Something About Nothing............ #14

It's another beautiful Tuesday here in Santa Land!!! Our forecast is another sunny warm day!!! I'll take it. I see leaves are slowly starting to turn, but it's still pretty green - which is actually very rare for this time of year here. I heard on the radio as they were talking to a farmer about harvest, and this is the best fall weather we have ever had in this area ever! Whatever it's amazing, and I'm going to enjoy all the moments of it!

Did get out for a walk last night. No records were broke, but it felt great to get out and get moving again! Now that we are done all our traveling and back to our regular lives again, I can get back into my routine of walking again. Crossing my fingers this amazing weather holds out like this for at least until the end of this month. Then I will probably start heading back into the gym to walk again.

Dumb and Dumber are settling in. I need to start walking dumber in the evenings and hope that helps with some of his energy. Tonight I'll take him before I do my long walk. I would just take him on the whole walk, but he's an @sshole when on a leash towards other people. I don't know how to deal with him and strangers. So I'll start with short walks first.

Well, I should start shuffling some papers.

Have a great day everyone!!!! I hope all those in the parks have a fantastic day today!!!!!!

Hehe, camel getting into that HHN mode, as starting the week right, next week, with HHN maybe that Sunday night.

But today, is that ever so wonderful hump of a day. That mid week happiness that knowing a fabulous Friday feeling is now two days away.

Wonderful Wednesday to all.

Commute was fast and sun is shining. Tea, woot!

Have a good morning too.
It another bright beautiful hump day here!!!

I did get out for a walk last night after supper. Even took dumber for a walk around the block after my walk, as he was needing to get some extra energy out of his system. He's not great on a leash, and is a bit of a d!ckhead and barks and lunges at other dogs :sad2: I knew no one was out walking as it was almost dark by that time, so I didn't need to worry about running into anyone on the way. He was happy to get out ans sniff his way around the block. Hoping to get him out walking a bit more.

Currently waiting in some sort of holding room for pre-sale tickets for Luke Combs who is coming in out area next June. We have been wanting to see him live. He did open Daytona when we were there in Feb, and even though he was only on stage for 20-25 minutes, it was great! Can't wait to see him in a smaller venue.

Other than that...not much else new here. I did whip up some nice fluffy white bread last night. Dh seen I have some tomatoes on the counter, and he wants a toasted tomato sammie with white bread. I usually buy the healthier (squirrel nutty filled) type. So I'm sure the boys will be munching on those 2 loaves again. I did use my sourdough starter in it. Now that fall is here with cooler temps, I can start baking again!!!!! I have a few new things I want to try in the next little bit. I'm excited to let some kitchen shenianigans begin ;)

Well, I should start shuffling some papers. 15 minutes until the pre-sale begins. Good thing I received a code - now to hope for some good seats!!!

Have a great day everyone!
:bday: Carole! And a belated Happy Birthday Lynne!

Time is flying by. Only 2 weeks till wedding eek! It’s been busy. Last Sunday my daughters and I had show tickets for a local theatre, off Broadway type. We were going to the matinee of Peter Pan Goes Wrong. Picked up daughter who lives in town and we were heading to brunch before show. She checks email and show canceled due to technical difficulties! We decided to go to brunch anyway since we were having a sort of planning meeting for wedding. Then we phaffed around town getting wedding supplies!

I spent the morning watching CBC broadcast the Queens procession. Such a sad occasion.

Now time to get moving
Time is flying by. Only 2 weeks till wedding eek! It’s been busy. Last Sunday my daughters and I had show tickets for a local theatre, off Broadway type. We were going to the matinee of Peter Pan Goes Wrong. Picked up daughter who lives in town and we were heading to brunch before show. She checks email and show canceled due to technical difficulties! We decided to go to brunch anyway since we were having a sort of planning meeting for wedding. Then we phaffed around town getting wedding supplies!

I spent the morning watching CBC broadcast the Queens procession. Such a sad occasion.
Time sure does fly!!!!

Too bad about the theatre production - but I love a good brunch out ;) We are going to see our niece in a local production of Snow White. We can't wait to see her! It's so much fun to see how great the local talent can be

I too have been watching lots of stuff about the Queen passing. My heart goes out to the family, having to be on such a public display. I know and they know it is part of the protocol. Hopefully behind private doors they are able to come together and mourn as a family. Their life behind the scenes has always focused on family and togetherness. All of the " duties" keep them focused to get through all the new responsibilities now that they have. It's kind of like what we do when we prepare for a loved one's funeral or celebration of life. It is incredibly sad. We knew it was coming...but :sad: it just doesn't feel real. I want another ruling queen!!!! How lucky were we to experience having a ruling Queen!!!!!
Slow day today. Trying to stretch out what I have left to do today.

The weather is beautiful, but the smoke from some forrest fires around Jasper area have made their way here. It is heavier today than it has been. It must be the way the wind is blowing today. Visibility is definitely impacted. Oh well, it is still a fantastic day. Hopefully older ds doesn't have trouble with his asthma with the smoke. I better make sure he has a couple of inhalers ready to go. Even at almost 22, I gotta keep on top of him for that. He has this habit of NOT making sure to have full ones, then when he really needs them it's a trip to the ER because he needs more than just an inhaler :sad2: :furious:

Came to find out....I can't do my pre-sale tickets until 4:00 today :rolleyes1 So I'll be waiting again. My code won't work until then.

Well, I should slowly fill out a couple more spreadsheets, and a bank deposit - then I don't know what else
Well, well, well what have we here (after an extraordinarily quiet hurricane season)?:bitelip:

Nope, I’m not having it!

It’s the normal Pooh hitting the fan the week prior to trip time here. At the point I’m tempted to just disappear and feign surprise when my kids ask where I am lol

Another tip is to prick a hole in a capsule of a liquid Advil onto a q-tip and put that onto the tooth as well. It works as a numbing agent and relieves the pain. I hope you're able to get it fixed quickly.
Advil has never worked for me in general. May stock some just for that purpose tho, thanx

Im squeezed for their lunch hour emergencies tomorrow. Feel rather guilty TBH about that. Awfully nice of the support staff to voluntarily give up their official lunch breaks to treat patients IMO

have made the decision to cancel my trip to Orlando next week and go visit my mom in Atlanta instead. This may be the last time I get to see her.
Oh, charade, this has to be difficult for you on so many different levels. :sad1: Hang in there!
Dumb and Dumber are settling in
he wants a toasted tomato sammie with white bread. I usually buy the healthier (squirrel nutty filled) type.
One of life’s simple pleasures. For me it has to be on grocery store wonder bread sort. Affectionately, dubbed Dough ball in my family
spent the morning watching CBC broadcast the Queens procession. Such a sad occasion.
It is but, also life affirming in a sense. There’s a lovely clip of a red haired young man, bursting with excitement after shaking the royals’ hand up in Scotland

Came to find out....I can't do my pre-sale tickets until 4:00 today :rolleyes1 So I'll be waiting again. My code won't work until then.
Hope it worked out for you! I was miffed to jump thru hoops for a fan presale for TSO
Tix. Then, discover last Thursday it was random emails sent out. Why they just didn’t state that from the get-go is beyond me

Tomorrow, will try both citi bank and the Ticketmaster presale sites.

If the mr did r enjoy their Xmas show so, out of principle I’d pass
Wanted to stop by and count noses for who is here tonight

Looks like the homies are catching zzzz’s now

I am always late for the party here

lol……I’m usually late for the party too!

Hi everyone. I have just been texting with my brother who is visiting with our mom today. He says she is much weaker and becoming less coherent. I have made the decision to cancel my trip to Orlando next week and go visit my mom in Atlanta instead. This may be the last time I get to see her.
I’m sorry I will miss seeing everyone this year. Maybe I will be able to go next year.

Charade, I’m sorry to hear your mum has gone downhill. I hope you get to spend some quality time with her, Orlando will still be there next year, family first.

It's another beautiful Tuesday here in Santa Land!!! Our forecast is another sunny warm day!!! I'll take it. I see leaves are slowly starting to turn, but it's still pretty green - which is actually very rare for this time of year here. I heard on the radio as they were talking to a farmer about harvest, and this is the best fall weather we have ever had in this area ever! Whatever it's amazing, and I'm going to enjoy all the moments of it!

Did get out for a walk last night. No records were broke, but it felt great to get out and get moving again! Now that we are done all our traveling and back to our regular lives again, I can get back into my routine of walking again. Crossing my fingers this amazing weather holds out like this for at least until the end of this month. Then I will probably start heading back into the gym to walk again.

Dumb and Dumber are settling in. I need to start walking dumber in the evenings and hope that helps with some of his energy. Tonight I'll take him before I do my long walk. I would just take him on the whole walk, but he's an @sshole when on a leash towards other people. I don't know how to deal with him and strangers. So I'll start with short walks first.

Well, I should start shuffling some papers.

Have a great day everyone!!!! I hope all those in the parks have a fantastic day today!!!!!!

Glad the pups are settling in, and yes, hope the weather keeps up for you.

A day late and a dollar short…

A very Happy Birthday to Carole!

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View attachment 702314

Thanks Janet……again, love the memes!!

It another bright beautiful hump day here!!!

I did get out for a walk last night after supper. Even took dumber for a walk around the block after my walk, as he was needing to get some extra energy out of his system. He's not great on a leash, and is a bit of a d!ckhead and barks and lunges at other dogs :sad2: I knew no one was out walking as it was almost dark by that time, so I didn't need to worry about running into anyone on the way. He was happy to get out ans sniff his way around the block. Hoping to get him out walking a bit more.

Currently waiting in some sort of holding room for pre-sale tickets for Luke Combs who is coming in out area next June. We have been wanting to see him live. He did open Daytona when we were there in Feb, and even though he was only on stage for 20-25 minutes, it was great! Can't wait to see him in a smaller venue.

Other than that...not much else new here. I did whip up some nice fluffy white bread last night. Dh seen I have some tomatoes on the counter, and he wants a toasted tomato sammie with white bread. I usually buy the healthier (squirrel nutty filled) type. So I'm sure the boys will be munching on those 2 loaves again. I did use my sourdough starter in it. Now that fall is here with cooler temps, I can start baking again!!!!! I have a few new things I want to try in the next little bit. I'm excited to let some kitchen shenianigans begin ;)

Well, I should start shuffling some papers. 15 minutes until the pre-sale begins. Good thing I received a code - now to hope for some good seats!!!

Have a great day everyone!

I do love a plain old tomato sandwich, gotta be on white bread……and hope you got some good seats.

:bday: Carole! And a belated Happy Birthday Lynne!

Time is flying by. Only 2 weeks till wedding eek! It’s been busy. Last Sunday my daughters and I had show tickets for a local theatre, off Broadway type. We were going to the matinee of Peter Pan Goes Wrong. Picked up daughter who lives in town and we were heading to brunch before show. She checks email and show canceled due to technical difficulties! We decided to go to brunch anyway since we were having a sort of planning meeting for wedding. Then we phaffed around town getting wedding supplies!

I spent the morning watching CBC broadcast the Queens procession. Such a sad occasion.

Now time to get moving

Thanks Sue.

Time sure does fly!!!!

Too bad about the theatre production - but I love a good brunch out ;) We are going to see our niece in a local production of Snow White. We can't wait to see her! It's so much fun to see how great the local talent can be

I too have been watching lots of stuff about the Queen passing. My heart goes out to the family, having to be on such a public display. I know and they know it is part of the protocol. Hopefully behind private doors they are able to come together and mourn as a family. Their life behind the scenes has always focused on family and togetherness. All of the " duties" keep them focused to get through all the new responsibilities now that they have. It's kind of like what we do when we prepare for a loved one's funeral or celebration of life. It is incredibly sad. We knew it was coming...but :sad: it just doesn't feel real. I want another ruling queen!!!! How lucky were we to experience having a ruling Queen!!!!!

It is heartbreaking to watch the Royal Family go through such grief in public, couldn’t imagine it all being played out in front of the world.

The Queen was an amazing lady who will be missed so much, but Charles and Camilla will be a good fit.

Thanks Mac….:)

Well, well, well what have we here (after an extraordinarily quiet hurricane season)?:bitelip:

Nope, I’m not having it!

It’s the normal Pooh hitting the fan the week prior to trip time here. At the point I’m tempted to just disappear and feign surprise when my kids ask where I am lol

Advil has never worked for me in general. May stock some just for that purpose tho, thanx

Im squeezed for their lunch hour emergencies tomorrow. Feel rather guilty TBH about that. Awfully nice of the support staff to voluntarily give up their official lunch breaks to treat patients IMO

Oh, charade, this has to be difficult for you on so many different levels. :sad1: Hang in there!


One of life’s simple pleasures. For me it has to be on grocery store wonder bread sort. Affectionately, dubbed Dough ball in my family

It is but, also life affirming in a sense. There’s a lovely clip of a red haired young man, bursting with excitement after shaking the royals’ hand up in Scotland

Hope it worked out for you! I was miffed to jump thru hoops for a fan presale for TSO
Tix. Then, discover last Thursday it was random emails sent out. Why they just didn’t state that from the get-go is beyond me

Tomorrow, will try both citi bank and the Ticketmaster presale sites.

If the mr did r enjoy their Xmas show so, out of principle I’d pass

That young man was so heartwarming to see……

I haven’t glanced at the weather once since we arrived…….I like to be surprised……one of my cousins sent me an email telling me what her weather was…sorry, I don‘t give a rats patootie what other folks weather is ……….lol……good luck with the tickets!!!

Busy few days…….I need to catch up on emails…….sorry!

Met up with Robbie today in Hogsmeade, we had a lovely catch up and chat in the 3B’s……

Then had a snooze this afternoon before having a quiet dinner in Orchids as we seem to have plans almost every day/night from Friday onwards…..I did have to write things down to make sure we didn’t double book anyone! Busy…..busy…….

Planning an early night tonight, so many late nights, but fun!!
Yeah, looking at why I am leaving on Sunday, Keisha. Not the first time I’ve been seeing downpours while in September/October trips. Will pack my raincoat and umbrella. Usually though storm goes by, then not much to see after that. And watch my phone warning. Why I didn’t get caught in that drenching downpour you got caught in. Was in Potter in Studios when phone warned 20 minutes until heavy rain. You never saw me move so fast. Rain started as ducked under walkway right near RPR’s Tower 3 entry. And hurricane while I was at the mouse, and you at dark side when we had that one year too. Sigh. Weather. Ours is beautiful right now.

Ooh last of my tea before bedtime. Commuting homie needs her sleep.
Ah yes, morning tea drinker here. Last commuting day for over two weeks. Yay for me.

Thirsty Thursday is here. The day you can throw back a drink to feel refreshed, warmer, cooler or just satisfied. Well, for me, it’s a tea day. Hehe, that’s almost every day for me.

And so, was a clear and humid sky. You’d think a little be a cool feeling, at 64 degrees out. Nope. That ugh muggy feeling started as soon as I opened the door. Even though early morning weather news said won’t even pass 80 as the high, we still have that wall to walk sunny day. Surely one, where drinking, even water, is not a bad thing kinda day.

So a most terrific Thirsty Throwback Thursday. :drinking1

And woot! Fall season arrives next week.
It's Thirsty Thursday with a tea in my hand :drinking1 If it had a little Bailey's in it, it would be even better ;)

I didn't get any tickets. There were no general seats available - only the Platinum or lower tiered pricier tickets. No general eating was available. I HOPE this won't kick me in the butt. I didn't want to pay 200 bucks for nosebleed seating...when I know that the general seats are 84. So I'll hopefully snag some one Friday morning. Good thing I have a job where I can do this without anyone watching or caring that I'm wasting company time!!!!!

Went for another walk last night - night #3. This morning was calves are stiff and sore :laughing: I did try to speed it up a little...but I didn't think my legs were that out of shape after 6 weeks of no walking!!!! It might be time to replace my walking shoes. They lots of km/miles on them now. I was going to get a new pair for when I went back into the gym, but I'm thinking it might have to happen sooner :rolleyes1
Opps...forgot my quotes

It’s the normal Pooh hitting the fan the week prior to trip time here. At the point I’m tempted to just disappear and feign surprise when my kids ask where I am lol
With my luck, there would be the crappy hurricane weather when we would plan to go. I'm crossing my fingers for you that it doesn't happen!!!!
For me it has to be on grocery store wonder bread sort. Affectionately, dubbed Dough ball in my family
:rotfl: I love a good sammie made on white bread!!!! Wonder bread ( with all it's preservative goodness ) is probably top of the list of them :scratchin
Met up with Robbie today in Hogsmeade, we had a lovely catch up and chat in the 3B’s……

Then had a snooze this afternoon before having a quiet dinner in Orchids as we seem to have plans almost every day/night from Friday onwards…..I did have to write things down to make sure we didn’t double book anyone! Busy…..busy…….
Sounds like a perfect day!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are soaking in all the moments! I can't wait for your trip report.

Well, I should start the daily paper shuffle - since they actually pay me to do it ;) MY snarky GenX is at full capacity today. A so-worker pointed it out to me...and I replied with another quick snarky remark!!!!

Have a great day everyone! And if anyone is getting ready to travel - sending you extra positive vibes...have fun!!!!!!
Hope you found something good to eat, Mac. We had soup, and open faced turkey sandwiches, with lots of gravy, and with pickles and both french fries and onion rings that were air fried.

But yay,
schumi and I can be twins as we are late tonight
well sort of….

Hope all are doing good

Not usually, but this trip we’ve had some very late nights!

Opps...forgot my quotes

With my luck, there would be the crappy hurricane weather when we would plan to go. I'm crossing my fingers for you that it doesn't happen!!!!

:rotfl: I love a good sammie made on white bread!!!! Wonder bread ( with all it's preservative goodness ) is probably top of the list of them :scratchin

Sounds like a perfect day!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are soaking in all the moments! I can't wait for your trip report.

Well, I should start the daily paper shuffle - since they actually pay me to do it ;) MY snarky GenX is at full capacity today. A so-worker pointed it out to me...and I replied with another quick snarky remark!!!!

Have a great day everyone! And if anyone is getting ready to travel - sending you extra positive vibes...have fun!!!!!!

White bread is the only bread for a sandwich…….

We are certainly soaking in every second…….

Do any of you get tired of cooking?
It’s after 4 and no idea what I want to make for dinner..

Honestly, never……..long as it’s not soup, I’m good.

I ended up with pb&j sandwiches

Oh and Mr Mac had a few +beers and thought it was the best dinner ever

Alcohol makes everything better!

What a thunder storm tonight! We sat in the Club Lounge and watched the storm move in and boy was it a topper. Thought we might not make hhn tonight, but we waited till around 9pm and by then it was still raining but barely.

So, we set off with Matt & Rob (@AussieBritTraveller ) and we got through a couple of houses together before we headed back. We had so much fun with those guys. We decided to do the 2 houses on the way out, they were fun! After the rain it was quite cool so it was pleasant and HHN wasn’t the busiest……rain clears folks out.

Having a glass of champagne before we head to bed………🛌


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