Son says he needs to cut his long hair for job

Some dress code standards are outdated, like no long hair for men.

But others are eternal and inviolable, such as no white after Labor Day. ;)

Women can't wear pants? Huge red flag for me there - this is 2022, not 1952. That whole "professional" dress thing is boloney to be though. Ties are stupid, skirts only for women is sexist, and I'd rather have the best lawyer in jeans and a t-shirt than a mediocre one in a suit.
It the hose and heels part that would be a hard no for me. I don't do heels, they are a health hazard. Back when I was working I did choose a job working in a lab where closed toe shoes were required!
My family went to private schools, so the no long hair rule doesn’t really faze me. Don’t like it, don’t go to school there. Don’t like it, don’t work there.
Some private schools are having trouble with discrimination against natural hair styles of black children. There have been issues with swim caps for black swimmers in competition. Rules can be updated. Sometimes rules written for one population don't work for a diverse world.
It the hose and heels part that would be a hard no for me. I don't do heels, they are a health hazard. Back when I was working I did choose a job working in a lab where closed toe shoes were required!
Pantyhose are the worst. I would never take a job where wearing them was a requirement.
I can wear jeans at work all the time. Closed toed shoes are required for going out on the production floor or test, so I wear them every day just in case I need to go out there. I do dress nicer when we have visitors or I am visiting a customer, but if they're wearing jeans the first day I feel fine wearing jeans going forward.
I separate “work” from a job. Achieving things and social interaction is good for human beings. We are not made to sit on the couch 60 hours a week and our health quickly degrades for those that do.

Many of us would do different work if money was not a factor (hence the distinction from a job) but we would still work. This is why I think it’s funny that employers are criticizing work ethic while putting non-sensical requirements on employees. People want to work, they just don’t want to work for an employer like that.

Huh? So you either work or you sit around all day?

You know, its possible to go out and experience life when you don't work. It's called hobbies/doing things for fun. And people can have a very long and fulfilling life with good health and never work in the traditional sense. Those people have way less stress.
. If the rest are just dress code set up by management, then they are a controlling group of jerks, IMO. I'm so glad my place of employment just requires us to have particular body parts covered. :rotfl2:
LOL. Welcome to the real world of work. But remember I come from a 42 year career where some employees hair cut, color, style, makeup and clothing are dictated by the employer.
I had to wear button down shirt, tie, pants (no jeans or shorts), and non-white shoes in the late 80's early 90's.

Today that manager left when the owner retired and the owner's kids didn't want to take it over so the store went to the corporate company. The manager moved to another local owned store in the next town, which is the store I now shop at. Today that store has to wear, button down shirt, tie, pants, and non-white shoes.

The difference is, you can tell who the employees are unlike Walmart where their workers don't look much different than the photos on the People of Walmart site. Not sure why people are surprised that a private owned store wouldn't want their workers looking like heroin addict street bums like at Walmart. We don't need to Walmartize the entire world. That is going to lead us into Idiocracy, which we are clearly on the way to becoming.
I think this also when I walk into my bank. I worked a 2 different banks for 10 years. We had uniforms at each. Honestly, I liked it and I don't remember anyone complaining about it, AT ALL! We looked professional. Now, I'm dressed better than some of the employees and I rarely "dress up" to run errands.
I don't understand why OP even asked this question? He's either going to take the job and cut his hair.... or not... up to him.

Because it's supposedly a welcoming and friendly place to put things and/or questions out there to have conversations. I'm been bashed before and I was simply sharing something in my life and wondered what others tghought. I changed my username because of it ( years ago). Some here are darn right RUDE! Not implying you but others, and you know who you are, I hope!
I'm sure he could complain. And find that, if hired at all, while his friends all get the number of hours they want, in the areas they want, he gets a day and the least favorable duties. There are consequences to whatever he decides to do. Look for another job, have short hair for the time being, try to have it changed, etc.

It's a fine line, for me. I think an employer should have the right to present the image of their choice for their company (if they're violating a protected, legal class, totally different). Dress codes do that. But dang, some of them take it too far.
My son just got his first job at a grocery store. It is one of those traditional stores that still make male employees wear ties and all that, and he says he needs to cut his hair short (off collars/ears/eyes) for it. He has gorgeous long surfer hair, and he is both excited for the job because he will be working with a bunch of his friends, but also disappointed to have to cut his hair.

I said he shouldn't have to cut his hair for a part-time job, but my husband (who has never been a super big fan of his hair and tbh I think it's just glad he is finally cutting it) says that that is bad advice, and that a professional haircut would suit him well. I know there are lots of other jobs out there that is less strict, but he also seems excited to work with friends so I am not sure how to advise him.
If he converts his surfer hair to dreads, they can't fire him. He will need also need to pull/ponytail his hair back. The employers know about the dreads rule and know that they will get sued if fired for that reason.
it's not exactly the same, but it is a little....

The New York Yankees have in their player contracts that the player must maintain a certain personal image, both on and off the field. No long hair and no facial hair. Players can either accept the contract, or pass. I assume similar applies here at this grocery store.
As Johnny Damon's agent said, "the Yankees gave him 13 million reasons to cut his hair and shave". For this kid, maybe Whole Foods and Trader Joe's will offer more than this grocery store. The guys in our town that work there have long hair but pulled and tied. Life lesson for this kid, I hope the mom follows up on what happened. This thread is getting pretty popular.


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