Something About Nothing............ #14

We just spent two and a half hours just putting together the frame of a puzzle. This one is going to be challenging.

The blue paper like masks are definitely more comfortable for me than cloth ones.
Are they easier to breathe through? One of our therapists gave me one to try, but I have not used it yet.

Oh there’s always plenty of shows to binge watch!! Far too many at times......
The difficult part is finding one both dh and I can agree on.

Finally checking in. It's been a crazy week and now I can breathe a little easier. One of my family members had been sent to DC to work the front lines and he's home safe now, thankfully! We were very worried about his safety because of the violence going on against law enforcement. Protest is a legal right. Rioting, looting, vandalism, assault, theft, etc. are criminal.
Glad to hear he is safely back home.

Well tile guy and contractor just left. this job is turning out larger than I thought! Tile taken out. They put drop cloth down along hall. But drywall stuff tracked thru kitchen. So husband vacuumed up but I still wasn’t happy so I mopped. Mr says put mop away and leave it, they’ll be back tomorrow. What’s wrong with me? Ugh. I just couldn’t and so mopped. I hope I don’t hear from my back tonight after anti inflammatory wears off :rolleyes2
Good luck with the renovations. We were supposed to do some home improvement this summer, but it will have to wait until next year.

Charade the Bosses husband strikes again, ugh. I hope your talk went well. For some reason it just doesn’t work well when bosses spouse works in the office.
I managed to fix the problems today, but I doubt the accounts will balance this week. My boss was very understanding of my frustration, but I don't think she is going to fire her husband.

do you know how icky it is to microwave nachos bell grande once you get the food back home....
Ew..yuck Nachos Bell Grande is my go to Taco Bell meal, but I haven't eaten there in awhile.

Time to get some sleep.
Hi all,

Finally checking in. It's been a crazy week and now I can breathe a little easier. One of my family members had been sent to DC to work the front lines and he's home safe now, thankfully! We were very worried about his safety because of the violence going on against law enforcement. Protest is a legal right. Rioting, looting, vandalism, assault, theft, etc. are criminal.

I'll try to catch up on the thread. We're getting a new fence put up and I am in the process of moving a lot of my plants, trimming trees and bushes, etc. So at least that's kept me busy for the past week.

Good to see you mrose...wondered where you were....I`m happy to hear your family member is safe, that has to be a huge worry at the best of times, even more so now.

Happy new fence......hope you`re happy with it...

Well tile guy and contractor just left. this job is turning out larger than I thought! Tile taken out. They put drop cloth down along hall. But drywall stuff tracked thru kitchen. So husband vacuumed up but I still wasn’t happy so I mopped. Mr says put mop away and leave it, they’ll be back tomorrow. What’s wrong with me? Ugh. I just couldn’t and so mopped. I hope I don’t hear from my back tonight after anti inflammatory wears off :rolleyes2

Schumi masks here aren’t mandatory per say, but some stores have mandatory policy. I wear one when I’m going into grocery or pharmacy, Butcher, etc
Of course there are no calories in clotted cream! Now I want to go to a nice tea! Mmmmm
We get both Shark Tank and Dragons Den. Fathers Day, boy that sure crept up on me! I think the girls may bake some cookies or something. There really is nothing he needs.

Lynne good idea about taking extra masks into the park. I read someone’s experience and they said with the combo of heat and humidity the mask gets wet, and hard to breathe thru, so they had several to change to.
Trying to rest the back, but easier said than done! I was good yesterday, hope I didn’t blow it too badly today. I just can’t look at a mess and leave it!
I think Picard is my fav! Love the new Picard but they didn’t make many episodes. It was nice seeing some old characters like Data! Who knows how long the waif for new season will be.

Mac send some of your heat this way! It’s an unusually cool and rainy June here.

Elsaspirit 90! Stay cool! I’m sitting here with the fire going!

Schumi nice to enjoy a ride in the sunshine! :car: Wish I could say the same but another wet gloomy day here. With less cars on the road I’ve noticed it seems like there’s more police monitoring speed! May be easier to catch? Lol. My town is notorious for speed checks, being as we only have 1 main road thru!

Lynne I agree, the Orlando water is gross! I usually have bottled water in my room to use for making coffee or tea.

Schumi yes, funny the NY water is good! We have very good water here too.
I need my morning cup of coffee. Then in afternoon I switch to tea.

Keisha no fair! I want raft time too! My dentist appt is tomorrow, ugh. Have cavity that needs filling. Yuck.

Pumpkin I don’t feel so bad now, that your having cold and wet too. So envious of our neighbours south of the 49! Lol.

Charade the Bosses husband strikes again, ugh. I hope your talk went well. For some reason it just doesn’t work well when bosses spouse works in the office. I think my husband wants to change doctors. His wife is the receptionist/secretary. And she’s very rude. When there’s a problem you can’t really go tell him.
I hope it’s not a very active hurricane season. I’ve been lucky with all my years going to Florida during Hurricane season, I’ve dodged a few.
You can come up to Canada and get clotted cream too lol! ::yes::

Lynne burgers sound good! Yum. I wonder how many jobs will be permanently made work from home? Are you looking forward to going back to the office or do you prefer working from home?

Monykalyn that’s scary about tornado while you were at the pool. Tipsy Palmer! Who knew there was a name for it! I like it with the raspberry lemonade! Good pool drink! And ice creams too!
Great pics. Beach looks pretty stormy.

DisneyLife nice early Father’s Day gifts! Oooo YC would be so nice! My fav Epcot Resort!

Mac some days I have to look at my phone so I know the day. I have the kitchen calendar too. Now I know why my mil used to cross off the days on her calendar lol!

Lynne that taco cat doesn’t look amused lol

Mac I really need to get in my closet and do that too. Ugh.

Charade eek, it could be a memory problem. I remember your frustration way before Covid ever hit.

Monykalyn wow great coaster pics! Can’t wait. Good to know about paper masks being cooler.
I still don’t know what I’ll do about Aug WDW trip I don’t think they’re doing a good job around this and seem unorganized. Especially don’t like that they aren’t guaranteeing on site guests park access with reservations. If I’m flying 6hrs to get there I just don’t know. It’s still time to see how things go. But also our border is still closed. Some think it will open on 21st, some don’t. It’s all speculation at this point. And if there’s a 2 week quarantine when we return home that’s a deal breaker too.

MRose I‘m glad to hear your family member is home safe now!

Dinner time here. Husband made a pot of potato soup for lunch so he and dd are having that and sandwiches. I can’t have potato soup so I’ll scrounge around for something. I was going to make curry chicken but that will wait for tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to Prince Phillip!

That was a lovely picture they released for Prince Phillip birthday.....not bad for a man of his age. And lovely to see The Queen again.

Oh why are jobs never smaller than imagined! I hear you on the mess....whenever builders or decorators are in I clean up every day they leave`s a woman thing for sure. We had a back wall taken out to have bifold doors fitted and the mess was unimaginable.....but it was like a vendetta to try and keep the place dust free.....impossible actually, but I

Yep, speed cameras are everywhere. We have a lot of country windy roads where we are, you can`t really drive fast, but on dual carriageways....they`re everywhere....a good thing of course for the real idiots.

Oh good luck with the dentist today.....yes, what do you get the men who have everything!!!! I think we`re sticking with a new dvd player for`s in the room he watches all the sci fi stuff I win win.....and of course clotted cream is calorie free....isn't it......🤣

Good luck with the decision on August. It`s a tough one for sure. And when the decision is possibly in the hands of others....somehow makes it worse. Hope the borders open soon. We call the area between Scotland and England the border...there`s no checks the way it is in America/Canada....but all there is a Welcome to Scotland/England sign.....but they`re checking number plates apparently so a good chance of being caught if we do drive up. If something was to happen to any of my family, it would be incredibly hard to not travel up....but, hopefully not.

Hi Sue, in some ways after being home for months now, some pluses to not commuting, but there is also pluses for the office, as all my stuff is in my office, and a nicer printer and since I have been commuting for almost 30 years, there’s that comfort of routine. So yeah I am kinda ready to be on the commuting routine one of these days. We have a level system, and as far I as I know, a one or two day commute may commence the middle of July. But as with anything, that may be delayed and full office is not happening any time soon. I hope you back is feeling better and better. And yum, some lush food at your house too.

And yeah, my water at home is very good, so yeah I tend to use bottled water to make tea when not at home.

Enjoying some tea tonight, as I took a little hour late afternoon nap, so dinner was late. I was surprised the kids did not complain, as when I woke up, my phone rang. Looked, and no kid was calling, just a spam number.

Hey, tomorrow will be the hottest day we have had in some time. Yeah, a tropical weather system is coming overnight, so as weather lady said, steamy day, even with the roll your dice thunderstorms losers, the humidity stays in the 60’s percentile. That camel will be looking for a cool drink, and a place to hide when that thunderstorm arrives late afternoon into the evening chances.

Have that totally happy Tuesday night.

lol.....that`ll be a thirsty camel!!! Weather sounds ominous....I do love a good thunderstorm though!

Kyle has been told they may be back in the offices late August, so he has a while yet. There are definite plus/minus points to working from home......

Taco Bell Tuesday

will be happy when we can eat there and not have to use the drive thru

do you know how icky it is to microwave nachos bell grande once you get the food back home....

That does not sound good!!! Yes, eating inside restaurants is much nicer.....we thought about using a local pub that has started doing take out food.....but decided against it. Will see how it goes for them.

We just spent two and a half hours just putting together the frame of a puzzle. This one is going to be challenging.

Are they easier to breathe through? One of our therapists gave me one to try, but I have not used it yet.

The difficult part is finding one both dh and I can agree on.

Glad to hear he is safely back home.

Good luck with the renovations. We were supposed to do some home improvement this summer, but it will have to wait until next year.

I managed to fix the problems today, but I doubt the accounts will balance this week. My boss was very understanding of my frustration, but I don't think she is going to fire her husband.

Ew..yuck Nachos Bell Grande is my go to Taco Bell meal, but I haven't eaten there in awhile.

Time to get some sleep.

We both tend to enjoy the same types of shows usually.....exception being B movie sci fi types......he watches them in another room usually.....

Hope you got a good sleep!

It’s not midnight yet but I’ll sit up for the night crew here.

Porch light is on.

Always appreciate the light mac......although it never really gets completely dark here right now.....not like the Midnight Sun in the Nordic countries, but not pitch black. It annoys Kyle as he can`t get out imaging with the telescope when it`s so light. He`s waiting for darkness again.…….

And woke up to rain again this morning. At least the gardens are getting a good watering. Don`t think the sprinklers have been on since way last week. Maybe that`s our summer over......

I know Tom said we were going to be doing something this morning.....but can`t for the life of me remember what it was. I`ll have to ask......I`m lucky I remember it`s Wednesday!!! Our Wednesday lunch group are having an online zoom chat today.....after eating lunch....nothing worse than listening to folks eating on those things. But, we all miss our weekly lunches with them. Miss all our friends right now a lot. But, zoom has been brilliant I have to say.

Still no word on when salons are hair looks ok when it`s straightened, but first thing.....I notice it badly needs doing! I`m thinking of buying a pair of thinning scissors, never tried them before, but I`ll have a go. Plenty of instructions online to use them.

Think bacon sandwiches for lunch`ll smell it when it`s sizzling! Breakfast is a rather dull bowl of rice krispies….or toast.

So, Wednesday again......we are billowing through this month already......







Have a wonderful Wednesday......


See, that camel is so happy he has a drink, as yep, it is 5 o’clock somewhere. And a happy hour for me, as tea in hand, AC cranked most of the night, so most pleasant inside, and rightly so, given that sticky icky feeling weather Wednesday we are having.

Thus, be like that camel, cheers to this being hump day, where a sleep tonight gets us closer to that ever loving Friday, and the wahoo it’s the weekend time.

And yes, while I complain about the rain, I love this time of year, as so much is colorful. And yeah, I wish I had the large porch I had growing up, as my dad and I would sit out on it to watch the thunderstorms roll by. So Schumi, I like watching it storm too.

McK, glad to hear he came home safely. With this virus, so scary stories, including the loss of one of my DH’s military buddies. With my county saying we have the four elements, all are hoping for green and all to be open. I think though, it will be some time before I go to a indoor mall, and eat inside a restaurant. And yeah Mac, some food just isn’t meant for transport. Ick, soggy nachos.

Ah, my other love, a cup of tea to start the day. Drank quickly this morning, so will drain the pot faster, I guess.

Welcome to Wednesday, and hope all have a good day.
I agree with ya Charade, I would like to just stroll around the Zoo and get away. We did cancel our August trip, as just not ready to fly away just yet. I do hope to travel in September as I have planned. And good morning.
I’m not 100% certain, but I think the billing nightmare I have been working on for over a year is about to be resolved. I will start breathing again one we actually receive the claim check.
Yes Lynne, this time of year everything looks so lush and green. We are surrounded by countryside and it’s so beautiful.....the rain was well needed. Enjoy that tea.......

mac.....bacon is on the go! Well.....there’s some was lovely!

Charade.....hope your day goes well and you get to the zoo soon.

We went up to the wholesale butcher today......that was what Tom wanted to do......very exciting!! Then on the way back down, we passed one of the larger grocery stores we like. The one near us is around 10 miles away but there is always a line to get in.....not interested.......but there was no line for this one so we parked and went in.

It was nice wandering around for a change.......picked up a few bits I can’t get from click and collect as that’s from another grocery store.

And I didn’t feel everyone had the felt normal. But, no one may have been a game changer!

Lunch and zoom chat with friends was time for mid afternoon pot of tea.

Dinner is pulled pork, salad and potato wedges.....spicy for us, plain for Kyle......lush!!!
Good morning!

School is almost over :cool1: Wrapping up grades and going in tomorrow to the school to do summer clean up.

Still no idea what will happen in September. I hate not knowing because we don't even know how to prepare.

Warmer weather is coming finally. Pool still isn't warm enough to go in, maybe this weekend.

Today marks our Phase 2. Retail opens, outdoor seating at restaurants opens, salons open, of course, all with precautions. I love hearing things getting back to some sort of normalcy, but I am cautious to see what these changes may bring considering the spikes we are seeing in Florida, Texas, etc.

Stay safe everyone!

Can someone just leave this out front of my house? Thanks!

With this virus, so scary stories, including the loss of one of my DH’s military buddies
I'm sorry to hear that.
With my county saying we have the four elements, all are hoping for green and all to be open. I think though, it will be some time before I go to a indoor mall, and eat inside a restaurant.
We're there too. Our county only reported 5 new cases and 2 deaths in the past two days. I find it interesting though that they are basing criteria to open as the amount of cases per week in relation to the past two weeks. Well, yes, if you look at our past two weeks our cases have gone down. But it doesn't mean we're virus free. Thankfully it's improving though. I even braved a trip to Walmart yesterday for the first time in 3 months. Someone DH knows that works in another town near us was just diagnosed. His only symptom was loss of smell! This is the second case that we know of someone who only had that as their symptom. So strange...

Well, they cancelled the big wine and food festival this month and the Pocono 500 will be without spectators. I know they're also cancelling smaller fairs too. Summer is a big time for the wineries here and they're finding creative ways to generate business. One near us has different food trucks every day and they've been a big draw. I haven't gone yet, but DH and one of my DDs went two weeks ago to pick up some food. They also have fantastic wine slushies that you can bring home, as long as you don't puncture the seal with the straw you can drive with it.

A gorgeous day so far but rain expected later.

Hope everyone is well!
Guten morgen peeps! Clouding up here I think we are supposed to get more rain today. Saves me from having to water all my plants! I think I'm going to make some lobster ravioli for dinner tonight. Although after reading everyone else's food all I want is bacon, steak pie, and nachos. And maybe some tea. I usually only have that in the afternoon - I make my own cold brew iced coffee that is a glass of heaven in the morning.

Supposedly Disneyland will be making an announcement today about their reopening - fingers crossed for some good news! Hoping to go there in July to give me my fix until I can get to Florida for WDW and UO in September.

Lynne I think of you on Wednesdays now and all the camels - makes me smile. Good to know we are almost halfway through the week!
Good morning!

School is almost over :cool1: Wrapping up grades and going in tomorrow to the school to do summer clean up.

Still no idea what will happen in September. I hate not knowing because we don't even know how to prepare.

Warmer weather is coming finally. Pool still isn't warm enough to go in, maybe this weekend.

Today marks our Phase 2. Retail opens, outdoor seating at restaurants opens, salons open, of course, all with precautions. I love hearing things getting back to some sort of normalcy, but I am cautious to see what these changes may bring considering the spikes we are seeing in Florida, Texas, etc.

Stay safe everyone!

Enjoy the rest of your summer now with your own kids.....sounds as though you deserve it. And yes, it is nice to see things getting back to some kind of normal.....

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Can someone just leave this out front of my house? Thanks!

I'm sorry to hear that.

We're there too. Our county only reported 5 new cases and 2 deaths in the past two days. I find it interesting though that they are basing criteria to open as the amount of cases per week in relation to the past two weeks. Well, yes, if you look at our past two weeks our cases have gone down. But it doesn't mean we're virus free. Thankfully it's improving though. I even braved a trip to Walmart yesterday for the first time in 3 months. Someone DH knows that works in another town near us was just diagnosed. His only symptom was loss of smell! This is the second case that we know of someone who only had that as their symptom. So strange...

Well, they cancelled the big wine and food festival this month and the Pocono 500 will be without spectators. I know they're also cancelling smaller fairs too. Summer is a big time for the wineries here and they're finding creative ways to generate business. One near us has different food trucks every day and they've been a big draw. I haven't gone yet, but DH and one of my DDs went two weeks ago to pick up some food. They also have fantastic wine slushies that you can bring home, as long as you don't puncture the seal with the straw you can drive with it.

A gorgeous day so far but rain expected later.

Hope everyone is well! would have a longer line than any ice cream van!!!!

I braved one of our larger grocery stores today and a meat wholesaler.....and it was better than I imagined. Everyone was very aware of others and space......except for that one guy...…he didn`t get in our way, but you could see him stretch past people to get items.

Keep well........

Guten morgen peeps! Clouding up here I think we are supposed to get more rain today. Saves me from having to water all my plants! I think I'm going to make some lobster ravioli for dinner tonight. Although after reading everyone else's food all I want is bacon, steak pie, and nachos. And maybe some tea. I usually only have that in the afternoon - I make my own cold brew iced coffee that is a glass of heaven in the morning.

Supposedly Disneyland will be making an announcement today about their reopening - fingers crossed for some good news! Hoping to go there in July to give me my fix until I can get to Florida for WDW and UO in September.

Lynne I think of you on Wednesdays now and all the camels - makes me smile. Good to know we are almost halfway through the week!

Guten Abend Elsa.......🇩🇪 😁

Now I adore lobster ravioli.…..that sounds beautiful!!!! Do you make your own? I tried once to make ravioli years ago and failed burst in the water....every one of them! Never tried them again. But, delicious dish.

Hope you do manage to put in a quick trip to DL before your next trip to Orlando.......I hadn`t noticed they were still closed....but fingers crossed for you.......

Pulled pork was as lush as expected. Tom thought it was too spicy.....just a little too much, I thought it was perfect.

It is still raining here, and has to rain tomorrow most of the day too.

My friend with the little granddaughter we look after sometimes, zoom chatted us an hour or so ago....she was asking when she could come visit us again...…🥺 she`s barely 5 and can`t really understand why she can`t see us too. I told her we`d see her soon and we`d take her a walk up to the see the foxes in the wood again......bless her. We miss her too.

Tonight is another quiet one again....not much on tv so we are listening to Queen CD`s and both on laptops.....might look for something to watch later.....we are both sharing stories of what we are reading......always interesting....:rotfl:
Guten Abend Elsa.......🇩🇪 😁

Now I adore lobster ravioli.…..that sounds beautiful!!!! Do you make your own? I tried once to make ravioli years ago and failed burst in the water....every one of them! Never tried them again. But, delicious dish.

Hope you do manage to put in a quick trip to DL before your next trip to Orlando.......I hadn`t noticed they were still closed....but fingers crossed for you.......

I wish I was that talented! Surprisingly Costco carries a really good lobster ravioli that I try to keep on hand at all times. For my sauce I use their lobster bisque soup. I'm sure I'm breaking all kinds of rules there - but it is actually quite good and makes for an easy dinner here! I have meetings until 6p tonight so I needed something that will whip up in a hurry. Plus with rain you can't have anything too light, correct? ;)

Always a good call listening to Queen.

I wish I was that talented! Surprisingly Costco carries a really good lobster ravioli that I try to keep on hand at all times. For my sauce I use their lobster bisque soup. I'm sure I'm breaking all kinds of rules there - but it is actually quite good and makes for an easy dinner here! I have meetings until 6p tonight so I needed something that will whip up in a hurry. Plus with rain you can't have anything too light, correct? ;)

Always a good call listening to Queen.

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Breaking rules is always allowed if it works, and it sounds like it`ll be lovely......yes, perfect dish for a rainy

Oh absolutely adore Queen!! It`s usually them or George Michael.....and any other 80`s classic.....poor Kyle. He likes Queen but not so fussed on all the new romantic stuff or much else from the 80`s to be honest.......poor guy when he comes up to Scotland with us....7 hours of 80`s!!!

Still raining here........🌧
Oh absolutely adore Queen!! It`s usually them or George Michael.....and any other 80`s classic.....poor Kyle. He likes Queen but not so fussed on all the new romantic stuff or much else from the 80`s to be honest.......poor guy when he comes up to Scotland with us....7 hours of 80`s!!!

Sounds like a fab road trip to me!! :rockband:


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