Strategic Packing- Lists and Tips from a Neurotic Mom! Now organzing the thread!


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May 21, 2010
Hi everyone!

I am updating the thread with a bit more structure so you can jump through the lists. It make take me a while to get the hang of it. I also would rather leave the original lists intact and add revised lists for more options. That way moms (or dads) can find the list that pertains to the right age group/mode of transportation, etc. Please let me know what you think of the restructuring as it progresses.

Original Message:
I see a lot of packing lists and questions around here so I wanted to share my system. It’s more than “what to pack” but also “how to pack” as well. Over a few posts, I’ll share my lists and strategies for everything I need and use on Disney trips (and maybe a few other trips). I welcome your insight, too! DH calls it neurosis, but I call it “strategically compartmentalizing”- and it works REALLY well. I’m never hunting, digging, scrounging, or otherwise wasting my valuable vacation time or money.

For me it’s both an art and a science. After reading all the tips and tricks on DIS, we had a perfectly streamlined trip with our then 20m/o in 2009. We’re going back in (GASP) 30 days, with our now nearly 4 y/o and 18 m/o.

My strategy is simple, but takes some planning. I tried to organize this post to make it easier to follow. There are Tips in bold and Tools in red. Mini-Kits are green.

Tip #1: group all the items you need for a given situation together, in their own smaller package.

Tip #3: Then put the packages in a larger bag for portability.

Tip #2: I recommend clear packaging when possible. You can use ziplocs, but I prefer to save the clear vinyl zipper bags that come with bedding and kids’ toys. I keep them in a Rubbermaid in the basement and grab the smallest size that fits all the items in the package.

What I take to the parks using Tips 1-3 (and 4):
Sometime last year, I found a big, clear plastic backpack. Most of this stuff fits in there and that streamlines loading the car and getting through security.

Tip #4: Everything else goes into a big blue IKEA bag until I put it in the stroller. This is also very useful to whip out when you need to fold your stroller on trams, trains, and busses. I load the stroller basket by how often I need stuff and its shape. Sometimes we use a double, sometimes 2 singles, but the strategy works either way.

I have several mini-bags for the parks. Attached to my stroller I have a Skip-Hop Saddle Bag and a small parent organizer, and a shade-extender for DD. Here are the packing lists for each:

Diaper Kit (Skip-Hop Pronto Change-o)- Diapers, Wipes, Changing Pad, foldable potty seat for DS, post-it notes for self-flushing toilets

Change of clothes kit- smallest packable outfits for each kid, plus a pull-up for DS, even though he is potty trained*, ziplocs.

Rain kit- ponchos for all, stroller covers, one small umbrella, small hand towel, ziplocs

Water play kit (now just for Epcot splash pads, but was great for Donald’s boat)- kids swimwear, travel chamois style towel, swim diapers, spray sunscreen*, last year’s outgrown crocs*

Side Saddle (most accessible)- sunscreen, chapstick with sunscreen, first aid kit, moleskin roll w/mini scissors*, sunglasses, Ziploc w/autograph book and markers(and Epcot passport) , drink lids for popsicles, menu book, hand sanitizer, pack of Wet Ones, pressed penny coin tubes

Soft Sided Cooler- Bobbles*, frozen juice boxes, snacks, Misty mates

General backpack-(everything else) hats, glow sticks and light-up toys for parades, layers that we remove

Small Baggalini (on me)- tix in a Ziploc for easy FP runner usage, ID, CC, cash, Flip Camera, small point and shoot camera, cell phone (with my touring plans and ADRs stored), index card with ADRs just in case, and a big Ziploc to store the whole bag on wet rides and in rain.

Camera case (DH carries)- better camera, extra batteries for all cams*

*Notes of clarification on selections:
-Why an extra pull up? Because with a recently potty trained, excited at a park kid, I can only carry so many pairs of underwear. If we use 2 back up pairs, I’m not fighting. He’ll wear a pull-up.
-Spray sunscreen- I know this is controversial. I typically use mineral sunscreen and only on parts not covered by clothes, but I’ll spray to get good coverage fast.
-Outgrown crocs are stretchy and good in a pinch to protect feet during water play or for a shoe-soaking rainstorm
-Moleskin roll- O prefer the roll because I can cut to fit and it’s far better in price/unit than precut circles
-Bobbles- I HATE FL water! These are a lifesaver so we don’t have to tote tons of bottles or pay out the you-know-what in the park.
-Camera tips- don’t bring your bulky bag with all of the cords and whatnot. Only take the small items you can actually use in the park. If it connects to the computer or an outlet, you won’t use it! Leave it in the hotel!

So that’s my first post of Packing with Strategic Compartments. In future posts, I’ll cover clothes, baby gear, cars/planes/trains, toiletries and meds, visits to pools and water parks and more. I hope this helps and inspires!

Jump to more lists...
The Ever-Ready Toiletry Kit, Family Medicine Kit, and Pool Bag
Travel by train, and other modes of transportation
Infants and Toddlers
Pre-departure tasks

Work in progress....
And I thought I was organized...great list:)

I'm not this organized in the rest of my life! This is like my little break in my out-of-control life! My job is very "big idea" oriented, and this lets me get out some details!

Awesome!! Thank you!!!

Glad I could help! I've learned so much on DIS, I really wanted to share how I "put it together"!

Wow!! Can't wait to hear more! :) Thanks!

The next post will have more!- Ever-Ready Toiletry Kit and Family Med Kit, plus my Pool Bag! I already have that one written and ready for formatting. After that, I'll discuss clothes!

Welcome Everyone!
I’m glad there are so many of you interested in my little “hobby”! In my last post I covered what I bring to the parks. This one has more general travel packing info, but since I am home with a sleepy sick DD, I threw in my “Pool Bag”, for a little more Disney fun if you make it to the end of the post!

I caught the packing bug during high school, preparing for a school trip to France/Spain/Switzerland. It was a break from AP classes, cheerleading, and everything else, and I was completely hooked. I’ve read a ton of books and been on a few trips and study abroad adventures since to hone my skills. With kids, things have changed too! We often take relatively spontaneous weekend breaks, especially in the winter to go snowboarding. My spontaneous life led me to Tip #5 “Ever-Ready Toiletry Kit,” and recently the Tip #6“Family Medicine Kit”.

The theory behind these is that duplicates mean never having to say “You forgot my toothbrush???” or worse “The baby has hives and we’re in rural Vermont during a blizzard with no Benadryl” (yes, been there)...

I keep the stocked kits in my front coat closet on a shelf near my Emergency Evacuation Kit (another day) because I can always toss them in my IKEA bag and head to the car. This is new, after all the recent worldwide evacuation situations. I also have a big bin of sample sizes, hotel bottles, anything that would go in the kit in a rubbermaid in the linen closet. AFTER a trip I restock, rather than BEFORE, unless I need a specific item unique to the trip.

So here’s what I include-

The Ever-Ready Toiletry Kit
-Sturdy Bag lots of clear pockets, opens and has a hook to hang in the bathroom
-Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash/shower cap
-Kids Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash
-Shaving supplies (DH and I each have a razor exclusively for the bag and add blades)
-Toothbrushes/toothpaste for everyone
-Hair brush/hair product/pony tails/barrettes
-deodorant/perfumed lotion (rather than a glass bottle of perfume)
-regular lotion/face lotion with SPF
-Sunscreen and aloe (for FL trips I pack extra bottles of sunscreen, but I always have SOME)
-feminine supplies

Toiletry Kit Notes:
-I use very little makeup, but I only live by what can fit in a tiny pouch that goes inside my bigger bag. I’d survive if I didn’t have it.
-Likewise I have a cinch bag that can hold my flat iron, travel hair dryer, and round brush, but I never bother with those in the FL humidity
-I also have a mini-to-go kit for DH. When I met him, he would throw whatever into a grocery bag and always forgot half of what he needs. Now I have a spare toothbrush, paste, deodorant, disposable razor and cream, and body wash in a mini-bag for trips he takes without me.

Family Medicine Kit
-acetaminophen/ibuprofen infant/kids/adults
-benadryl kids/adults
-cold medicine and cough drops
-immodium and pepto
-eye drops
-Tums, Pepcid
-store bought First-Aid kit
-Thermometer and tushie thermometer for baby (with Vaseline)
-Copies of Rxs

-We don’t use any Rxs daily, but if we did I would try to have a week’s worth in the bag. With PRN Rxs, I just have a few of each.

Tip #7 A Plan for Pools and Waterparks
In the summer, we have a pool membership so I keep pool bags packed in the front closet (in case you haven’t guessed, we have a HUGE front closet, unlike the rest of our closets unfortunately) I clean it out at the end of the summer and refresh it to use for a Spring WDW trip. It will then be used again this summer. When we flew, I took a little less and packed it, pre filled into our suitcase. Since we are taking the Auto Train this year, it will go in a big laundry basket in the car with the park gear.

The Pool Bag

Pool Bag Contents
-4 Beach Towels
-Spray sunscreen (as noted in OP, I use the mineral cream, but I like to recoat with spray)
-Infant swim vest
-take-and-toss style sippy cups
-inflatable pool toys (they pack the smallest!)
-other small water toys
-Glad ware
-swim diapers
-Wet ones
-drink lids for popsicles
-water proof disposable camera
-small zippered pouch for a little cash and room key
I add when we head out
-a few snacks in Glad Ware
-juice boxes
-my diaper kit that I take to the park

-I have name stickers from Mabel’s Labels (I’m a Buzzmama) on all my toys and towels. With toys especially, we feel extra comfortable sharing with other kids because it’s so easy to get our stuff back.
-We wear cover ups (tshirt for the boys and flip flops or crocs, sunglasses and hats. We're REALLY REALLY white.
-I only bring cash and a key to the pool. Thieves are everywhere, and I will survive if I lost $20, instead of a wallet!
-The disposable waterproof camera is great because I don't have to worry about theft, and it is great at the pool and water parks.
-If we are going to a water park, I'll add underwear and shorts for DS and DH, underwear and a sundress for myself, and DD will have her coverup and a diaper for the ride back to the hotel. I'll also add out reusable mug and pay for a new barcode sticker. I don't need a million mugs at home. I may also bring a cooler bag for the kid drinks and snacks. Plus ziplocs for wet clothes.

Tip #8 Make laminated lists for each mini-kit or bag. That way, you can have DH check to see if you have everything before you go. I first did this with diaper bags, as he would often forget bottles or other items that can't "live" in the bag when it's being stored. I just ask him (or my parents or a babysitter) Is everything on the list in the bag? Then they are instantly helpful!

Next up...Clothes: What, How Much, Why, and How! (And why I DON’T pack outfits in ziplocs!)
What are bobbles?

Hi! You can find Bobbles here. I got mine when they were offering "Spend $35, get a $35 set for free, but they are good prices either way. Each family member has a different color, so we know our own.

They have a carbon filter that gets rid of the FL funky water taste.
Great lists! I'm bookmarking this thread for when I start packing. Love the ideas for the ever ready bags. I used to have an ever ready bathroom bag before kids, but I haven't gotten around to doing that with them (and its been three years!!).
You sound like me! Everyone makes fun of me! I didn't forget a thing on our trip in October though! I will probably use your laminating a list in each bag trick though! I love laminating stuff. I have several tags I laminated for our strollers so they won't get stolen. I also have an entire file dedicated to lists of what has to go in each bag! organization.
Love your tips! I can't wait for your clothes one :)

I'm just about finished writing it! DD has a fever so I stayed home today and she has slept next to me on the couch while I did a lot of cut-and-paste from my google docs list. That's my secret to managing lists!!

Great lists, thanks!

You're welcome! More to come!

Great lists! I'm bookmarking this thread for when I start packing. Love the ideas for the ever ready bags. I used to have an ever ready bathroom bag before kids, but I haven't gotten around to doing that with them (and its been three years!!).

The Ever-Ready toiletry bag from from the first organizing book I ever bought. I think it was called "Organize Yourself!" and it was outdated when I bought, but the idea has been a lifesaver. The meds kit was new for me after our last snowboard trip in February when we were snowed in with a sick kid. Isn't it funny how kids throw a wrench in your systems? It's taken me a few years to get into a new normal. With every new system I get in place, I have more time and more fun with my kids. If I take the time to pull all my personal info off, I may be able to make some of my google docs lists shareable. I'll have to learn how to do that, so no promises yet!

You sound like me! Everyone makes fun of me! I didn't forget a thing on our trip in October though! I will probably use your laminating a list in each bag trick though! I love laminating stuff. I have several tags I laminated for our strollers so they won't get stolen. I also have an entire file dedicated to lists of what has to go in each bag! organization.

I'm sure I've picked up ideas from you along the way. With 5 kids you have to be organized, right? My office has a Crafts Room for educators and parents, so I always have access to a color copier/printer and a laminator. It's WONDERFUL. We even have a Cricut. Dangerous...People make fun of me too, until they decide 3 months out that they are going to Disney, and then they want all my stuff! Glad you found a new tip. I'll read 20+ pages and find something new to try, and it makes my day!!
I'm sure I've picked up ideas from you along the way. With 5 kids you have to be organized, right? My office has a Crafts Room for educators and parents, so I always have access to a color copier/printer and a laminator. It's WONDERFUL. We even have a Cricut. Dangerous...People make fun of me too, until they decide 3 months out that they are going to Disney, and then they want all my stuff! Glad you found a new tip. I'll read 20+ pages and find something new to try, and it makes my day!!
That's cool that your office has those things. I am a stay at home mom for the most part. I also teach karate and run a small business, but my kids are all part of those things, and I don't really consider them typical jobs. I homeschool my kids, so I try to be organized. They often undo all of that though. No matter how hard I try. It's hard being an organization freak with 5 tiny slobs and one man-sized slob on the loose! Anyway, I bought my own laminator about a month ago!!!! It was so cheap, and has become a friend to me. Yep. I'm a loser. I figure the teasing will stop when we get to Disney and they have everything they need at their fingertips. It makes my day to find a new tip too! That's the only problem with the DISboards. Everything becomes old news b/c you learn so much so fast! Oh well, that's when the students become the teachers I guess.
I love all your trips! I'm starting to pack for our trip this weekend and your ideas have been really helpful. I actually spent the afternoon searching the house for clear zippered bags & now officially have a rain gear kit in place. I couldn't wait to show DH when he got home... LOL!

In the past I've tried to do the Ever-Ready Toiletry Bag & it works out OK, but after a while I end up having too many half used bottles of things that I can't combine (like face lotion). I don't throw them out right away because it's enough for a weekend, but not a week. Do you have a system for that kind of thing or am I just over thinking?

Also for the medicine bag, do you keep travel sized bottles of meds or do u transfer them to another container & if so, how do u keep track of expiration dates or do you just toss annually or some other system?

Thanks again for all you tips! Can't wait to read your clothes one :)
I love all your trips! I'm starting to pack for our trip this weekend and your ideas have been really helpful. I actually spent the afternoon searching the house for clear zippered bags & now officially have a rain gear kit in place. I couldn't wait to show DH when he got home... LOL!

In the past I've tried to do the Ever-Ready Toiletry Bag & it works out OK, but after a while I end up having too many half used bottles of things that I can't combine (like face lotion). I don't throw them out right away because it's enough for a weekend, but not a week. Do you have a system for that kind of thing or am I just over thinking?

Also for the medicine bag, do you keep travel sized bottles of meds or do u transfer them to another container & if so, how do u keep track of expiration dates or do you just toss annually or some other system?

Thanks again for all you tips! Can't wait to read your clothes one :)

Aren't the zipper bags more useful? Glad you got your rain kit together! This time of year is generally drier than the late summer and fall. In fact 2009 was a drought so I almost never took my rain kit out of the car, but I am sure there would have been monsoon rains if I hadn't put it together!

For the toiletry kit, you are not overthinking at all! (at least not in my opinion!) I have 3 things going to manage refills.
1- for sample sizes, if one is half full, I just throw in another, and finish the old one first on the trip. Occasionally I'll replace it and stick the half full bottle in DH's solo-trip bag. Other times, I just toss the nearly empties.
2- some things I use smaller full size bottles, like sunscreen and aloe. They last a long time and I don't replace until empty or expired
3- Some things, like the product I use in my hair, don't come travel size and are too expensive to keep a full duplicate so I rinse bottles of other liquids and refill with the hair product. That's probably the greenest route!

For the meds, I only put it together this winter, but I took all my half bottles, checking to make sure the expiration dates were at least a year away. I put those in the kit, in their original bottles. Anything that was a pill I just put in a few blister packs with dates on them. Then I put new, full bottles in my cabinets. My plan is to replace after our annual snowboard trip, since that was what inspired me to make the kit. I also forgot to include that I have the kids' dosages in an index card in there.

I hope that helps! Let me know if I missed any of your questions!
That def makes sense. I'm going to work on using up those half bottles on our trip. I love all these organizing ideas! I also set up a pool kit for our arrival day. That clear bag idea is the best tip I've gotten since "rope drop" :cool1:
I need DW to read this. . .she is the packer, and I got lost about 2 paragraphs in. . .
This isn't really a packing tip, but I have a tip for saving trips back to the rooms when actually AT Disney. We take our pool kit-bathing suits for 7, sunscreen, cover-ups (some of us are very white too), sunglasses, goggles, etc...and our M&M tubes (specially DISigned of course) full of quarters with us in the morning before going to the parks. On our way to breakfast, we make a stop at the pool (haha, I almost wrote poop. Glad I caught THAT typo), and lock our pool kits into the lockers. That way, when we decide to come back to the resort, we don't have to walk all the way back to our rooms to get dressed. We just pull our stuff out of the lockers, change in the pool bathrooms, and chill. I don't know about you, but my feet kill after a day at the parks, and I can barely make it into the hot tub to rub my muscles. Anyway, I figured I would throw that out there for those who are excited about all these kits, just in case they didn't think of that!


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