Summer & Steven's Fairytale Wedding TR, 20th Aug SBP Baby Pics!!!

MUDisneyCouple - Awww it's a shame that we just miss eachother, I seem to be going a bit too early as there are quite a few people that I just miss. Do you have another ADR scheduled for Artist Point. I am really excited about my ADR there. I just hope they keep the buffalo.
I would be hoping for a little souvenir too, that would be the perfect end to our anniversary trip;)
Today was going to be a relaxing day as we had the Pirate and Princess Party that evening, so the plan was to have a look round Downtown Disney and try our hand at some gaming in Disney Quest.

Staying in Concierge was great as it meant we didn’t waste our precious counter service credits on breakfast and instead indulged in the great offerings of ‘free’ food upstairs. After showering and not putting on sunscreen after the fiasco of the day before, we headed up to grab some breakfast.

The layout was the same and while Steven headed for the fruit and healthy options, I chose a cinnamon and cheese Danish. I am beginning to think that the 3 pounds I put on during our stay is down to this alone! I still think the coffee on Disney property is among the best coffee I have tasted. I know I am bound to get challenged on this as it is probably cheap stuff, but it was really smooth and exactly what I needed on these early mornings.

Since we had arrived in Disney we hadn’t slept past 7am. I know, we are supposed to be on vacation so sleeping in should be allowed, but I found that I was never really tired in Orlando. My attitude to vacationing is that I want to squeeze in as much as possible so staying in bed all day, while in theory sounds good, is not that way I roll!

The journey to Downtown Disney was pleasant and the sun was shining again, I was excited to be just chilling for once. The next day we would be eating at Raglan Road for dinner again and we would hopefully get a chance to see Pleasure Island at its best.

We had not done any shopping as yet and although there were plenty thing in stores I liked, I couldn’t bring myself to buy them. A lot of stuff on sale was typical tourist garb and to be honest I could pick that up at my local Disney store, I was looking for something more, but unfortunately never found it at Downtown Disney. The place itself was really nice, and I found myself eyeing the boats once again, but other than that we found ourselves just wandering back and forth. After several hours of looking and not buying, we decided it was time to head to Disney Quest.


Steven and I both like our gaming, he is into games like Borderlands, Need for Speed, Mass Effect and recently Battlefield. I on the other hand LOVE Gears of War 2, Call of Duty, Lips and most recently Assassins Creed 2. We are quite a pair. We both play online (Xbox 360) and while I am competitive I don’t get as frustrated as Steven, think throwing the pad and screaming at the TV! Maybe it’s because I am better! As a girl I find online playing can be funny at times. I don’t talk much as when players find out you’re a girl they immediately jump to the wrong conclusion and assume you can’t play. Little do they know but I have been playing games for years! But I digress once again…


It was wonderful and cool in Disney Quest and the first place we headed for was Virtual Jungle Cruise. I had seen this the last time we were here and I was determined to give it a go. There wasn’t a long queue and before long we were boarding our inflatable watercraft. Although this ride was fun, it was over very quickly. We started off really well, avoiding all the dinosaurs and paddling in synch, but I don’t know what happened, we lost it and seemed to take a wrong turn somewhere. It was slightly disappointing as graphically the game wasn’t up to much but I thought the duration of the game might have made it worthwhile. It didn’t.

As we were just opposite the Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer Gold , we decided to try this, again the queue was short, but we did have to wait for some more pirates to join our team. When there were four we boarded our ship and was surrounded by screens, it was dark and although the graphics left a lot to be desired, it was a hell of a lot better than the Virtual Jungle Cruise. Three of us had control of a cannon and the other player was the Captain (not Steven or I) and steered the ship. We had to shoot at other pirate ships and fortresses in the ocean to collect our gold. This was a fast paced game and by the end of it my arms were hurting from the constant shooting. It was hilarious though, our team really got into it and we were cheering when passing by ships capsized! I would highly recommend playing this game and it is definitely something I would play again.

We moved up to the second floor where there was Cyber Space Mountain. Now I wanted to do this with Steven but he flat out refused, as he hated these things due to his intermittent motion sickness. I say intermittent as I find it strange that he felt fine on Mission Space and Star Tours but isn’t on others, go figure! So I decided to build my coaster but it took a lot longer than I thought. There were so many turns and spins available that I just wasn’t sure how rough this ride was gonna be, so I chickened out a bit and only put in some loops but built the majority of it quite straight with big drops. I stood in the queue felling quite nervous. It might have been the screams I heard, but who knows! I was eventually escorted to my coaster and was asked if I was sure I wanted to ride it. This had me worried, what did he mean? Why wouldn’t I be sure, did it look too scary? I said I was sure, even though I knew I wasn’t. The door closed behind me and it started.

There were big drops and tight twists with a few loops, but this had to be the tamest ride I had ever been on. I barely moved and that is no exaggeration. It was crap! I don’t know if my design had let it down, but I couldn’t see anyone being impressed with this. I was tempted to come out and ride one of the pre-set tracks to see if it was any better, but I was afraid I would waste 3 minutes of my time. When it finished I was asked if I wanted to purchase a video of me riding my coaster. Absolutely not, what a waste! I told Steven my thoughts and quickly left the design area. This is one ride I wouldn’t bother with again.

We didn’t try Aladdin’s Magic Carpet Ride as again Steven thought this might make him sick and I didn’t want to try it alone. Nothing else here interested us so we headed to the next floor. I quite liked the look of the Pinball Slam but Steven thought that it looked embarrassing and didn’t want to take part. The queue was really long too and I didn’t want to stand and wait. We had already played Buzz Lightyear’s AstroBlaster which was damn good, but the queue was huge so we went to the next floor.

Ride the Comix was a game where players donned a pretty cool looking helmet to take them into the comic book world. We decided to give this a go and we were given instructions on what we had to do while in the virtual world. It was a basic game, we had a sword and had to fight villains but it was pretty poor if I‘m honest. I like the idea of the game but it was boring and simplistic and not worth the time.

Having visited all the big things that Disney Quest had to offer, we settled on playing some racing games (very disappointing) and some shoot em up games (alright but played better). There were lots of arcade games to choose from and the only ones that were half decent were the co-op shooting games, only because it allowed Steven and I to work together. I don’t know what I expected at Disney Quest but I was very disappointed with the attractions. As we both like gaming, I thought that this would appeal to us but I could easily give Disney Quest a miss next time. It really isn’t worth the visit unless you have children, even then I would only go if it was included in your theme park tickets. With all that Disney itself has to offer, I would think that most people could think of better things they could be doing with their time.

It was now time for lunch and there were only two places in Disney Quest that we could use our CS credits. I actually wish we had left and chose to eat in Downtown Disney, but for some reason this didn’t occur to me and instead we chose Food Quest which was also disappointing.

We both had chicken nuggets with a side of fries, a diet coke and cheesecake for dessert.

It was quick service food which can never be described as gourmet, but my chicken was overcooked and chewy, to be honest I would question whether there was any chicken in it at all as I all I could taste was the breading. I was surprised as I had chicken nuggets before at other quick service places in Disney and had never received a bad batch, but this was the exception. Steven’s nuggets weren’t much better but were edible. The side of fries on the other hand were great, as they always seem to be, and this alone was quite filling.

The cheesecake was plain with dark chocolate chips and this was the same type of cheesecake that seems to be standard around the Disney parks. Very tasty, creamy and the chocolate chips just added that little something extra in my opinion. Had I not had the chips, cheesecake and drink I would have had to get something else, but I was just eager to leave and wanted to get out in the fresh air, or at least see some light!

We didn’t have anything booked for dinner that night because of the Pirate and Princess Party, but I do wish I had booked something for earlier as I had a feeling we would be hungry by the end of the night. We still had mini desserts in the fridge and we could pick up something in the Magic Kingdom if we had to. Once we arrived back at The Grand Floridian, I asked Steven if he was interested in going to see Cirque de Soleil. I didn’t know how much it would cost but it was worth checking out. I called to see what the availability was and the ticket price and was shocked to hear it was the equivalent of £130 sterling. However she did say that it was some of the best seats, 4 rows back and right in the centre. I told Steven and he agreed it would be worth seeing, so I asked for tickets for when we came back from the cruise (in 6 nights time). I was told I could pick the tickets up when we went to see the show. This was an unexpected excursion, but I was really looking forward to it.

When we came back from the cruise we would be staying at The Crowne Plaza at Universal, so coming back to Downtown Disney might prove problematic. However we had no more spare nights and although we hadn’t intended to come back to Disney after the cruise, we had no choice. We did end up spending our very last day in Epcot unintentionally, but we took our time, had a laugh and got some great pictures. It was one of the best days we had:lovestruc

We spent the next couple of hours relaxing on the balcony with our diet cokes and people watching. I did pop up to grab some afternoon snacks from concierge and put them in the fridge for later. After showering it was time to get ready for the Pirate and Princess Party. Finally we get to go:banana:

Coming up…

The Pirate and Princess Party
So I had been waiting for this day for a long time now, it was finally here. I had debated for weeks whether I wanted to be a Pirate or Princess but the costumes were slightly better for a Pirate so I decided to be a wench. Steven however didn’t want to wear his, so he stuck with the Pirates and the Caribbean t-shirt he had bought several days ago at Magic Kingdom.

I can tell you I felt very nervous walking through The Grand Floridian in this outfit, it was, how should I say, a bit, umm not revealing but a bit... y’know...


I got lots of looks but I just hoped they were looks of approval. I hoped they knew there was a Pirate and Princess Party going on! As we stood and waited for the monorail it was pretty funny. I am sure people thought I was some sort of character or something as kids were going “look mommy” and pulling at their mother’s hem. When we got to the magic Kingdom I felt much better, although was disappointed to see that there weren’t actually that many people dressed up. Oh well, more fun for me. We grabbed our booty bag and treasure map so we could go round from cross to cross collecting loot. We didn’t have any intentions of going on rides, although I think Splash Mountain would have been fun in the dark! Still, I couldn’t convince Steven yet again to give this a go and we headed around the park.

We decided that we could go on Indy Speedway, as the cars go slow and I was sure I could sit down comfortably. Steven and I took separate cars and it was a strange experience driving as a Pirate, I was constantly aware of my hat and although you don’t exactly speed, as the name suggests, you can get a bit of wind behind you if you get a gap in traffic. Afterwards we walked on to get more loot which was really chocolate covered coins, Hershey kisses etc.

I don’t know how, but I managed to convince Steven to go on Astro Orbiter. I suggested that we sit together in the same ship as it would be fun. It was quite dark by now and I thought the view would be pretty cool from that height, especially with all the lights on the castle and around the park. We scrambled to our spaceship and I sat in the front and Steven was behind me. It started off gently enough, but it quickly picked up speed, moving us up and down, round and round, going faster and faster. Steven was screaming, I swear I almost wet myself as I was laughing so hard. He said it felt like we were going to fall out, I don’t think he noticed the view at all. We were getting strongly pushed to the side which I think was due to the weight of the pair of us. I felt we had to try with all our might to push ourselves back. I have never laughed so hard. Steven was screaming and gripping on to my shoulder with everything he had and I had a death grip on my hat and tears streaming from my eyes. It seemed like the longest ride ever and although I briefly saw the view, I could hold it together long enough to appreciate it. Even thinking about it now I am laughing. When our spaceship slowed down, Steven said he would never do that ride again. After I calmed down and stop myself hiccupping I told Steven how hysterical it had been. He didn’t look amused!

We walked around different areas trying to pick up more chocolate and I was often stopped by passers by and CM’s saying how great my costume was. Then the dreaded thing happened, the thing that all girls detest… someone else had my exact outfit!!!! She was shorter than me so the dress looked a lot longer on her and she didn’t have my boots as I owned them previously, but it was my outfit alright. I dragged Steven away in the opposite direction so as not to bump into her, nothing worse than walking side by side with a fashion twin.

My booty bag was filling up nicely and I was getting peckish so started nibbling on the chocolate. We decided it might be best to get a snack of some sort so we both got some pretzels which were very nice. Cinnamon pretzels, can you get any better than that? Well you can actually, cinnamon sugar pretzels which weren’t on offer, but they are awesome!

It was dark now and we headed back past Frontierland to find a good seat for the parade. Normally I don’t do parades but it was nice and cool (to begin with) and I didn’t mind sitting for a little while. My feet were beginning to hurt, as I had not wore high heels since we arrived in Disney so I was grateful for the rest. We found a good spot and waited for the parade to start. With the darkness surrounding us and the upcoming lights from the parade, I knew this would be good.

Coming up…

The parade, fireworks galore and loads of pictures
Sexy lady!
Im glad you made it to the party, you really are the Queen of Pixie Dust!
HOT MOMMA!!!! looked really good in that costume. I think Mr.Sparrow himself would have taken you home that night had he seen you! I'm so excited for you to get to the party finally. I do have a suggestion for you though if you go at night again...make sure to hit the Jungle Cruise at's a whole different experience as everything is dark except for the captain's spotlight and it looks and feels totally different. It is my favorite in the dark ride with the exception of the haunted mansion. The mansion cast members always do their makeup up really well and they act much more "dark" and scarier if you will, for night time and there is fog and lights...also a very different experience. You must try them both on your next night time Magic Kingdom visit. :lovestruc

As for Disney Quest...I've never been impressed and don't waste my time...I totally agree with you on that one.

I can't wait to see some more pictures! You got me hooked again woman! popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::

Anna Marie
Great costume Summer. Can't wait to see the pics from the parade and fireworks! You look awesome!
I'm so excited to be reading your TR again!!! I'm really glad you are finishing it. I'm sorry you didn't like your Epcot Honeymoon photoshoot pictures. I know you are super excited you didn't have to pay for them.
So I'm sure I missed this somewhere in here, I'm sorry if you have already said this, but did you guys ever move?? If you have I hope everything is working out.
I love you Pirate/Princess costume!! I can't wait to read more about the Party!!!
MsEsty - Ooooh isn't Gears of War fab? Do you play much online? I haven't played it since February but I was playing it daily to try and get my level up. I eventually got my level 50 and the achievements so decided to give it a break for a while. I miss it though, so might go back to it this week. LOVED Horde!

meryll - Yes, once the pixie dust started it never stopped. We were so lucky on our honeymoon. Although I am hoping we get the odd pixie dust sprinklings for our next trip, I have decided to make my own just in case. Out of curiosity, are you going to wear the Anniversary badges your whole vacation or just on your anniversary?

Anna Marie - Hmmm, I never thought of doing the Jungle Cruise at night, that would be awesome. I wonder if that would be available on Mickey's Halloween Party? I am considering going but it is an awful lot more and while I enjoyed the Pirate and Princess Party, the loot we got was tiny, not even enough to have a normal bag of sweets! The best thing was the parade and the fireworks were awesome. We didn't get to do Haunted Mansion either as it was being refurbished our whole honeymoon. I was so excited to do this too as I loved the one in Disneyland.
Mr Sparrow did see me that night, but I think he was too enamoured with his bottle of Bud to notice me:laughing:

pjstevens - That costume did me well as I used it on the cruise too. I sold it when I returned to the UK for more than I paid for it. I still wish I had lost more weight though:rolleyes1

The Charmed One - Yay another regular has rejoined. I feel terrible that it has taken me so long to write this report. How are you? I can't see your ticker right now, but am I right in thinking you are going back to Disney soon too?

Pooh_Girl - And another one comes back, YAY! How have you been, did you move? As for us moving, no we haven't yet. I say yet but it is still on hold indefinitely as we will be trying for a family on our return from Disney this year. We decided that we should try for family first and try and pay off more of the house and loans so that when we do sell we can have more money to set up house abroad. Plus the market still hasn't recovered yet so we want to make sure we get a decent price when we do eventually sell.

I have a question for all those that might know. Randy has suggested doing the Trash the Dress Shoot at Cocoa Beach but as I have never been to any of the beaches in Florida I can't give him an opinion. Has anyone been to this beach and could let me know what it's like, whether it would make for good photos in our wedding gear? He said we could use surfboards in some of the shots (hoping he doesn't mean me surfing in my dress:laughing:)
After relaxing for a while on the now, hot ground, the music began playing and people started to muscle in on our perfect viewpoint. There were no barricades or anything, so I was unsure just how far in I could stand without getting smooshed by characters. I was amazed at just how fast people were running to the area. I guess this parade was special!

I was getting really hot as there was no breeze and my pirate outfit felt heavy. I remember hearing that we lose the majority of our body heat from our head and if that was the case then all of mine was trapped underneath my velour hat trying to get back in. I really wanted to take the hat off, but it was an amazing looking hat and I thought I should at least keep it on for the parade and fireworks.

Finally characters started to make their way towards us.


I wasn’t surprised to see Jack Sparrow and Steven tired his best to get a good picture of him.


He looked pretty good and had very similar mannerisms, not to sure about the voice but he spent the majority of his time swigging a beer (I assume it was water of course) and singing in his ‘drunken state’


We saw several characters like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Belle and of course the princess as well


and her entourage


Now I am not sure what happened here as Steven and I weren’t wearing our ‘Just Married’ pins, but Dopey came over to me. I am not sure maybe he liked my outfit or just sensed that bridal glow, but it was strange to see Dopey head for me like that. He picked up my hand and started looking at my rings, this really was strange!


He pointed at Steven and me and nodded his head. He hugged himself and then started clapping. I still for the life of me can’t figure out how he knew that we had just married. Still I enjoyed the special attention I received from Dopey even if it was unexplained.

The last character to come out was of course the head honcho, the one and only Mickey…complete with his pirate garb.


I enjoyed the parade and it was more entertaining that most at Disney. I was grateful that it was slightly cooler than during that day and I liked the pirate and princess theme.

We headed directly for the castle as the fireworks were due to start in 30 minutes and I was determined to get a good spot. We were yet to see Wishes from inside the park and I didn’t think I would get the chance to this trip, so I was eager to see Magic, Music and Mayhem from the best viewpoint possible.

I was so excited to see the show and we managed to find a great spot. Luckily this was a huge area and even as the time plodded on, we were never bothered by anyone pushing to get in about. People were spread out on either side of the park but the majority seemed to congregate at the front of the castle.

Suddenly everything grew quiet and we all stared in awe as the castle quickly changed colours. The music surrounded us and we looked up to the sky...

Coming up...

Magic, Music and Mayhem pictures
Summer, I think you looked great in your costume (and your entire wedding trip). We all want to lose more, but being happy is more important and you just glowed in your photos.

How very sweet of Doopey to shower you two with attention. It's possible that he remembered you from somewhere during your trip. You have such a unique look that I can think he/she would of remembered your beautiful face.

Can't wait to see the fireworks!
Sounds like the party was a good time up to this point :goodvibes

You and darling Steven must go to the Not So Scary Halloween Party...I won't take no for an answer. It is always my favorite part of my fall trips and is a must do. I have been to a Pirate and Princess party and it does not hold a candle to the Halloween Party. Let me tell you why:
1st EVERYONE dresses up for the Halloween party...not just the kids and the costumes are really good and have a lot of thought put into them.
2nd You best grab two of the candy bags they hand out at the gate when you walk in because they LOAD you down with the sweet stuff if you make sure to hit all the candy stops on the map and there are a lot more candy spots than there were treasure spots.
3rd You MUST see the Jungle Cruise and Haunted Mansion at is an experience not to be missed.
4th The fireworks and the parade are amond the best I have ever seen at any Disney park and I have been to Florida, California, and Paris so that's saying a lot!
5th It's always so much nicer to go out after the sun goes down with the glorious Florida breeze. I love to ride the rides and not sweat to death while I'm at it, plus the lines are shorter at night...BONUS!!!!
6th And most important...BECAUSE I SAY SO! :rotfl:

Ok, I'm done. I just really feel close to you after all of this and don't want you to miss it :hug:

I can't wait to hear more Miss Summer popcorn::

Anna Marie
You know I'm not going to miss a chance to miss your great TR!!!! Yours has been one of my all time favorites to read here!! :thumbsup2 DH and I haven't moved yet either. We are actually looking at the Vero Beach area now. It's about 1 1/2 to 2 hours southeast of Orlando. We went down a couple of weeks ago to check it out, and we are going back in August when DH gets more vacation time to check out the job prospects. Hopefully it will happen for us.
Good luck with paying off things and getting ready for a larger family!!
Great update Summer - you looked gorgeous in your pirates outfit - I can just imagine how hot you were. I haven't been to any of the beaches in Florida either but I just wanted to say that I'd love to do a trash the dress shoot - now if only I could fit into my wedding dress!!! :rotfl: Can't wait for the next installment x
pjstevens - Awww shucks:hug:I am glad most of my photos came out the way I wanted them too, but as you say there will always be angles you don't like and shots you just wish hadn't turned out. I am sure the camera adds ten pounds don't ya think! Maybe Dopey did remember me, I just thought it was strange that he/she went straight for me, oh well, more pixie dust really.

Anna Marie - I like your list, it pretty much has me convinced, in fact the last reason, well how can I say no to that??:rotfl: So you going to the Halloween Party then Mrs? Oh it would be so fun if you were there when we were. I am not sure if I could convince hubby to dress up, but I certainly would, as I have already proved! I do love the idea of going on the Jungle Cruise at night, how fantastic would that be!!!! Do you get chocolate or candy, because in my world there is a HUGE difference. I like candy, but what do you class as candy? Twizzlers, Milk Duds, mini bags of cheetos, MMMMM:lmao:

Pooh_Girl - Thanks for the compliment, I have really enjoyed writing the TR. I still have a lot left so there is still plenty to go. Oh Vero Beach sounds lovely, I hope it all works out for you. I couldn't imagine being so close to Disney, that would be fab.
I am looking forward to this vacation maybe being our last one as a couple, something else to look forward to when we get back, something new to plan:banana:

Kirsteen - Thanks, I did feel good in the outfit on the night, but I sometimes think, "what was I thinking" especially the fact I walked through The Grand Floridian like that:lmao: I have wanted to do a Trash the Dress Shoot for years now, I just love the unique style you can get from them and as my dress didn't sell I am more than happy to trash it. When we do a VR it's an excuse to get a new dress anyway:lmao:

Sorry I have been away a little while but I have been really busy at work, plus I have been so busy filling out a huge questionnaire. Our wedding is going to be featured in a magazine:banana::banana: I had to contact both Disney and Randy to get their permission to publish our photos. So there should be some of the MK Shoot and our photos with Randy. I think they are also going to do a little story on it. I had to fill out the longest questionnaire EVER, well with me answering, it became the longest ever:lmao: I am just in the process of getting my photos copied on to another disc so I can send her all my photos. She will hopefully choose the best ones, but I intend to guide her in the right direction of a few;) I am really happy as I think Disney weddings aren't showcased enough, I will let you know when it's out and try my best to scan it in so you can see it.

So back to the TR at hand. Hopefully I will get this section up this evening or tomorrow afternoon:thumbsup2
At first there was silence and then some noise erupted near the castle


It was so beautiful to see. It was the first time I had been near the castle during any fireworks and it was definitely much better viewing them in the park.


It was extremely loud because although we were concentrating on the castle, fireworks were going off all around us and I had to keep looking above and behind me to catch the full show.


People were cheering and the park was filled with a wonderful wave of heat. I admit I took my hat off at this point as I really felt like I was beginning to melt and the I was really straining my neck to see all the fireworks, that brim on my hat was not designed for perfect viewing!


This photo has to be one of my favourites!


I loved how there were so many different types of fireworks. The colors were amazing against the backdrop of the dark sky, everything was so clear. I kept telling to Steven to look to his left and right as they were just everywhere, no one does fireworks like Disney! There was also audio and the sound of Pirates filled the air.

The finale was approaching as the fireworks started to die down, there was a moment of pure darkness...

All of a sudden


With one final burst


It was all over

What can I say, it was fantastic, superb, stupendous and lastly over the top Disney style, but I wouldn't expect it any other way. It was the firework show to end all firework shows and I doubt I will ever be as impressed with any other firework show I see in the future. Come on Disney, the challenge is on!

Steven and I walked hand in hand and talked excitedly as we left the park about our night. It was a nice and relaxing and you could hear everyone discussing the magic that only Disney could provide.

Although the Pirate and Princess Party was great fun, for me especially, I doubt I would do it again. It was really expensive for what it was and I felt that I only really paid extra for the fireworks. The candy we collected wasn't the sort of things I would normally buy (Hershey Kisses are the exception) plus we didn't get very much, also we didn't take advantage and go on the rides, in hindsight we should have as the experience would have been so different. I loved the fireworks but it isn't worth paying that every time I go to Disney. However I hear that the Halloween Party is much better so I am definitely considering this as the thought of riding The Jungle Cruise and Haunted Mansion in the dark sounds fab!

We arrived back at our resort and I tucked into the now plentiful mini desserts I had stored, I was beginning to feel like a hamster! We sat on the balcony again, Steven in his jeans and shirt and I in my pirate outfit and the warm breeze continued for many minutes more.

Coming up...

Hmm, surely we have a plan for today? Dinner at Raglan Road again.
Summer, GREAT photos! Love that first one, the coloring, the castle, just beautiful!
Hi Summer,
Great update, loved the parade and the Dopey part very cute. Also the castle photo's were lovely.

Thank you for asking how I am in your post, I'm fine thank you, still happily married coming upto 4 years this Oct, that's what my countdown says, no WDW hols planned, lose weight and start a family is hopefully next for us.

Take Care. Looking forward to your next update, Wendy x.


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