Something About Nothing............ #14


Gorgeous day here again, and hotter than forecast!

So, bbq for lunch, got some chicken skewers and spicy pork fillet on skewers too…….will keep some for dinner and add some steak too…..completely unexpected as we thought it was going to be cooler.

So, very lazy afternoon ahead for us now for sure…….:sunny:
Quick Friday morning stop in :wave2: I'm glad it's Friday...that's all I can say lol.

Another beautiful day here. I placed a mobile order at Tim's for my morning tea and some goodies for the staff...they gave me a coffee instead of tea :crazy2: First world problems. It was my fault to not double checking before I left...they were definitely not on the ball, as I had to wait a good 10 minutes for them to have my order ready. I seen the gal rushing around. Oh well, a quick 2 minute drive back and I had a fresh tea in hand. First world problems right ;)

I have a few things packed ready to go, just need a couple other things to toss into the suitcase for the weekend. Then I'm ready to hit the road. I got the e-reader charged and ready to go too. Helps make the drive go faster for sure.

Well, I should go shuffle more papers.

Have a great day everyone!
Hey all, under the weather here, maybe the shot or new meds or the gross looking quarter pounder with cheese yesterday that was breakfast/lunch/dinner Lol. On the bright side, I’m probably down at least 5 pounds today.

I told ds that I am now charging him for his haircuts. His payment is for him to cook 2 supper/dinner meals. As long as he tells me what groceries he needs, I will make sure that they are in the house for him to cook. I also told youngest ds that his payment for haircuts is also 2 cooked meals. I think that's a pretty good trade of services
Plus tip!
actually hate pumpkin spice anything, just not for me.
Same. I do believe Starbucks had a latte a couple of weeks ago. I was annoyed they tossed some crunchy candy things into my normal Carmel latte. Well, not normal, the sugar content so high, it’s a dessert splurge for me.
Glad to hear you are normal, Keisha
Well, I don’t have official papers attesting to it :)
Told him to make an appointment with retirement person, to see what the options are. But for me, I do have a date in mind.
Yes, we went thru a strange thing where the pension was a different amount each month??? Something about the sweet spot your last best 7 months and some sort of ‘kicker’ that appeared to be random to me.

system set up you couldn’t do it online…had to manually input income for each set of 7 months you were interested in retiring on the final date, then have computer work it’s magic.

It literally took the mr months to settle upon a date within a 3 year period.
Do you know we have never seen Braveheart!!
No way! The ending is so disturbing.
I placed a mobile order at Tim's for my morning tea and some goodies for the staff...they gave me a coffee instead of tea :crazy2: First world problems
Hey, I’m with you. Only go for a hot tea (today) first thing when stomach is decidedly off. I’d not be amused either.
Quick Friday morning stop in :wave2: I'm glad it's Friday...that's all I can say lol.

Another beautiful day here. I placed a mobile order at Tim's for my morning tea and some goodies for the staff...they gave me a coffee instead of tea :crazy2: First world problems. It was my fault to not double checking before I left...they were definitely not on the ball, as I had to wait a good 10 minutes for them to have my order ready. I seen the gal rushing around. Oh well, a quick 2 minute drive back and I had a fresh tea in hand. First world problems right ;)

I have a few things packed ready to go, just need a couple other things to toss into the suitcase for the weekend. Then I'm ready to hit the road. I got the e-reader charged and ready to go too. Helps make the drive go faster for sure.

Well, I should go shuffle more papers.

Have a great day everyone!

Have a lovely weekend Pumpkin, enjoy the travels reading.

Hey all, under the weather here, maybe the shot or new meds or the gross looking quarter pounder with cheese yesterday that was breakfast/lunch/dinner Lol. On the bright side, I’m probably down at least 5 pounds today.

Plus tip!

Same. I do believe Starbucks had a latte a couple of weeks ago. I was annoyed they tossed some crunchy candy things into my normal Carmel latte. Well, not normal, the sugar content so high, it’s a dessert splurge for me.

Well, I don’t have official papers attesting to it :)

Yes, we went thru a strange thing where the pension was a different amount each month??? Something about the sweet spot your last best 7 months and some sort of ‘kicker’ that appeared to be random to me.

system set up you couldn’t do it online…had to manually input income for each set of 7 months you were interested in retiring on the final date, then have computer work it’s magic.

It literally took the mr months to settle upon a date within a 3 year period.

No way! The ending is so disturbing.

Hey, I’m with you. Only go for a hot tea (today) first thing when stomach is decidedly off. I’d not be amused either.

We have a caramel latte every 20 years or so whether we want one or, pure sugar!!!

Now I need to go Google the ending of the movie, I know the history of course, but movies can be so different.

Hope you do better tonight, and keep drinking that tea!

Turned chilly tonight and dark by 8.15pm. We ended up not grilling outside, so I got the griddle pan out and cooked the skewers on there. Not the same but it was delicious.

Got some lovely plum chutney from the farmer, not to be eaten for a while though, nice to know it`s our plums that are in the jars.

Watching the first Harry Potter tonight, love that movie, getting in the Potter mood for next week.

Out walking in the morning, not a long walk though, then lunch, cocktail in the afternoon then dinner out tomorrow night....following the keishashadow family tradition of extending birthday celebrations......I like it!!! Just the three of us which will be lovely. Although might be four, we`ll see.

5 more sleeps....... ☺️
Yes, life is too short to not celebrate precious moments until they squeal

I couldn`t agree more.....we could celebrate a day having a Y at the end of family does it right!

Gorgeous sunrise this morning, even if it was red, supposed to be a sailor`s warning, but forecast looks alright for the rest of the day apparently.

Will be lovely walking this morning too I think.

Then laundry, bacon and mushroom stack for lunch on English muffins will add an egg for Tom, then watching the qualifying for the Belgian Grand Prix, used to be one of our favourite circuits to visit many moons ago, very traditional track.

Out for dinner tonight for Tom`s birthday, that`ll be a lovely meal as we`ve never had anything less than perfect from them.

But, time for a pot of tea then will have some toast later before we head out walking.




Have a wonderful Saturday 😁

Thanks mac......he had a lovely extended birthday dinner last night..💞...

Yep, dinner was gorgeous, and although we hadn`t told them it was for a Birthday, the lady who works behind the bar and takes the reservations remembered us vaguely saying how close it was to his birthday, she is fabulous!!

We enjoyed it just being the three of us for a change....didn`t take many pictures, but Kyle was impressed with his steak..





We felt incredibly full afterwards and didn`t have room when we got home for the champagne we had chilled. It was a cup of tea. We all had 3 courses and they are large, I had the lamb shank and Tom had a full rack of ribs.....and only had tea for breakfast this morning as we just weren`t hungry yet.

And slept so late which was lovely......::yes::

Lunch will be light, going to have some fruit and a mini muffin.

Gorgeous day again today, got some bedding washed and out on the lines and although we don`t pack till Tuesday night, the cases are down from the attic. Making sure everything we need to take is washed and ready to pack. Next few days will be clothes we don`t need for our trip.

I think we`re organised, but there`s always something. At least we have no testing to worry about this trip.

Decided to just make turkey brie and cranberry grilled sandwiches for dinner tonight......neither of us feels like a large meal tonight.




Happy Sunday​
Carole Looks like a lovely evening. That is a big, honking steak. Meant to be shared?

In all seriousness, jellie re the Turkey. Other than the random full Frozen bird that is spotted, from parts unknown, they are just not to be had here.

Herds culled due to avian flu. Sure hope they are back by thanksgiving or it will put the past
toilet paper shortage to shame

Working up a head of steam to (long overdue) groom my dog. Pray for me;)
Carole Looks like a lovely evening. That is a big, honking steak. Meant to be shared?
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In all seriousness, jellie re the Turkey. Other than the random full Frozen bird that is spotted, from parts unknown, they are just not to be had here.

Herds culled due to avian flu. Sure hope they are back by thanksgiving or it will put the past
toilet paper shortage to shame

Working up a head of steam to (long overdue) groom my dog. Pray for me;)

Love it!!!

Nope, steak for one person......18oz Porterhouse, medium rare......and no, we didn`t even get a tiny Joey doesn`t share food and that`s Kyle!!! Unless he doesn`t like it of course, then he is ultra did get his mushrooms, but of course, he doesn`t like them.

Our turkey slices come from our butcher, I haven`t heard of anything around the farms here but yes, it`s always a worry we get an outbreak. Turkey is traditional at Christmas here. We have ours on order with our butcher, but will arrange to pick it up for New Years as we are in Scotland again for Christmas. Fingers crossed no outbreaks here.

Good luck with the pooch.......sounds like fun :dog2:

I think our hot summer temps are finally going. It`s warm, but come this time of day, you can feel the cool seeping into the air. Pleasant at night times though.

Hoping we feel hungry soon, although it is still early.

Enjoyed the Belgian Grand Prix.......

Time for a pot of tea I think........🫖
Trash day, and trying to get pond water lady moving. Last day I can say I have a 20 year old. OMG has time flown.

Yep, into our 5th heat wave. With today’s 90’s and humid, and thunderstorms warnings late afternoon into evening. Hit record in the weather department. Was yesterday, today, tomorrow, and Tuesday’s weather predictions. No rain to be seen yesterday, though. Stayed North of us. Woot! Summertime still here.

Good luck with pooch washing today, Keisha. I did mine outside. Labs liked it more than my boxer did. But all three just stood there and got washed and rinsed with the hose. Male lab tried to keep putting the hose in his mouth though.

Okay, need to be more, let’s get moving now.
Good luck with pooch washing today
Bath day tomorrow. Today was hair cut and nail clipping. I took it down another inch shorter than below. Can’t use clippers, hand cutting. Takes hours

If he didn’t get trimmed regularly instead of this


He’d look like this in a year

Wish my hair was as silky and grew that fast lol

Ummm pond water lady?:rotfl2:

Carole mmmmm porterhouse, best of both worlds I may decide to drive 2 hours to closest Turkey farm/processor and order for thanksgiving & Xmas. They have stopped taking orders by phone to try and quell the demand I guess
Bath day tomorrow. Today was hair cut and nail clipping. I took it down another inch shorter than below. Can’t use clippers, hand cutting. Takes hours

If he didn’t get trimmed regularly instead of this

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He’d look like this in a year

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Wish my hair was as silky and grew that fast lol

Ummm pond water lady?:rotfl2:

Carole mmmmm porterhouse, best of both worlds I may decide to drive 2 hours to closest Turkey farm/processor and order for thanksgiving & Xmas. They have stopped taking orders by phone to try and quell the demand I guess

That is one gorgeous pooch!!! I thought your dog was different to that one, I`m sure I remember a different dog in a picture you sent???? Or I could be hallucinating of course......he is gorgeous!!

Porterhouse is usually Tom`s choice, but they have stopped offering pure fillet on the menu due to outlandish costs apparently. So this is the next best thing for Kyle, but he much prefers the lean filet.

That would be worth the drive I think to guarantee you order. Not having a, no.

Our printer hates us. Spent over an hour trying to print off our proof of vaccination certificates for showing at the airport. Even though we have uploaded them to the VA site......we still need to print them off, we would anyway as we are dinosaurs apparently and like a paper copy of everything, just in case.

Just after 8 and it`s getting dark. Bank Holiday tomorrow here so most places will be busy, so we very rarely do much on Bank Holidays, too busy. So, we have some groceries to pick up and a few bits and bobs here and there and start with the never ending line of birthday/anniversary gifts to hand out or make sure they are posted on the right date. September is still the busiest month for me for those.

Did have a grilled sandwich for dinner, it was very nice and it was enough for tonight`s dinner.

Lazy night ahead for us.
Good Sunday evening everyone



Carole nice Celebratory dinner pictures of your family for Toms birthdays meal. Wowser that is a big steak. Looks like happy faces all around. Keep on celebrating.

Janet what a cute pooch.

Not much going on here just a little clean up in the sunken garden. Rest of the day been a bit lazy.

Tomorrow is the lift off of the Artemis l at 8:33 am Eastern time if all goes well. They have a two hour launch window. I wish I was standing across the river from this lift off tomorrow morning. I will guarantee you the ground will rumble from a few miles away when this ship goes up. A 32 story mega rocket. This is NASA’s baby.

I went up for the preview delivery to 39B in March 28th. It was on the pad for a dry run. Here’s a few pictures.






Have a great Sunday evening everyone.
Lucky dog, Keisha. A cutie, both dog and GD.

Wow! Great pictures Robo.

Hehe, my mom said the rocket went off before I was born. Guess I was a late coming baby. But how cool, as tomorrow, the kid that had decide to be born over a week early, and had a record storm devastate New Orleans, on her 4th birthday, gets to see a rocket go off on her 21st birthday. Fitting, I suppose.

Serenely quiet Sunday night all.

Us? Trash is at the curb. Alarm set. Shhh, means tomorrow is also a Monday.
Good Sunday evening everyone

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Carole nice Celebratory dinner pictures of your family for Toms birthdays meal. Wowser that is a big steak. Looks like happy faces all around. Keep on celebrating.

Janet what a cute pooch.

Not much going on here just a little clean up in the sunken garden. Rest of the day been a bit lazy.

Tomorrow is the lift off of the Artemis l at 8:33 am Eastern time if all goes well. They have a two hour launch window. I wish I was standing across the river from this lift off tomorrow morning. I will guarantee you the ground will rumble from a few miles away when this ship goes up. A 32 story mega rocket. This is NASA’s baby.

I went up for the preview delivery to 39B in March 28th. It was on the pad for a dry run. Here’s a few pictures.

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Have a great Sunday evening everyone.

Thanks Robbie.....we do love to celebrate and yes, that steak was huge!!!

Love the pictures......we`ll be watching this afternoon as it takes off. Just been watching NASA tv and they`re worried about a hydrogen issue, so fingers crossed it all goes ahead, wouldn`t miss this one for anything.

It`s definitely cooler here now, grey, dull and apparently warmer than it looks. Mid 60`s according to my phone.

Will pop out after breakfast to get the last of our last minute bits and pieces, hopefully we`re done after that. Will get some shopping too and then watch the rocket hopefully take off this afternoon.

Plan to make cajun chicken for dinner tonight, made up the seasoning this morning, chicken will sit in them all day. Lunch will be spicy thai chicken lettuce cups, just need to get some suitable lettuce for them.

And then will think about packing tomorrow......I`m sure we have everything but I`ll check anyway.

Oh, sun has come out.....looking better already!




Have a wonderful Monday 😁
Ooh, HHN here. Very foggy out. And warm enough, the AC is still on. No rain was had yesterday, but we don’t get rain today either. And hot and humid. The sun will soon enough burn off this fog, and yay sunglasses for my lunchtime walk.

All fitting for a birthday Monday at the end of August.

Marvelous Monday homies.


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