Suggestions for a business term paper


2 Mouseketeers
Mar 29, 2007
My apologies if this is not in the right place.

I'm having to write a term paper for my business class. The topic can be anything from our book or in business current affairs. I LOVE Disney and thought it would be great to write a paper on something I love. Then comes the problem. What do I write about???

Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.... Thank you in advance!

Below are the Disney references from my business book.

Business-A Changing World-8th edition

Page 26: In a national survey, students indicated they would like to work for Google, Walt Disney, Apple, and Ernst & Young.

Page 61: Many small and large companies, including Walt Disney Company, Chevron, and Scott Paper, have created a new executive position-a vice president of environmental affairs-to help them achieve their business goals in an environmentally responsible matter.

Page 114-115: Paraphrasing-Walt Disney Around the Globe. Just because it's Disney doesn't mean it is guaranteed to succeed.

Page 122: Among the more famous businesses that sprang to life in their founders' homes are Google, Walt Disney...

Page 209: Disneyland/Disney World and McDonald's have organizational cultures focused on cleanliness, value, and service.

Page 321: Top 50 Companies for Diversity - The Walt Disney Company(29)

Page 389: Top 10 Leading National Advertisers - The Walt Disney Corp(7)
I think you should repost this thread in the Community Board. Very lively board and I know you'll get answers there.

I'll take a shot at a suggestion. Since it's a business class, you could write about the sales at WDW, how many people go each year, what makes people go, their budget, how the restaurants and hotels are doing, etc. Choose three (or however many you want) of those points and put them into separate paragraphs in your paper where you will elaborate on them with statistics and such. Sorry if this didn't help, just an idea. :)
I think you should repost this thread in the Community Board. Very lively board and I know you'll get answers there.

I'll take a shot at a suggestion. Since it's a business class, you could write about the sales at WDW, how many people go each year, what makes people go, their budget, how the restaurants and hotels are doing, etc. Choose three (or however many you want) of those points and put them into separate paragraphs in your paper where you will elaborate on them with statistics and such. Sorry if this didn't help, just an idea. :)

Thanks LongLiveDisney! I'll post over there. Thank you for the suggestion. While I love Disney I am definitely not looking forward to this paper.


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