Something About Nothing............ #14

Good Morning.....

Beautiful start to today with a temp of 64 right now. I'm kinda bummed out; today was the day we were supposed to be leaving for our Florida trip. Sad about that, but looking forward to the warmth this weekend. I might bring the smoker out tomorrow to do some chicken, I just have to check the wood situation.

We've been pretty busy this week and have some home improvement things on the agenda for the weekend. We need to stain the back deck again, but I think it might be too wet and we'll have to wait.

Is Florida on the list of mandatory quarantine for two weeks for people arriving from there? I would just take the extra two weeks vacation too! One of the bus companies here has resumed services to NYC and Philly. I'm pretty sure the 2 week quarantine for people arriving from NYC still stands, so I don't know what the bus company is thinking.

Oh yes, the deer near houses here are very bold too. My friend can't even put flowers on her deck because they will come right up onto the deck and eat them. I live too in a residential area so they don't come this far up.

It is nice and I'm looking forward to it. We sold our fishing boat a few years ago and I could kick myself now. When we had the boat everyone could be out on the water at the same time. But with just the kayaks we have to take turns. Don't laugh... but we take our dogs too and have life jackets for them. It's actually pretty funny! One loves the water and tries to jump in and the other doesn't like water much, but likes to be on the kayak. The dog life jackets have handles on the top so I can grab a dog and dip him in the water next to me and pull him back out. One time I was kayaking with one of my dogs and some guy started taking pictures of me and the dog. It was kinda creepy, but I think he must not have ever seen a dog kayaking before. At one of the lakes we frequent there's a guy who paddle-boards with his dog. I would love to try that too!

I hope when antibody testing becomes more available that you can get a test. At least for peace of mind.
I found out today that our local hospital was one of only 51 hospitals in the state to receive remdesivir to help our cases here.

In PA, we have bear, bobcats, coyotes and some poisonous snakes. We have a rattlesnake here that is a timber rattler and they sun themselves by one of the rivers where my husband likes to fish. I don't go there with him because they scare me. You don't even see them, you just hear the rattle when you get too close.

Bear usually run away when you make noise and bobcats and coyotes don't come this far into civilization. I've never seen a wild coyote though. One of my friends lives north of me and she gets them in her yard, they have killed a lot of her cats. They are a pain to farmers and hunter/trappers because they kill everything.

Thanks. It does sound strange but we were hoping we had antibodies.

And they will come after you if you get too close. They've chased my kids when they were younger on more than one occasion. There's one island on a lake we go to that you can't even get out of the boat or kayak on because there's so much poop. The kids called it "goose poop island" when they were younger and we still call it that, lol!

Oh I`ve seen lifejackets on dogs before....makes sense for them to wear them too.

Keisha posted a picture of a bear quite close to her home a few years back.....absolutely terrifying to see them so close.....I wouldn`t be good with such wild animals around!!! Glad we don`t have to worry about that.

Up at our cottage which sits right up at the top of Scotland, there are some strange creatures around.....they`re not deer, but not cows either, makes strange noises during the night, and as there is no one for miles it can be alarming if you`re not used to them......thankfully it`s not near Loch Ness or maybe we`d up there we get a lot of deer and so many rabbits. The locals deal with them though.

Goose poop island......I can imagine!!!! I know duck poop stinks to high heavens when there`s a lot of them!!

Oh I wish our stylists could open.........this is my most recent hair picture......


I have trimmed the layers and length on this picture, but maybe need to do it again before July. Even then, not sure I`m in a rush to go to a salon.......but I may have to.

Lasagne was lovely for dinner.......very filling.

But, what is it about surveys right now......I`m getting them through almost two or three a day. In the last three weeks I`ve had around 4 from Universal alone.

Quiet night zoom calls planned, so maybe a scary movie with a glass of wine.....

Hope everyone is having a good week. Came into work today at manager's request. No plans for the weekend other than the usual yard work. Maybe if the weather is nice we will go out in the boat.

Today is the first day of phase 1 for our state. I drove by Ross's this morning and people were standing in line to get inside. If it had been a TJ Maxx, I may have been right there with them. Ran by Kroger on the way to work and they were nicely stocked. Picked up a pack of Quilted Northern, first time I have seen that since March, and a pack of paper towels. I do not need them but I bought them in case my brother needed any. Meats were stocked so that was nice to see. Beautiful day. Sunny and in the mid 80's.

I made chicken salad last night so we could have it for lunch today.
I only use the breast meat when I make it for sandwiches.

Love chicken salad. I have been picking up rotisserie chickens from Sam's Club and shredding the meat for chicken salad and whatever else.

Aww, MonyK, my lab was an 85 pound lap sitter. Was really nice when the house felt cool. He was a lover boy though. Gentle blockheaded guy that wanted nothing more than being loved. If we get another dog some day, it will be another lab. Both of ours were yellow, but we are thinking black or chocolate would be nice. But no time soon, as while all say I won’t be the main caregiver, um, yeah, based on track record of the three dogs we had, I am just not ready for being responsible, but I so miss the company of one in our home.

I have a 95lb (about 10 lbs overweight) black lab who likes to sit in my lap. Well he is too big to sit so I recline in my chair and put a blanket over me and he lays across my legs until he is about 5 seconds from a heat stroke then he is back on the floor. Usually only up there for about 10 minutes at the most. My older dog was a Vizsla, he passed last summer but he was a big baby too.

@Charade67 - love the cabinets. Glad they worked out.

I have trimmed the layers and length on this picture, but maybe need to do it again before July. Even then, not sure I`m in a rush to go to a salon.......but I may have to.

Your color still looks nice. Very pretty!

Monykalyn beautiful lab. It’s my fav breed. We had 2 yellow labs (not at same time). They have such big hearts and love everyone. Both of mine were lap dogs lol. And the male was too smart for his own britches! Figured out how to open door knobs, garden gates.....
I‘d have another except for the shedding!

They are the best. I have had Vizslas all of my life and I thought they were loving dogs but Labs are truly an all around good breed....except for the shedding.
Of course after I ordered an even larger cage from amazon. Maybe i can catch that black bear now hehe

Gal at the post office counter said to me, are you a twin as someone was just here 30 minutes ago to ship out a package.
You should’ve left out a cackle and said “I’m the evil twin”. You’d probably be hauled away but the CSW guys would appreciate the humor lolololol
the park’s won’t be doing themselves financially right if they hold back on capacity for very long, big numbers are what they need and thrive on and at some point the bubble will burst whether it’s the companies saying enough we have to be able to open and carry on like normal or ok it’s cost us to much money and we won’t recover lock the gates.........obviously we all want success for the places we love to visit.
That ship has sailed. They aren’t in it now to make a profit. It’s all about a slow & steady opening, a PR period where the last thing they need is a spike in the area or traced contact back to the parks.

Need to put on the right ‘show’ to inspire confidence in the public & convince them it’s safe to return. Sales as after 9-11. They are playing the long game, trying to amp up re-bookings into late fall & next summer.

Pockets are deep at WDW, they have secured huge lines of credit. Will get thru it. Comcast probably has increased profits with people watching so much tv now, don’t see any issue at Universal either.

Our butcher called yesterday to ask if we needed anything this week, to be honest our freezers are still full. But, we`ll pop in and pick up some bacon......always need bacon!!!! And some deli meats, they have the most amazing turkey buttery!!!
Wow, wish we had that service here
I have been in a really down mood all week. Not really sure why. I think it’s a combination of not being able to go anywhere and dealing with the stupid insurance issues at work. I have been having really crazy dreams this week. More so than usual.
You are in good company. Anyone who says they aren’t stir-crazy is fooling themselves. This will pass
Keishashadow you bring the best booze to a party!
Is that one just for me ?
Absolutely. You’re the thing i think of when i see a bottle of Jack lol.
Chicken is good

I made chicken salad last night so we could have it for lunch today.
I only use the breast meat when I make it for sandwiches.
Nom. I like dried cranberries in mine, don’t judge
Today she checked the room listings and found that several rooms in her preferred dorm were available. She wanted the same floor she was on last year, but that wasn't available. She picked a different floor in the same dorm and is happy with that choice. I also reminded her that she can continue to check the dorm listings during the summer and change rooms if one on her preferred floor comes available.
Good for her
Little one sent in her contract, she will be in an apartment with her roommate, and 2 other girls, and it’s a 4 bedroom, with each two bedrooms sharing a bathroom. So her roommate and her are taking the two bedrooms that share the bathroom
That sounds mighty fancy, mom :). My kids got the opposite side of the spectrum, shared room & bathroom down the hall.
Told him I turned the ac off and was getting fresh air in the house as I thought it was stuffy inside.
I do it once a week here even in the winter, for an hour. My Grandma always insisted it killed the germs
Yep, breast meat only in sandwiches. And I`m already looking forward to another turkey breast sandwich for our lunch today.
I just can’t do dark meat, period. We have chinese take out places here where you can opt for all white. If it’s cooked correctly, not dry.
Beautiful start to today with a temp of 64 right now. I'm kinda bummed out; today was the day we were supposed to be leaving for our Florida trip. Sad about that, but looking forward to the warmth this weekend. I might bring the smoker out tomorrow to do some chicken, I just have to check the wood situation.
Nice, its 78 here. Getting ready to go back out. Was by pool earlier but sun was reflecting & could feel myself burning.
I have a hair trim appt 5/25! Yay! Salons opening up in limited capacity starting 5/19. Lots of safety protocols in place. Come in with hair washed and wet, no blow drying.
Good for you, wear a mask
Keisha posted a picture of a bear quite close to her home a few years back.....absolutely terrifying to see them so close.....I wouldn`t be good with such wild animals around!!! Glad we don`t have to worry about that.
Yep, he was ahappy one though. No issues, they relocated him. it’s the coyotes that are freaking me out now, their howling is blood curdling. Well, that and the hawks circling my dog likevultures .
I have trimmed the layers and length on this picture, but maybe need to do it again before July. Even then, not sure I`m in a rush to go to a salon.......but I may have to.
That is long, mine seems to have grown a ton since mid March. I attribute it to all the protein & vitamins im ingesting lol.
Yeah, she is a lucky duck, Keisha. Even better, seems like most of the football team members stay in that apartment building, as it’s right across from the University’s practice field. As I said, lucky duck. 😀
But not as worried, as even if I pay for most of her food, it will still be cheaper than I paid for room and board from the University.

So nice a day, my lily white legs for all to see. Then I try not to stand not too close to little one, as she is so nicely light tan looking without even tanning in the sun. And younger. 😂 Haha.

Ooh mean looking trapped raccoon. Glad you caught him Keisha.

Ah, no need for the heater tonight. And so odd, as last night, frost warnings again. With rain to stay South of us, time to spend some time in the ☀️.
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Of course after I ordered an even larger cage from amazon. Maybe i can catch that black bear now hehe

You should’ve left out a cackle and said “I’m the evil twin”. You’d probably be hauled away but the CSW guys would appreciate the humor lolololol

That ship has sailed. They aren’t in it now to make a profit. It’s all about a slow & steady opening, a PR period where the last thing they need is a spike in the area or traced contact back to the parks.

Need to put on the right ‘show’ to inspire confidence in the public & convince them it’s safe to return. Sales as after 9-11. They are playing the long game, trying to amp up re-bookings into late fall & next summer.

Pockets are deep at WDW, they have secured huge lines of credit. Will get thru it. Comcast probably has increased profits with people watching so much tv now, don’t see any issue at Universal either.

Wow, wish we had that service here

You are in good company. Anyone who says they aren’t stir-crazy is fooling themselves. This will pass

Absolutely. You’re the thing i think of when i see a bottle of Jack lol.

Nom. I like dried cranberries in mine, don’t judge

Good for her

That sounds mighty fancy, mom :). My kids got the opposite side of the spectrum, shared room & bathroom down the hall.

I do it once a week here even in the winter, for an hour. My Grandma always insisted it killed the germs

I just can’t do dark meat, period. We have chinese take out places here where you can opt for all white. If it’s cooked correctly, not dry.

Nice, its 78 here. Getting ready to go back out. Was by pool earlier but sun was reflecting & could feel myself burning.

Good for you, wear a mask

Yep, he was ahappy one though. No issues, they relocated him. it’s the coyotes that are freaking me out now, their howling is blood curdling. Well, that and the hawks circling my dog likevultures .

That is long, mine seems to have grown a ton since mid March. I attribute it to all the protein & vitamins im ingesting lol.

Yup, My point though was that even if restrictions are put on capacity, lets say a year from now still, no company will be thrilled about 30-40% revenue.
Was looking to book a package at Disney for a week in February 2021 but too early to do so, we are thinking Beach Club or French Quarter, we have stayed at BC more than any other resort but have only visited FQ but never stayed we do however enjoy the place have a good afternoon everyone!
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Of course after I ordered an even larger cage from amazon. Maybe i can catch that black bear now hehe

You should’ve left out a cackle and said “I’m the evil twin”. You’d probably be hauled away but the CSW guys would appreciate the humor lolololol

That ship has sailed. They aren’t in it now to make a profit. It’s all about a slow & steady opening, a PR period where the last thing they need is a spike in the area or traced contact back to the parks.

Need to put on the right ‘show’ to inspire confidence in the public & convince them it’s safe to return. Sales as after 9-11. They are playing the long game, trying to amp up re-bookings into late fall & next summer.

Pockets are deep at WDW, they have secured huge lines of credit. Will get thru it. Comcast probably has increased profits with people watching so much tv now, don’t see any issue at Universal either.

Wow, wish we had that service here

You are in good company. Anyone who says they aren’t stir-crazy is fooling themselves. This will pass

Absolutely. You’re the thing i think of when i see a bottle of Jack lol.

Nom. I like dried cranberries in mine, don’t judge

Good for her

That sounds mighty fancy, mom :). My kids got the opposite side of the spectrum, shared room & bathroom down the hall.

I do it once a week here even in the winter, for an hour. My Grandma always insisted it killed the germs

I just can’t do dark meat, period. We have chinese take out places here where you can opt for all white. If it’s cooked correctly, not dry.

Nice, its 78 here. Getting ready to go back out. Was by pool earlier but sun was reflecting & could feel myself burning.

Good for you, wear a mask

Yep, he was ahappy one though. No issues, they relocated him. it’s the coyotes that are freaking me out now, their howling is blood curdling. Well, that and the hawks circling my dog likevultures .

That is long, mine seems to have grown a ton since mid March. I attribute it to all the protein & vitamins im ingesting lol.

YAY!!! Well done that man!!! Got the little critter........well, not so little!!!

I LOVE dried cranberries in a chicken of my favourite things to have in salad......

oh I did forget they relocated the bear.......I remember showing Tom the picture and his eyes going like saucers! Yes, the hair is quite long even with a trim......I’m sure yours will be quite a length now too.....usually I say mine grows longer in Florida with the sun, but I have to say we’ve had nothing but sun for all of this lockdown so far.....typical. Now I’m craving chicken salad with cranberries and jalapeños.........

Quick grocery store run.
Limes.... check
Mint.... check
Seltzer..... check
Rum at home.... check

Mojitos tonight!

Yep, not a real home unless there are bottles of rum around!! I never quite got the taste for mint.......the bar staff all around the hotels all know I hate mint, so I’m good there........enjoy!!!

Ended up with white wine tonight......rather nice.......Tom wasn’t such a fan of the bottle I chose, so he went to JD and I enjoyed the rest.......nice wine to sip all evening........

Did have a little zoom chat after friends little granddaughter Elise, who we see quite regularly wanted to say hello....her mum sent me a txt and asked if we would surprise her, so we that little girl. We’ll see her sometime in the future.......

Think our temps are getting better in the next few days.......I hope so......the joys of living in the UK....

Time for another glass of wine.....only 10pm here........:thumbsup2
Last time I saw you was two years ago when with Robo.
Your hair so soooo long and beautiful !

And it is a very smart color!
You look like a natural blonde.

Yup Jack is my main man!
I have not been able to drink any while I’ve been on some meds but Mr Mac bought me a new bottle for when I can.

Btw, did you name the critter in the cage .....

So now you are set on vacations for this year and next

I like your shopping list!
Only the essentials needed

Better to have white hair than dark hair since you do the blonde coloring.
Much easier getting away with no touch ups for months.

I had a long list mentioning all the other homies but my fat fingers hit the wrong button and lost them all.

I go crazy when using the phone to post here.
Last time I saw you was two years ago when with Robo.
Your hair so soooo long and beautiful !

And it is a very smart color!
You look like a natural blonde.

Yup Jack is my main man!
I have not been able to drink any while I’ve been on some meds but Mr Mac bought me a new bottle for when I can.

Btw, did you name the critter in the cage .....

So now you are set on vacations for this year and next

I like your shopping list!
Only the essentials needed

Better to have white hair than dark hair since you do the blonde coloring.
Much easier getting away with no touch ups for months.

I had a long list mentioning all the other homies but my fat fingers hit the wrong button and lost them all.

I go crazy when using the phone to post here.

Gosh has it been two years..........I like to think I’m naturally blonde.....but at my age there’s not much chance of

I like the odd JD.....but usually in a cocktail.......strangely my favourite cocktail has an ingredient I don’t like.....amaretto, never quite got the taste for it.......but, put that with JD in equal measures, pineapple juice and cranberry juice again equal measures and a large squish of lime.....gorgeous.

When we have get togethers with friends, that is our most popular pitcher .....those pitchers empty quicker than others.....

Yes mac, mr mac is a keeper......he knows what you like and always keeps you stocked up.......enjoy that Jack when you can......and well done posting on a phone..... :thumbsup2 I never use my phone....either iPads or laptop.

Played a game of chess tonight with Kyle......he taught me how to play a few years ago.....I could never play it. He won........I’m not very good at chess.

Tomorrow being Saturday........bacon for breakfast........::yes::
Last time I saw you was two years ago when with Robo.
Your hair so soooo long and beautiful !

And it is a very smart color!
You look like a natural blonde.

Yup Jack is my main man!
I have not been able to drink any while I’ve been on some meds but Mr Mac bought me a new bottle for when I can.

Btw, did you name the critter in the cage .....

So now you are set on vacations for this year and next

I like your shopping list!
Only the essentials needed

Better to have white hair than dark hair since you do the blonde coloring.
Much easier getting away with no touch ups for months.

I had a long list mentioning all the other homies but my fat fingers hit the wrong button and lost them all.

I go crazy when using the phone to post here.

Yup, taking advantage of super cheap airfare also, I have some projects I’ll be working on also while on these vacation, no worries they are leisurely projects..................stay tuned........!
Last time I saw you was two years ago when with Robo.
Your hair so soooo long and beautiful !

And it is a very smart color!
You look like a natural blonde.

Yup Jack is my main man!
I have not been able to drink any while I’ve been on some meds but Mr Mac bought me a new bottle for when I can.

Btw, did you name the critter in the cage .....

So now you are set on vacations for this year and next

I like your shopping list!
Only the essentials needed

Better to have white hair than dark hair since you do the blonde coloring.
Much easier getting away with no touch ups for months.

I had a long list mentioning all the other homies but my fat fingers hit the wrong button and lost them all.

I go crazy when using the phone to post here.

mac.......did you ever get round to getting a new computer/laptop......been meaning to ask, but kept forgetting.....of course the virus has most of us stuck indoors........things like that you want to speak to someone personally........
Last edited:
Good evening. Where did the day go? I have been semi productive. I paid bills and went to the grocery store.

B and I have been checking the room availability constantly. It's kind of like trying to book an elusive ADR at Disney. She is currently on the 5th floor, but wants to be on the first floor. Today we saw a second floor room come available, but it disappeared quickly.

Nice for B. Charade. Little one sent in her contract, she will be in an apartment with her roommate, and 2 other girls, and it’s a 4 bedroom, with each two bedrooms sharing a bathroom. So her roommate and her are taking the two bedrooms that share the bathroom. So the other 2 girls share their own shared bathroom. All can use the living room and full kitchen. Laundry is down the hall, which she is happy about, as the dorm she was in, the laundry was not on the same floor as her room, and the elevators were scary, and slow. Big plus, while she will have to make her own meals, I know she will eat better and most likely will be cheaper than the meal plan. I had to supplement as there was not much she ate under the meal plan.
That sounds like a great setup with everyone having her own separate room. B will share her room with one other girl and they have a private bathroom,

My "puppy" is getting big but still thinks he can sit on my lap when he needs attention.
Aw...he's a cutie.

I had the windows open in the house until Mr Mac closed them all

He said to me, “ why are all the windows open while the ac is running”

Told him I turned the ac off and was getting fresh air in the house as I thought it was stuffy inside.
We have had the windows open and the air on as well. I love the fresh air, but sometimes it is too warm in the house with just the windows open.

When we had the boat everyone could be out on the water at the same time. But with just the kayaks we have to take turns. Don't laugh... but we take our dogs too and have life jackets for them. It's actually pretty funny! One loves the water and tries to jump in and the other doesn't like water much, but likes to be on the kayak. The dog life jackets have handles on the top so I can grab a dog and dip him in the water next to me and pull him back out. One time I was kayaking with one of my dogs and some guy started taking pictures of me and the dog. It was kinda creepy, but I think he must not have ever seen a dog kayaking before. At one of the lakes we frequent there's a guy who paddle-boards with his dog. I would love to try that too!
I've seen life jackets on small dogs. It looks cute and you gotta keep them safe, right?

Has anyone seen the latest reports of "covid 19 surcharges" that some restaurants, salons and even a dentist's office charging an "appointment fee"?
I have not seen any covid surcharges here yet. I would not be too pleased especially if it happens at one of the restaurants we have been getting a lot of takeout from.

I have a hair trim appt 5/25!
Awesome. I though about calling my salon, but think I will wait awhile longer.

Oh I wish our stylists could open.........this is my most recent hair picture......
Your hair looks very nice.

Ran by Kroger on the way to work and they were nicely stocked. Picked up a pack of Quilted Northern, first time I have seen that since March, and a pack of paper towels.
I haven't seen any TP at my Kroger since early March. Today all they had was some off brand paper towels.

Of course after I ordered an even larger cage from amazon. Maybe i can catch that black bear now hehe
Congrats on catching the raccoon. What will happen to him now?

Was looking to book a package at Disney for a week in February 2021 but too early to do so, we are thinking Beach Club or French Quarter, we have stayed at BC more than any other resort but have only visited FQ but never stayed we do however enjoy the place have a good afternoon everyone!
We are thinking about going in March when both dh and B have a week off school. I would love to stay at the Animal Kingdom resort, but it will most likely be a budget resort for us.



This one is for Lynne.

Yeah, she is a lucky duck, Keisha. Even better, seems like most of the football team members stay in that apartment building, as it’s right across from the University’s practice field. As I said, lucky duck.
that is funny but Tell her to double lock the door lol
Yup, My point though was that even if restrictions are put on capacity, lets say a year from now still, no company will be thrilled about 30-40% revenue.
Brave new world, stockholders need to have realistic expectations. For an entertainment focused, big corporation in changing times, just staying alive while retaining brand loyalty will be considered a win. We’re holding onto our pittance, if stick drops low enough may grab more. They’re not going anywhere long-term
Did have a little zoom chat after friends little granddaughter Elise, who we see quite regularly wanted to say hello....her mum sent me a txt and asked if we would surprise her, so we that little girl. We’ll see her sometime in the future.......
Aw that’s nice
Yup Jack is my main man!
I have not been able to drink any while I’ve been on some meds but Mr Mac bought me a new bottle for when I can.
He ages well. Mr Mac & jack lol
like the odd JD.....but usually in a cocktail.......strangely my favourite cocktail has an ingredient I don’t like.....amaretto, never quite got the taste for it.......but, put that with JD in equal measures, pineapple juice and cranberry juice again equal measures and a large squish of lime.....gorgeous.
Even on an upset stomach for 2nd day that sounds mighty yummy. There’s something offputting to me re intense almond smell of amaretto but do like the taste
Congrats on catching the raccoon. What will happen to him now?
We (DH & ds) relocated him/her to a small, heavily wooded park, located on the river. Rarely utilized Except as public boat launch.

Probably should’ve gone further out into a like park near farmlands. Supposed to take them 3-5 miles to avoid them finding their way back. However, it was pitch dark, afraid one of my men would twist an ankle if not worse setting it loose down by that park’s small lake

Btw, we were following advice from a local game commissioner. Police/ animal control would’ve shot it on the spot, just couldn’t live with that on my conscience
Good evening. Where did the day go? I have been semi productive. I paid bills and went to the grocery store.

B and I have been checking the room availability constantly. It's kind of like trying to book an elusive ADR at Disney. She is currently on the 5th floor, but wants to be on the first floor. Today we saw a second floor room come available, but it disappeared quickly.

That sounds like a great setup with everyone having her own separate room. B will share her room with one other girl and they have a private bathroom,

Aw...he's a cutie.

We have had the windows open and the air on as well. I love the fresh air, but sometimes it is too warm in the house with just the windows open.

I've seen life jackets on small dogs. It looks cute and you gotta keep them safe, right?

I have not seen any covid surcharges here yet. I would not be too pleased especially if it happens at one of the restaurants we have been getting a lot of takeout from.

Awesome. I though about calling my salon, but think I will wait awhile longer.

Your hair looks very nice.

I haven't seen any TP at my Kroger since early March. Today all they had was some off brand paper towels.

Congrats on catching the raccoon. What will happen to him now?

We are thinking about going in March when both dh and B have a week off school. I would love to stay at the Animal Kingdom resort, but it will most likely be a budget resort for us.

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This one is for Lynne.

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Fingers crossed she gets a room in the area she really’ll be happier when you know she’s happy......

that is funny but Tell her to double lock the door lol

Brave new world, stockholders need to have realistic expectations. For an entertainment focused, big corporation in changing times, just staying alive while retaining brand loyalty will be considered a win. We’re holding onto our pittance, if stick drops low enough may grab more. They’re not going anywhere long-term

Aw that’s nice

He ages well. Mr Mac & jack lol

Even on an upset stomach for 2nd day that sounds mighty yummy. There’s something offputting to me re intense almond smell of amaretto but do like the taste

That little girl Elise, reminds me of your granddaughter on more than one occasion......they look quite alike.

Your guys did just fine with the relocation of critter......far enough have a kinder heart than I do.....vermin around us I don’t mind them being “taken care of”........

Almost bedtime here.......
Yeah, only time I saw a wildlife get shot was a muskrat that made its home in the backyard of my parents’ home. They can bite and are big and nasty, hence the police officer did not want to mess with it. I was a teen when that happened.

Yeah, McK, my Dsis has deer eating plants right next to her house. We try to buy her deer resistant flowers to plant.

Well ended up with the chicken that remained in the frig, and some cooked carrots, mac and cheese, and fries. Oh, and mashed taters for little one too. What a dinner, and still warm out and I am so glad it is Friday night. Ahhhh. May have made two gray goose slushy drinks so far. Refreshing.
Yeah, only time I saw a wildlife get shot was a muskrat that made its home in the backyard of my parents’ home. They can bite and are big and nasty, hence the police officer did not want to mess with it. I was a teen when that happened.

Yeah, McK, my Dsis has deer eating plants right next to her house. We try to buy her deer resistant flowers to plant.

Well ended up with the chicken that remained in the frig, and some cooked carrots, mac and cheese, and fries. Oh, and mashed taters for little one too. What a dinner, and still warm out and I am so glad it is Friday night. Ahhhh. May have made two gray goose slushy drinks so far. Refreshing.

:rotfl2: ........already losing count!!!!!

Does sound refreshing.......I believe I got a little to much sun today.......doing some yard work, absolutely beautiful out today though.


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