Summer of Heroes - June 2017 Lifestyle/Weight loss Challenge

5th of June
Today I suggest a topic Change. Have you ever made a permanent, and if not temporary change? Moving somewhere, leaving a bad habit as smoking, leaving a bad relationship, career change? What made you do it? What made you attempt the change? Did you get it right from the first time? How did you feel about the thing you left behind?

Is there anything from past experience in achieving permanent change that you can take and apply to weight loss and fitness goals? What in your current habits, or pasterns that keep you away from where you want to be you want to leave behind.

Fun Question - if you had one day only to visit one Disney Park only in any country or state - which one would you choose?

What great questions! I'm still pretty young and haven't made any major changes in my life, other than the usual ones associated with college/graduation/first big girl job/etc. I'm excited to see everyone else's answers and wisdom on that :)

As for the fun question, I long to visit the Tokyo parks! My DH and I have a five year travel plan that includes all of the Disney parks except for the ones in China (we'll get to those eventually but we had to narrow it down somehow!
Hi everyone - I'm popping back in to say "Hello" and that I miss all of you guys... it's been a crazy month or two and I think I'm ready to come back for accountability in lifestyle management. Also - i love the theme this month and I am excited to participate again.

So what's happened since I left? I opted to sign up for my first marathon (October) in preparation for the Dopey Challenge. I managed to not only achieve the elusive 2:45 half marathon time three weeks ago at Tinkerbell Half, but reached 2:33 during yesterday's half in San Diego! I'm in the midst of a marathon training academy and part of that includes a very structured training schedule and I need something/someone to hold me accountable.

So here I am. Back and ready to engage :D

Goal for this month: Hit every marathon training workout - no excuses. :) Goal is for 30 days of compliance, so 30/30 would be 100%.
5th of June
Today I suggest a topic Change. Have you ever made a permanent, and if not temporary change? Moving somewhere, leaving a bad habit as smoking, leaving a bad relationship, career change? What made you do it? What made you attempt the change? Did you get it right from the first time? How did you feel about the thing you left behind?

Is there anything from past experience in achieving permanent change that you can take and apply to weight loss and fitness goals? What in your current habits, or pasterns that keep you away from where you want to be you want to leave behind.


Fun Question - if you had one day only to visit one Disney Park only in any country or state - which one would you choose?

I agree with the others -- great questions! :)

I think the biggest change for me has been moving to south Florida after growing up in rural south Georgia. Such a culture shock. Some days, I love it. Some days I want to go back to the slower paced life with seasons.... I guess why I did it was just feeling like the universe was pulling me here. At that time, I was offered a summer job in theatre here, my favorite family lived down here, and I was long distance kinda dating my now husband who lived here. It felt right. It was and is. But definitely doesn't fit me 100%.

This sort of relates to my weight and lifestyle changes right now. Other than the usual vanity and self deprecation that I had been on about for years on being overweight, I was just feeling comfortable in my unhealthy choices. Something changed this year (I have been working on my mental health, which may have finally set things in motion for me), and I just felt like I HAD to make the changes and reclaim my body. Being healthy and going to the gym 4 times a week does quite fit me 100%--- I will always need a few cupcakes in my life, and I'm not sure Orangetheory is a long term solution, but it feels right and in line with getting a handle on my mental health as well for now.

Fun: Tokyo DisneySea -- hands down, every time :love: I can't even look at our photos without tearing up at how much I want to go back. It's a problem Haha!
QOTD- I have been able to pick up and move a couple times when I was younger around the US by myself. When I moved to FL itwas also by myself and then the sister and parents eventually followed, so now we are all here. When my oldest son was in 1st grade he was struggling with school,dyslexia and short term memory issues. the public schools said he isn't bad enough for special help, the private ones said we can't devote time for any special issues so I decided to homeschool! Total leap of faith, had no idea what I was doing but just dug in and figured it out. Both have gone hru to HS and are done now.
My big area is my health/weight. I can't seem to figure it out. I keep trying but I am nowhere near where I should be to be healthy and fit. I have done so many other things in business and personal successfully but I can't figure out how to take those lessons/ experiences and apply it to this particular journey to good health. It is a bit maddening at times.

Fun QOTD- I think Tokyo parks would be neat to see. Although I would be happy to get another Cruise where I can stop at Castaway Cay in ! I love that place!
I know I am a little late but I would love to join in. I turned 40 in March, I am a wife and mother of 3 very active teenagers and 1 furbaby. My husband and I are both obese! My DH has recently made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery. He needs to be on a supervised diet for the next 6 months before our insurance will approve his surgery. I have tried to lose weight many times before on my own. I do lose weight every time I try, but then I get sucked back into my old habits. I have lots of excuses why: I am too busy, It is too much work to make multiple meals cause my family won't eat what I am eating, I am stressed, I have no support.

My DH and I made a decision that we are out of excuses and it is time to do what we need to do. I will not be having surgery because I know I can do it with eating the right things and being active. We have also told the kids that they can eat what we make or they can make their own meals. They are all old enough (17,16,13). I will be following a similar meal plan as my husband, high protein, low carb, no sugar. I am also training for a 15k in November.

Short team goals: Lose 8 pounds by end of month, complete daily training schedule
Long Term goal: Lose 100 pounds by June of 2018.

Plan for success:
Eat healthy together (meal planning is a big step to this process)
Stick to our exercise plan (me training for 15k and my DH swimming and lifting weights) - even if that means I train while the kids are at practice. On Friday/Sat. DD has volleyball for 2 hours so I train as soon as we get there and can still watch her for at least an hour.
Stop eating out dates! We can spend time together doing other things besides eating
Being a strong support system for each other - we are in this together for the rest of our lives
Keep myself accountable with this thread!
It will be tough for me too. DH is away in London, and that itself is stressing me out! I have to manage on my own 3 days, dropping DS in school, picking him up, commuting to work, figuring out how to get to my son's school play, bringing him to football on Wednesday evening. Work is busy as there is big change happening this Saturday, which i may have to manage! The only chance to get to the gym is tomorrow morning and I really need a rest day so I am not sure what to do. I will be able to go Friday alternatively. I also need to help with homework, cook few meals for the week but am so tired running around without downtime for days - I find it hard to get up and going.

I completely understand. Hopefully things will slow down for you soon.

Hi everyone - I'm popping back in to say "Hello" and that I miss all of you guys... it's been a crazy month or two and I think I'm ready to come back for accountability in lifestyle management. Also - i love the theme this month and I am excited to participate again.

So what's happened since I left? I opted to sign up for my first marathon (October) in preparation for the Dopey Challenge. I managed to not only achieve the elusive 2:45 half marathon time three weeks ago at Tinkerbell Half, but reached 2:33 during yesterday's half in San Diego! I'm in the midst of a marathon training academy and part of that includes a very structured training schedule and I need something/someone to hold me accountable.

So here I am. Back and ready to engage :D

Goal for this month: Hit every marathon training workout - no excuses. :) Goal is for 30 days of compliance, so 30/30 would be 100%.

Welcome Back!
Well I got my daughter into the ortho today. Her ankle is loose which is causing the joint to move while she does any activities. This is causing irritation to the tissue around her ankle. She is in a boot and will be doing PT again this summer. If this does not work they are going to do an MRI. I am hoping it does. I am just glad this happened after dance was done the year.
Well I got my daughter into the ortho today. Her ankle is loose which is causing the joint to move while she does any activities. This is causing irritation to the tissue around her ankle. She is in a boot and will be doing PT again this summer. If this does not work they are going to do an MRI. I am hoping it does. I am just glad this happened after dance was done the year.

Aww... poor kiddo, but I'm glad to hear it's "loose in a boot for the summer" rather than "broken in a cast for the summer." Hope she feels better soon!

As for permanent changes... I thought it was temporary (4 years) when I left to serve in the military all those years ago... but first they offered me the world if I would stay 2 extra years... then I got married and needed the money... then there was a war... so I ended up staying for 20 years... then I retired, which is also a temporary-maybe-permanent change. I'd go back to work someday (I hope) if DD13's health ever allows it, but it won't be in anything defense related.

Something I learned from my "permanent" changes? Nothing is permanent except change. ;P

Fun Question: Disney Paris... I have no desire at ALL to see any of the rest of France, but their version of the haunted mansion looks AMAZING (you can see it on youtube.)
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Day 6

Today’s topic – Beliefs

Limiting beliefs vs empowering beliefs.
If you have the time, and you wish to, think about what beliefs you hold about your ability to achieve your healthy weight and fitness level. Don’t worry if they are true or not, just think about which of your beliefs are serving you and which not. Do you think you are able to
achieve your goals? Are you willing to put some of the beliefs that aren't serving you to the test? To let some of them go? It may be helpful to think of all, the beliefs that help and the beliefs that hold you back. What do you believe that is holding you away from that “you” you desire to be.


Quote from Tony Robbins on what kind of beliefs people that achieve their goals re the body they desire hold

1. I must do it! “I’ve reached my threshold! I must lose the fat now!”
2. I must do it! “I take full responsibility for creating the body I deserve!”
3. I can do it! “My belief in my ability to be trim now is the number one predictor of my success!”
4. The past does not equal the future! If you think the past does equal the future, you are in a rut ... a rut is nothing more than a coffin with the ends kicked out.
5. I’m prepared! I have an effective strategy! Having an effective strategy like the one you will learn in this program will put you on the fast track to success.. Becoming trim is a challenge! When you have a challenge in your life, you look forward to overcoming it.
7. I am not my behavior! “I’m a human being, not a human doing.”
8. I concentrate my power on my challenges! When you focus your time and effort on one outcome, you concentrate your power.
9. I have realistic goals! “I have a realistic expectation of what I can achieve and the rate at which I can achieve it.
10. I’m going to enjoy the process! Becoming trim is too important to be treated seriously ... have fun along the way.
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Here are some of mine, before I questioned them early last year

I am like my father and my aunt and my grandfather. They were all obese by 30. I am fat girl dying to get out and eventually, I will be like them.

The truth – none of them ever moved away from the town they grow up. I did when I was 18 to go to college, and relocated to different country age 22. I have access to a lot more information on how to eat to support healthy size, much easier compared to what they had growing up. I am 38 and never been overweight – according to my BMI, although I felt overweight out of shape at times I persistently looked for ways to deal with it. I don't give up if I fail, I try again. And again. Until I get it right. I am really like my grandmother, I am strong, determent and have great understanding that avoiding some pleasures sometimes (as tasty food) can ultimately support happier living long term

I will always struggle

The truth is – I don’t have to. You live, you learn. However living healthy and feeling good about yourself isn’t a struggle. Yes some days are challenge, but living unhappy with my size was much bigger struggle

I will miss deeply being able to eat as much as I want, whatever I want.

I still struggle sometimes with this one! Most of the time, I enjoying feeling good about myself enough to want to eat and live in way to support it. But there are days… Like at Ohana meal when I want to be just let loose and eat until I can’t move. What I am trying to cultivate is appreciation of the food in moderation. Letting myself experience the taste for some things, not all, but also giving myself chance to feel good after I finish my meal and get up. Yes, I will have tiny bit of the banana bread pudding, plenty of the salad and chicken ahead of it and I will need to practice restrain. There is confidence boost in being able to practice moderation. Leaving without feeling overly full. More I practice this, easier and more rewarding it gets to avoid eating to above what feels comfortable
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Glamorizing food. This was HUGE for me. The belief that food is something so glamorous and joyous!

WDW Planning forums and blogs have completely blown out of proportion the significance of a something so insignificant as cupcake. Way too much! I experienced this level of food glamorizing for first time 2011 planning for our first WDW Trip. I had “to eat” list which I spend days preparing. WTH is wrong with me??? There is much better ways to occupy my time and my thoughts! Between January 2011 and November 2015 are my biggest ups and downs in weight too. There was no way around it – pigging out at WDW and giving food so much thought was a problem for me! Not only the actual eating, but the amount of time reading restaurant reviews and looking at food pictures, and planning for WDW food. I had to tackle this if I was to make any progress towards healthier view of what food means and easier weight management.

I lost weight between November 2015 and October 2016 and I can honestly say my WDW trip October 2016 phenomenal success in changing how I do vacations! I didn’t overeat, I eat mostly whole food but not all. I enjoyed treats with moderation without putting much thought on them. I focused on being with my family, feeling healthy and good about myself, the entertainment, talking with people, experiencing the cast member interaction, the rides, the weather, the scenery, shopping. Yes, I enjoyed the food but wasn’t the center of my world. Having this experience in my past now, makes the fear of missing out on food enjoyment much less and much easy to deal with

The below is quote from article I have saved and I often re read

"Part of our healing requires us to stop glamorizing food by withdrawing some of our false projections onto it and false meanings we've given to it. A balanced relationship with food would be more like your own relationship with toilet paper. Okay, I admit this is a crude analogy, but with both food and toilet paper, quality is important. They both fill a need (when you need it, you need it!), the experience of using them is quick, and most importantly, there's no need to think about them when you're not using them. It's not like you're going to create an overblown fantasy anticipating the velvety softness of two-ply Cottonelle!"

It's great to enjoy good food when you're hungry and it's time to eat. It's probably not great to fantasize about food constantly. When you turn it into your friend, your enemy, your comfort, your partner in crime, your Friday night, your emotional boost, the highlight of your week, that's when the relationship starts getting dysfunctional. Actually, just entertaining the idea that you have a "relationship" with food is probably dysfunctional, but a lot of us have treated it that way. You turn to it in hard times. You sneak and "cheat" to spend time with it. You feel guilty afterward. You break up. "Never again," you say and you kick the cookies to the curb. But then next thing you know, you're back together! And it's a blissful reunion, perhaps because it's forbidden.

That's a role that food was never meant to play. Imagine projecting all of that importance onto any other inanimate object? Thinking about a random object in such an overblown, almost romantic way, giving it that much significance, can only cause problems and suffering.

I know that food is more than food. It has cultural and social significance. I don't think it has to be completely utilitarian, like toilet paper. But I think it's really important to keep it in context. There's a time and a place to celebrate with food. If it's not that time or place, your mind should be elsewhere

I also have a sneaking suspicion that processed, engineered, highly-palatable, "too-good" junk/snack/fast/convenience/restaurant foods have played a part in people's brains forming inappropriate romantic relationships with fatty, crispy, sugar-coated type things. The more I've reduced my consumption of those, the saner the whole thing has become!"
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Hi everyone - I'm popping back in to say "Hello" and that I miss all of you guys... it's been a crazy month or two and I think I'm ready to come back for accountability in lifestyle management. Also - i love the theme this month and I am excited to participate again.

So what's happened since I left? I opted to sign up for my first marathon (October) in preparation for the Dopey Challenge. I managed to not only achieve the elusive 2:45 half marathon time three weeks ago at Tinkerbell Half, but reached 2:33 during yesterday's half in San Diego! I'm in the midst of a marathon training academy and part of that includes a very structured training schedule and I need something/someone to hold me accountable.

So here I am. Back and ready to engage :D

Goal for this month: Hit every marathon training workout - no excuses. :) Goal is for 30 days of compliance, so 30/30 would be 100%.

Hi @courtneybeth! Long time no see! Glad to see you participating in this months forum

You are doing great keeping up your running - well done
I know I am a little late but I would love to join in.

My DH and I made a decision that we are out of excuses and it is time to do what we need to do!

You are welcome to join, not little late at all! Love the attitude and your plan sounds very achievable and specific and you have a good strategy too.
Well I got my daughter into the ortho today. Her ankle is loose which is causing the joint to move while she does any activities. This is causing irritation to the tissue around her ankle. She is in a boot and will be doing PT again this summer. If this does not work they are going to do an MRI. I am hoping it does. I am just glad this happened after dance was done the year.

Poor girl, I hope it works well for her.
Hi everyone - I'm popping back in to say "Hello" and that I miss all of you guys... it's been a crazy month or two and I think I'm ready to come back for accountability in lifestyle management. Also - i love the theme this month and I am excited to participate again.

:woohoo: so glad you are joining us :-)

I know I am a little late but I would love to join in.

:welcome: great to have you with us :-)

I am not my behavior! “I’m a human being, not a human doing.”

Hmmm I have a lot of colleagues (Occupational Therapists) that may slightly disagree with this quote - we had to do an assignment at Uni titled "A human being IS a human doing".

Do you think you are able to achieve your goals? Are you willing to put some of the beliefs that aren't serving you to the test? To let some of them go? It may be helpful to think of all, the beliefs that help and the beliefs that hold you back. What do you believe that is holding you away from that “you” you desire to be.

I think here lies a big problem for me ... honestly I don't think I can and trouble is by trying and then regressing it has reinforced that belief somewhat.
Day 6

Today’s topic – Beliefs

Limiting beliefs vs empowering beliefs.
If you have the time, and you wish to, think about what beliefs you hold about your ability to achieve your healthy weight and fitness level. Don’t worry if they are true or not, just think about which of your beliefs are serving you and which not. Do you think you are able to
achieve your goals? Are you willing to put some of the beliefs that aren't serving you to the test? To let some of them go? It may be helpful to think of all, the beliefs that help and the beliefs that hold you back. What do you believe that is holding you away from that “you” you desire to be.

One of my limiting beliefs is that my life will be somehow less fulfilling if I eliminate or reduce the 'fun' foods. It's the thought of 'is life worth living if I can't eat ____?' (For me that's pretty much every dessert. Massive sweet tooth here.)
So the contrasting empowering belief that I'm working on is YES life is absolutely worth living without dessert. I also know that I can't eliminate it entirely- I can live happily with less dessert far less often. And I've noticed that I appreciate and savor it more when I have it. Yesterday I had my first cookie in three weeks and it was phenomenal. It took me like five minutes just to eat the thing whereas last month it would have been gone in seconds PLUS since I ate it so slowly, once I was done I didn't really even feel like I needed another one.

"Part of our healing requires us to stop glamorizing food by withdrawing some of our false projections onto it and false meanings we've given to it
Wow this is my life. I also totally agree with the over saturation of sugary/processed foods adding to a chemical response in our brains.

Good stuff today @HappyGrape!
Hmmmm. I need to think about this one and come back if I get a chance today. Hopefully this afternoon. Quick answer would be that i will look like I did in high school. I was about 95 pounds, and at times thought I was fat. Seriously what was i thinking. I know this number is not realistic. So I tell myself that I just want to get to 120 (my weight after I had my son and where I was when I got pregnant with my daughter) and then if my body wants to lose more it will but I wouldn't stress about it. But I think a part of me will hold on to low number.
:woohoo: so glad you are joining us :-)

:welcome: great to have you with us :-)

Hmmm I have a lot of colleagues (Occupational Therapists) that may slightly disagree with this quote - we had to do an assignment at Uni titled "A human being IS a human doing".

I think in this case, it's more the fact that if your behavior or habits have led to some weight gain that doesn't make you a faulty person. You can change. You are a lot more than your weight and as a human being you have the ability to grow and achieve, you are not limited by the current situation. You are what you repeatedly do, but you are also capable of changing what you do. You are not limited with the current situation. That's how I read it.

I think one of the mindfulness gurus said something like - to be comfortable with just being, without constantly doing. This can be taken as being comfortable with some calm without looking for trills as food, or running around doing things. Just be.
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I think here lies a big problem for me ... honestly I don't think I can and trouble is by trying and then regressing it has reinforced that belief somewhat.

Is there anything you can do? Are you willing to listen some of the interviews with long term maintainers that have lost 100+ lbs on half size me for example of how change is possible, or research people that have successfully done it after years of trying, regardless of the fact and perhaps helped by the fact that they tried and failed few times. Can the examples when you achieved change in other areas of your life help. Why do you think you can't?


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