Stacey and Ryan SOG 8/1/09 Updated 3/27 Hawaii Day 2

Your pictures are beautiful! Your hair looked wonderful, even if you did not have a picture.

Thank you!!! I trusted Patricia, and she did an amazing job. I love her!

Really amazing photos Stacey! You looked soo lovely. Everyone did! I cant wait to see more!

Oh and Addison putting the petals in the closet... haha! bless her!

Thank you! Addison is always doing silly things like that! She is in her own world most of the time and has a crazy imagination! :confused3

Congratulations! Your pics look great so far! I am so excited that you had a great experience with these vendors!

By the way- I love that Addison practiced her job in the closet! :goodvibes

Thank you very much! Yeah, now that I look back on it, it's cute. It wasn't so much when we were running a bit late and had to get to the ceremony because everyone was waiting in the hot August weather! But now I think it's cute! :goodvibes
Ceremony Part 1

So, I left of in our “holding area.” While we were waiting my brother Chris and Ryan’s brother Ron were walking out to come and walk our mother’s out. Here are those pictures.





Here is our harpist. If you are looking for a harpist, you should look in to Catherine Way, she is WONDERFUL! I loved her. Although I didn’t hear much of her playing, I had a lot of people say she was great. She also played at our cocktail hour. She was great to work with!


Here are some pictures Randy took while everyone was waiting for us to come out.



Then Ryan and our officiant walked out. Now, if you followed my PJ you know we were supposed to have Rev. Tim Herring marry us. Well, that changed about a week before our wedding and the husband of a teacher I work with ended up marrying us. I don’t want to get too much in to the details but I didn’t have a good experience with Rev. Tim and my gut told me to change even though it was last minute. I was so glad we did!!!!


My bridesmaids left the holding area one at a time and made their way down the aisle.







Then it was Harry and Addison’s turn. Well, we didn’t really practice walking up steps with them since our rehearsal was inside, it didn’t even dawn on us. So, as Harry was pulling Addison up the stairs she tripped and fell. Now, normally when Addison falls, she gets right back up and is fine. But when you watch the video, everyone in the audience gasped. I think between that and the fact that she isn’t really familiar with the person who came and picked her up, I think it frightened her and she was balling. My mom came over and took her and Harry went and waited up front.


Addison is pointing to me walking towards the gazebo, and I can hear her crying. It was sad…



I still wasn’t nervous, I was just excited to show off my dress and hair and makeup to Ryan. I don’t know what it is, but as soon as I had my wedding dress on, I felt like a different person. A princess with tons more confidence. It was wonderful.

Here I am walking out of the holding area. All brides to be, take note of how I’m holding my bouquet. I had no idea I was doing that until I saw the pictures. I was even doing it walking down the aisle. I didn’t practice at all. So, pay close attention to how you hold your bouquet!!!


I don’t remember much, but I do remember my dad asking me if Ryan was nervous because he wasn’t smiling. Here is Ryan, he looked very nervous.

Ceremony Part 2

I finally made it to the aisle. I was finally starting to get a bit nervous, not because I was getting married but because all eyes were on me. I hate being the center of attention.



When I got to the end of the aisle, Addison was still crying and was trying to come to me. I gave her a kiss and a hug, but couldn’t do much more.




Here is my dad giving me away.


I think Audra came and got Addison and took her out of the gazebo area in to the shade til the end of the ceremony.


Reverend Mount started off with a prayer


He also had a really nice reading about marriage. I tried listening but was so distracted. All I remember is looking over at Ron and seeing the sweat dripping down his face. And I was in the sun and I could feel the sweat dripping down my back. Here are some more ceremony pictures.









I’m glad we got the fans from the Philippines. They looked great and I think the guests really appreciated them!




Ceremony Part 3

Here is Ryan saying his vows



Next up, was my turn to say my vows. I tried so hard not to cry, but when I was looking at Ryan and saying those words, I couldn’t help it. I started crying and couldn’t stop. Apparently it started off a chain reaction and as soon as I started so did every female in the audience! Next thing I know, my nose is running like crazy and all I can think is, I need a tissue, Randy is taking pictures, I can’t have snot running out of my nose.


Luckily, Ryan’s aunt came prepared


Next, we exchanged our rings. We were lucky that these actually made it to the ceremony. First of all, I left them at my house. So my dad had to go back and get them. Thank goodness we only live 40 minutes away. Then, my ring got given to some random person before the ceremony and Ron was trying to find it. It was kind of crazy, but thank goodness they made it there.





Next up was the sand ceremony. Now, as many of you know, this was a total budget wedding. I couldn’t bring myself to pay for a sand ceremony kit, so I made my own using glass vases from the dollar store and sand from some cheap internet site. Well, I didn’t actually set it up before hand and whoever did, isn’t familiar with the sand ceremony. They filled the white sand all the way up not knowing we only needed a little bit. This was also the first time Reverend Mount had performed a sand ceremony. So, he pours all of his sand in there and it took up half of the container. In the end I didn’t have enough room to put all of my sand in there. Not a big deal though, like I said, I’m easy going.




The funny thing about it is a couple weeks after, I was talking to Carolyn (Rev. Mount’s wife) about it. She said his reasoning was “He didn’t want to leave out any part of God, he wanted to make sure our foundation was strong and we weren’t leaving any of Him out of it”

We were finally finished with all of the ceremony and it was time to be pronounced husband and wife!


Ryan, you may kiss your bride




I told Ryan that the fact that I have my hand on his face, shows that I’m in control of the relationship. He didn’t like that very much. Haha!

YAY! We’re finally married. We turned to walk down the aisle, which Addison wasn’t happy about. I mean, how dare we leave her right?




Here she is following us, you would think she would be happy that her parents are finally married!


Ceremony Part 4

Everyone else followed…






We were going to take family pictures outside, but after spending 30 minutes out there, I wanted air conditioning! We went to check out the lobby to see if it would be an ok background. On the way Addison had to stop and look at the fish (they are koi, huge ones)






Here are some of the pictures we took in the lobby







I found this next one hilarious. As soon as Ryan’s parents got up to take pictures with us, there were tons of his family behind Randy taking pictures so he turned around and took a picture of all of them taking pictures.


Stay tuned because up next is the PARTY!
Ryan and I met while working at Disney in May of 2004. I was working at the unload area of Buzz Lightyear and he came to bump the person I was working with. I instantly felt attracted to him. We ended up working on the parade route together for Spectro Magic and had a pretty good chance to talk. It felt so natural talking to him and our relationship took off from there (mostly because of me, he is very laid back and shy). I would defintely say it was love at first sight!:love:

We have a beautiful 18 month old daughter named Addison! She is my pride and joy! Here is a picture of her!


I had family in town from England and we were busy all the time!

It wasn't exactly the proposal I had dreamed of while growing up, but it was perfect for us!:love:

Our wedding is going to be a mix of English, American, and Fillipino traditions, and I don't even know where to begin! Thanks for reading! I hope you stay in touch!!!

Aww! I love how you guys met!

DF&I are trying to mix together Persian and Colombian traditions. :)

Your daughter is so cute!

Oo, England! I had English flatmates last semester and they were awesome! :)

Haha, my proposal was the same way cuz when he got down on one knee he was like, " wanna?" LOL.
Aww! I love how you guys met!

DF&I are trying to mix together Persian and Colombian traditions. :)

Your daughter is so cute!

Oo, England! I had English flatmates last semester and they were awesome! :)

Haha, my proposal was the same way cuz when he got down on one knee he was like, " wanna?" LOL.

Thank you! I think weddings that have mixed traditions are very special and unique!

I love Addison's dress. Can I ask where did you get it?
Ryan and you look soo cute together! Here's to the newlyweds:drinking1

Actually I got her dress about a year ago. It was on clearance at Dillards. I only paid like $10 for it! :goodvibes Gotta love the clearance racks!

And thank you by the way!
Wow. Your ceremony looked great Randy got some great pictures. Too funny about the bouquet. I never would have thought of that. Mental note made....

Can't wait for the Reception report!
I just caught up with your planning and wedding....everything was beautiful! Your daughter is a doll. :)

(and I loved your cake!)
Tori, and I headed over to the Atlantic Dance Hall to check it out. I told them we should just see what it’s like because there was no charge, but I had a hidden agenda. I really wanted to see inside because I was thinking about Meg and Sam’s weddings...

haha your so sweet! Love that got a sneek peek lol! Jelly Rolls looks like a blast, I cant wait to go there in Feb!

Ok, now your wedding... first of all you look amazing of course! So relaxed and comfortable, cant wait to hear more.

2nd of all... I love love love that Addison didnt wear shoes lol! so cute that you see some teeny bear feet under a fancy dress:rotfl2:! She looks like she had fun, despite the crying... and hey you have some good ammo pics for when she gets older, "Remember when you cried at Mom and Dad's wedding" lol!

Congrats again!
Aww, loved all the ceremony pics, it looks wonderful! All the pics of Addison are adorable, even the ones where she was crying, what a cutie:cutie:! I love your veil, I'm looking for something similar, do you mind my asking where you got it?

Love the cake too, it was so beautiful, I would never even thought Publix made cakes like that! Can't wait to hear about the Honeymoon too, we're going to Hawaii and also using my parent's timeshare, so trying to figure out which islands to do.

Keep the updates coming. :goodvibes
Wow. Your ceremony looked great Randy got some great pictures. Too funny about the bouquet. I never would have thought of that. Mental note made....

Can't wait for the Reception report!

Thank you! I'm glad my tip was useful. I never thought about it either. But then again I'm also the one who didn't think about the garter until 11:00 the night before... Reception coming soon. I'm ready to get to the Hawaii part to be honest!

I just caught up with your planning and wedding....everything was beautiful! Your daughter is a doll. :)

(and I loved your cake!)

Thank you! I loved my cake also. It was delicious!:cloud9:

haha your so sweet! Love that got a sneek peek lol! Jelly Rolls looks like a blast, I cant wait to go there in Feb!

Ok, now your wedding... first of all you look amazing of course! So relaxed and comfortable, cant wait to hear more.

2nd of all... I love love love that Addison didnt wear shoes lol! so cute that you see some teeny bear feet under a fancy dress:rotfl2:! She looks like she had fun, despite the crying... and hey you have some good ammo pics for when she gets older, "Remember when you cried at Mom and Dad's wedding" lol!

Congrats again!

Thank you! Addison actually had these really cute shoes. Heels and everything. I don't know when she took them off though! That is a good idea to use the pics in the future! Jelly Rolls was a blast! My mom wants to go back again! :goodvibes

Aww, loved all the ceremony pics, it looks wonderful! All the pics of Addison are adorable, even the ones where she was crying, what a cutie:cutie:! I love your veil, I'm looking for something similar, do you mind my asking where you got it?

Love the cake too, it was so beautiful, I would never even thought Publix made cakes like that! Can't wait to hear about the Honeymoon too, we're going to Hawaii and also using my parent's timeshare, so trying to figure out which islands to do.

Keep the updates coming. :goodvibes

Thank you!! Addison is such a drama queen! I'm so jealous that you are going to Hawaii. I'm dying to go back! Reality stinks. I think you should go to Kauai! It was amazing. It is so beautiful! Oahu was fun also, more touristy stuff to do. But I personally think Kauai is a must!

I bought my dress off of some lady on Craig's List and she gave me the veil also. I only paid 325 for the dress and veil! I'm not sure where she got it from though! I really liked it though. It was perfect!

Publix makes amazing cakes. We always get birthday cakes from there. In fact, everything from the Publix bakery is delicious. Even there donuts, I think they are better than Krispy Kreme!

Update coming soon. I will get to the Hawaii part and try talking you in to Kauai with all of my pictures! :goodvibes
Im sure i posted on here to you..... i cant see my post! eek!

also, i cant see any photos anymore!?? :confused3
I did... well i cant remember what i wrote... but i did say you looked beautiful. I think Addison was so cute when she was throwing the petals in the closet! hehe!!

For some reason i cant see any of your photos... bugger!
Okay, I read through everything yesterday and got called away, so never posted my comments. Here's what I remember- your flowers were absolutely gorgeous, I love all the bouquets. The pictures of Addison peeking around your dress are super cute. I love how easy going you were about your hair, I was completely opposite and had my person redo part of it when she first finished. You looked beautiful, I love the capped sleeves on your dress too, I almost had a gone with them. I agree things from Publix are delicious, my aunt would always bring goodies from there when we were down visiting her in Winter Park. Looking forward to seeing more!
Im sure i posted on here to you..... i cant see my post! eek!

also, i cant see any photos anymore!?? :confused3

I did... well i cant remember what i wrote... but i did say you looked beautiful. I think Addison was so cute when she was throwing the petals in the closet! hehe!!

For some reason i cant see any of your photos... bugger!

I know, I don't know how to fix it. Thanks for all the compliments! :goodvibes And yeah, now that I look back on it, it was cute that Addison threw the petals in the closet. She has a crazy imagination, so who knew what she was thinking. Before that, she kept transferring them from her basket to a cup!!?!?

Okay, I read through everything yesterday and got called away, so never posted my comments. Here's what I remember- your flowers were absolutely gorgeous, I love all the bouquets. The pictures of Addison peeking around your dress are super cute. I love how easy going you were about your hair, I was completely opposite and had my person redo part of it when she first finished. You looked beautiful, I love the capped sleeves on your dress too, I almost had a gone with them. I agree things from Publix are delicious, my aunt would always bring goodies from there when we were down visiting her in Winter Park. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thank you!! :goodvibes Especially for the flower compliments. I was worried about them looking too fake. Even our centerpieces were fake so I was worried about what people would think. But I had several people who said they were very realistic looking and didn't realize they were fake til they touched them!

I am normally very easy going, but sometimes, that works against me because I can be too easy going. I think I drove my mom and cousin nuts during the wedding planning because I was always like "I don't mind, whatever you think"

Now I'm in the mood for some Publix cake...
Wow, $325 that is an awesome deal for the dress and veil. My bridal shop did have a similar veil but it was $300, so that's not really an option. There's an indoor flea market around here though and there are a few ladies that make veils so I'll probably check them out.

Well right now we're pretty open to anything. We're thinking maybe Oahu and then a cruise because DF doesn't really like the idea of going on small planes, he doesn't like to fly.


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