Squirts, Shirts, and Flirts, The Legend Continues 2 weeks in FW(wrap up #2 new 11-17)


Commander of Donalds Crew Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy
Jul 6, 2007
:welcome: all, we are back and ready to live the trip again through the wonderful world of TR's. There are many things I need to explain before I start so We will get to that first.

#1. This will be long, it will have lots of pictures, but it will be long, we were gone for a total of 17 days. and like always have our share of interesting stories along the way to tell.

#2. the title of this report, can be traced back to the PreTR, i was having trouble coming up with a title so i had a little contest to help me name it, greatbiscuit came up with the name, based on experiences that happened on previous trips, which can be found in the old TR (which have links below) i kept trying to think of titles to change the TR to but none came to me, so we will stick with this one, and i personally like it alot so there you go.

#3. no matter how many times you go to disney, you always learn something new, i'm up to about 15 visits in my life time, and im still learning new things, maybe it is because i am getting older, but im seeing and experiencing new things, so I will have a section titled "lessons learned" in the chapters as I type.

thats enough rambling for now, so i will get on with it,

oh wait one more thing,

#4. i do ramble, and i type fast, so i make mistakes, and i never have a plan where a chapter is going when i start it, so sometimes it wont make sense, but you will get the gyst of things (i think gyst is spelled wrong)

now i can start
Who: me, wife, son, my parents
when: june 3rd to June 19th
where: disney FW campground

you might wanta to know who we are, so here is my crazy family.
my wife, candi, son parker, and me, the story teller.

candi will chime in from time to time parker, the goofball of the trip, and one who many of the stories will revolve around, and me.

here is grandma and granpa, or as parker calls them and they will be refered to in this report,

papa and nana, or nene

my parents gave us this trip as our anniversary present this year and picked up the tab for everything, which we greatly appreciated, since we are hoping to buy/build a new house next year.

June 3rd is our departure day, my mom works in a school system so we had to wait till she got out for the day, i worked till about 11 and then headed home to get last minute things finished up, unplug things, turn things off, turn things down, etc...everything was packed in the camper the night before and ready for us.

before we left our house, parker took off his last count down day.

and the only place we wanted to eat before we headed out was olive garden

we had a disney call set up for him that afternoon the sound is decent for a loud restraunt, here is the call.

soon my mom arrived home and we were set to leave about 1:15 but not before a group photo in the yard.

Since it is a long drive down about 21 hours total, we have gifts for parker to open to keep his interest, his first present from my mom was a new buzz stuffed animal...he loved it.




our first adventure greets us just north of Indy, we feel a slight vibration on the truck, nothing big just feels like a bad section of road, then it starts to feel like we are on the rumble strips on the side of the road. Good thing we were right by an exit, so we pull off and me and my dad check the truck cant find anything so back in we go...we drive 10 feet who truck is shacking like the winnie the pooh ride where tigger is bouncing.

and we end up driving up to get off the exit ramp and pull onto the country road there.

we get out to look at the truck again, and find this.

the front truck tire had the biggest pimple on it ever.

I get the jack under the truck and jack it up

we walk to the back end to get the spare tire and hear a huge explosion not 10 seconds later...

it was the tire blowing out.

good thing i jacked it up and was out of there, it would have blown right next to my arm, and who knows what it would have done to me.

who changing took about 30 minutes, so not to bad, we even had a car with a few teenage/20's guys pull over and ask if they could help out pretty nice fellows.

so tire was changed and it was time to continue on again.

here is where I had the first "lesson learned" of the trip.

Lesson learned, when a tire blows on a vehicle dont tell your mother it was because that was the corner of the truck she was sitting on, especially if you are saying it where she is in shot and is able to kick you in the backside.

once we start traveling again, i get on the phone to my BIL to find us a tire store close because, my dad wants to get 2 new tires for the front of the truck, he does not like driving on spares, especially when you are pulling as much weight as the trailer behind us.

not 5 minutes later we see a sign for a semi/truck tire shop at the next exit, so we pull off and they are open for 5 more minutes before they leave for the day, but agree to stay and fix us up, we dont even have to unhook the trailer, just pull around.


parker was good while we waited, we just walked around and looked at the tires, and had some string cheese.


a few hours later, we are pulling into our night stop about 20 minutes north of the state line. parker climbs up on the picnic table and after nana takes his picture he points at the trailer and goes uhh oohhh nana

she looks back to see red blood drops all along the side of the trailer on the top. we all come around and start laughing, some may not find it funny, but we did with what happened so far on our day.

the picture is not bad, so you should all be okay, the bird was just sleeping up there. he hit the side and must have kept going till he found something that stopped him.


his head was caught around the awning for the slide out.

i ended up using a long stick that we use to push water off the top of the camper, you can see it in the next picture, we told parker that he was going to go continue his nap in the woods with the other animals. and he helped grandpa secure the trailer tires.

then it was time to help me with the back jacks, he always ran and helped me get the drill to crack them down.

once we were all set up, candi and i started off on our run, for the last few months now we have been running about a mile a day in our neighborhood and did not want to lose what we gained while on vacation.


so there is our first day and the beginning of our trip thus far.

i hope you guys enjoy it, and feel free to lurk, but it is also fun to have people join in on the conversations as well. i resond to everyone so type away.

If you want to skip the in between chatter, the next post will be a spot for the chapter listings
Chapter 1. On the road again.
Chapter 2. Are they still traveling
Chapter 3. Look out FW, we are checking In.
Chapter 4. If you like it, buy it.
Chapter 5. Num Nums.
Chapter 6. The smurfs invade Epcot.
Chapter 7. Characters with Drums
Chapter 8. Felt up on Soarin!
Chapter 9. From mama giggles to mama grizzly
Chapter 10. Important Lessons + PMS.
Chapter 11. Welcoming Wedgies and Observations.
Chapter 12. Dinner with old friends.
Chapter 13. Captain parker...
Chapter 14. Tinked off...
Chapter 15. Storming the Barn
Chapter 16. Mish Mash of Stuff.
Chapter 17. Chip and Dale went to MJ dance school
Chapter 18. Lets enjoy an intermission shall we.
Chapter 19. Another nightime showdown in MK.
Chapter 20. Lossing your top in TL
Chapter 21. Mickey Cooks us dinner.
Chapter 22. Parker gets honked off
Chapter 23. Time to Split Up
Chapter 24. Fall Montage.
Chapter 25. R2D2, flying cars, and a pit stop
Chapter 26. What time is the 3:00 parade?
Chapter 27. Finally we get our LM photopass.
Chapter 28. UP UP UP we go.
Chapter 29. Snow and Disney quest.
Christmas Update Part 1.
Christmas Update Part 2.
Chapter 30. Tension at the Luau
Chapter 30. Tension at the Luau cont.
Chapter 31. Monorail farts and a DIS meet.
Chapter 32. To grandmothers house we go.
The In Between
Chapter 33. How a MK bus delays a AK?
Chapter 34. Two AK firsts.
head shaving update
Chapter 35. donald comes untucked and stuffing the ice
Chapter 36. Attacked by a white rhino
Chapter 37. A peaceful morning in Disney.
Chapter 38. A Little Alone Time.
Chapter 39. BB day
Chapter 40. We Might be heading home early. Part 1.
Chapter 40. Our Part of the Evening. Part 2
Packing Question
Chapter 41. A First and (WHAT IF)
Chapter 42. Dumbo Dash, and (What If)
Chapter 43. Whats in a room (What If)
Chapter 44. Princess Kisses (What If, how early is to early for that first drink)
Chapter 45. Forgotten Pics
Chapter 46. The saga of the missing glenn. (what if there was a tree of life?)
Chapter 47. Glenn Sage, a celebration (what if sunsets)
Chapter 48. Ride Hopping
Chapter 49. A MK nap, and more What if resort life
Chapter 50. We bid farewell to the MK, and more resort life what if
Chapter 51. Animals Here and there.
Chapter 52. Water is Fun anywhere.
New Additions
Chapter 53. Forgotten Pics, and underwater adventures
Anniversary Update
Chapter 54. need to find these to link
Chapter 55. need to find these to link

Chapter 56. upcountry and the road to hana.
Chapter 57. the other beach and Not again
Chapter 58. final what if chapter.
Chapter 59. Trip Wrap up #1
Chapter 60. Trip wrap up #2
I'll join in on the fun! Your trip has started off...interestingly enough. :laughing: Tire pimple, blown out tire, two new tires, string cheese, a dead bird (poor thing :guilty:)...and an evening jog. Fun!

I love all of the pics you've taken thus far - it really tells the story! :goodvibes
Sticks are VERY useful for all kinds of ugly jobs- bird extraction included!
Signing on. popcorn::

Great start so far! Sounds like you had quite the adventure the first day.

Looking forward to more!
Joining in and looking forward to it!

Lesson learned, when a tire blows on a vehicle dont tell your mother it was because that was the corner of the truck she was sitting on, especially if you are saying it where she is in shot and is able to kick you in the backside.

I'm surprised you hadn't learned this lesson yet...tip: applies to wives as well as mothers...
#3. no matter how many times you go to disney, you always learn something new, i'm up to about 15 visits in my life time, and im still learning new things, maybe it is because i am getting older, but im seeing and experiencing new things, so I will have a section titled "lessons learned" in the chapters as I type.

This is a great idea! I'd steal it, but I'm not sure what I learned.

the front truck tire had the biggest pimple on it ever.

Whoa! I've never seen a pimple like that before! Except the night before the prom, of course.

here is where I had the first "lesson learned" of the trip.

Lesson learned, when a tire blows on a vehicle dont tell your mother it was because that was the corner of the truck she was sitting on, especially if you are saying it where she is in shot and is able to kick you in the backside.

Good first lesson learned. I'm still working on that one myself.

parker was good while we waited, we just walked around and looked at the tires, and had some string cheese.


I always have the free coffee when I get an oil change....I didn't know they had string cheese when you get a tire changed. :rolleyes:

parker climbs up on the picnic table and after nana takes his picture he points at the trailer and goes uhh oohhh nana

she looks back to see red blood drops all along the side of the trailer on the top. we all come around and start laughing, some may not find it funny, but we did with what happened so far on our day.

the picture is not bad, so you should all be okay, the bird was just sleeping up there. he hit the side and must have kept going till he found something that stopped him.


You're caught in your own rolling Alfred Hitchcock movie.

once we were all set up, candi and i started off on our run, for the last few months now we have been running about a mile a day in our neighborhood and did not want to lose what we gained while on vacation.


Good for you! I ran once while at Disney, but haven't yet since we returned. (I probably should be right now, but here I am.)

so there is our first day and the beginning of our trip thus far.

Great start! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hopped over from Glennbo's TR! :goodvibes This will be an interesting TR, I am looking forward to hear more about FW! :thumbsup2
great report so far- we leave in 4 days! how did you set up the phone call? that is a great idea!

this welcome goes out to all of you below
:welcome: all

Am I the first !!!!!
yes you are rose, i knew you were lurking around looking for it, and would be close, i saw your light on.

congrats you win nothing, but the satisfaction that yo uwere first.
Jumping on board. We have always talked about camping at disney.

it is alot of fun, there is plenty to do and it can be as relaxing as you want it to be, we saw one trailer there that was going on 1 month of hanging out.

I am all caught up:rotfl2::rotfl2:
thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

Hey Dan,

Great to be aboard, Mate!
howdy howdy howdy, (in my shark voice from toy story when woody is in the toy box and asks for his hat)
Ooo ooo! Thanks for the heads-up! I'm here!
not a problem, was hoping you would make the first page.

I'll join in on the fun! Your trip has started off...interestingly enough. :laughing: Tire pimple, blown out tire, two new tires, string cheese, a dead bird (poor thing :guilty:)...and an evening jog. Fun!

I love all of the pics you've taken thus far - it really tells the story! :goodvibes
yep it had a little bit of everything that first day. between me and my dad we had about 3000 so it will be full of pics the rest of the way, we enjoying taking photos.

and you are right it does help tell a story.

Sticks are VERY useful for all kinds of ugly jobs- bird extraction included!
this is true, also good to flick dog poo when you dont have a bag and need to get it to the other side of the neighbors fence,

i mean in your rocks to pick up later.
Signing on. popcorn::

Great start so far! Sounds like you had quite the adventure the first day.

Looking forward to more!
i expect you to pay close attention to give me the 4th word in the title for my next PreTR for 2012

glad to have you with us GB

Joining in and looking forward to it!

I'm surprised you hadn't learned this lesson yet...tip: applies to wives as well as mothers...

well sometimes she has a good sense of humor, just picked hte wrong time to test it.

the rest of the family was laughing just not her.

funny thing is what till you see what happens to her side of the truck on the way home.
Great start! Wow, what an eventful first day you guys had! So glad that tire didn't blow while driving OR while you were changing it. :eek:

:rotfl2: That darn bird never had a chance!! Poor thing.

That's awesome that you and Candi kept up the running! We did NOT. We also gained even more weight this trip. I'm not even sure how that happens with all the walking and sweating we were doing. :confused3

Can't wait to read more!
a big :welcome: to all of you below.

This is a great idea! I'd steal it, but I'm not sure what I learned.

well you can steal it, anything is far game, i have a good amount of things i learned, i am sure things will come to you as you type along.

like for example, this can be your lesson learned for your chapter about yeahaw bob.

lesson learned: when having a beer with dan, eat something to cleans your palate before taking a chug of bud light lime after drinking first beer.

sorry again if you did not like that kind of beer.

Whoa! I've never seen a pimple like that before! Except the night before the prom, of course.

:rotfl:thats a good one

Good first lesson learned. I'm still working on that one myself.

i dont think i will ever learn that lesson fully but we will see.

I always have the free coffee when I get an oil change....I didn't know they had string cheese when you get a tire changed. :rolleyes:

oh yeah of course they do, they have a bunch of stuff in there fridge its, just usually marked with names on it in a brown paper bag.

actually that came from the fridge in the camper.

You're caught in your own rolling Alfred Hitchcock movie.


Good for you! I ran once while at Disney, but haven't yet since we returned. (I probably should be right now, but here I am.)

weve ran every day we have gotten back so far, good to get out in the morning when its still cool and hte neighborhood is quite.

Great start! Thanks for sharing it with us.
not a problem bud

I'm in!!! Going back to read........

did you finish yet?


Oh my gosh, look at that smile on his face - was this his first trip to Disney?
thanks his smile is contegious

nope we took him for a pre christmas trip when he was 9 months old, the TR for that one is in my signature if you want to check it out, he and we had a blast on that trip, he did great on both trips.

he is just always smiling like that

Hopped over from Glennbo's TR! :goodvibes This will be an interesting TR, I am looking forward to hear more about FW! :thumbsup2
welcome aboard...i am hoping that people like the change of pace with a FW TR instead of a hotel one, not many people write TR's with the campground as there resort.

great report so far- we leave in 4 days! how did you set up the phone call? that is a great idea!


nice to have you,

you set the phone calls up through the disneymovie rewards website, if you are not a member, you can join it is free, there was a link in there somewhere that you go to, i think it was called enchanted calls, and they give you a code to put in at the check out. which takes it from 2.49 to free

just make sure that you will be ready when you have the call time scheduled for, i think when the call comes in, you have 40 seconds to press to play it. we also made sure we did it to our cell phones they had a better speaker phone and we were not sure if we would be home when the time came for it to come through.

the wife and i each have an account on there, so i did another one for the day we arrived on disney property for him as well.

hope this helps
:laughing: i knew you were reading when i posted that last response, and hoping to get the other one in before you got finished, but you ninja posted me.
Great start! Wow, what an eventful first day you guys had! So glad that tire didn't blow while driving OR while you were changing it. :eek:

:rotfl2: That darn bird never had a chance!! Poor thing.

That's awesome that you and Candi kept up the running! We did NOT. We also gained even more weight this trip. I'm not even sure how that happens with all the walking and sweating we were doing. :confused3

Can't wait to read more!

yeah we were lucky that we were not driving when that one blew, it gave us far warning, unlike another event on the way home.

nope he hit smack dab into the side of the trailer.

i think i gained about 2 pounds this trip, not bad, but just have to knock them off running.

also the food is a little more healthy now that we are home and cooking it ourself.

also, i think your 4000 post was the last one you did above.


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