Spring into a New Beginning- APRIL 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

I leave for WDW later today and I weigh in at 168lbs today.
I really wanted to exercise but there's several inches of snow on the gound and getting on that treadmill is so hard plus my cat of course has to have an issue that requires the vet later this morning so I don't think I'm gonna have time to exercise today.
My whole routine is out the window for about 10 days.
So I had a cool little NSV this morning that made my day happy! I went to the gym at 5am and I was waiting to check in and the girl that was there (she's there most mornings that I am) was busy so she said "I know who you are, Paige. You can go ahead." Which just shows me that I've been hitting the gym at 5a consistently! I remember just a few months ago asking for tips on how to start waking up early to go workout. So I was curious and looked back at my workout logs and it looks like I've been doing this since the end of January! So we're looking at about 2 full months of getting up 3-4 times a week and working out in the morning.It's just crazy to me! I'm so not a morning person, still not, but I love getting my workout in early in the morning.
Well I exercised anyways because I had a feeling that when I was in the car at 8pm eating a Jr. bacon cheeseburger I'd regret it if I hadn't exercised lol.
I have enough time to cool down before the vet and hopefully the vet appt goes quickly and then I can finish getting myself ready to leave.

BTW my NSV happens every time my sister sees me and calls me a "skinny *bleep*". She means it in a loving and motivating way lol.

What I don't find to be a NSV is when I see someone I haven't seen in several months and 20lbs ago and they make zero comment at all like I haven't changed in the slightest.
I know I shouldn't expect it but if I saw someone looking fabulous I'd certainly give them a compliment.
I'm checking in a bit early this morning, as I have a couple things I need to get done. I feel like I ate a lot of food yesterday - as mentioned I went out for lunch and got a piece of salmon and a side of veggies. Then after work I went to dinner with my Sis and had some gluten free street tacos with beef and no sauce or cheese, plus a few sweet potato fries.
Well I exercised anyways because I had a feeling that when I was in the car at 8pm eating a Jr. bacon cheeseburger I'd regret it if I hadn't exercised lol.
I have enough time to cool down before the vet and hopefully the vet appt goes quickly and then I can finish getting myself ready to leave.

BTW my NSV happens every time my sister sees me and calls me a "skinny *bleep*". She means it in a loving and motivating way lol.

What I don't find to be a NSV is when I see someone I haven't seen in several months and 20lbs ago and they make zero comment at all like I haven't changed in the slightest.
I know I shouldn't expect it but if I saw someone looking fabulous I'd certainly give them a compliment.

I've found that at -20 people start to think something is different but can't quite put their finger on it, but up around -30 they can see that it's the weight loss. And of course there are people who just won't say anything at all ever, for their own personal reasons. Hope you have a wonderful trip!
Checking in early today: I am at -5 pounds, so 100% of goal for the month - woohoo! I think that is probably the end of the rapid weight loss that comes at the start of elimination eating. I hope to drop another pound or two next week, for a bonus goal. I was feeling nervous because I thought I ate a lot of food yesterday, having gone out to lunch and then out to dinner with my Sis. But really at lunch all I had was salmon with a side of cooked veggies and at dinner some beef street tacos on gluten free tortillas with no cheese or sauce and a few sweet potato fries. But this morning the scale was down another pound, so no damage and I actually got in a good amount of protein which was a goal for the day.

No big plans for this weekend, just the normal household chores and crafting, but I will also get in a good long walk, as I feel like I need to move more if I want to continue to see the scale drop.

Hope all have a healthful weekend.
Happy Friday!

While Walt was in high school, WWI was raging on in Europe. Even though he was too young to enlist he was desperate to join in the action. At first he was turned by the Navy for his age. Then him and a friend tried to run away to Canada where the enlistment age was younger but the friend's mother found out. Finally he tried to enlist in the Red Cross Ambulance Corps, he lied about his age and would have gotten away with it but his passport application needed to be signed by a parent. He went to his parents and not surprisingly his father refused to sign. However, his mother was on his side, she forged Elias's name on the application and changed Walt's birth year to 1900 instead of 1901.

Things weren't exactly smooth sailing after that. He was trained to repair cars and drive over rough terrain but before he could see any action he came down with the flu. He was taken home, instead of the hospital, which probably saved his life. Two of his friends were taken to the hospital and died the next day. Even though the war ended before he was shipped out, Walt still went to europe. He was assigned to France. He ended up serving a year in France. Later in his life he reflected on his time in France saying “The things I did during those eleven months I was overseas added up to a lifetime of experience. It was such a valuable experience that I feel that if we have to send our boys into the Army we should send them even younger than we do. I know being on my own at an early age has made me more self-reliant…”


Walt says he grew up and learned a lot when he went off to France. Just like him I bet we have learned many things during our journey to becoming healthier. What do you think has been the biggest thing you have learned so far? Has someone given you a pearl of wisdom that changed your way of thinking? Maybe you discovered that you are stronger than you thought?
Happy Friday!

While Walt was in high school, WWI was raging on in Europe. Even though he was too young to enlist he was desperate to join in the action. At first he was turned by the Navy for his age. Then him and a friend tried to run away to Canada where the enlistment age was younger but the friend's mother found out. Finally he tried to enlist in the Red Cross Ambulance Corps, he lied about his age and would have gotten away with it but his passport application needed to be signed by a parent. He went to his parents and not surprisingly his father refused to sign. However, his mother was on his side, she forged Elias's name on the application and changed Walt's birth year to 1900 instead of 1901.
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Things weren't exactly smooth sailing after that. He was trained to repair cars and drive over rough terrain but before he could see any action he came down with the flu. He was taken home, instead of the hospital, which probably saved his life. Two of his friends were taken to the hospital and died the next day. Even though the war ended before he was shipped out, Walt still went to europe. He was assigned to France. He ended up serving a year in France. Later in his life he reflected on his time in France saying “The things I did during those eleven months I was overseas added up to a lifetime of experience. It was such a valuable experience that I feel that if we have to send our boys into the Army we should send them even younger than we do. I know being on my own at an early age has made me more self-reliant…”

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Walt says he grew up and learned a lot when he went off to France. Just like him I bet we have learned many things during our journey to becoming healthier. What do you think has been the biggest thing you have learned so far? Has someone given you a pearl of wisdom that changed your way of thinking? Maybe you discovered that you are stronger than you thought?

I think the biggest thing that I have learned is that you can not eliminate all the foods you love. You need to eat these things in moderation. Also, you need to make it a point to work out. Sitting at a desk all day is doing nothing to help you.


Today started off ok. We have about 3+ inches of snow and my son is so excited. Today is his 11th birthday and he told me in the car this morning that birthday wishes do come true. His wish was for snow. Me well I would be more excited if it was sunny and 70ish. Tonight after work we will take him to dinner. It will be his choice of location. After that we will go to Toys R Us for him to pick out his birthday gift. We are getting him a bike since he out grew the one he has. We thought it would be better to let him pick which one he wants. After that we will maybe make a pit stop at Home Depot to get the faucet for the bathroom before getting him an ice cream cake and head home.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. My son has karate from 8:30 until 10:30 and then a demonstration some time around noon. My husband will be home hopefully putting in my new vanity that I have had for almost 2 years. He wants it in before my son's birthday party at the end of the month. Yay! I can't wait.
I've found that at -20 people start to think something is different but can't quite put their finger on it, but up around -30 they can see that it's the weight loss. And of course there are people who just won't say anything at all ever, for their own personal reasons. Hope you have a wonderful trip!

Thanks I can't wait to be in my happy place.
At the time that I had seen these people last I had already lost close to 25lbs and they didn't mention anything then and ever since that point my body has really started looking way way skinnier. That's the reason it makes me a bit sad that they didn't say anything about it. But whatev the people that are closest to me notice it and make me feel good about myself :)
I second what @piglet1979 has noted as a learning... that you can't totally eliminate the things you love, you need to learn to have them in moderation. With sugar being an addiction this is a BIG challenge for me. Also that the work is never done, which is part of the thought process needed to break out of the yoyoing diet mentality... you do this for a while, lose weight, then go back to what you were doing and guess what, gain the weight back. There are going to be good days and bad days, heck the cycle might even be weeks, but don't quit or give up and to get back to doing the right things a quickly as you can.

In the past month my huge learning was getting the things that were bothering me/holding me back in the right order. I thought I was tired and depressed because of the stresses in my family life and the world in general, but those things were hitting me hard because my thyroid was under performing. I'm still marveling at what a turn around this has been.
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I think the biggest lesson I'm learning is that I'm my biggest obstacle. It doesn't matter that no one else is on board with the meals like I am, that no one is working out with me or anything else. If I want to change myself, I'm the only one that can and I have to stop using everyone and everyone else as an excuse. So, cheers to self realization and a week down of Whole30!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back on here today. DS7 and DD3 have now got the stomach bug :( Atleast it's the weekend so DS won't be missing school and DH is home to help. I will be on tomorrow morning to comment and post the weekend question.
Finally getting a chance to slow down as the final paperwork for the girls showcase entries are finally completed and turned in. Just need for 12 year old to finish sewing the binding on 2 sides of her quilted wall hanging and get it where it will hang on a rod ( should be about 30 minutes according to her leader) than get it turned in no later than 5 pm on Tuesday. 12 year old is entered in sewing, display, knitting, and ready to wear along with her quilt and 9 year old is doing ready to wear though she will model her sister's sewing ( it was a simple Easter dress for her) project. Both of them for ready to wear picked out two items so that met that they had to do a evaluation and compare sheet for 3 different brands. Except for 12 year old with her night gown everything was at 3 different stores. We ended up going to a total of 4 different stores to get everything done. Not only did the forms have to be done for everything but 11 year old's display and quilted item we had to write a script to be red during the public model in 3rd person.
This weekend 12 year old is in another town in our state for the state Junior Bible Quiz meet. The coaches and I are kind of mixed on do we want them to do well enough to be able to go onto regional competition or to just place which they have a really good chance of getting at least 3rd due to problems with one of the other families ( one family has dropped out due to the actions of this family and the husband and wife coach team and myself had to do a lot of talking with 12 year old not to do the same). DH and I will be taking 9 year old out to the animal skillathon practice as part of 4-H communication day events tomorrow morning on the other side of our county ( about an hour drive away).
On top of all the business I have had to take DH to work and pick him up when he got off in the early hours of the morning ( 1-2 am) so that I could have our vehicle to get the girls places on Tuesday and Thursday. Both days that I had to do this a certain 9 year old of mine decided to be up really early. Tuesday it was 6:30 am and I did not get to go back to bed until close to 2:30 am Wed morning ( had to be up in time to make sure everything was ready to take 12 year old to sewing 30 minutes away and be there at 1 pm). Yesterday she was a little nicer as it was 7:40 when she got me up. 12 year old and I left to go finish her shopping compare sheets around noon ( not bad for planning on leaving between 10:30 and 11) and to have lunch at our favorite mongolian grill place. Came home for a while and picked up DH and 9 year old took DH to work, went to Best Buy to see if they had any open box ipads ( none) and ended up getting the brand new just came out one for DH and I to share. Though for now since 9 year old's needs the charge port replaced we are letting her use it so that she has her proloque2go program especially since she will be doing her demonstration for communication day on the alternate day which is next Tuesday ( 12 year old and I found out it will be a week to week and a half to get the repair done once we drop it off). Went to the mall to go to Children's Place and 12 year old was not able to read the map so we ended up going in the wrong door and had to walk through the entire mall. I did get 9 year old a skort and a top for 50% off though. When we left I thought we could go out a door cut across to the ones store's other location and just go through except we got turned around in the store and came out the wrong door and had to walk more outside. Not good with my chronic fatique and fibromyellga acting up. Left there and went over to Sears which is in an outdoor promenade place so that we could get 12 year old's nightgown and robe ( which the label calls a duster) for her ready to wear and do the final compare for 9 year old's items. We had looked at them when we were there on Tuesday starting the shopping between dropping DH at work and heading to take 12 year old to 4-H officer meeting but didn't have the paper to write it down on. Needless to say we ended up going through the drive thru at Wendy's for dinner last night. Plan was to put 9 year old in her tub about 9:30 and for me to relax in my jacuzzi garden club except 9 year old got out of the tub in the main bathroom and came and crawled in mine with me. Plan was to have her go to sleep for a while so that I could get a nap in before leaving a little after 12:30 am to go pick up DH from work ( I take the girls with me so have to get them up but that nap would have been nice). DH called me about 5-10 minutes before I was going to have to leave to tell me he just got an order to pull for a truck that would take him at least an hour. Mixed feelings about overtime since it is nice on the paycheck but met that it would be close to 4 am by the time I got to sleep by the time I drove to pick him up, ( I told him when he called that I was in pain and was going to have him take over driving once I got to his work-he said it must be bad because I do 95% of the driving when we are together. Drives his family crazy especially his older brother) went and got water ( we haul our water and use a cistern), and to walmart to get milk, bread ( we actually buy Wheat Montana brand but it is more than a dollar less there plus it's the only place open at that time in the morning), and a few other things including some muffins for breakfast this morning. In order to get a picture of 12 year old in her nightgown and robe (duster) for the paperwork that had to be turned in today and have her put them in her suitcase I had to be up a little after 7:30 this morning. After she left I finished the paperwork, and got a bit o a nap before 9 year old woke up so I could make sure we got a picture of her in her outfit for ready to wear, print the pictures, get the on the forms and take them to the extension office to turn in. 12 year old has also entered a contest for doing the program cover. While turning everything in I had a nice visit with the office manager and the agriculture agent ( My county is one of the few in Montana that has more than one agent or at best an agent and an office manager/4-H assistant. We have an Agriculture agent ( who happens to actually be a neighbor about a mile and a half from us), a Consumer Science Agent, a 4-H agent, a horticulture specialist, 4-H assistant, receptionist, data entry and web mistress, plus for the fair there are 3 more temporary director's brought in on top of the department heads for the livestock area's and the fair clerks for the non livestock area. Since we have a lot of people they also get questions from other counties if the agent there is out of the office and the matter can not wait. While in town I got the credit card payment made for this month and went and had a late lunch at Olive Garden though between the pain I am in and being so tired I didn't eat much. Oh well left overs for tomorrow night. Came home and got in a short nap. Ok this is getting a bit long. I will answer some of the QODs a bit later more in likely starting tomorrow.
Just like Walt's work delivering newspapers, sometimes our healthy lifestyles can be hard. Instead of Walt letting it get him down he found ways to have fun. What do you find to be the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle and how do you have fun?

Bonus question: What was your first job?

I really struggle with exercise.... I don't like it much and it always feel so unproductive to me, as I'm very type A and always need to be "busy". So exercise that gets something done is my favorite.... yard work, cleaning etc. If I am walking on the TM I want to be working online or at least watching TV or listening to a TED talk.

First job (other than babysitting) was as a chambermaid. Terrible experience for many reasons.... awful management, no training, unrealistic expectations from the management, and DISGUSTING hotels rooms. I could tell tales!!

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Let's all join Donald in a woohoo dance this Wednesday. It can be anything big or small, today we are Woohooing it all!

I shared this week's woohoo yesterday.... and it is a big one!

Scale says 169lbs today!
So I've reached my goal for my WDW trip on Friday.

That is wonderful!!! Congrats!

Walt followed his own dreams even when those around him didn't approve or didn't understand. This is probably what made him so successful later in life. If we want to have success with a healthy lifestyle sometimes we have to stand up to people that don't agree with our choices. This could be the coworker that persuades you to have a piece of cake or your kids wanting to stop for fast food. When these situations arise how do you deal with it? Are you still learning to stand up for what is best for you?

Bonus: What did you want to be when you grew up?

It took me a LONG time on this journey before really learning to NOT let myself be persuaded by others. But it can be really hard!

I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up! TRUE!

Walt says he grew up and learned a lot when he went off to France. Just like him I bet we have learned many things during our journey to becoming healthier. What do you think has been the biggest thing you have learned so far? Has someone given you a pearl of wisdom that changed your way of thinking? Maybe you discovered that you are stronger than you thought?

The TWO biggest things I've learned during this journey are ........

#1. PLANNING.... it is almost MANDATORY to stay successful on this journey. "Winging it" is will set you up for failure in the long run. Remember..... FAILURE TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL.

#2. You CAN do this through nearly ANY obstacle. To say otherwise is truly just an excuse. Once you are honest with yourself about this, you will learn to see thru your own excuses.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to get back on here today. DS7 and DD3 have now got the stomach bug :( Atleast it's the weekend so DS won't be missing school and DH is home to help. I will be on tomorrow morning to comment and post the weekend question.

We understand.... no worries! Hope the kiddos get better quickly!!


Hey all! I just had to take a minute to catch up before my busy weekend. But I am out of time. Heading out to cheer on the robotics team that DS is mentoring and then off to DD's for a quick overnight visit to celebrate her exciting news AND start packing up her apartment. She graduates in 42 days!! WOW!

Also reporting in with a one pound loss this week.... not much but moving in the right direction!............P
Here is the first weekends are for fun question of the month

Everybody loves a good prank. Even Walt Disney was a known prankster in his youth. When he came home from France he showed his mom a box he had gotten with a souvenir from the battlefield inside. When she opened the box she screamed because inside was a thumb. It was actually Walt's thumb covered in iodine and stuck through a hole in the back. In honor of Walt's pranks and it being April, have you ever played an April Fool's joke or other prank on somebody? Have you ever had an practical joke played on you?

Check out this cute video of the Disney Parks pulling a prank on on some shoppers in Long Island!!

I think the biggest thing that I have learned is that you can not eliminate all the foods you love.
This is the key, everything in moderation.

But whatev the people that are closest to me notice it and make me feel good about myself :)
I am so glad you are choosing to focus on the positive!! Your doing great, 25lbs is a huge accomplishment:flower:

I thought I was tired and depressed because of the stresses in my family life and the world in general, but those things were hitting me hard because my thyroid was under performing. I'm still marveling at what a turn around this has been.
It is awesome that it you are doing better. Hearing you talk about your thyroid really makes me want to have mine tested. I can relate so much to what you are saying. Everyone on my father's side of the family has had theirs removed so it is a real possibility that it could be my problem. I just have a hard time getting the nerve to call the doctor. I hate finding a new doc and then making time to go but if it made me feel better than it would all be worth it.

If I want to change myself, I'm the only one that can and I have to stop using everyone and everyone else as an excuse. So, cheers to self realization and a week down of Whole30!
This is so true! Congrats on week one of Whole30! I know it's only been a week but can you tell a difference?

DD got the DISNEY Professional Internship position!! So in addition to that being WONDERFUL news for her and a dream-come-true, bucket list thing..... it also means that I've now got a Disney trip countdown! DOUBLE WOOHOO (and it's not even Wednesday!).
Amazing news!!! party:

@sweetpeama you are one busy lady!!! I love hearing about all the activities your kids are in! And Olive garden sound so yummy. I feel like it has been forever since I have been there and their food makes the best leftovers!!

First job (other than babysitting) was as a chambermaid. Terrible experience for many reasons.... awful management, no training, unrealistic expectations from the management, and DISGUSTING hotels rooms. I could tell tales!!
One of the recommend threads at the bottom was a girl that was formerly in the CP at Disney. Her job was mousekeeping and her stories sounded awful. I can't even imagine doing that job!!

"Winging it" is will set you up for failure in the long run.
I ALWAYS get in trouble when I wing it!

You CAN do this through nearly ANY obstacle. To say otherwise is truly just an excuse.
::yes:: This is great advice

We understand.... no worries! Hope the kiddos get better quickly!!
The two that have it now are nowhere near as bad as the first one. For that I am thankful!!!

Heading out to cheer on the robotics team that DS is mentoring
DS10 just made his school's spring robotics team. He was super excited to learn how to program a robot.

DD's for a quick overnight visit to celebrate her exciting news AND start packing up her apartment. She graduates in 42 days!! WOW!
Have fun celebrating!!! What will she be doing at Disney?
@MommaoffherRocker I didn't have a detox/hangover headache like every person I know that's done it. Quite thankful for that! I'm constantly thirsty but my stomach doesn't want it in there with all those vegetables. It gets angry and nauseas so that's been a struggle. And I just miss the texture of bread. I don't necessarily crave eating it but I just miss the texture. I've also pinpointed that I have a slight intolerance for nightshade foods. This is kind of heartbreaking for someone that loves salsa, peppers and white potatoes.

(Edited to add in the last bit about the recent food intolerance realization)
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I was on track with my macros 4 days since I joined the April thread so I'm checking in at 20% to goal. Yesterday, I had an off day because I was shopping with my BFF and we decided Taco Bell was in order. I was still within my calorie goal but my macros were all off.

My weight is fluctuating but I'm very happy with it considering where I'm at with calories (~1770 is what I was eating before my increase today). I'm increasing 100 calories a day this week so I'll be interested to see what my weight stays at.
Introduce yourself and to shake things up tell us you favorite Disney memory, it could be anything from your first trip to Disney World to watching a Disney movie that inspired you. Also, please share your goal for the month, anything that may get in your way and how you're going to overcome it.

Hi I am Tammy 42 almost 43 years old. I live in Montana with my husband and our 2 girls ages 12 and 9. I put my goal down in an earlier post but will restate here that it is to drink at least 64 ounces of either straight or fruit infused water a day. The biggest thing that may come in the way is the girls taking drinks from my water bottle while we are out and about with all our activities. I plan to overcome this by making sure that they have theirs when we leave the house. While I haven't been on as many Disney trips as some on here ( 2 trips to land in 87 and 95 and one to world in 10) it is so hard to choose just one so I will be sharing a few.
On our trip to WDW our first full day we went to MK ( I say 1st full day as our flight landed around 4 in the afternoon so we saw a bit of the resort-from our room to the food court and the check in building especially since we had to leave our house a little after 4 in the morning our time and we only live about 20-30 minutes from the airport depending on traffic and if we can use a road that was originally a path for the family it is named after to herd their sheep from one area to another without going a long way around. Due to the nature of this path widened as much as possible into a steep and narrow road ( you get a flat on here you have to drive on the rims to either the top or the bottom as their is no place to pull over at all-on the going up you have 6 inches between you and the concrete barrier that was put in place to keep people from going off the edge of the cliff when they replaced the guard rail. On the down direction there is not much more between the side of the cliff walls and you and their is always the danger of falling sandstone rocks). Yes I have a love hate feeling about this road-the scenery is breathtaking and it cuts a lot of time off when I do need to go that way but driving the road is a challenge we were tired and just wanted to grab a bit to eat and get some rest) my youngest who has special needs went up to Minnie Mouse and did her first spontaneous communication with someone other than a family member when she handed Minnie her autograph book and signed Please. I just about cried.
The other one also took place at MK on our last full day ( especially since we had a 7 am flight. Note to self don't let my sister book flight arrangements. At least the airline had a change so we didn't have a 45 minute layover instead it was supposed to be 2.5 hours but due to mechanical issues with the plane and weather conditions at our home airport ended up being closer to 4.5 hours and when we took off we didn't know if we were landing at our home airport or in a different town a 5 hour drive away). 12 year old ( 5 at the time) really wanted to meet some of the Fairies so we headed over to Toon Town in order to get in line. Due to having severe hypotonia we were using a stroller as a wheel chair for 9 year old ( 2 at the time) and while we were told a few times no strollers as soon as we said we are using the stroller as a wheel chair and showed the tag ( which I usually had held out from the stroller using the hand of the side it was on while pushing one handed) it was just go this way no problem. We had been waiting in line for a while listening to comments from others about how it must be nice to be one of those people who think they don't have to follow the rules, who did we think we were, there are no strollers allowed, can't we read, ect with me starting to fume and wanting to go tell them off and DH going calm down honey ( It took him a few years but after dealing with the school district he finally figured out that it's best to just back me up when I am in a fight one of the kids modes) when a cast member came to us and asked us to come with ( I did not even catch the name). We were taken back to the front of the line where the greeter was and were told that their were complaints about us having a stroller and that a manager would be by shortly to talk with us. I thought oh no we are going to be told that we have to figure out a way to park the stroller and have our her walk with DH carrying her if needed ( one thing about kidos with hypotonia when they get where they can no longer struggle to keep themselves upright it is like carrying a dead body except they protest if you just grab both arms or feet and drag if they get too heavy). The manager told us that we would get to go in through a back door to meet the fairies and that it would be just our family. The doors would open shortly to let the family in front of us in and then they would do a few from the regular line before it would be our turn but it would be a much shorter wait than we would have had other wise and that she was sorry we had to put up with the comments of people around us when we had a special needs child. We ended up only waiting about 15-20 minutes instead of the 45-50 minutes we thought we still had to wait ( total of about 40 minutes from the time we got in line originally) and we were able to spend quite a bit of time meeting Tinkerbell, Iridessa, and Terrence which our older daughter loved though she really had wanted to meet Silver Mist or Fawn as those are favorites ( and I think more important the ones her cousins had met earlier in our trip).

Just like Walt, where we grew up can affect us for the rest of our lives. How does where your from affect you? Maybe you're from a region that eats lots of fried food or maybe from where hiking is a way of life. Do you still live in that kind of area or have you moved on?
Seeing that cows out number people 6:1 here in MT and it is a very outdoor lifestyle state ( not fun when you have a skin tone that is burn, blister, and peel even with factor 45-50 sun screen and are unsteady on ice-a good winter is when I don't land on my hind end at least once, this past one was not the case) it is a lot of beef, wild game, fresh from the lake fish ( usually fried), and vegetables from the garden. Fruits were usually strawberries and apples with the occasional oranges, bananas, and water melon though we did have others from time to time. I not only live in the same kind of area my house is actually about 30 yards from the back of the house that I grew up in ( well from the time I was about 15 months old but the move was a grand 60 yards).

Bonus question- Where were you born?

I was born her in MT as were my parents, and 1 of my grandparents ( the others were born in Colorado but moved here around the age of 3, Illinois but moved here at age 1, and South Dakota and didn't move until an adult). We actually live on land homesteaded by my great grandfather.

What do you find to be the hardest part of a healthy lifestyle and how do you have fun?

The hardest part of having a healthy lifestyle is trying to do too much for my body with having the fibro and chronic fatique and than paying for it unable to exercise and barely able to move. I ended up doing this last month setting my goal too high and trying desperately to achieve it. How I have fun is spending time on the computer though we I can I like get in some light casual swimming.

Bonus question: What was your first job?
Other than a regular babysitting job which was every week and raising animals for shows ( we made more in sale and prize money than our friends did working jobs all summer long) my first job was at a small town truck stop and camp ground where I worked mainly in the kitchen doing dishes, putting away the stock order, and some prep work. I did some waitress work and a little bit of grill cooking but not a whole lot of those. I got this position because that is where my dad was staying while working on a road construction job and he found out the owner needed a little extra help ( it didn't help that the person actually in charge of ordering and putting the stock away had emphsemia so wasn't able to do as much.

Walt followed his own dreams even when those around him didn't approve or didn't understand. This is probably what made him so successful later in life. If we want to have success with a healthy lifestyle sometimes we have to stand up to people that don't agree with our choices. This could be the coworker that persuades you to have a piece of cake or your kids wanting to stop for fast food. When these situations arise how do you deal with it? Are you still learning to stand up for what is best for you?

I am trying to stop at places that have healthier options when stopping for fast food though it is still a bit of learning to stand up for me from time to time but more on the I am eating what you ( person who is judging my food choice at the time) don't think that I should ever let past my lips until I am at the perfect goal weight for 6 months to a year in moderation which is what I have been advised by my medical provider in order to prevent a complete relapse and abandonment of my weight reduction plan so kindly shut your mouth and keep your opinions to yourself or at least not in my hearing variety.

Bonus: What did you want to be when you grew up?

In 2nd grade I stated for our school year book ( one of the fun things about attending a school that went up to the 8th grade ( though due to construction my class only got to go till 6th and the year ahead of me till 7th but we didn't get the big send off because it would have taken away from the 8th graders graduation) that I wanted to be a house wife as in I wanted to be the one to order stuff for wonderful parties, make sure that the food was just right from the place I hired to cater for me, arrange flowers for social events with my husband. In 8th grade we had to explore a career as part of planning out which classes you wanted and needed to take in high school I chose interior designer ( except I am not good at making things or sketching out ideas just taking what others have made and going these curtains, this rug, this color here, done-I just need a decent budget to do my house at least one room all at once and not take so long that what I wanted can no longer be found and nothing goes anymore with my original plan).

What do you think has been the biggest thing you have learned so far? Has someone given you a pearl of wisdom that changed your way of thinking? Maybe you discovered that you are stronger than you thought?

The biggest thing that I have learned so far is that it is a life style change and that it is best for it to be gradual because otherwise I will not keep with it. Oh and unless the change is because of a food allergy everything in moderation not being drastic.


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