Steve Erwin Crocodile Hunter Died today

:grouphug: Mal2 we know you have a heavy workload! I am sure there are many who have not seen the threads who have just logged on.
I heard that on the 10'0 clock news last night. That's sad. He's been doing all this risky stuff and now, he dies!
Such sad news. So sorry for his family and friends.
How sad. :sad2: I wanted to go in one of those rooms, but the lines were very long. Some people are wearing a safari hat.
I'm glad he died doing what he loved.
It would have been terrible for it to be a car crash or something.

I was watching the news about an hour ago. They said it was like a freak accident. Those creatures rarely attack. And to attack humans, they have to be under a lot of stress.
I am going to wear a safari hat ALL day on vmk today to remeber him...the was such a great loss :( . Thankfully he died doing what he loved to do
StitchfansJr said:
How sad. :sad2: I wanted to go in one of those rooms, but the lines were very long. Some people are wearing a safari hat.

omg.. he tried pulled the sting ray barb out before he died.. im honestly crying right now.. how heroic in his last moments of life.. :(

Video footage of Steve Irwin's last moments shows the popular crocodile wrangler pulling out the stingray barb which ended his life, according to Irwin's producer.

John Stainton, producer and director on many of Irwin's projects, described the video as the worst thing he had ever seen.

"I have seen the footage and it's shocking," Mr Stainton told reporters in Cairns. "It's a very hard thing to watch because you're watching somebody die and it's terrible."

Mr Stainton said the footage showed Irwin whipping the barb out of his chest before losing consciousness.

"It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here [in the chest], and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone. That was it. The cameraman had to shut down."

A post-mortem examination has officially confirmed "the Crocodile Hunter" died soon after being speared in the chest by a stingray on Monday morning. The freak accident occurred in shallow water on the Batt Reef, 32 nautical miles east of Port Douglas.
i heard too i even have his movie RIP May the pixie dust be with you :sad2: :guilty:
I miss him! I am going to try to get that picture in my signature.


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