"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." - 1st Training Journal (comments welcome!)

Monday, August 23, 2021
FINALLY got a break in the heavy rain to get my run done!

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 73 + 72 = 145
Feels Like: 73
Wind: S 15 mph
Humidity: 96%
UV Index: 3
Running Conditions Index: 5

I forgot to check the weather at the end. The weather was okay, considering the circumstances. Relatively cool temp with a nice breeze, but definitely humid.

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:37
Avg. Pace: 17'08"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:29:08
Avg. Pace: 14'17"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'16"
0.04 = 18'00"
(I had a little issue getting the Intervals app started after starting the Nike app, causing a little bit more of a discrepancy between the two than normal.)

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.02 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'14"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'18"
3 = 15'28"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:36
Avg. Pace: 17'01"mi

After my half mile walk I added another mile walk, and then did a 5 min post-run stretch when I got home.

One major difference in my run today was that I ran on a track instead of the road. I haven't ran on a track in many years, so the difference did throw me a bit. My goal was to continue working on slowing down my pace, which I did do successfully. I'm still not where I'm supposed to be (14'36"), but I'm closer than I was before! Another factor was the rain, and my desire to get the miles in before the rain returned. It did start drizzling again while I was out there, and it started to get heavier when I was about a mile and a half in, but I tried to stay consistent and focus on my pace.

Tomorrow I'll be back on track with my 3 mile easy/LR, and it's princess registration day! Week 2 ✔
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Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Today was a motivating run day. I slept fairly well last night, and I was excited for Princess Half Marathon Weekend registration this morning. I wasn't nervous for a change, thanks to how well the past two runDisney registration days went. With nothing to stress over, I got ready, did a 5 min pre-run warmup, and headed out the door.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 73 + 69 = 142
Feels Like: 73
Wind: W 7 mph
Humidity: 89%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Fair
Temp + Dew Point: 75 + 70 = 145
Feels Like: 75
Wind: W 7 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 7

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:00
Avg. Pace: 17'47"/mi

Since today's run called for 3 miles, I ran the 3 miles with the intervals app, and continued the run with the Nike app to get my last runDisney Virtual Series 5K done.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces + runDisney Virtual 5K #3 - The Reimagined Classic
Distance: 3.10 mi
Total Time: 0:44:27
Avg. Pace: 14'19"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'22"
3 = 14'23"
0.10 = 15'27"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.05 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 14'16"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'25"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 14'20"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:55
Avg. Pace: 17'38"mi

After my walk I did a 5 min post-run stretch, set up my devices, and ate breakfast while waiting for Princess Half Marathon registration.

Today's run was enjoyable. It was nice to have some sunshine again, but I was glad I ran this morning because it got really hot about an hour later. I'm still working on my pace, but I feel like it's getting easier. It was actually better having 3 miles to run today, because I had more time to work on the rhythm and feel of the pace. I was able to successfully register for the Princess 5K today, so I'm in for all 3 Princess Weekend races again and I'm really looking forward to it. runDisney is such a unique experience, and I'm thrilled for the opportunity to be a part of it again!

Slightly off topic but I'm starting to seriously consider investing in a treadmill. I'm hesitant to buy one because I'm not sure if I'll like running on a treadmill, but I've thought about the convenience of one in the past, and after this weekend it's resurfaced to the front of my mind again. It'd be a lot easier to stick to my training if I had the option of getting on the treadmill on bad weather days or just busy days when I don't have a lot of time and don't want to be running outside in the dark. The positives are starting to add up, but I'm not quite ready to jump in yet. To be continued I guess...
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Today was a motivating run day. I slept fairly well last night, and I was excited for Princess Half Marathon Weekend registration this morning. I wasn't nervous for a change, thanks to how well the past two runDisney registration days went. With nothing to stress over, I got ready, did a 5 min pre-run warmup, and headed out the door.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 73 + 69 = 142
Feels Like: 73
Wind: W 7 mph
Humidity: 89%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Fair
Temp + Dew Point: 75 + 70 = 145
Feels Like: 75
Wind: W 7 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 7

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:00
Avg. Pace: 17'47"/mi

Since today's run called for 3 miles, I ran the 3 miles with the intervals app, and continued the run with the Nike app to get my last runDisney Virtual Series 5K done.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces + runDisney Virtual 5K #3 - The Reimagined Classic
Distance: 3.10 mi
Total Time: 0:44:27
Avg. Pace: 14'19"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'22"
3 = 14'23"
0.10 = 15'27"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.05 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 14'16"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'25"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 14'20"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:55
Avg. Pace: 17'38"mi

After my walk I did a 5 min post-run stretch, set up my devices, and ate breakfast while waiting for Princess Half Marathon registration.

Today's run was enjoyable. It was nice to have some sunshine again, but I was glad I ran this morning because it got really hot about an hour later. I'm still working on my pace, but I feel like it's getting easier. It was actually better having 3 miles to run today, because I had more time to work on the rhythm and feel of the pace. I was able to successfully register for the Princess 5K today, so I'm in for all 3 Princess Weekend races again and I'm really looking forward to it. runDisney is such a unique experience, and I'm thrilled for the opportunity to be a part of it again!

Slightly off topic but I'm starting to seriously consider investing in a treadmill. I'm hesitant to buy one because I'm not sure if I'll like running on a treadmill, but I've thought about the convenience of one in the past, and after this weekend it's resurfaced to the front of my mind again. It'd be a lot easier to stick to my training if I had the option of getting on the treadmill on bad weather days or just busy days when I don't have a lot of time and don't want to be running outside in the dark. The positives are starting to add up, but I'm not quite ready to jump in yet. To be continued I guess...

Before you dive into a treadmilll...have you done much running in the past on a treadmill? If not, I'd recommend that you try doing so regularly, with some training runs, at a gym or friend's house or something. The reason I say this is that some folks absolutely HATE running on a treadmill (I am one of them). There are all of the advantages that you list, but if you hate running on it, no need to blow the money.

That said, I do have a treadmill. I run on it very, very occasionally. I walk on it more, and it's great for incline walking.
Before you dive into a treadmilll...have you done much running in the past on a treadmill? If not, I'd recommend that you try doing so regularly, with some training runs, at a gym or friend's house or something. The reason I say this is that some folks absolutely HATE running on a treadmill (I am one of them). There are all of the advantages that you list, but if you hate running on it, no need to blow the money.

That said, I do have a treadmill. I run on it very, very occasionally. I walk on it more, and it's great for incline walking.
Thank you, I really appreciate your input! Years ago when I had a gym membership I walked and ran on the treadmill, but I knew a lot less about running than I do now (which is saying a lot because I still have so much to learn :rotfl2:). I'm hesitant because I'm honestly not sure how I'll feel about running on a treadmill now. The advantages of being able to run at any time at home, whether it's due to a hectic schedule or bad weather conditions has me leaning towards it, but I haven't decided either way yet.

I do have a Peloton and I'm a huge fan of the variety of live and on demand classes they offer. I feel like that class-at-home feel might make me more likely to use it when I'm not training (instead of having a large piece of equipment collecting dust in the house if I'm not training for a race). Now that they're bringing back their treadmills, I'm considering taking a visit to one of their showrooms simply for the opportunity to take a 10 min class on one and try it out. Not that 10 minutes is enough to really know for sure, but I figured if I do decide to buy a treadmill, I'll be able to decide between their brand ($$$) or a different brand, and I'll still have the option to stream their classes through the app. Lots to think about, but I'm in no rush to decide...

Thursday, August 26, 2021
Today was a decent run day, with a technology failure at the end...

The morning started out pretty well. I woke up at a decent time, got ready, and got a 5 min pre-run warm up in before heading out the door.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 75 + 72 = 147
Feels Like: 75
Wind: WSW 2 mph
Humidity: 90%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 6

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 79 + 73 = 152
Feels Like: 84
Wind: W 4 mph
Humidity: 83%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 5

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:50
Avg. Pace: 17'39"/mi

Somewhere in the last mile of my run, I got a 10% low battery alert on my watch. Apparently the battery is starting to go, which means I need to either get it repaired or replaced sometime in the very near future. I closed the music app to try to conserve the battery and just hoped it would make it to the end of my 3 miles. At that point, I was running the Intervals Pro app and the Nike Run Club app. I reached 3 miles a little before the intervals ended, so I was happy to at least complete the 3 miles. The Intvervals Pro app announced that I completed the workout, I went to go turn off the Nike app, and before I could do so my watch died... :sad2:

I was glad I had finished the miles, but I was annoyed that I didn't get to end the workout first! I walked a little after for a cool down, but I know it wasn't my normal half mile. By that point I just wanted to charge the watch and make sure the workout ended. I got my watch on a charger, and of course it took forever to turn back on. When it did, the workout continued running and it was giving me a hard time turning it off. I finally got it off, but of course it threw off my average pace a bit.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.06 mi
Total Time: 0:51:54
Avg. Pace: 16'57"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'33"
3 = 14'12"
0.06 = -'--"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.04 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 14'18"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'31"
3 = 14'13"
4 = 12'55"

After the run and fighting with my watch it was late, so I didn't get my post-run stretch in. Despite the technical difficulties, this run went okay. It was definitely humid, but I kept focus on my pace and was starting to see improvements until the low battery alert! I admittedly did speed up a bit in the last mile because I wanted to finish before the battery died.

In other running news, my handheld water bottle arrived today (the Nathan SpeedShot Plus). My next run is only 2 miles, but I think I'm going to bring it with me just to see how tolerable carrying it with me is. It'll be nice to have once I start longer runs again, because it'll make my fueling trials a little easier. I'm looking forward to trying it out!
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My wife got the NordicTrack 2950 (link). She absolutely loves it and does tons of classes on it. They have virtual races as well and he participates in those. They ship her medals for free too. Overall, she prefers the treadmill because of ease of use and her hectic schedule. She never liked running outside at 4:30am, but now she can treadmill at that time. We've had it for a little over 6 months now, and I still have not run on it because I much prefer outside training.
My wife got the NordicTrack 2950 (link). She absolutely loves it and does tons of classes on it. They have virtual races as well and he participates in those. They ship her medals for free too. Overall, she prefers the treadmill because of ease of use and her hectic schedule. She never liked running outside at 4:30am, but now she can treadmill at that time. We've had it for a little over 6 months now, and I still have not run on it because I much prefer outside training.
Wow, at home fitness has come so far! The features in the video for that treadmill are pretty impressive. Personally I think I'd prefer outside training, but the convenience factor definitely has me leaning towards getting one. It'd be a lot easier to make sure I don't miss a run if I can get on a treadmill at any time...
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Today was a off run day. I woke up a little late, but I had enough time to get ready and get a 5 min pre-run warm up in. As I got ready to walk out the door, it started raining. If it was a light rain, it would've been inconvenient but I would've done it. Today's run was only 2 miles, so it would've been manageable. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I decided to change out of my running sneakers, wait it out a little bit, and then went to go run some errands instead.

Later in the morning the rain stopped, so I got myself together and got out there around 11:00. The only problem was, since it was so much later in the day, my favorite running spot was so crowded. Uncomfortably crowded. It was so hard to find a good rhythm because I was adjusting my route so frequently to try to keep some distance. I tried to stay focused, but I really just wanted to be done.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 73 + 62 = 135
Feels Like: 73
Wind: ENE 16 mph
Humidity: 69%
UV Index: 2
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 74 + 61 = 135
Feels Like: 74
Wind: E 15 mph
Humidity: 66%
UV Index: 4
Running Conditions Index: 7

The T+D wasn't high, and the humidity wasn't that high, bu it still felt so hot. Apparently running at an off time threw me off a bit...

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:15
Avg. Pace: 18'27"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.01 mi
Total Time: 0:29:04
Avg. Pace: 14'24"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'38"
0.01 = 22'53"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.01 mi
Total Time: 0:28:55
Avg. Pace: 14'21"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'39"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:57
Avg. Pace: 17'54"mi

I did an additional 1 mile walk in a much smaller area where I could avoid the crowds, and then headed back out to finish some errands.

I brought my new Nathan SpeedShot handheld water bottle on this run. I knew I wouldn't need it (I didn't even use it during the run), but I wanted to see how it would feel. It wasn't cumbersome, but getting used to the water sloshing up and down in the bottle was an experience. It didn't leak at all, and it was easy to hold. The cap was little hard to lift, which would've been tricky if I were trying to use it mid-run. However, I did find out that I could've left the cap up and it wouldn't spill out. I decided to try out the Race Cap on the bottle tomorrow.

Overall, I really didn't enjoy today's run. It went fine (my pace was decent, and I got to try out my new water bottle), but I hope to not have to run at that time of day on a Saturday anytime in the near future...

Sunday, August 29, 2021
Today felt SO much better. I got a good night's sleep last night, and woke up early on my own (no alarm) for a change. I had a good amount of time to get ready and get a 5 min pre-run warm up in before heading out.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 67 + 60 = 127
Feels Like: 67
Wind: ENE 7 mph
Humidity: 80%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 67 + 61 = 128
Feels Like: 67
Wind: ENE 8 mph
Humidity: 79%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Today's weather felt fantastic :goodvibes

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:44
Avg. Pace: 17'24"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.03 mi
Total Time: 0:43:36
Avg. Pace: 14'21"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'24"
3 = 14'10"
0.03 = 15'22"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.04 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 14'19"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'26"
3 = 14'08"
4 = 11'27"

Apparently I let the feel-good day speed up my pace with each mile...

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:46
Avg. Pace: 17'29"mi

I added on another 1 mile walk at the end, and did a 10 min post-run stretch when I got home. The only negative was my Apple Watch is continuing to have battery problems. I started my workout at 97% battery, and ended it in the 20s...

I ran with the Nathan water bottle again today, but this time I used the race cap. What a difference! I was already used to holding the water bottle, and the feeling of the water sloshing up and down, so that was no longer an issue. Having the race cap made it very easy to get a sip of water at any time without stopping. I took a sip at approximately each mile. Good running gear makes such a difference! Now that I've gotten the water situation under control, I think my fueling trials will be a lot easier.
Wow, it's been so long since my last post. Life has been crazy busy this past week, but I've gotten a lot of things done at home and still got all of my training runs in without too much trouble. I'm going to do a stats only update for each run:

Tuesday, August 31, 2021
5 min Pre-Run Warm Up

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 74 + 71 = 145
Feels Like: 74
Wind: WNW 3 mph
Humidity: 92%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 75 + 71 = 146
Feels Like: 75
Wind: NW 4 mph
Humidity: 87%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 7

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.52 mi
Total Time: 0:09:23
Avg. Pace: 17'45"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Intervals Pro)
- Luckily I use two apps, because after completing this run the Nike app glitched and lost today's run data :sad2:

Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'07"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'20"
3 = 14'22"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:28
Avg. Pace: 18'46"mi

5 min Post-Run Stretch

Thursday, September 2, 2021
5 min Pre-Run Warm Up

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 57 = 120
Feels Like: 61
Wind: NNW 19 mph
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 61 + 56 = 117
Feels Like: 58
Wind: NNW 17 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7
(Fantastic weather this morning!)

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:49
Avg. Pace: 17'32"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:29:04
Avg. Pace: 14'12"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'09"
0.04 = 18'02"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.03 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'10"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'11"
3 = 20'29"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.53 mi
Total Time: 0:09:27
Avg. Pace: 17'37"mi

Saturday, September 4, 2021
5 min Pre-Run Warm Up

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 57 = 120
Feels Like: 63
Wind: NW 7 mph
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 67 + 57 = 124
Feels Like: 67
Wind: NW 10 mph
Humidity: 72%
UV Index: 2
Running Conditions Index: 9

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:08
Avg. Pace: 18'07"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.03 mi
Total Time: 0:29:00
Avg. Pace: 14'15"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'25"
0.03 = 16'34"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.03 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'14"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'24"
3 = 14'10"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:35
Avg. Pace: 17'05"mi

Sunday, September 5, 2021
5 min Pre-Run Warm Up

Weather Conditions: Fair
Temp + Dew Point: 65 + 60 = 125
Feels Like: 65
Wind: S 3 mph
Humidity: 86%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

(Forgot to get the end weather stats!)

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:38
Avg. Pace: 17'11"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.01 mi
Total Time: 0:43:51
Avg. Pace: 14'32"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'43"
3 = 14'35"
0.01 = 20'38"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.00 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 14'31"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'44"
3 = 14'35"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:40
Avg. Pace: 17'13"mi

5 min Post-Run Stretch

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
5 min Pre-Run Warm Up

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 65 + 59 = 124
Feels Like: 65
Wind: W 5 mph
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 69 + 58 = 127
Feels Like: 69
Wind: WNW 8 mph
Humidity: 67%
UV Index: 2
Running Conditions Index: 9

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:32
Avg. Pace: 16'59"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.11 mi
Total Time: 0:43:38
Avg. Pace: 14'02"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'04"
3 = 13'55"
0.11 = 16'44"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.11 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 13'59"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'06"
3 = 13'53"
4 = 15'33"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:22
Avg. Pace: 16'40"mi

1.01 mile walk
10 min Post-Run Stretch

The biggest excitement of this past week was the marathon medal reveal :love:
I was excited to see all of the medals, and they're all beautiful, but my favorite is the full marathon medal and I'm really looking forward to earning it!

I'm still enjoying running. I actually like the 3 mile runs more than the 2 milers. I run with my handheld water bottle daily, even if I don't use it, just so it doesn't feel weird when I do need it. I haven't tried any fuel options yet, but I will as the mileage increases.

I got caught up on a couple runDisney threads, so now I'll try to go finish the rest of them. :surfweb: Hope everyone is doing well and getting their miles in!
Thursday, September 9, 2021
There are good run days, and there are bad run days. Unfortunately, today was a bad one. The morning forecast called for rain all day. I started to wonder if it would be possible to reschedule this run. I went to work, and found that the rain had started to slow down by lunch time. I decided I was just going to do the run as scheduled, because with back to back runs scheduled this weekend I would've either have had to run 3 days in a row (not terrible, but not what the plan calls for and I'm trying to stick with it as written) or have rescheduled almost every run next week and my schedule just isn't flexible enough for that.

Well, work was insane, and I got home almost an hour later than I should've. I rushed to change for my 3 mile Easy/LR, and the rain started coming down harder. Not torrential downpours or anything, but enough to make the run pretty unpleasant. I was already resolved to get the run done, I had no wiggle room in my schedule that evening, and it was already later than I planned to run, so I grabbed my gear and headed out the door (no 5 min pre-run warm up).

Weather Conditions:
Temp + Dew Point: 70 + 66 = 136
Feels Like: 70
Wind: NNW 3 mph
Humidity: 88%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 1

Weather Conditions:
Temp + Dew Point: 70 + 66 = 136
Feels Like: 70
Wind: NNW 1 mph
Humidity: 88%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 1

I decided to use an old route I used to use that's closer to home, even though it's not the most ideal even on better days. I started my outdoor walk to warm up, but the weather was so miserable that I cut it short and just started running to get it over with!

Outdoor Walk:
Warm up
Distance: 0.15 mi
Total Time: 0:02:42
Avg. Pace: 17'47"/mi

To make matters worse, my watch died some time after the second mile. Luckily I was running an out and back route, so I decided to just continue on. A little ways in I realized I could use my phone with the Nike app, so I turned that on to run one more mile. It ended up being more than I needed, but at least I got that last mile tracked. I made my way back home, incredibly uncomfortable but proud of myself for getting it done anyway, and put my watch on the charger. Once it finally turned back on I was able to end the intervals app. It didn't save the run in the app, but it did save on my Apple Watch activity app so I have some limited stats. The Nike app doesn't like to cooperate after the watch has died, so I was able to end the workout but it glitched and didn't save any of it...

Outdoor Run:
(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.15 mi
Total Time: 0:30:54
Avg. Pace: 14'21"/mi

(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 1.00 mi
Total Time: 0:14:59
Avg. Pace: 14'58"/mi
1 =

No cool down walk or post-run stretch happened this night. I got in, took a shower, ate dinner, and headed back out the door!
Friday, September 10, 2021
Today wasn't a run day, but I'm adding it here because I decided to wear high top sneakers all day (that I haven't worn in over 2 years) and by the time I got home my lower left leg was in so much pain. I don't know if it was the restriction of my ankle, or if the laces were too tight on that foot, but the outside of my leg hurt, and my foot almost felt numb. I tried so many things to try to relieve the feeling but it seemed hopeless. I was frustrated because I didn't know how I was going to run the next morning. I finally went with a heating pad, and by the end of the night my leg/foot was back to normal!

Saturday, September 11, 2021
I woke up late this morning, so a pre-run warm up didn't happen. I wasn't too disappointed though, because I was glad to be able to walk and run this morning without pain.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 58 + 53 = 111
Feels Like: 58
Wind: WSW 2 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 61 + 56 = 117
Feels Like: 61
Wind: W 3 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 9

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:23
Avg. Pace: 18'46"/mi

I put the last walk interval back into my workouts on the intervals app, and now I'm reaching the right mileage without it. I'm continuing the workout until it ends, but now that I seem to be getting into a better rhythm I might remove it again.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.06 mi
Total Time: 0:44:17
Avg. Pace: 14'28"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'23"
3 = 14'18"
0.06 = 18'19"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.04 mi
Total Time: 0:44:02
Avg. Pace: 14'27"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'23"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 19'46"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:33
Avg. Pace: 16'59"mi

After the cool down walk I did another 2 mile outdoor walk, and a 5 minute post run stretch when I got home. My only frustration was my watch, which started with 99% battery life, and ended with 33%!

Sunday, September 12, 2021
Another late morning today, so no pre-run stretch again...

Weather Conditions: Fair
Temp + Dew Point: 68 + 62 = 130
Feels Like: 68
Wind: SSW 13 mph
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 70 + 62 = 132
Feels Like: 70
Wind: SW 15 mph
Humidity: 76%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 8

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:57
Avg. Pace: 17'46"/mi

I was tired this morning. The last few days caught up with me. My legs were slightly sore, but not painful or uncomfortable. The first mile was definitely an awkward one, but I enjoyed the last 3!

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 4 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.08 mi
Total Time: 0:58:54
Avg. Pace: 14'26"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'23"
3 = 14'38"
4 = 14'28"
0.08 = 14'55"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 4 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.07 mi
Total Time: 0:58:42
Avg. Pace: 14'24"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'26"
3 = 14'36"
4 = 14'29"
5 = 13'58"

Today I decided to make my first fueling attempt. I ran with my handheld water bottle and Sports Beans. My plan was to eat a few beans and drink some water at each mile. It worked pretty well - I had 3 after mile 1 (I decided to go to 2 the next time because I was trying to do it in a walk interval and 30 seconds goes fast!), and 2 after mile 2. I got distracted after mile 3, so I didn't eat any again until after 3.23 mi. It was an awkward transition because they were sticking together at the bottom of the bag, so I ended up with 3 because I couldn't separate them fast enough. I wasn't surprised my time was a little slower in this one because it took me a whole walk interval to get them out of the bag lol. I knew I would be okay with the beans because I had them once before. They were fine, but there were a lot of green and yellow and the taste was pretty strong. The package recommends eating one whole pack before running, and then a few at a time during the run, but I don't think I'd want to do it that way. I'm going to try the gatorade chews during my next fueling attempt, and then I'll have to go out and buy some more to try.

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:48
Avg. Pace: 17'28"mi

I felt good after the run. No pain, and a sense of accomplishment. I did a 10 min post-run stretch when I got home.

My Apple Watch is not working out for running anymore. Today I started with 100% battery. I did both of my 0.5 mile walks with no music to try to conserve the battery. I do run with 3 apps (Nike, Intervals Pro, and Spotify), but by the end my battery was at 25%. Clearly the battery is going, and with longer runs approaching, I need to start looking into better options. I'm looking into a Garmin now, so I asked for some suggestions on the Marathon Weekend thread. I saw a post the other day that said something along the lines of "Running: The Most Expensive Free Sport." I know it doesn't have to be, but I've certainly learned that this year with all of the convenience items I've purchased or looked into this summer! :rotfl:
I'm finally back with a run update! These past couple weeks have been quite stressful, as the end of summer always seems to be. Despite the challenges, I'm proud to say that I've stuck with my commitment to myself and haven't missed a mile! I'd be lying if I said it was easy, but making each run a priority has helped me stick to the plan and had a positive impact on both my mental and physical state.

I have two weeks of runs to post, so I'll do a (mostly) stats only post for the first week here and make a new post for the second week:

Tuesday, September 14, 2021
I left work a little late today, so I shortened my walks before and after the run to 0.25 mi instead of 0.5 mi to make sure I got the run in before it got too late.

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 74 + 63 = 137
Feels Like: 74
Wind: SE 9 mph
Humidity: 67%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 74 + 63 = 137
Feels Like: 74
Wind: SSE 10 mph
Humidity: 69%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.25 mi
Total Time: 0:04:59
Avg. Pace: 19'19"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:29:27
Avg. Pace: 14'26"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'31"
0.04 = 18'27"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:29:22
Avg. Pace: 14'23"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'32"
3 = 15'40"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.25 mi
Total Time: 0:04:26
Avg. Pace: 17'33"mi

Thursday, September 16, 2021
Today I was able to run in the morning, which is so much more preferable than after work.

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 71 + 65 = 136
Feels Like: 71
Wind: NE 9 mph
Humidity: 79%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 72 + 65 = 137
Feels Like: 72
Wind: NNE 12 mph
Humidity: 78%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 7

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:11
Avg. Pace: 18'15"/mi

Apparently my timing was a little off today, because the Intervals app ended right before I reached 3 miles. I continued running until I reached 3 on the Nike app.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.00 mi
Total Time: 0:44:03
Avg. Pace: 14'40"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'53"
3 = 14'27"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.97 mi
Total Time: 0:43:32
Avg. Pace: 14'40"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'54"
3 = 14'22"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:44
Avg. Pace: 17'23"mi

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 69 + 65 = 134
Feels Like: 69
Wind: N 10 mph
Humidity: 89%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 69 + 65 = 134
Feels Like: 69
Wind: N 9 mph
Humidity: 88%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:00
Avg. Pace: 17'57"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.07 mi
Total Time: 0:29:05
Avg. Pace: 14'02"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'10"
0.07 = 14'51"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.06 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 13'59"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'11"
3 = 13'09"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:40
Avg. Pace: 17'14"mi

At the end of this walk, I walked another 2.25 mi before heading home and doing a 5 min post-run stretch.

Sunday, September 19, 2021
This morning I got a 5 min pre-run warm up in before heading out the door.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 66 + 55 = 121
Feels Like: 66
Wind: N 12 mph
Humidity: 69%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 67 + 54 = 121
Feels Like: 67
Wind: N 16 mph
Humidity: 63%
UV Index: 2
Running Conditions Index: 9

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.60 mi (I got a little distracted, so I ended up at 0.6 instead of 0.5)
Total Time: 0:10:43
Avg. Pace: 17'47"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 4 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.07 mi
Total Time: 0:58:28
Avg. Pace: 14'21"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'27"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 14'24"
0.07 = 14'42"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 4 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.06 mi
Total Time: 0:58:12
Avg. Pace: 14'21"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'29"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 14'24"
5 = 13'26"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:32
Avg. Pace: 18'57"mi

Week 6 ✅
This week was incredibly hectic. I had a number of things to take care of myself, and I had to cover a few classes at dance which completely threw off my run schedule. I got it done, but I made some choices to get it done that I ended up regretting in the end...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Today I had my own commitments at work, and I had to cover 2 classes at dance. This shortened my available time, which meant pre and post run stretches didn't happen, but I got the run done.

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 75 + 63 = 138
Feels Like: 75
Wind: SE 11 mph
Humidity: 67%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 73 + 63 = 136
Feels Like: 73
Wind: ESE 8 mph
Humidity: 71%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:54
Avg. Pace: 17'40"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.02 mi
Total Time: 0:42:24
Avg. Pace: 14'02"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'02"
3 = 14'05"
0.02 = 21'02"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 3 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.02 mi
Total Time: 0:42:15
Avg. Pace: 13'59"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'03"
3 = 14'03"
4 = 19'43"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:52
Avg. Pace: 17'40"mi

After the walk I had to get ready to leave right away. I taught the classes, and at the end of the night I did a 3 mile walk at home (first regret) to try to finish the challenge I was in. For the record, I didn't finish the challenge I was in by the due date, but I made that decision to try to lower my risk of injury (I have since finished the miles).

Thursday, September 23, 2021
Today was the most hectic day of the week. I had a busy day on Tuesday and Wednesday, and by Thursday I was already tired to start the day. The weather forecast was iffy for today and Friday, and I was going back and forth on whether to just get it done today, or wait until Friday. There was no rain after work, so I decided to just do it and get it done. Today was my first M Tempo run, and despite the fact that there was no rain, it was still less than ideal conditions to do so. After work I got ready right away and headed out for my run. There was no time for a stretch or a walk before or after (next regret), and I ended up doing the run in a spot that's not my favorite, but is closer to home.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 76 + 71 = 147
Feels Like: 76
Wind: SE 19 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 5

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 76 + 71 = 147
Feels Like: 76
Wind: SE 17 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 6

Starting right with the run was tough. It was also my first tempo run in this training plan, so finding the right pace was a little challenging. I set the Intervals app for the run, but I wasn't sure of the number of intervals I would need for the tempo portion, and clearly I underestimated it. The last Easy/LR section started before I had completed the 2 miles at M tempo, so after the workout ended I just ran until I had completed 3.50 miles on the Nike app.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 1 mile @ Easy + 2 miles @ 90/30 sec @ 11:30/17:30 paces (M Tempo) + 0.5 miles @ Easy
Distance: 3.50 mi
Total Time: 0:46:32
Avg. Pace: 13'17"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'35"
3 = 12'29"
0.50 = 14'17"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 1 mile @ Easy + 2 miles @ 90/30 sec @ 11:30/17:30 paces (M Tempo) + 0.5 miles @ Easy
Distance: 3.32 mi
Total Time: 0:44:02
Avg. Pace: 13'14"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'34"
3 = 12'29"
4 = 14'17"

After the run I went home, showered, and headed to dance to teach 3 classes. At the end of the night I did a 10 min foam rolling class before bed.

Saturday, September 25, 2021
Friday I was definitely sore. My left hamstring was very tight, and I felt it even when walking. I did some stretching Friday after work. This morning I got up and did a good 10 min pre-run warm up to get my legs going again. I was still sore, but not as bad as yesterday.

Weather Conditions:
Temp + Dew Point: 59 + 56 = 115
Feels Like: 59
Wind: N 5 mph
Humidity: 90%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 65 + 59 = 124
Feels Like: 65
Wind: NNE 7 mph
Humidity: 82%
UV Index: 2
Running Conditions Index: 9

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:50
Avg. Pace: 19'31"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 4 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.08 mi
Total Time: 0:58:24
Avg. Pace: 14'18"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'06"
3 = 14'02"
4 = 14'10"
0.08 = 14'38"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 4 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.07 mi
Total Time: 0:58:12
Avg. Pace: 14'17"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'06"
3 = 14'01"
4 = 14'11"
5 = 13'24"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:09
Avg. Pace: 18'08"mi

I felt okay during the run, but the back of my left knee was bothering me as I did my cool down walk. I ended up doing my 5 min post-run stretch right there, immediately after walking, and then took a little extra time on my left hamstring before heading home.

Sunday, September 26, 2021
This morning I felt a little better. I decided to start doing my pre and post stretches on my phone immediately before I start my walks. Obviously this is what I should've been doing all along, but I guess I was thinking amore about convenience than anything else.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 56 = 119
Feels Like: 62
Wind: NW 12 mph
Humidity: 77%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Fair
Temp + Dew Point: 65 + 55 = 120
Feels Like: 65
Wind: NW 14 mph
Humidity: 69%
UV Index: 3
Running Conditions Index: 9

I did a 5 min pre-run warm up outside, immediately before my outdoor walk.

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:24
Avg. Pace: 18'37"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)

Focus: Marathon Training - 5 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 5.02 mi
Total Time: 1:13:08
Avg. Pace: 14'33"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'32"
3 = 14'34"
4 = 14'35"
5 = 14'37"
0.02 = 16'23"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 5 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 5.01 mi
Total Time: 1:12:52
Avg. Pace: 14'33"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'36"
3 = 14'29"
4 = 14'36"
5 = 14'36"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:15
Avg. Pace: 18'18"mi

After my walk I did a nice and slow 10 min post-run stretch outside before heading home.

This week was certainly humbling. I'm no stranger to pains, but I also don't want to be injured and end up back in physical therapy for another issue! This was the first week in this plan that I felt the "running on tired legs" feeling, but I was able to stay on track without any pains or problems. Hopefully I won't have another week like this one in terms of time constraints, but if I do I definitely need to find another way to keep on my runs without skipping my pre and post run routines!

Week 7 ✅

Edit to add: I forgot to mention that I’ve been experimenting with the Sport Beans and Gatorade chews on some of the 3-5 mile runs. Both agree with my stomach, but I find the beans to be a little too sweet. So far I prefer the Gatorade chews. I went to Dicks yesterday to buy more of those and pick out something new to try, but they sell them by the register and it was hard to really look without being in anyone’s way. I ended up just picking up more Gatorade chews. I’ll have to make another trip to look for something new.
Last edited:
I'm back! I have about a week's worth of runs to post and the website gets glitchy sometimes when I'm on it for awhile, so I'm going to group the runs into a couple different posts.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021
This week was very busy. I had my scheduled runs today, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, but I also was packing for my brief WDW 50th Anniversary trip!

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 69 + 63 = 132
Feels Like: 69
Wind: W 10 mph
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 7

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 70 + 63 = 133
Feels Like: 70
Wind: WSW 8 mph
Humidity: 80%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:39
Avg. Pace: 17'10"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.07 mi
Total Time: 0:29:14
Avg. Pace: 14'04"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'12"
0.07 = 14'27"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.05 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'06"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'11"
3 = 14'57"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:38
Avg. Pace: 17'07"mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Today's run was scheduled for Thursday, but I decided to make the time for it today to avoid having to find the time on the travel day. Today's run was a tempo run, which I admittedly have a hard time figuring out. I made some adjustments on the intervals app this time to ensure I'd reach the mileage goal, but I'm still working on figuring out the pacing.

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 65 + 44 = 109
Feels Like: 65
Wind: NNW 14 mph
Humidity: 46%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 44 = 107
Feels Like: 63
Wind: NNW 11 mph
Humidity: 48%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 10

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:44
Avg. Pace: 17'24"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - M Tempo: 1 mile @ Easy + 2 miles @ 90/30 sec @ 11:30/17:30 + 0.5 mile @ Easy
Distance: 3.63 mi
Total Time: 0:48:14
Avg. Pace: 13'17"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'29"
3 = 12'07"
0.63 = 14'25"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - M Tempo: 1 mile @ Easy + 2 miles @ 90/30 sec @ 11:30/17:30 + 0.5 mile @ Easy
Distance: 3.62 mi
Total Time: 0:48:02
Avg. Pace: 13'15"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'26"
3 = 12'06"
4 = 14'14"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:37
Avg. Pace: 17'11"mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

Coming up next, Disney miles!
Back again with my next update. I'm going to try to get caught up as much as possible today.

So I left off at my last run prior to my weekend trip to WDW for the 50th anniversary weekend. My trip was Thursday - Sunday, with 2 runs scheduled within them. This was my first trip since Princess 2020, so I had an incredible assortment of mixed emotions going into this trip. I won't go into all of the details (since this is a running journal, not a trip report), but I'll say it was very crowded (as expected), we didn't do too much in terms of rides (as planned, I went in with low expectations and a go-with-the-flow-no-plans-plan), but we still had a great time and I was so happy we went. Just walking up to the resort put me in a better place than I've been since pre-covid!

Saturday, October 2, 2021
Today's run was an easy/LR pace 2 mile run, which was good because it was an adjustment to FL weather! I had brought all of my daily running gear so the run would be the same, just in a new location. I was staying at the WL, and really was unsure of where I would get this run in. I decided to just run around the paths by the BR pool and out by the buses (what should've been a running path but was clearly closed). It was a lot of back and forth, but it worked out okay for a short run.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 75 + 72 = 147
Feels Like: 75
Wind: ENE 4 mph
Humidity: 90%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 6

(I forgot to check the weather after my run on both days. I guess I was just too anxious to move on with my Disney days!)

I completely forgot to do a pre-run warm up today. I think I was nervous about figuring out a place to run and it just slipped my mind.

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:33
Avg. Pace: 18'58"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.03 mi
Total Time: 0:29:15
Avg. Pace: 14'22"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'15"
0.03 = 19'37"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.02 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'15"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'16"
3 = 15'24"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:19
Avg. Pace: 18'38"mi

It was hotter and more humid than my runs at home, and the space I had to run in was smaller, but it wasn't a bad run at all. My favorite part was the beautiful view of Bay Lake. I took some time to take in the sights at the end of my run, then headed back to my room for my post-run stretch.

5 min post-run stretch indoors

Sunday, October 3, 2021
Today was check out day, the saddest day of a Disney trip. My flight was midday, but we rented a car this trip so we had a little more time to play with than we would've had if we'd taken DME. Today was a Magic Mile, but I reminded myself that I wasn't running in the same conditions as my last one. I tried my best, but told myself that I wouldn't be upset if my time wasn't better than the last one.

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 73 + 70 = 143
Feels Like: 73
Wind: N 2 mph
Humidity: 91%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 6

5 min pre-run warmup in my room

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:10:15
Avg. Pace: 20'24"/mi

Today's run called for 2 mile Easy/WU + 1 mile at 95% Max + 1 mile CD. I decided to separate them into different workouts on my apps to keep the Magic Mile data separate.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ Easy/WU (80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces)
Distance: 2.00 mi
Total Time: 0:29:46
Avg. Pace: 14'51"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'40"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ Easy/WU (80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces)
Distance: 1.96 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'43"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'24"

I started this run earlier than yesterday, and it was much darker. I did the first mile of this run in the front of the resort (around the circle where the buses pick up, and a little up and downs in the parking lot. I did the second mile in the back.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - Magic Mile
Distance: 1.00 mi
Total Time: 0:11:16
Avg. Pace: 11'12"/mi
1 =

My last Magic Mile on 8/5/21 was a 10:27 finish time, so I was slower, but the weather was obviously different so I didn't let it bother me. I felt like I did my best, without feeling completely miserable afterwards.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 1 mile CD (80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces)
Distance: 1.04 mi
Total Time: 0:14:19
Avg. Pace: 13'43"/mi
1 =
0.04 = 12'16"

(Intervals Pro)
Focus: Marathon Training - 1 mile CD (80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces)
Distance: 1.04 mi
Total Time: 0:14:12
Avg. Pace: 13'38"/mi
1 =
2 = 11'32"

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:04
Avg. Pace: 18'04"mi

5 min post-run stretch indoors

After my stretch, we planned to do a quick stop to Epcot before heading home, but by the time we got ready, ate breakfast, and finished packing, there wasn't enough time. I was worried about the trip, but in the end I'm so glad to have gone. I have a renewed energy and now I'm even more excited for Marathon Weekend!

Week 8 ✅
Last edited:
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Today starts my new run schedule. I've been looking forward to starting this week because I get to switch from Thursdays to Wednesdays (which is better for my work schedule right now), and I get to start increasing my mileage. The second part is actually more exciting, because every once in awhile I start to wonder if I can really do 26.2 miles, and I know these remaining weeks will help me increase my confidence.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 57 = 120
Feels Like: 63
Wind: NE 7 mph
Humidity: 79%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions:
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 57 = 120
Feels Like: 63
Wind: NE 6 mph
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:00
Avg. Pace: 17'51"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.02 mi
Total Time: 0:29:03
Avg. Pace: 14'20"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'17"
0.02 = 19'54"

(Intervals Pro)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.03 mi
Total Time: 0:28:56
Avg. Pace: 14'16"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'16"
3 = 14'21"

Outdoor Walk:
Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:47
Avg. Pace: 17'29"mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Today's run was another M Tempo run. They're not terrible, but I'm definitely not as confident with them. It takes me awhile to figure out the right amount of effort/speed needed to get the right pace. I try not to make myself too crazy because I know the pacing indicator can be off, but I wish that part came a little easier. The actual running at that pace is manageable once I get it.

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 66 + 54 = 120
Feels Like: 66
Wind: NE 5 mph
Humidity: 65%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 66 + 55 = 121
Feels Like: 66
Wind: S 4 mph
Humidity: 68%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:50
Avg. Pace: 17'32"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - M Tempo: 1 mile @ Easy + 2 miles @ 90/30 sec @ 11:30/17:30 + 1 mile @ Easy
Distance: 4.14 mi
Total Time: 0:55:04
Avg. Pace: 13'18"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'23"
3 = 12'15"
4 = 14'10"
0.14 = 14'47"

(Intervals Pro)
Marathon Training - M Tempo: 1 mile @ Easy + 2 miles @ 90/30 sec @ 11:30/17:30 + 1 mile @ Easy
Distance: 4.13 mi
Total Time: 0:54:57
Avg. Pace: 13'19"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'24"
3 = 12'14"
4 = 14'11"
5 = 14'24"

Outdoor Walk:
Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:36
Avg. Pace: 17'09"mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors
Friday, October 8, 2021
Today was day one of my first three day "long" run weekend. One positive to running on Fridays is it's a motivator to leave work at a decent time so I'm not running alone in the dark! I stopped at Dick's before my run to pick up some different fuel items to try. There weren't too many options, so I picked up the Gatorade chews I normally buy, one pack in a different flavor, a pack of Honey Stinger Waffles (salted caramel), and a pack of Clif Blocks (salted watermelon).

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 71+ 61= 132
Feels Like: 71
Wind: ESE 8 mph
Humidity: 69%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions:
Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 68 + 59 = 127
Feels Like: 68
Wind: ESE 8 mph
Humidity: 73%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:10
Avg. Pace: 18'08"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.00 mi
Total Time: 0:29:17
Avg. Pace: 14'37"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'24"

(Intervals Pro)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 1.98 mi
Total Time: 0:28:52
Avg. Pace: 14'35"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'17"

Outdoor Walk:
Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:40
Avg. Pace: 17'15"mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

Saturday, October 9, 2021
Since tomorrow is a practice nutrition day, I decided to try out the Honey Stinger Waffle today.

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 63 + 58 = 121
Feels Like: 62
Wind: NE 12 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Mostly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 65 + 58 = 123
Feels Like: 65
Wind: ENE 15 mph
Humidity: 77%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 8

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:48
Avg. Pace: 17'34"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3.5 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.56 mi
Total Time: 0:50:54
Avg. Pace: 14'16"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'10"
3 = 14'27"
0.56 = 14'28"

(Intervals Pro)
Marathon Training - 3.5 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.56 mi
Total Time: 0:50:52
Avg. Pace: 14'16"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'11"
3 = 14'28"
4 = 14'20"

Outdoor Walk:
Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:08
Avg. Pace: 18'11"mi

I had a little more time today, so I did a 10 min post-run stretch outdoors.

I know the Honey Stinger Waffles are popular, but I wasn't a fan. I ate about half of it, but it was too dry for my liking...

Sunday, October 10, 2021
Today was my 6 mile run + practice nutrition strategy day. I got up early and ate half of a bagel with peanut butter with some apple juice before heading out the door. I brought the salted watermelon Clif Bloks to try, and the Gatorade energy chews, just in case.

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 64 + 59 = 123
Feels Like: 63
Wind: ENE 14 mph
Humidity: 83%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 7

The forecast called for rain in the afternoon, but the rain decided to show up a little less than halfway through my run. Initially I figured I'd just stick it out, but then it got heavier so I ran back to my car for a raincoat, and struggled to put it on which impacted my rhythm/pace. It did stop by the end, but that was annoying too because that meant I was running with a raincoat I didn't need. With all that going on, I forgot to check the weather in the end...

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:05
Avg. Pace: 18'09"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 6 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 6.06 mi
Total Time: 1:27:36
Avg. Pace: 14'27"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'39"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 14'05"
5 = 14'27"
6 = 14'42"
0.06 = 15'27"

(Intervals Pro)
Marathon Training - 6 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 6.05 mi
Total Time: 1:27:32
Avg. Pace: 14'27"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'39"
3 = 14'21"
4 = 14'05"
5 = 14'26"
6 = 14'44"
7 = 14'53"

Outdoor Walk:
Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:50
Avg. Pace: 17'34"mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

As far as the nutrition strategy went, the bagel and juice was fine. I tried one Clif Blok after each of the first 2 miles, but they were too big. I went back to the Gatorade chews for the rest of the run. When I got home I ate the second half of my bagel with peanut butter with some chocolate milk.

Later on in the day I took a trip to the running store. After doing some research this week, I had decided to buy the Garmin 245 Music, and I wanted to see if they had it in store before purchasing it online from a larger retailer. I was lucky enough that they had exactly what I was looking for (aside from the color, but I let that go). I purchased the watch, a pair of running socks, a pack of Honey Stinger Energy Chews (pomegranate passionfruit) to try, and a 26.2 mileage magnet (a little something to look forward to using in a few months!). There's definitely a learning curve to this watch, but I'm looking forward to trying it out next week!

Week 9 ✅
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Today was my first run with my Garmin watch. It took a bit to get it set up on Sunday, but I attempted to create my first workout and was excited to give it a try today.

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 66 + 60 = 126
Feels Like: 66
Wind: E 4 mph
Humidity: 79%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

Weather Conditions: Fair
Temp + Dew Point: 64 + 60 = 124
Feels Like: 64
Wind: SE 3 mph
Humidity: 85%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

I saw that you can add a warmup by mileage in your workouts, so I added my 0.5 mile walk before the run.

Outdoor Walk (Garmin):

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:29.0
Avg. Pace: 16:58

I decided to turn on the Nike app on my Apple Watch during the run portion. It was a good thing I did, because the first issue I noticed was I didn't add enough repetitions to the workout and it ended too early. I still have to play around with the alerts, because the pacing alerts were too much.

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)

Focus: Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:30:21
Avg. Pace: 14'53"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'57"
0.04 = 16'15"

The second issue I realized was that adding the warm up walk meant that the 0.5 miles would be added into my total run, which isn't what I wanted. Rookie mistakes...

Outdoor Walk + Outdoor Run:
Marathon Training - (0.5 mile warm up walk +) 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 1.53 mi
Total Time: 0:23:22.4
Avg. Pace: 15'19"/mi

I started a new run for the last mile (with the Nike app still running) to complete the 2 miles, and tried to calculate the intervals myself while running, which was basically a joke :laughing:

Outdoor Run:
1.00 mi
Total Time: 0:14:36
Avg. Pace: 14'37"/mi

After finishing the 2 miles, I started a walk on the Garmin for my cool down walk.

Outdoor Walk (Garmin):
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:49
Avg. Pace: 17'39"mi

After the mess that was that workout, I did my 5 min post-run stretch outdoors.

I like the watch, but I now that I saw how it functions, I have to correct my mistakes and set up better workouts.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Today was my first T pace run, and the fear of the unknown definitely shook me a bit. I actually didn't realize until I went to write this up that I actually did the run incorrectly... I was supposed to do the 2 min RI at WU pace, but I saw RI and thought walk :sad2:

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 68 + 61 = 129
Feels Like: 68
Wind: SW 5 mph
Humidity: 79%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 67 + 62 = 129
Feels Like: 67
Wind: SSW 5 mph
Humidity: 83%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

I learned from my mistake last time and started the walk separately.
Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:52
Avg. Pace: 17'38"/mi

I started the Nike app on my Apple Watch and the workout I set up on the Garmin. I put the 1 mile WU and CD in their respective places, but as I started the run I realized I didn't have any intervals to give me walk/run alerts. So then I decided to start the Intervals Pro app on my Apple Watch too so I'd have that. Yet again, another mess! I won't include all of the separate workouts here, just the Nike and Garmin stats:

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - T Pace: 1 mile @ WU + 5 x 0.5 mile @ T w/ 2 min RI @ WU + 1 mile @ CD
Distance: 4.96 mi
Total Time: 1:08:45
Avg. Pace: 13'50"/mi
1 =
2 = 12'29"
3 = 12'54"
4 = 12'54"
0.96 = 16'19"

Focus: Marathon Training - T Pace: 1 mile @ WU + 5 x 0.5 mile @ T w/ 2 min RI @ WU + 1 mile @ CD
Distance: 5.12 mi
Total Time: 1:07:16
Avg. Pace: 13'09"/mi

This run was hard. Clearly it's supposed to be hard, but I think the idea of running the 0.5 miles without walk intervals psyched me out before I even started running. I just really didn't know what I was doing, and not making time to check in here meant I didn't ask for clarification. @DopeyBadger, if you could offer any clarification or tips on this before my next T pace run (11/10/21), I'd greatly appreciate it! :worship: :thanks:

To top it off, it got dark and late pretty quickly, so I skipped my cool down walk and headed home. I did make sure to do my 5 min post-run stretch indoors.
Friday, October 15, 2021
I had to stay late at work today, but I was hopeful with only having to run 2 miles that I'd get the run done before it got dark. Unfortunately, that was not the case...

Weather Conditions: Clear
Temp + Dew Point: 71 + 62 = 133
Feels Like: 71
Wind: S 10 mph
Humidity: 75%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 9

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 m
Total Time: 0:09:02
Avg. Pace: 17:56

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.00 mi
Total Time: 0:29:30
Avg. Pace: 14'41"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'37"

Marathon Training - 2 miles @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 2.04 mi
Total Time: 0:29:49
Avg. Pace: 14'36"/mi

By the time I finished this run, it was pitch black outside. It was actually incredibly unnerving. I got right in my car and left without doing my cool down walk and post run stretch. I have to make sure I get out sooner, especially since it will start to get darker earlier...

Saturday, October 16, 2021
Not much to report for today's run. I was thankful to be out in the morning, and it was just a feel good run. Easy runs are just so refreshing, especially when you don't have a time schedule to follow afterwards.

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy
Temp + Dew Point: 68 + 63 = 131
Feels Like: 68
Wind: S 13 mph
Humidity: 84%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:15
Avg. Pace: 18'22"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 3 mile @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.01 mi
Total Time: 0:44:01
Avg. Pace: 14'37"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'30"
3 = 14'55"
0.01 = 24'29"

Focus: Marathon Training - 3 mile @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 3.04 mi
Total Time: 0:44:05
Avg. Pace: 14'29"/mi

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:09:08
Avg. Pace: 18'10"/mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

I ran some errands and actually ended up taking a nap around midday, which is so unlike me, but it was clearly needed!
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Today's run was very windy, which made it feel very cold. There were families walking in the area in sweatshirts and even winter jackets! I went back and forth about running with my zip-up. I decided against it because I figured I'd warm up, and I'm glad I did. Today was a reminder though that I have to start thinking about outfits for fall/winter running.

I'm starting to get used to the Garmin, but there are still things I don't know enough about. I'm strictly using it as my running watch, so I'm not getting use of the daily features but it's serving its purpose and allowing me to not have to worry about having my Apple Watch die and losing all my stats. Even with using the Nike app for consistency, I haven't had any issues. I use the Garmin for my specific workouts with intervals, and my music, and aside from my own user mistakes I haven't had any problems.

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 55 + 49 = 104
Feels Like: 52
Wind: W 12 mph
Humidity: 78%
UV Index: 0
Running Conditions Index: 8

Weather Conditions: Sunny
Temp + Dew Point: 57 + 49 = 106
Feels Like: 53
Wind: WNW 14 mph
Humidity: 74%
UV Index: 1
Running Conditions Index: 8

5 min pre-run warm up outdoors

Outdoor Walk:

Focus: Warm up
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:45
Avg. Pace: 17'25"/mi

Outdoor Run:
(Nike Run Club)
Marathon Training - 4 mile @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.11 mi
Total Time: 0:58:42
Avg. Pace: 14'15"/mi
1 =
2 = 14'05"
3 = 14'15"
4 = 14'25"
0.01 = 14'37"

Focus: Marathon Training - 4 mile @ 80/30 sec @ 13:45/17:30 paces
Distance: 4.13 mi
Total Time: 0:58:46
Avg. Pace: 14'13"/mi

Outdoor Walk:
Focus: Cool down
Distance: 0.50 mi
Total Time: 0:08:51
Avg. Pace: 17'34"/mi

5 min post-run stretch outdoors

I found some different Gatorade chews flavors today, as well as a pack of Honey Stingers Performance Chews (mango melon) to try while running some errands.

Overall, I feel good and accomplished. I'm making time for me multiple times a week, and starting to see differences. I've skipped the bike to try to save my leg muscles for the 5x/week runs, but I've been doing some stretching and strength classes when I have time. I've noticed when stretching that my quads aren't as tight as they used to be. I've lost 7 lbs since I sarted running again without intentionally trying to lose any weight. My mental state is in a much better place than it has been in a long time. I've seen a couple of people on social media that have run Boston and Chicago, and I'm actually getting excited for my first marathon race! Starting to run again this summer has really had a positive impact on my life, and I can't wait to see where these next few months take me!

Week 10 ✅


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