Stateroom Door Decorating Contest

I'm slowly compiling a list of rules...anyone have any suggestions?

So far, I have...nothing electronic/battery tape...
I'll volunteer to help judge. I love looking at all the decorated doors.
I'm not at all creative, but I would be happy to donate the prizes.
I'm in!!! :thumbsup2 AND sabotage isn't very nice MISTER!!!! (with the Michelle
finger pointing& hand shaking):goodvibes
I will have to ask John as he is in charge of decorating our door.
However for now I am going to say we are in. :thumbsup2
This is cool as I just found something yesterday that we can use on our door.:thumbsup2
I mention it to John and he said somebody's going to steal it.
RULE #! no stealing off the doors. :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Well... We can't bring guns onboard, so that won't work. Furs are nice, but I wouldn't want trouble with PETA. Jewels are an option... but I was thinking cash.

"A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but DIAMONDS are a girl's best friend"... just putting it out there for your consideration :rotfl2:
Im sure we are in... I have no ideas but my mom is a queen of this stuff so I will have to get her to design LOL...Of course, then she may want to cruise too... Love my mom but we do NOT vacation together, it doesnt mix well ;)


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