SPACE SUIT: who needs one and who can gift one

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I too would like a space suit. I'm not fast enough at these kinds of games because I have trouble with my hands. I never got pass the 3rd level on the fireworks game because of it, so I never got the fireworks pin either.

It also takes me a long time to type emails as well.

cat.herder on vmk
I made it through level 16 and got the Space Suit!

The good news is that I think I can play well enough to get extras. I need to get ones for DS and DD first, and need to get some to trade for things I've been trying to get, but after that...I should be able to give some out.

I'll keep you posted.
This is not my type of game. I will never win. Airlock Escape=my kind of game (puzzles). I am not good at the shooting stuff games. However, my boyfriend is, and he said he will try it and if he wins, and you can get more than one space suit, I'll let ya'll know. The first is for CDNMickey, the second is for me, and any more he gets me will go to others. I just hope he's up to playing it over and over! He likes the game though, but we didn't have enough time to play b/c we discovered it near closing time.
To the special person who may read my pathetic request for a space suit. :blush:

Update: Daisypaws gave me a space suit and the space chair that goes with it.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


WOW WOW I AM SO HAPPY. :goodvibes

Did I say thank you loud enough so everyone on Dis and VMK could hear me?

I Littlebelle am pathetic at space astroids. Now that was not so hard. I thought well I would get my son who is always playing computer games to win it for me. :) Well he tried and tried and tried to no avail. My only hope of getting a space suit and he can not even win a kids game. :confused3 As I think of how many video games we have bought him over the years the hours and hours and hours he spends shooting , fighting and escaping from the depths of animation doom and he can not beat this game. :confused3 Seriously my son has spent more time infront of a TV or computer than I believe most normal people have! I told him about Gamebot saying you are an old man now because kids are beating you now. He is in college now.

So it looks like the investment in years of video games is for not and the only way I will get a space suit is from a generous Dis player. If this helps I have extra jungle cruise coupons. I can either give one to you so you can take it to Disney or when I go in November I can get the codes from VMK central and email you the codes on the cards.

So who is game. I will cheer you on to win me a space suit. :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Thanks for your generousity.

Maleficent2 said:
Since we did so well with the other thread and maybe some DIS folks who are very talented Game wise and have won multis of the Space suit might want to gift them....

Please post.

I know it is early yet and some might want to try and win this on their own but just in case....

I may need one since level two is as far as I have gotten ;) but I am going to keep trying......wish me luck :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

you mean the game airlock escape? that isn't a space suit, it is a diver suit
I am pathetic at this game. I don't have the quick reflexes needed to even get through 5 levels.

Oh please, if anyone can get an extra suit, I would greatly appreciate it.

I gave out and continue to give out divers suits for those who need it. I will happily trade a divers suit code for a space suit code.

Please keep me in mind.

you mean the game airlock escape? that isn't a space suit, it is a diver suit

Yes I know it isn't I started a thread for the divers suit and alot od people who might never have gotten one got theirs so this thread is for the Space suit.

Also while the divers suit may not be tradeable the code for the suit is and can be gifted.

Sign me up for this! I made it to Level Two and felt pretty proud of that. I know that Mal suggested "gifting" them, but if people are looking to trade, I have an extra cowboy outfit and I can win countless explorer's tent coupons if I create new mules (too bad the Jungle Cruise doesn't give out spacesuits or magic pins!). Thanks to all of the skilled people who can win the suits!
I would love a space suit too. I wasn't playing VMK when the first space suit came out and I haven't been able to get past level 2 in the new game.
*sigh* so many posts before mine.. -sticks out bottom lip-

I was excited for this game! Asteroids was my time! I was pretty good. Thought I had this one in the bag. I am finally going to get my space bubble (yes, all I really want is the bubble helmet). Too bad I can only seem to get to level 3 most times.. The highest I've gotten was level 5. Please, someone good at this game, please keep this little Fairy in mind! ;)
I'm going to go ahead and add my name here- because even when we get internet access back on a computer that can play the games- my laptop that I sometimes sneak to work is much to slow for these kinds of games and my work computer isn't new enough to even download shockwave to play VMK- lol

And once we do get it back and DH starts to play he will win one for himself and then one for DD who has wanted the space suit for quite some time- she can Ned but that is about it for her- so most things she has DH has gifted her with...

And then there is youngest ds who is too young to really play but loves to watch us-

So I'm at the end of a long list there too and now putting my request for generosity on the end of an even longer list...

Ok I just read the post about Blast in Space - so there will probally be no chance in getting the kids a space suit. I would like to put my name on the List for a kind soul to win a space suit.

Also, I will get my DD9 primed to play - maybe she can crack it. I used to be able to do it - not anymore - lol.
Wow we are at the bottom of a very long list..but I will still try...please add me to the "gifted" space suit list..I am RecklessPuppy on VMk and my two daughters..they are
DaddysBrat and CuteGizmo

I use to be so good at asteroids...if I can get better at this I will gift suits too...but for now..plz consider giving me and my two daughters a suit...

Thank you so much :love:
I would love to be gifted with a space suit. I was not on VMK when the first one came out and I am such a bad player on the new game I haven't been able to get past level 1 yet. I'm off today and I'll keep trying but I don't hold out much hope. I'll have to depend on the kindness of others.

Mal, this is really a great idea. :flower:
i need a space suit :) if anyone can spare da code for 1 cuz ucant trade the ones from codes
I am blast in space impaired..can't get passed level 9 grr lol. I shall keep trying.
would love to have space suit!

If you get down the list and still feel generous, I would like a suit too, and I will pray that no one gets carpel syndrome getting all those suits for us! :earseek:
I would enjoy a suit but please put me at the bottom of the list.

I would like the others to receive one first since I may trade for it.

ANy other suits I get can be donated to fellow Dis'ers

But I really do stink at Asteroids and this game
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