that evening.
Second time I did Black Friday again many years ago two women were fighting in toy store over tickle me Elmo. I was appalled. Nope....Black Friday shopping not for me. It seems to bring out the hidden animal instincts in some folks for sure.....

That surely trumps all BF war stories I've heard. You poor thing!

We are having Thanksgiving dinner with friends. I have about a 5 minute drive. My husband asked our hosts what we should bring to the meal. They said “anything you want”. I have no idea what to bring.

An appetizer always seems to fit the bill in that scenario. My go tos are the pumpernickle bread with the knorrs/sour cream dip or a dessert - in your case since pies are spoken for, fancy cookies/brownies or ambrosia

My toke so far - cranberry sauce, hershey kiss stuffed chocolate chip mini muffin type cookies, pumpkin pies in oven & big bird will head into oven afterwards. I really miss my departed large fridge in the basement. The 2 mini ones just aren't cutting it. Hmmm, maybe I'll find one on BF lol.
Charade me neither.........not my thing at all.........hope you got back to sleep though!!

Lynne......home made Chinese food sounds good..........hope you avoided the ice.......never fun!

Janet, what a bargain with the UGG it’s a shame the way all those wrestlers end of similar fates.........we went to see WWF as it was called in the early 90’s when they toured the UK........I’m almost ashamed to say I may have rushed past some young kids rather abruptly to get close to The Undertaker of whom I was a massive fan at the time........I totally deny the involvement of my elbows anywhere in the Rush...........:rolleyes1

Didn’t know it at The the time but I was very recently pregnant........there’s me behaving like a hooligan......or so I’m

I know where I’m going to hint for an invite if I’m ever in your area for Thanksgiving Janet :D ........everything you have planned sounds gorgeous......

Glad they got the guy who murdered the officer, and poetic justice with the handcuffs. Hope he suffers and rots.

Back in from shopping.........never fun.........managed to get him a new suit, 3 pairs of trousers, not too dressy not too casual........and some bits and DS a few things too......including a new hoody for nights in Orlando........I didn’t get anything for me for a change........:P

Came out of one store and checked to see if my watch had was so dark! Nope, it was right, just such a dark and miserable day........lovely to come home though when it’s like that outside.........

Time for a cuppa........or wine maybe.......shops were busy!


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