Splash Mountain to become Princess and the Frog ride

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So many posts in here make me feel serious second hand embarrassment. My face when reading through = šŸ˜¬
Yeah so much ignorance and people who are ignoring Racism and Racist content.
Witless virtue signaling. Why not take down the statue of Walt? He made the movie. Better yet, change the name of Walt Disney World.

Wake up, nothing will appease the perpetually outraged.
What should be changed it to.

Bob Eiger World? Does he have any skeleton's in his closet.
Bob Chapek World?
So many posts in here make me feel serious second hand embarrassment. My face when reading through = šŸ˜¬
Yeah so much ignorance and people who are ignoring Racism and Racist content.
Witless virtue signaling. Why not take down the statue of Walt? He made the movie. Better yet, change the name of Walt Disney World.

Wake up, nothing will appease the perpetually outraged.
What should be changed it to.

Bob Eiger World? Does he have any skeleton's in his closet.
Bob Chapek World?

Agreed. Iā€™m just not confident theyā€™ll do better in part because, despite the claims that this has been in the works for awhile, it seems too much like trying to shoehorn some IP that doesnā€™t fit into the ride.

I saw it described as a ā€œmusical journeyā€ for Tiana and Louis, which seems so bland. The thing that makes Splash great is the way the tension builds as you move up through the ride with each scene being a bit darker as Brā€™er Rabbit is in more danger until you get to the drop and realize heā€™s outsmarted everyone. The story is so important. And Iā€™ll reserve judgment until I see the new ride, but what Iā€™ve read so far doesnā€™t make me optimistic theyā€™re focused on that.

It's trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Or throwing up a sky skraper (Grand Destino) that destroys the Disney skyline and the Coronado resort.

If they want to make a Princes and the Frog ride they should build one from scratch, instead of giving it a second rate overlay.
Yes just think of the techniques and technology that was used for Navi River Journey and how that could be applied or advanced on possible bayou scenes and such on the ride. Will be interesting to see where they take this.
Actually they should tear down Navi River Joureny and put Princess Frog there as Navi makes no sense and has no storyline and is the worst river ride right now.
Yes just think of the techniques and technology that was used for Navi River Journey and how that could be applied or advanced on possible bayou scenes and such on the ride. Will be interesting to see where they take this.
Actually they should tear down Navi River Joureny and put Princess Frog there as Navi makes no sense and has no storyline and is the worst river ride right now.
Yes, they totally did that with FEA. And it was bad enough to do it to Maelstrom, but Splash is an iconic headliner attraction. I really hope they get this right.
From a ride perspective, Splash is the last great ride at MK in the last 40 years. Seven Dwarfs is okay but there's something missing with that ride. Ariel, Monstoer's and Stich are all underwhelming. Buzz Lightyear is obsolete because of Midway Mania.

Overall, they have not been putting in money to make new A level rides at MK compared to the other parks.
Why is it so important to celebrate the Jim Crow South? I'm from there, went to Robert E Lee Junior High. Envied the Duke's General Lee with it's stars and bars across the roof.

In other words, I was an idiot kid idolizing a culture I didn't understand.

There is absolutely nothing redeemable about that movie. The point of it -- THE POINT -- is to show how well the freed slaves got along in their shanty town outside of whatever Georgia town they said they were in that hadn't been burnt to the ground. The plot is nonsensical and it revolves around the kindly old house slave just missin' his owners so much he still tells stories to the kids. He still looks out for them, so slavery couln'dt have been ALL bad, right? If the freed slaves still have affection for their masters, there must have been GOOD things, too, right? And as for the cartoons? They are the epitome of every negative racial stereotype about black people in the south. Brer Fox and Brer Bear are lazy and stupid. Even the hero -- Brer Rabbit -- is just another example of the Kingfish from Amos and Andy -- scheming, fast talking, surviving on his wits and the stupidity of those around him. But he's not hard working -- he's not trying to accomplish anything beyond his next scam.

It's an evil movie. It reinforced stereotype and opinions that still exist to this day. That it took Disney 40 or so years to shutter it is disgraceful on its own, and that they allow one of their most popular attractions to sanitize it is equally so.

It's got nothing to do with removing the past; it's about not celebrating it.

This is exactly why it's dangerous to get rid of Splash Mountain and deeming it racist. Because alot of people will mistakenly equate Bre'r Rabbit as racist when Bre'r Rabit comes from African American fables and West African folklore. This is what I talk about when I say Bre'r Rabbit and African American and West African culture will be erased. Kind of a racist by association even though Bre'r Rabbit existed along time before the white guy came along and wrote Uncle Remus.

White guy Joel Chandler Harris, Sos and his minstrel Uncle Remus creation are racist in my opinion and have been eliminated from Splash from the beginning. That's fine and as it should be but by eliminating Splash instead of owning up to it and having a conversation on African American and West African culture and folklore it is hurting the Bre'r Rabbit/West African folklore brand and reinforcing the notion that the White man invented everything. Knowledge is power, the Bre'r Rabbit/West African folk tales have existed for centuries just like Aesop's fables. The Mali Empire was one of the greatest, richest and most powerful empires ever and I bet you that most of the people here don't even know about it's existence.
I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to fans of Princes and the Frog to give them a ride in a already constructed older venue. Itā€™s a hand me down, not fair! It needs a newly constructed ride!
did Cinderella get an old slipper? Keep Splash mountain the way it is, get rid of anything offensive! We love the laughing place!
The Frozen princesses got a hand me down ride and they are way more popular than PatF. Frankly, PatF is getting the BEST ride in MK (and my favorite in the world). Also, there is already a thread for this.
Actually they should tear down Navi River Joureny and put Princess Frog there as Navi makes no sense and has no storyline and is the worst river ride right now.

River Journey absolutely has a story line - it just isn't spelled out for people so many assume there isn't one. A lot with that land (and for AK in general) of for people to explore and discover on their own
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Robert Journey absolutely has a story line - it just isn't spelled out for people so many assume there isn't one. A lot with that land (and for AK in general) of for people to explore and discover on their own
What's "Robert" Journey?

How does Navi autocorrect to "Robert", lol.
I get the sentiment but she is taking over a huge piece of property and prime real estate and one of the most loved attractions (ignoring the source material, just from an engineering standpoint)

I think that is a lot better than shoehorning in a spinner ride Fantasyland or something
Because alot of people will mistakenly equate Bre'r Rabbit as racist when Bre'r Rabit comes from African American fables and West African folklore.

The stories of Breā€™r Rabbit may not be racist, but the way they are presented in the film and then reproduced in the ride certainly are. They take something that is a cultural touchpoint and reduce it to insulting characature, and they do it in a playful, insidious way so the insults seem harmless, just a cartoon, whatā€™s the big deal? And the stereotype gets a little more entrenched, to the point where more than half a century later, good people defend it as ā€œhistoryā€ and nostalgia.
That ride needed a refurb anyway. Other than the big drop, I've always thought it was super-lame. "zippity doo dah" = hurl.
The stories of Breā€™r Rabbit may not be racist, but the way they are presented in the film and then reproduced in the ride certainly are. They take something that is a cultural touchpoint and reduce it to insulting characature, and they do it in a playful, insidious way so the insults seem harmless, just a cartoon, whatā€™s the big deal? And the stereotype gets a little more entrenched, to the point where more than half a century later, good people defend it as ā€œhistoryā€ and nostalgia.
Then why not reanimate the cartoons and make a now movie and rename it the Bre'r Rabbit's West African or African American tales.

Instead of just closing ones eyes, erasing it and making it go away and saying see we got rid of Racism and now we don't have to worry about it anymore.
My dear wife hates coasters... we never got on the original ride.
And we probably won't get on the thing that WDW is replacing it with.

Just please - don't brand COP scenes 1-3 Politically incorrect?
Probably don't stand a chance after the whole "Red" thing at PotC
Then why not reanimate the cartoons and make a now movie and rename it the Bre'r Rabbit's West African or African American tales.

Instead of just closing ones eyes, erasing it and making it go away and saying see we got rid of Racism and now we don't have to worry about it anymore.

Disney has too much baggage with the property to do that at this point. That is for somebody else to do.
Disney has too much baggage with the property to do that at this point. That is for somebody else to do.
If as you say Disney damaged the Bre'r Rabbit African American/West African brand then it is their responsibility to uplift the brand, not destroy the brand and then sweep it under the rug and pretend it never existed.
If as you say Disney damaged the Bre'r Rabbit African American/West African brand then it is their responsibility to uplift the brand, not destroy the brand and then sweep it under the rug and pretend it never existed.

Not something they are in a position to do. Give the stories back to the people they came from and if they want to do something with them then they can.

I like splash but it isn't that important it stay open as it is.
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