Something About Nothing............ #14

Lynne, wow!

28 years of marriage is fantastic!
Hope you will celebrate it at a fabulous place for dinner.

Ooh, ya had me at bacon, Schumi. LOL. You have stayed at many NYC places. For us, since we take the train, found a nice place, a 5 minute walk from the train. And about our 10 to 15 minute to Times Square. Reasonable price, and yes, we always ask for a high floor. Got one last time. Yep, all is very walkable.

Keisha, too bad middle of March, as little one’s break is the first week, hence our trip during that time.

Charade, sending lots of hugs, not a good day for you, yesterday. Hope some good news comes your way soon.

With that, tomorrow, we will be married 28 years. Time has surely flown. And to see the range of coworkers. I was asked how long to retire, I said I most likely on the 10 year track. A coworker chimed in, he is on the 30 year plan. Sigh. Time surely has flown by.

And unlike the cool, bitter day our wedding day was, icy out too, this year’s weekend is close to 50 and no ice to be had. Rain though, in the weekend forecast. Yep, our weather pattern, if warmer, rain comes. In no way I am complaining. Last couple of years, the largest amount of snow fell in February. Hope to not repeat that statistic.

With that, a nice hot shower, and tea cup in hand. Perfect morning for me. Though there is no sun to streaming in my window. Cloudy day. And 44 the high. Rain is on the forecast this weekend.

Hope all have a great Saturday, this first one of the Leap Year month. Bonus time!

We haven't stayed in all those places Lynne, only the Doubletree Suites with mum. But Tom and I preferred somewhere a bit more special so we opted for the New York Palace, which is glorious.

But, we have heard very good things about the other hotels. We had drinks in the Marriott Marquis and did like it.

Any plans for your anniversary tomorrow? We`re 28 years married this year too! 1992 was a good year for weddings!!

Our homie bus will arrive for your bacon party in ten minutes
Besides tea, will you be offering coffee?

lol......We offer everything from coffee, tea, fruit teas, juices, sparkling, flavoured and still bottled water....although our tap water here is nice.....:thumbsup2

And as the sun is over the yardarm.......any type of alcoholic you desire......we have a full cabinets stocked with everything and a lovely full wine cellar (that's not really a cellar)........maybe a little prosecco......::yes:: Anything goes with bacon......

It is so windy here!!! But, again, strangely mild.

Quiet here today too, Kyle is out and Tom has disappeared somewhere in the house......not sure what he`s doing!

Time for a cup of tea.......
Happy February everyone. Thank you for your kind words, especially for dh's friend Joe's father. I didn't know Joe senior very well, but will remember him as a kind and generous man. Whenever we were in the Tampa. FL area we would have dinner with Joe Sr. And his wife. He would always insist on paying for our meal. One time they insisted that we stay overnight at their house so we wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. Whenever we visited Joe and his family, and his parents were visiting too, Joe Sr. would offer an appetizer of cheese and guava. I'm going to try to find some guava when I go to the grocery today, we can have some in his memory.

Today has been better than yesterday. We started the day by celebrating Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day at a local ice cream shop. Next we went shopping for a new garden flag for out front yard. The rest of the day has been lazy.

Extra check!?! I’ve heard of those but never have seen one. Nice
I guess extra check isn't really the correct term. He got paid for developing new courses for his department.

With that, tomorrow, we will be married 28 years.
Congratulations and happy anniversary.

We`re 28 years married this year too!

Happy early anniversary to you and Tom. Dh and I will be 25 years in September.

I guess I should go ahead and get to the grocery store before it starts getting dark. I'm so ready for spring.
Well, it is less than 50 days before Spring.

Little one has a bad cold, so she needed her momma and her bed at home. Picked her up, and, of course, list of wants with her. Did pick up some saline spray to help her nose and breathing. She ate lunch and fell asleep. Made her some chicken noodle soup, a meal she likes even when not sick. I am hoping she feels better when I return her tomorrow afternoon.
Ice cream for breakfast sounds good Charade......our anniversary is in September too, we‘re the 5th.

Lynne......another sickie.......hope she feels better soon, yes, mum always makes things better!

I was pleased to hear all the baking was sold and they made a decent amount in sales. We finished off the wonky lopsided coconut cake today.......delicious!

Still blowing a hoolie plans to go out tonight at and some ginger tea with a toasted scone.......
I don't know what possessed me to go to the grocery store the day before the Super Bowl. The place was packed. When I got to the register I got behind a woman who had a large stack of coupons,

Lynne - I hope your daughter is feeling better in time to go back to school on Monday.

Schumi - We are September 30.

Time for bedtime for me. Older one will leave the light on for you, whenever he decides to go to bed.

Oh, and for once in some time, tomorrow will be a palindrome. Yep. 0202 2020.

May all have a good night’s sleeping. 💤
What in the world has happened here??

Lynne is up after midnight.....

Glad your son left the light on here for us
You raised him to be a good homie

Have a lovely day with your husband Lynne...….and hope your daughter is much better today for going back to college.

We have had some rain that started last night, but only just easing now. We slept till 9am this morning......haven't done that in years!!!

Sunday dinner is slowly roasting away in the Aga......smaller rib roast of beef, think this one must have been a tiny cow!!! But, it smells beautiful.....we usually buy meat from the same supplier, all local meats and it`s so worth it. His farm store is always so busy, but if you give him a call he`ll make sure his more regular customers don`t miss out.....he`s a gem. But, love ordering our Aberdeen Angus stuff from Scotland.....can`t get better beef in the whole world.

Lazy afternoon ahead.....watching season 10 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Hayu… ads and every episode is there to watch. Real trashy tv afternoon.....and I`m watching them on the huge tv......Lisa Rinna`s lips are ginormous on this screen!!!

Ginger tea time...….
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Thank you Schumi. We always go out to dinner to celebrate,

Little one is still not feeling well, so she got up, took a hot shower, and now asleep again. We will pick up some more drugs and a hot meal before I take her back. Think it is just a nasty chest cold, but since she is not running a fever, there is no reason she can’t go to class tomorrow. Not much else you can do with a cold, then to try to relieve some of the congestion, but body has to fight to get rid of that cold bug. Takes about a week or so for most people. Think she started Thursday, so I always find the first couple of days the worse. Here is hoping tomorrow, she is better.

Boring day of laundry and trash out. I actually like a Monday trash pick up, as weekend best time to have the time to toss stuff, then it goes out quick.

Happy Sunday homies. Enjoy this day of rest, for most homies.
Happy anniversary Lynne!

Havd a great romantic dinner out tonight

Sending Mummy Dust your daughter feels better real soon
Chiefs it is. At at least the game was not too late night when it ended. Of course, heard older one holler, so knew the game was over. Shortly thereafter, I hollered I am going to bed. I think he followed me not much after that, as he has an early class today.

Up a little earlier than usual, so nice to have a longer shower. 34 degree commute. Dark out, frost on car windows, and very dark out, with the complete cloud cover. Was a rainy, then sleet, then mushy snow, yesterday. Felt like the temps fell fast as the day went by. But dry enough today, and with the clouds departing, we may see a try to get the high temp today at the record 65. Hey, the predicted 60 is still, woot!

With that, tea for me. And yeah, it is a Monday.

Indeed. ::yes::

Ah, may all have that marvelous Monday.
Good morning. Fairly quiet day yesterday. After church and lunch we watched Groundhog Day, one of dh's favorite movies. Next we watched a little bit of the kitten bowl, and then the Super Bowl.
I really wanted to throw dh out last night. He takes football way to seriously. One of the really annoying things he does is when the opposing team scores, or makes a good play, he will say, "and that's the ballgame" and then start ranting about how the game is over, the refs favor the other team, etc. I told him that if we were drinkers I would turn it into a drinking game. Take a shot every time he says, "and that's the ball game." The only problem is that I would be completely wasted by the end of the game (if not sooner).

Almost time to head out to work. My boss will not be in today, so I hope to get some cleaning and organizing done.

We are supposed to have a high of 71 today. This weather is crazy.
I'm sorry for your loss, but glad you had a better day after your loss @Charade67.

On a more lighter note, congrats to @Lynne G for her anniversary. Such a great milestone!

Sounds like a good meal, @schumigirl! However, everything you make sounds good.

:wave2: @DisneyLifePapioNe

Hope the game was good for you @macraven. We have a tradition of having "Super Bowl food" without the Super Bowl. So, once I got home and chilled a little bit I had wings.

I hope all the homies have a good Monday!


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