Something About Nothing............ #14

Salon day for me, Schumi. My hair is getting long, but I like it for now. Happy to be on the routine salon schedule now. And eek, both my Dsis and little one prefer my white hair. Um, not ready for that yet. Yeah, I am old, still somewhat shocked to be old enough to have a soon to be 23 year old, and a niece and nephew in their late 30’s. But white hair, um no. So will be nicely blonde once again later today.

Saw waffles in the freezer, so most likely breakfast for me. Almost as boring as cereal, but with the last of the milk finished this weekend, and grocery trips did not include a milk in the bags, no cereal for me. A watermelon and strawberries did, though. So thinking waffles and some fruit. Cut up the watermelon yesterday. Sweet tasting. Did not get into the strawberries yet, but hope they are sweet too.

Happy new hair do Lynne......I love my salon time......even though it`s just a cut and blow dry this weekend, it`s still a lovely experience.......they still do the neck and head massage when you get your hair washed which is very relaxing........

Nope no white hair for me.......I have some grey according to my stylist, but too much considering I`m 52......mum didn`t go grey till she was in her late 50`s, she had beautiful hair.

I wish I liked waffles......big pancake fan though.......and love strawberries.

Pictures, Julie. How nice to see the whole 747 fleet. Made the news here.

Have watched them all on you tube......I think I posted on here watching them live........the 747 is an impressive plane, and it`ll be missed.

Good morning! Woke up to a very gloomy Tuesday. It fits my thoughts about working again today perfectly. Only a high of 54 today too! Sweatshirt will need to go on for my walk later!

Since its so cold I will make Chicken Tortilla soup for lunch - that will warm the day right up! Not sure on dinner yet though - maybe Tuna noodle casserole? Something easy and again will warm us up nicely. Crazy weather! Oh well off to get some iced coffee running through the veins. Have a happy tuesday all!

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Oh hope your day brightens up Elsa......I hate gloomy days.......

Enjoy that coffee......

Morning Sans family :wave2:

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Happy belated birthdays to Schumi's hubby Tom
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Lynne’s daughter
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DLP’s middle

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Happy Anniversary to The Schumi and hubby

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Schumi glad to read you had a great trip to see family in Scotland.

Keisha looks like you and hubby are having a a great trip to the beach with good food.

I always enjoy reading about everyone’s travels.

Bobbie68 great to see you post......fingers and toes crossed that your hubby gets the job he wants in Florida and you find a home there and sell your present home easily.

Realfoodfans....I saw the narrowboats on your walk path adventure. Roast beef dinner sounded delicious.

Monyk your trip to the lake sounds good. Have safe travels to Seattle.

Disxumi so nice to see you post.

Lynne hope your tea is hot and tasty today.

Shout out to Tink, Sue, Patty, Squirlz, and all the other regulars we haven’t seen here for awhile :wave:

I did read back a number of pages looks like you all have been busy.

Can’t remember everyone who is going to Universal this month, but the countdown is on for Lynne, Mac, DLP and myself.

I have been busy with the mask making. Enjoy making them.

Traveled up to Stepmoms memorial service this past weekend. Was a very nice service.

My older sister is in town. We are going to all meet up for breakfast at a local place then go to our moms grave in Kentucky. She made a nice wreath to hang there.

I did have Covid test here locally and I was negative. They are not testing for antibodies here yet so I will have that done later.

I jumped in to the Halloween spirit of things and did some decorating.

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My Witch Tree in kitchen

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Pumpkin Tree in diningroom

My older sister made this Sanderson Sister wreath for me
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Need to start plotting my vacation adventures. I want to get over to Hollywood Studios to see if I can get on the 2 Star Wars rides and I want to go to Disney Springs while in Orlando this time. Maybe an Outlet Mall Adventure and a visit to Mall at Millenia. The rest of the time will be enjoying my favorite place to vacation Universal.

The weather here was beautiful Friday when I traveled north. The humidity had dropped 30% and I needed a sweater while I was in northern Indiana in the evening. . The temps got warmer Sunday as I traveled South and the humidity is back in the upper 80’s.

Older sister has brought wreath making materials for us to make some Halloween wreaths. So looking forward to that.

Thinking of putting on a pot of chili, grilling some hot dogs, pulling the ingredients for walking tacos together and having a game night. Will either be tonight or tomorrow night. Will see how the day plays out.

Mac today is Taco Tuesday.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Thanks for the good wishes Robo........

Love your pictures, they are indeed stunning trees.....and I need that purple hat in the first image!!!!! I absolutely love that! Your sisters creation is magnificent too.

Glad you had a nice memorial for your stepmother. And so nice you have your sister with you.

Not long till you get there too......a countdown is always good........and a visit to the Mall at Millenia is always nice.

Good to see you......

Ugh! Don't say the "S"-word yet!
Safe travels!

Lol, sounds like us! I admit it can get exhausting, since not a month goes by without a family birthday, anniversary or other holiday/celebration, but it is fun. We didn't do anything during quarantine and we're still being careful with having only smaller outside parties. I am concerned about the Fall and holidays and what we're going to do.

We had a great day, thanks! It was in the 70's and a little windy, but sunny and very nice.

Yes, thanks. The good news from dd's uni last night is that they only had 18 new cases over the weekend. It looks to be slowing now that they've gone all online.

Whew... that would've scared me too!

None for me either. When myspace first came out I had an account, then I felt like it took up too much time and there was too much pressure to "connect and comment" on everyone's posts and pics, so I decided it wasn't for me. I never had a facebook.

Brrr... Fall is definitely coming! It even smells like Fall here now.

Good news!

Hubby and I had antibody testing a few months ago and we were negative. But we keep hearing that the antibody tests are not super accurate, so we don't know what to believe. We just keep doing what we've been doing with regard to masks, distance, etc. Stay safe!
I LOVE your Halloween decorations! :love:

Living away from family, we tend to miss a lot of them, unless they are the bigger ones, but we have a large and varied group of friends, so get togethers are usually not small!!! But, so much fun. Yes, a lot of work, but I love it really......and I love everyone loves coming to our home for the celebrations.....and having everyone offering to bring something is always helpful. I think we all just got into doing things that way and it stuck.

Sadly whether it`ll be possible this year is another story.......if we can....we will.

Never had a FB account or any of those twittery things.....sometimes people don`t believe me when I tell them that......and I can still keep in touch with everyone I want to and see all the family pics......

Glad you had a good day and good news on the school numbers falling! Hope it keeps up.....our numbers generally are rising here and some places further North to us have gone back down into limitations again. Not good news.

mac....just saw you pop in there.........:wave2: Oh you`ll see a huge difference with that tree gone. High excitement indeed

Gorgeous day here, very hot but so, so breezy! Too breezy to sit outside, but our gardener and Tom have been harvesting their home brew wine down in his man`s not exactly what one would choose to buy I think, but, it`s not as bad as I imagined it would be........his wife loves

I said we should go into the hedgerows and pick some damsons as they are plentiful round here and they could make sloe gin......that is beautiful if home made....never tried to do it myself but a friend who we`ve sadly lost touch with used to make the best ever.

Washing dried in no time at all........happy bunny there.

Friend dropped in for a short visit, she`s off to visit her parents for a week and they`re up North too, so she doesn`t see them very often either, and they are getting on a bit too.

Time for a pot of tea I think......see if the guys down in the brewery want one too.......:rotfl:
Morning Sans family :wave2:

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Happy belated birthdays to Schumi's hubby Tom
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Lynne’s daughter
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DLP’s middle

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Happy Anniversary to The Schumi and hubby

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Schumi glad to read you had a great trip to see family in Scotland.

Keisha looks like you and hubby are having a a great trip to the beach with good food.

I always enjoy reading about everyone’s travels.

Bobbie68 great to see you post......fingers and toes crossed that your hubby gets the job he wants in Florida and you find a home there and sell your present home easily.

Realfoodfans....I saw the narrowboats on your walk path adventure. Roast beef dinner sounded delicious.

Monyk your trip to the lake sounds good. Have safe travels to Seattle.

Disxumi so nice to see you post.

Lynne hope your tea is hot and tasty today.

Shout out to Tink, Sue, Patty, Squirlz, and all the other regulars we haven’t seen here for awhile :wave:

I did read back a number of pages looks like you all have been busy.

Can’t remember everyone who is going to Universal this month, but the countdown is on for Lynne, Mac, DLP and myself.

I have been busy with the mask making. Enjoy making them.

Traveled up to Stepmoms memorial service this past weekend. Was a very nice service.

My older sister is in town. We are going to all meet up for breakfast at a local place then go to our moms grave in Kentucky. She made a nice wreath to hang there.

I did have Covid test here locally and I was negative. They are not testing for antibodies here yet so I will have that done later.

I jumped in to the Halloween spirit of things and did some decorating.

View attachment 524582
My Witch Tree in kitchen

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Pumpkin Tree in diningroom

My older sister made this Sanderson Sister wreath for me
View attachment 524581

Need to start plotting my vacation adventures. I want to get over to Hollywood Studios to see if I can get on the 2 Star Wars rides and I want to go to Disney Springs while in Orlando this time. Maybe an Outlet Mall Adventure and a visit to Mall at Millenia. The rest of the time will be enjoying my favorite place to vacation Universal.

The weather here was beautiful Friday when I traveled north. The humidity had dropped 30% and I needed a sweater while I was in northern Indiana in the evening. . The temps got warmer Sunday as I traveled South and the humidity is back in the upper 80’s.

Older sister has brought wreath making materials for us to make some Halloween wreaths. So looking forward to that.

Thinking of putting on a pot of chili, grilling some hot dogs, pulling the ingredients for walking tacos together and having a game night. Will either be tonight or tomorrow night. Will see how the day plays out.

Mac today is Taco Tuesday.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

We have quite the countdown crew here!!!

Loving every second that goes by!!

@Robo56 oh wow I love your decorations! You may have read previously the GC will not be here for Halloween so we have booked to go down to Devon for a few days. Not going to do our usual decorations but you’ve inspired me to do the hallway! Glad the memorial went well for you all.

@macraven hope your tree cutting goes well. Kev does lots here at Em’s at lower level - but higher ones we too will need a tree surgeon.

Lynne - only had my iPhone with me so pictures not good - though the video of the pilot tipping the wings was lovely.

I let my hair go silver about 18 months ago. Wash with purple shampoo and never had so many comments on how many others like it. Total strangers comment on the colour.

Look forward to lots of pictures when everyone goes to Universal.

Nice curried lamb for our meal now and then quiet evening of tv. New series travelling along the US Mexico border - a must watch for us as we love both countries.
Yay! Lots of chatter today.

Sad Mac, yep saw Taco Bell was removing several items. Think many were not happy with those removals. Our tree is gone. We cut it down last week. Loved that maple kind, but it got a disease, and had almost all dead branches. So, dying tree is no more. Hope your removal goes as fast.

Robo, awesome trees and wreaths. So colorful. Nice memorial. Happy that sister came. Yep, your countdown is ticking away too.

Oh well Julie, I am sure I will see shots from my local news. It made the news this morning. And have to say, lamb is a no here too. The men in my home would eat lamb, but us ladies, nope. So not served in my home. Most likely pasta or chicken tonight. Both are all will eat.

Ah, the afternoon, finally.
Some images of mac`s now infamous tree.........



It`s a whopper of a tree for sure!
Yea it’s a tall $2900 tree job.

After my trip this month, we have to have a new roof done.
Even with tree damage to the roof, it was close to time for a new roof.

All part of being a home owner having to keep up with essential things.

We still have the ac on day and night.

When I lived in Chicago area, always looked forward to going to Orlando in the fall for hot/warm weather.
We lived a few miles off Lake Michigan and temps stayed cooler where our house was located.
And many days we had to wear jackets as cold breeze came off the lake

I do not miss the weather up north!
Heat I can handle much better and all have ac in my area in the south.

For those going in September to Orlando, when do you start packing your suitcases?
For those going in September to Orlando, when do you start packing your suitcases?

I started packing yesterday! 8 days to go! I guess the good news is with the weather turning cold here suddenly my warm weather clothes can go right in the suitcase and not miss them at all! Got the basics packed now just need to decide on which outfits on which days and add those in. When are you going to start packing?
Yea it’s a tall $2900 tree job.

After my trip this month, we have to have a new roof done.
Even with tree damage to the roof, it was close to time for a new roof.

All part of being a home owner having to keep up with essential things.

We still have the ac on day and night.

When I lived in Chicago area, always looked forward to going to Orlando in the fall for hot/warm weather.
We lived a few miles off Lake Michigan and temps stayed cooler where our house was located.
And many days we had to wear jackets as cold breeze came off the lake

I do not miss the weather up north!
Heat I can handle much better and all have ac in my area in the south.

For those going in September to Orlando, when do you start packing your suitcases?

Wife has mostly everything getting in order in our “vacation room” we call it, she just started over the weekend but will rewash everything a few days prior then pack it all 1-3 days out. We over engineer our packing that’s for sure but she does it very nice.

Even an expert couldn’t do it as nice. :rotfl2:
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Nope, day before. Took a quick look at my suitcase, and thought, yep will get it out two Saturdays from now. I am also a last minute packer. And with an evening flight instead of my early morning one, I have even more time to pack the day of. And most likely will. Have always been that way. As most of the time, we can get whatever forgot when we get there. Including sneakers for older one when he took not matching sneakers. Found at Nike outlet. And ordered a bathing suit from Amazon that we picked up from some gas station that had an amazon box. Older one was happy, as took one day to ship to that box. Walmart and NEX runs to pick up snacks and drinks. So no need to pack much food.
Good bye tree and no more spiny balls to pick up each day!

thanks Schumi for showing my pic for me

Happy to do so mac......I`m an expert at some things.......😉

Yea it’s a tall $2900 tree job.

After my trip this month, we have to have a new roof done.
Even with tree damage to the roof, it was close to time for a new roof.

All part of being a home owner having to keep up with essential things.

We still have the ac on day and night.

When I lived in Chicago area, always looked forward to going to Orlando in the fall for hot/warm weather.
We lived a few miles off Lake Michigan and temps stayed cooler where our house was located.
And many days we had to wear jackets as cold breeze came off the lake

I do not miss the weather up north!
Heat I can handle much better and all have ac in my area in the south.

For those going in September to Orlando, when do you start packing your suitcases?

Yes, where you used to live would be far too cold for me! I`d do better in GA.......

Packing......oh you know me very well, that`s always the night before, or the morning we leave.....cases are out in one of the guest bedrooms and as I mostly know what`s going in, it`s an easy job......another thing I`m an expert at........::yes::

I started packing yesterday! 8 days to go! I guess the good news is with the weather turning cold here suddenly my warm weather clothes can go right in the suitcase and not miss them at all! Got the basics packed now just need to decide on which outfits on which days and add those in. When are you going to start packing?

woohooo......8 days!!! It`ll be here in no time at all excited for you.........

It`s dark here now almost just after 7ish.....lamps were all on around 7.15 and automatic outdoor ones on the porch and over garage came on just around 7 tonight. Winter is really heading towards`s strange as it`s so warm here still open to try and get some cooler air through, and finally we can feel it cooling down.

Just had some clotted cream ice cream I made earlier....nothing like the sour stuff Florean Fortescue`s passes off as clotted cream. It is so much nicer than that.....

Been wondering about some of our older posters and what happened to them.......I wonder how old Miss Mikkimus little boy will be now, she was from Iceland and we met her at one HHN.....he would be maybe 4 or 5 now? And goofyfigment......Mad hattered.......ceilei.......and so many more.....Yankee penny is another, StLawrence too.......hope they`re all doing good.

Have a parcel coming tomorrow.....always like a little gift to myself......will expect a txt or email to say what time it`ll arrive......just clothes, nothing very interesting.........

Feel like a diet pepsi now........

Kesiha.......where are oooooo..........:wave2:
I started packing yesterday! 8 days to go! I guess the good news is with the weather turning cold here suddenly my warm weather clothes can go right in the suitcase and not miss them at all! Got the basics packed now just need to decide on which outfits on which days and add those in. When are you going to start packing?

Yay!!!!! 8 days

I got a few snaps from a friend today, at the parks!!!!!

No matter how many times we go it’s always still so exciting getting ready and finally going!!!
Wife has mostly everything getting in order in our “vacation room” we call it, she just started over the weekend but will rewash everything a few days prior then pack it all 1-3 days out. We over engineer our packing that’s for sure but she does it very nice.

Even an expert couldn’t do it as nice. :rotfl2:
Does she hire out?
Aren’t you glad she does all the work for packing?

I’m a last minute packer
If I forget to pack something, I buy it In orlando.
Schumi, thanks again for posting my pictures

Do you charge by the minute or hour for picture posting help.....

I am thinking positive and hope flights overseas have their ban lifted so you can make your vacation scheduled for later this year.

I have a plan B set up in case park closures happen again and I cut my trip short when I am there.
Does she hire out?
Aren’t you glad she does all the work for packing?

I’m a last minute packer
If I forget to pack something, I buy it In orlando.

I am happy although I’m generally right by her side, get me this or get me that!!!

Yes that’s what is nice, anything you could need isn’t far away at all.
I am happy although I’m generally right by her side, get me this or get me that!!!

Yes that’s what is nice, anything you could need isn’t far away at all.
Now this post makes sense when I read it.

The other post where you quoted me, confused me as I never said I was an expert when I wrote about my tree removal
You did an edit and it changed what you posted to me on post 7691.
Well looks like it’s not going to be a Taco Bell night for our dinner.

They were out of what we wanted to order.

Last time we did their drive thru had to go with our second choice

Arby’s is a good second choice tonight for us!


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