Sometimes you just need to run away to your happy place ~ A March break solo trip! Complete 06/29!

Great character pics! And of course ending with TOT would be perfection to me :goodvibes
All I've had at Woody's is an adult beverage which was delicious, we don't end up eating often in HS and I always forget about Woody's too! One day I'll be hungry when we're walking by lol.
Thanks Ariane! It was so fun. :) I have not tried any of the beverages at Woody's but I'm sure I'd like them! The food was great and service was quick.

Sounds like a great time! Love all the character photos!
I was such a fun day....I really want to go back right now!

Lots of cute greets at HS! And great timing luck on being able to fit in Frozen when ToT went down.
Thanks, I really lucked out on fitting Frozen in. Have your girls seen it? Such a fun show!

Late to the show, as usual!
I love your trip report. I've never gone solo but love reading about it.
I' m kind of apprehensive about going solo, but hope to one day give it a try (if I get brave enough) LOL!
:welcome:, I am glad you are here!Maybe one day you will try out a solo trip....they are so fun. I was nervous about doing a solo trip when my DH gave me my first solo trip for my 50th present. But then I fell in love with it and this past trip was my fourth solo since 2016.

Looks good! I had wanted to try this but never did get around there for lunch/supper.
I like the different options at this place, not just nuggets and burgers.

Fantastic characters meets. I had wanted to do the Red Carpet Dreams meet but I think it was always a long wait. I like Mickey's sorcerer outfit. The only time I ever got a picture with him in that outfit was at the old Animation Academy.
They do have great options here, Jeff. The food was fresh and delicious. I was really pleased. I had been planning on Red Carpet Dreams for so many years but the line, like you mentioned, was always so long. This trip I was just determined I'd do it and stuck it out. :)

Chip and Dale are my absolute favorites!! IMO they are always the best meet and greet!
I love them SO much! I completely agree, they are one of the best M&G's!:goodvibes
Hi Susan! I am fashionably late but I wouldn't miss you in your happy place for anything.

We were there the month before you and the crowds were insane then too. Summer has most definitely spoiled us both.
Thanks, I really lucked out on fitting Frozen in. Have your girls seen it? Such a fun show!

Yeah, they enjoyed it, but I think hubby and I actually got more out of it. They liked the sing along part but most of the jokes went over their heads. Meanwhile, the adults were all howling!
Hi Susan! I am fashionably late but I wouldn't miss you in your happy place for anything.

We were there the month before you and the crowds were insane then too. Summer has most definitely spoiled us both.
Hi Kari! I am so happy you are here! :) Those crowds were crazy, weren't they? There were moments where I thought I'd rather be back to my tinfoil wrapped on the surface of the sun state, than deal with the crowds one more minute. I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip! And isn't there a brand new 8 year old in your house?

Yeah, they enjoyed it, but I think hubby and I actually got more out of it. They liked the sing along part but most of the jokes went over their heads. Meanwhile, the adults were all howling!
That's why it's such a great show, there is something for everyone. I was dying of laughter too, it was so fun!

great TR so far
Thank you and :welcome:!
What a fun morning in EPCOT! Its always nice to make changes to your touring plan when its just you!

We waited 45 minutes for Mike and Sulley and its a very slow moving wait, so probably a good call to skip it!
What a fun morning in EPCOT! Its always nice to make changes to your touring plan when its just you!

We waited 45 minutes for Mike and Sulley and its a very slow moving wait, so probably a good call to skip it!
Mike and Sulley are on my list for July for sure. Hopefully after EMM at Toy Story Land, we will be able to see them without much of a line! Yes, solo travel offers lots of flexibility. Our anniversary trip will be different as I want to be sure DH is happy and gets to do all his favourite things. Although he says he's happy if I'm happy, so it should all be good. :)
Hi Kari! I am so happy you are here! :) Those crowds were crazy, weren't they? There were moments where I thought I'd rather be back to my tinfoil wrapped on the surface of the sun state, than deal with the crowds one more minute. I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip! And isn't there a brand new 8 year old in your house?

Hoping I can find some time this weekend to get my dining report started. And yes we have an 8 year old!!! We left on Casey's birthday and like her mother she reveled in her birthday all week long.
Such a fun report...I've gone on my own during work-sponsored Disney Institute visits and on a business trip to Tokyo, so different than travelling with the hubby and kids! Looks like you had a great visit!
All caught up and following along!
I’m thinking of doing a solo trip so I’m trying to catch up on a bunch!
Such a fun report...I've gone on my own during work-sponsored Disney Institute visits and on a business trip to Tokyo, so different than travelling with the hubby and kids! Looks like you had a great visit!
:welcome:, thank you so much for joining in! I do love solo time, it's great to slow down and really appreciate the details. Tokyo would be amazing ! Did you get to Tokyo Disney as well?

All caught up and following along!
I’m thinking of doing a solo trip so I’m trying to catch up on a bunch!
:welcome:, glad to have to here! I hope you plan a solo trip, they are so much fun! If you want to check out my other solo adventures, the links to my other TRs are in my signature.
Definitely check out Woody's, Liesa! I need to try those totchos next that I saw in @chunkymonkey 's report. I had a great day at HS....the shows and characters made it so fun! Getting back to HEA, the lady videoing pretended she did not understand English when I asked her to stop watching even though I heard her say something in English just a few minutes before. :(

I want to try those too, if we're in the area and need a fix. Which is very plausible in September.

People lose their minds... I wonder if she's like that all the time. Can you imagine working with her?!
Mike and Sulley are on my list for July for sure. Hopefully after EMM at Toy Story Land, we will be able to see them without much of a line! Yes, solo travel offers lots of flexibility. Our anniversary trip will be different as I want to be sure DH is happy and gets to do all his favourite things. Although he says he's happy if I'm happy, so it should all be good. :)

I wonder if they'll start opening them with the park come summer. Apparently, it's pretty standard that a line starts forming at 9:30 for the 10am greet, so even first thing you're waiting. EasyWDW says going after 5pm is your better bet.
I want to try those too, if we're in the area and need a fix. Which is very plausible in September.

People lose their minds... I wonder if she's like that all the time. Can you imagine working with her?!
I know, some people are just "special friends". There is nothing you can do about them.

I wonder if they'll start opening them with the park come summer. Apparently, it's pretty standard that a line starts forming at 9:30 for the 10am greet, so even first thing you're waiting. EasyWDW says going after 5pm is your better bet.
That's great info, thanks for sharing! :)
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Flower and Garden Fabulousness!!

After a little down time back at my hotel, it was time to head out for Flower and Garden! I decided to try the resort transportation again but tonight was a flop as Animal Kingdom was first drop off in the evening and it took me almost an hour to get to Epcot! Ugh, that was so frustrating. I really should have just booked a Lyft. Oh well, soon enough I was strolling through the front gates and was thrilled to be taking in all the beautiful flowers. I was Disneybounding as one of my favourite princesses tonight. Can you figure out who I was?

I was on a mission to sample goodies at the Flower and Garden booths and started in my home country with the extremely delicious seared scallops! This was a winner as the scallops were perfectly seared, plump and juicy with a fabulous brown butter
vinaigrette that set them off perfectly.
I had given myself a $25 budget for the booths tonight. Would I be able to stick to it? Next up was the Citrus Blossom booth to try the Orange Cream wine slushy. This was like sunshine in a glass, not too sweet and very refreshing. Another winner!
I just loved all the topiaries and of course, had to find my favourite chipmunks!
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Aren't they just the cutest???

I loved all the planters around and was mentally filing away ideas for my garden this summer.
I strolled around through World Showcase with the intention of catching the Garden Rocks show. Jon Anderson of Yes was performing at 8:00 and I thoroughly enjoyed his show. There were some pretty diehard fans in the audience too. It was no problem to grab a seat through the stand by entrance for the last show. After the show, I headed towards Japan to pick up some frushi. This was fresh and light.
I noticed a photopass photographer there and grabbed a picture with the padoga in the background.

I had one more snack I wanted to try before Illuminations started and headed over to Morocco in hopes of snagging the deep fried cauliflower. This was so good and the sauce definitely had a little kick to it.
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Mission accomplished! Did I stick to my budget?? Pretty much on target; the scallops were $7, the slushy was $6.5, frushi was $5.95 and the cauliflower was $6. My total came to $25.45 and it was the perfect amount of food.

I had found a FP for Illuminations earlier and headed down to enjoy the show. I am glad I'll get to see it one more time this summer as it holds a very special place in my heart and I am going to miss it when it's gone. I will admit I was wiping away tears during "We are One". After the show, I browsed in MouseGears for a while as I wanted to check out the Flower and Garden merchandise. I picked up my AP magnet and perused the new Dooneys. I knew I was going to treat myself to a new bag but didn't want to make my decision too quickly.

I decided to head back to the hotel but stopped first for a last picture with Spaceship Earth in the background. Epcot at night is like a whole other park!

I loved this update! The scallops weren't on my list, but are now!! The orange slushy is though and I'm for sure getting that one. I just can't wait to see the F&G in a few weeks. It's so pretty!


It IS magical at night. This picture is gorgeous.... everything about it!
This was like sunshine in a glass
This is EXACTLY how I refer to my beloved Grey Goose Slush! I guess I'll have to try this and see if it's TRULY sunshine in a glass :scratchin

There were some pretty diehard fans in the audience too.
:laughing: We've seen some great bands there, bands I used to love and still enjoy and yes they all have die hard fans in the audience! Like the Stones are playing on stage......we've seen homemade signs and people almost rushing the stage, it's EPCOT guys!

Your food looks great, I am so excited to get back there next month I even rearranged our schedule for more festival time :goodvibes
I decided to try the resort transportation again but tonight was a flop as Animal Kingdom was first drop off in the evening and it took me almost an hour to get to Epcot!
Yikes! We had some of the same trouble on our trip when we Stayed at Shades of Green. You had to go to AK before MGM drop off which made no sense to me. We ended up either ubering or walking to the Poly and catching Disney transportation.

This was a winner as the scallops were perfectly seared, plump and juicy with a fabulous brown butter vinaigrette that set them off perfectly.
Wow, I never would have thought Scallops from a booth could be so good. Definitely on my list for our trip in a few weeks.

After the show, I headed towards Japan to pick up some frushi. This was fresh and light.
Speaking of my trip I'm rolling solo so I have to figure out how to get this home to Casey. Its her absolute favorite!

Beautiful picture!!!!


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