Storm Force?


DISboards lurker
Mar 5, 2000
I rode the new Storm Force ride last December and it was simply another version of the tea cups. However it looked like there props set up to blow wind and rain on people as it spun and flash strobe lights to simulate lightning. None of that was on when I rode it though.

Do these effects actually exist or was I just imagining it?
No, it just flashes strobe lights. Never has it had wind or rain.
I could have sworn that there were fans mounted on the ceiling that started up during the ride. I haven't ridden in at least 6 or 7 months, so maybe my imagination is filling in some blanks.
Could the fans you remember be the ones that blow a fine mist on those waiting in line to keep them cool during the hot summer months?
Nope, the ones I'm remembering were mounted directly above the spinning platform, and only turned on when the ride was in motion. They were similar to some of the misting fans found elsewhere in the park, though.
Perhaps it was intended to, but there were problems. I go there all the time and never have I experienced mist.
Storm Force had to have had something else planned! It isnt any good at all! Why do they have those lights when the sun makes the ride light all the time.

It could be an indoor dark ride!
The strobes and lighting give it a little effect at night.:)

Actually the sun only makes it light during the daytime.
Earl that one killed me! That was exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you!


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