Something About Nothing............ #14

Schumi those scones look lovely. Hope Tom feels better soon. My husband had some virus, not Covid, and had him down for a couple of weeks. Don’t really know what it was. Went to doctor, who took swabs and ran blood tests, and x ray. He just had to ride it out. Hes better now.
And I won’t see him the rest of the weekend! British Open is on! He’s glued to the set.

They are gorgeous! I always add some cayenne pepper along with onion and garlic seasoning, certainly adds another element to them and has to be sharp cheddar.

Thank you, he`s so rarely poorly, but I do think it`s just one of those things. We did go a walk along the shore one night in Scotland before bed and it may have been cooler than we thought at 10.30pm. Or of course someone has passed on a bug. I`ll look after him though!

Glad your husband got through it ok, some viruses can be very nasty. Oh no golf in this house, we both loathe it, but I have a brother in law who is an excellent golfer, he could have been professional at one point, I know he`ll be glued to it too. Dull as dishwater to me, but then we enjoy F1 which can appear dull if folks don`t know the ins and outs of it all. Each to their own.

Hello everyone. Not too much going on this weekend. Yesterday I did a little shopping for cross stitch supplies. I am trying to pick up an old hobby that I abandoned several years ago. I have a wolf picture that I started for dh about 25 years ago but never finished. Today is an exciting day of doing laundry and organizing craft supplies.

That's me most days. I am really trying to make an effort to do some exercise each day.

Great news!

Now you can buy new stuff. 😄

I hope they get it right for you this time. You need to be able to walk comfortably.

Wow, do you know if he was caught?

Ugh! People are always coming up with new ways of scamming. Good to know this information before going on my next trip.

My kind of temperature.

Dh wants to see that one. I am still trying to get caught up on the Indiana Jones movies I missed.

Sending well wishes to Tom. Hope he is able to get lots of sleep and starts feeling better quickly.

Those look really good.

I think I am going to try to get my flight changed to my local airport. The flight out of Richmond is much cheaper, but the airport is 2.5 hours away. The more I think about the drive (I would have to leave home around 6:30 in the morning if I were to get to the airport 2 hours before my flight leaves) the more it makes sense to pay a little more to fly from my local airport.

Thanks, he`s still sound asleep.

Flying from your local airport sound so much better, sometimes it`s more than worth the extra money.

I tried to resist another two scones, second batch came out and there`s nothing like a warm scone with lashings of butter, no wonder I`m not slim!!!

Had some parma ham, spicy chorizo, Beef Carpaccio I cured myself, 6 large shrimp, cream cheese stuffed cherry tomatoes, olives, salad and two, yes another two cheese scones with a very large glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Sleeping beauty is still sound asleep, I wandered up and walked past our door, not a sound.

Will go up in a couple of hours and see if he wants some tea and something light to eat. It sucks when you feel so poorly.

It`s been such a lazy day, but a bit of trip report and some baking is always good. Scones are so simple though, it`s not really baking.

Glass of wine time I think :)
I don't want to jinx the day - but I'm enjoying being able to take my time with all my tasks today. I've got most of it done. Working ahead a bit for the weekday gals and doing one or two of their tasks, when the desk is busier. I've been listening to the new season of Steel Magnolias today :rolleyes1 The nice thing about working weekends, not many interruptions and it fill the quiet of the office.

Ran over to the next block over lunch. Picked up some bbq from the rib fest happening just a block over! It was pretty yummy! I was expecting lines - but it seems our city is more of a late afternoon/evening get out to these things type of people. Tomorrow I'll hit up a food truck that specializes in grilled cheese :hyper: I told dh that this weekend was going to be my eating out weekend!!!! :rotfl:

We are having another Port worker strike contributing to delays in receiving things here. :sad2:
We are already seeing the impact. Stores are starting to have short stock on things :sad2: and of course, when people are going to be starting their back to school shopping soon.
had made some savoury cheese scones as I knew we hadn`t gone to the deli for bread, thought we`d have them
Those look delicious!!!! Yum!!!!

Our weather all week is going to be cool and I have pulled out the sour dough and I will be baking alllllllllll week!!!!!!!!!! I have a few things up my sleaves that I want to try.
Yesterday I did a little shopping for cross stitch supplies. I am trying to pick up an old hobby that I abandoned several years ago. I have a wolf picture that I started for dh about 25 years ago but never finished. Today is an exciting day of doing laundry and organizing craft supplies.
How fun! I did that years ago as well. We have a good family friend who does those - and they make such great gifts. There are many hours spent on them.

@keishashadow I hope your trip went well! What is your countdown at for your next adventure.

Well, off to check off/ mark off my to-do list.
Flight has been changed. I’m still arriving in Orlando at the same time as before, but my return flight is later. Previously, either I was going to have to wait a few hours in the airport or dh was going to have to cancel his class to come get me, but now that won’t be a problem.
If I were a dishonest person I could have gotten a flight credit. The person at AA got confused and thought the airline owed me a credit. It took me a minute to convince her that I owed them.

55 days until I leave.
@schumigirl glad Tom is sleeping it off. Good for healing. His body probably needed it. You’re being a good nurse! That lunch sounded quite nice. We just had left over grilled chicken in a wrap with avocado and stuff! We are being lazy today! I did dutifully poke my head in to check on golf game, lol.

@Pumpkin1172 we have Rib Fest going on down along the inlet. Occasionally music drifts up and I can hear it. They have several bands playing. I should go down but too lazy today. Maybe tomorrow. I do love ribs.

@Charade67 Glad your flights worked out for the better. Later flight means more time in Universal ::yes::
Both my flights going home for Aug and Feb don’t land till practically midnight. My husband doesn’t like driving late night and really I don’t think it’s safe for him since he’s uncomfortable with it. So I’m going to have to decide whether to drive to airport and leave car there or Uber home.
I would say good morning, but we have heavy rain, the type that just bounces and doesn`t ease off at all. It started around 3am, and yes I was awake to hear it start, now it is just the most miserable day out there......and 56F. It is still July isn`t it???? Welcome to summer in the UK.

So, I still have an invalid in bed, but think he is improving today, still asleep and I told him he`s staying in bed all day and not going out tomorrow. We don`t need anything at all, so a grazing day for me as there`s not point in cooking anything, Charcuterie food will be lunch and dinner for me as I have plenty there......I love it!!!

Hungarian GP this afternoon, not sure I`ll bother watching, might get on with some more TR and usual Sunday afternoon calls I have with friends and a couple of family members. So, quite a lazy one but perfect for such a miserable day. May fit in a snooze too.

I did make myself a lovely bacon roll for breakfast, large pots of tea as I am taking Tom up tea and water but will have plenty of tea today too.




Happy Sunday 🌧️☔
Good morning homies!

Morning mac.....or afternoon as it is now here...

On my third pot of tea, sleeping beauty occasionally has a little, but so far I`m swishing with all the tea......

About to have lunch while watching Murder She Wrote......perfect!!!

Have a good one......
Hope Tom feels better real soon Carole

Thanks mac, he`s still in bed and hasn`t eaten anything only sipping water and tea. I think if he`s back to normal tomorrow, he`ll eat like he hasn`t eaten for a month!!

He picked a good weekend to be poorly though, rain is still bouncing down here! Off to make him some tea and see if he`ll drink it or is asleep.

Hope you have a lovely Sunday, off to church soon I`m guessing.
Quick morning stop in! I have things sorted at work already. Just drinking my tea and wasting a little time before hitting my to-do task list of the day.

Had a quiet night last night. We got a good thunder storm again later in the evening. I waited to go to bed to make sure that no hail or anything came down. It was a good soaking rain for about 2 hrs - then cooled off really nice.

Too bad I slept like garbage :sad2: I am not sure what I ate - but my gallbladder was causing my grief last night :rolleyes2 And of course it goes until well after 4:00 am...and I'm up at 6:00 to get ready for work. Oh well, I will maybe have a nap when I get home - or get to sleep a few extra winks tomorrow morning. I am NOT a morning person, if you can tell :rotfl: And of course I married a man who is a morning lark!

Not sure what I will entirely do today to stay busy at work. I brought my book to help offset some time.

Well, off to get some tasks done.

Have a great day everyone!
three guesses how I spent my am:). target will be shipping & a trunk pickup at WM in my future today, both options better than braving the weekend throngs.

Booked MI last night, as the mr loves that series, dating back to the old one on TV. he enjoyed it, me, well…as not a fan of Mr Cruise, grinned and bore it.

Do think the screenplay was quite lacking. A shame as they could’ve presented the plot in a more engaging fashion. usually, these movies are non stop action, found myself wishing for more to avoid the acting/dialogue.
Still too sore for that. Anyone with suggestions of ones that give shape I’m open!
I’m a sports bra sort of gal. Allergic to latex, I have to watch underwear closely. From my reaction to wearing many different brands, seems more than a few manufacturers don’t double check their sources. Now, I stick to those tried and true ones

when the outfit requires a more structured sort. Then I go with a tshirt sort, playtex secrets non underwire model. very lightly padded but with side support & more of a traditional band.

Check out ur local walmart, price is surely right. lots of stretchy microfiber options, I like ones without any band whatsoever. It surprised me the first time I wore them that they worked, even for larger cup sizes.

Hanes makes both pullover and traditional clasp sorts. I’ve tried the Bali ones, nice, just that they are not so moisture wicking & double to triple the price

Dont get me started on Halloween and Christmas decorations AND clothing being put out when it’s only July! Can’t they just let me enjoy Summer before hitting me in the face with Fall and winter
I feel you but, go with the flow here, if u aren’t an early bird; the cool stuff flies off the shelves.
I loved playing with Barbie!
My strict/old fashioned parents wouldn’t buy me a Barbie doll as they thot a doll with a full bosom would ‘warp me’. fail, can’t avoid fate Lol. I did play with my friends.

as an adult purchased two of them to add to themed collections, Scarlett O’Hara & this one
Charade - oh, I’d not be fond of driving more than a hour to an airport either. Smart choice there. I have two both about an hour away from us, in opposite directions. The one is so small, you park for free in an open lot. Only a flight a day to destinations, had it bite me once due to a delay. Now, won’t book it if I absolutely have to be somewhere the next day.
Not always a popular opinion but I don`t care, I love places where there are no "little darlings" on occasion.
Yes, in the age of streaming, no idea why people bring babies/tots to movie theaters
Even though Kyle was always that child that always behaved at meals in restaurants,
I’m of the mind it’s akin to training a dog. :duck: consistent guidance & reinforcement until it sticks.

When they started to eat ”people food”, right out of the gate, would go to family sort of places where if it was an “off” day, they could easily package up the uneaten food. There were times one of us sat in the car with the fussy one. the kids soon caught on that tantrums wouldn’t be acknowledged to their satisfaction.

These days, I’m all for letting kids have a device in front of them if it keeps them quiet. Nothing worse than seeing a kid scream thru a meal or even roam a restaurant while parents blissfully enjoy their meal
Liptons!!!!!!!! Janet, we need to
Haha it makes the best iced tea. I do the twinnings or bigelow for hot. for just one mug, do admit to using the keurig vs the kettle…ima savage :)
Tomorrow I'll hit up a food truck that specializes in grilled cheese :hyper: I told dh that this weekend was going to be my eating out weekend!!!! :rotfl:
only time I hanker for one is when I’m just starting to eat after being ill
Hungarian GP this afternoon,
I think some borscht is in order. Love beets, for some reason have never made the soup.

hope Tom is up and about soon
am not sure what I ate - but my gallbladder was causing my grief last night
Cheese, fat & sweets will set that off when it’s starting to “go bad” . Sorry I waited so long to have my removed, felt so much better afterwards.
Quick morning stop in! I have things sorted at work already. Just drinking my tea and wasting a little time before hitting my to-do task list of the day.

Had a quiet night last night. We got a good thunder storm again later in the evening. I waited to go to bed to make sure that no hail or anything came down. It was a good soaking rain for about 2 hrs - then cooled off really nice.

Too bad I slept like garbage :sad2: I am not sure what I ate - but my gallbladder was causing my grief last night :rolleyes2 And of course it goes until well after 4:00 am...and I'm up at 6:00 to get ready for work. Oh well, I will maybe have a nap when I get home - or get to sleep a few extra winks tomorrow morning. I am NOT a morning person, if you can tell :rotfl: And of course I married a man who is a morning lark!

Not sure what I will entirely do today to stay busy at work. I brought my book to help offset some time.

Well, off to get some tasks done.

Have a great day everyone!

I got my gallbladder removed when I was 35, best thing I ever got done. After that I could eat everything I wanted and no pain. Maybe look into it as it`s a fairly simple procedure now, often not even an overnight stay for most folks.

lol....I`m definitely a morning person too, Tom is too but slightly reluctant at times, especially in winter! Nothing wrong with sleeping late, especially if you`re snuggled up together!!!

three guesses how I spent my am:). target will be shipping & a trunk pickup at WM in my future today, both options better than braving the weekend throngs.
View attachment 779747

Booked MI last night, as the mr loves that series, dating back to the old one on TV. he enjoyed it, me, well…as not a fan of Mr Cruise, grinned and bore it.

Do think the screenplay was quite lacking. A shame as they could’ve presented the plot in a more engaging fashion. usually, these movies are non stop action, found myself wishing for more to avoid the acting/dialogue.

I’m a sports bra sort of gal. Allergic to latex, I have to watch underwear closely. From my reaction to wearing many different brands, seems more than a few manufacturers don’t double check their sources. Now, I stick to those tried and true ones

when the outfit requires a more structured sort. Then I go with a tshirt sort, playtex secrets non underwire model. very lightly padded but with side support & more of a traditional band.

Check out ur local walmart, price is surely right. lots of stretchy microfiber options, I like ones without any band whatsoever. It surprised me the first time I wore them that they worked, even for larger cup sizes.

Hanes makes both pullover and traditional clasp sorts. I’ve tried the Bali ones, nice, just that they are not so moisture wicking & double to triple the price

I feel you but, go with the flow here, if u aren’t an early bird; the cool stuff flies off the shelves.

My strict/old fashioned parents wouldn’t buy me a Barbie doll as they thot a doll with a full bosom would ‘warp me’. fail, can’t avoid fate Lol. I did play with my friends.

as an adult purchased two of them to add to themed collections, Scarlett O’Hara & this one
View attachment 779749
Charade - oh, I’d not be fond of driving more than a hour to an airport either. Smart choice there. I have two both about an hour away from us, in opposite directions. The one is so small, you park for free in an open lot. Only a flight a day to destinations, had it bite me once due to a delay. Now, won’t book it if I absolutely have to be somewhere the next day.

Yes, in the age of streaming, no idea why people bring babies/tots to movie theaters

I’m of the mind it’s akin to training a dog. :duck: consistent guidance & reinforcement until it sticks.

When they started to eat ”people food”, right out of the gate, would go to family sort of places where if it was an “off” day, they could easily package up the uneaten food. There were times one of us sat in the car with the fussy one. the kids soon caught on that tantrums wouldn’t be acknowledged to their satisfaction.

These days, I’m all for letting kids have a device in front of them if it keeps them quiet. Nothing worse than seeing a kid scream thru a meal or even roam a restaurant while parents blissfully enjoy their meal

Haha it makes the best iced tea. I do the twinnings or bigelow for hot. for just one mug, do admit to using the keurig vs the kettle…ima savage :)

only time I hanker for one is when I’m just starting to eat after being ill

I think some borscht is in order. Love beets, for some reason have never made the soup.

hope Tom is up and about soon

Cheese, fat & sweets will set that off when it’s starting to “go bad” . Sorry I waited so long to have my removed, felt so much better afterwards.

Usually we are Sunday snugglers, so today two out of three ain`t bad. I did watch a movie and did some online shopping, but as Tom is still ailing, I was a little bored!!! My excuse....

Sorry to hear MI wasn`t as good as it should be. I`m not a fan of TC either, but do enjoy a lot of his movies weirdly. Tom was a big tv show MI fan too so it`s a must see, we had booked to go Tuesday but I doubt we`ll be there now.

No Barbie for me either, in the UK in the 1970`s Sindy was predominant in the doll market. I had a Sindy but never had her house as it was deemed "rubbish" lol.....same reason I never got Girls World, the head you made up and did her hair!! I was deprived!!! I never really got into those types of dolls being honest, all I wanted as an eight year old was a real typewriter and rollerboots.

I love beetroot raw, Tom hates it like that preferring the pickled kind, I don`t like the pickled type so we each never get what we like. Never made that soup either, although I think I had it once, but it was watery and gross and I`m positive any other I tried wouldn`t be like that, but haven`t tried it again.

I hate seeing kids roaming or worse running through a restaurant while the parents sit on their devices ignoring them. yep remove them if need be till their behaviour improves, nothing worse for them, the parents and other diners when that screeching starts!

Ah, Iced Tea is not a thing in the UK in many places, some places have introduced very modern takes, mandarin and raspberry and similar, but it`s not really tea. Tea should be hot and served from a teapot with milk and the milk must go in first or there`ll be riots in some places......we take our tea seriously over here....:rotfl:

It`s still raining and still heavy, this has to have been the most miserable of days we`ve had for ages. And Tom is still in bed, so I miss my partner in crime as we are always joined at the hip, even at home!! I think he`ll be another few days before he`s up and out and about.

Grazing for dinner tonight again, suits me nicely there are some lovely meats and accompaniments in the fridge, already demolished the Spanish Olives stuffed with jalapeno and some with garlic!

Then maybe watch another movie tonight, can`t go out when he`s like this. I think he is slightly better than he was during the night though.

Off for some more tea, I have absolutely beaten my record for amounts of tea enjoyed in one day! Then dinner for one a little later!
Hey :wave:!
Hope all are doing well. Busy summer for us here.
After seeing and being in Sue’s car in May we test drove one ourselves, ultimately decided ok with some downsize so ended up with Honda CR-V hybrid. 380A222E-57BB-46DD-B544-56C6C382ECAB.jpeg
Rest gas mileage, fun to drive my first new car in 22 years (hubs has had several bit I don’t count those as they weren’t my everyday driver)

Days if hot/sticky/ storms now with a couple days gorgeous low humidity &sunny. Went with friend to Top of the Rock in Branson yesterday. Hidden gem in “flyover country” . Can rent gold cart to tool around, has “bar cave” to get canned drinks (no need to even get out of golf cart). Fantastic day yesterday

Patty texted a couple weeks ago-she and Joe will be at HHN 9/8-9/10. That’s the weekend I booked hotel when AP rates dropped way back. Wasn’t sure if we’d go this year (new car big budget item) but hubs is 100% on board now lol! Will be great to see them-and anyone else who’s there!

Leavin 8/2 for Florida to spend couple days with family pre anniversary cruise. Also decided to stay couple days post cruise.
Charade we have same dilemma of driving to bigger airport for cheaper flights vs regional which often is bit higher price.

Hope to see some in the fog!


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Really late start for me this morning. I woke up around 5:30 and didn’t get back to sleep until after 7:00. Then I slept until 11:00.

Glad your flights worked out for the better. Later flight means more time in Universal
Unfortunately not. My flight leaves around 1:30, so instead of having park time in the morning I will sleep in some. Just need to make sure I am out by checkout time.

So, I still have an invalid in bed, but think he is improving today, still asleep and I told him he`s staying in bed all day and not going out tomorrow.
Probably the best thing for him. Hope he improves quickly.

I am not sure what I ate - but my gallbladder was causing my grief last night
I sympathize. I had mine out several years ago. It gave me a lot of grief until then. The surgeon said it was “angry”.

My strict/old fashioned parents wouldn’t buy me a Barbie doll as they thot a doll with a full bosom would ‘warp me’.
I had the growing up Skipper doll. Do you remember her? I think you turned her arm a certain way and she got taller and developed a bust.

Charade - oh, I’d not be fond of driving more than a hour to an airport either. Smart choice there. I have two both about an hour away from us, in opposite directions. The one is so small, you park for free in an open lot. Only a flight a day to destinations, had it bite me once due to a delay. Now, won’t book it if I absolutely have to be somewhere the next day.
I originally went with that option because the price was so low. I’ve been watching the rates out of my local airport and they finally got low enough that I was wiling to pay the difference. I thought we had a tiny airport, but that small one near you beats it. Thankfully the local airport is only about a 10-15 minute drive from my house. There’s also no need to get there 2 hours before a flight.

It’s Sunday, so that means race day. We need to go grab a late lunch first.
They are gorgeous! I always add some cayenne pepper along with onion and garlic seasoning, certainly adds another element to them and has to be sharp cheddar.

Thank you, he`s so rarely poorly, but I do think it`s just one of those things. We did go a walk along the shore one night in Scotland before bed and it may have been cooler than we thought at 10.30pm. Or of course someone has passed on a bug. I`ll look after him though!

Glad your husband got through it ok, some viruses can be very nasty. Oh no golf in this house, we both loathe it, but I have a brother in law who is an excellent golfer, he could have been professional at one point, I know he`ll be glued to it too. Dull as dishwater to me, but then we enjoy F1 which can appear dull if folks don`t know the ins and outs of it all. Each to their own.

Thanks, he`s still sound asleep.

Flying from your local airport sound so much better, sometimes it`s more than worth the extra money.

I tried to resist another two scones, second batch came out and there`s nothing like a warm scone with lashings of butter, no wonder I`m not slim!!!

Had some parma ham, spicy chorizo, Beef Carpaccio I cured myself, 6 large shrimp, cream cheese stuffed cherry tomatoes, olives, salad and two, yes another two cheese scones with a very large glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Sleeping beauty is still sound asleep, I wandered up and walked past our door, not a sound.

Will go up in a couple of hours and see if he wants some tea and something light to eat. It sucks when you feel so poorly.

It`s been such a lazy day, but a bit of trip report and some baking is always good. Scones are so simple though, it`s not really baking.

Glass of wine time I think :)
Carole, I hope Tom gets better soon. It sounds like a virus to me?
I love reading about your wonderful meals:)
I say that as I am eating my apple and cheese and crackers for lunch! I have to watch what I eat because of health reasons. I lost 30 # with covid with complications, and have gained 10# back:( I can't let myself gain any more, but I would Love to be able to eat like I used to. It's not all bad. I eat a treat when I want one, just not every day.

We are recuperating from our painting marathon and chilling today. Got grandson's birthday party this evening, so that will be fun. It's always difficult just what to get kids these days. They seem to have everything now! So, at age 17 we are giving him money. He always needs gas money, so that will work. Now to hang out sheets:):) You are the only one I know that gets pleasure out of hanging out wash, LOL.

Table saving while little one waits for the food.

Nice to score that car, MonyK, but not coming until a week after you leave. Oh well. Maybe next time. Oh yeah, and will be there the week before ya too.


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