Sushi at Teppanyaki & Wolfgang Puck Cafe on DDP?


DIS Veteran
May 2, 2000
Does anyone have any experience on ordering sushi at either of these places while on the DDP? DH LOVES, LOVES, LOVES sushi (in fact, he just made it tonight for supper :thumbsup2 ) and would like to order it, but I wasn't sure what exclusions there were. Thanks for any experiences that you can pass on :) .
I am for sure, at wolfgang pucks, that you have to pay OOP for the sushi. ` I have asked the same question. Everything else on the menu, there is no exclusions. But the sushi, OOP. But, I hear it is really good, and worth the price. As for Teppanyaki, I don't know. So, somebody else, will have to answer for you. :wave2:
Sorry, but the sushi at Teppenyaki is excluded from the DDP. If you want it, you have to pay OOP for it.

CA Grill at the Contemporary does have sushi that is included on the plan, but it is a 2 TS restaurant.
Dummy here, but explain sushi to me. I have actually had it, mainly california roll mind you (not really into the raw stuff), but a few other things as well, so am not totally clueless, but I want to understand it better! We are going to CA Grill in December and I want to order it, but not sure what I am getting really.
Thanks for the replies :) . I'm thinking that we will just pay OOP for sushi at these places or else make a lunch stop at Matsunoma Lounge (one of DH's favorite sushi spots :thumbsup2 ) also paying OOP. He never buys any souveniers, so a few $$ for his sushi fix is fine by me :teeth: .
MemoryMakers2669 said:
Dummy here, but explain sushi to me. I have actually had it, mainly california roll mind you (not really into the raw stuff), but a few other things as well, so am not totally clueless, but I want to understand it better! We are going to CA Grill in December and I want to order it, but not sure what I am getting really.

CA Grill is great about helping people order sushi who don't know a lot about it. If you explain what you like and don't like for seafood, they will make suggestions. ENJOY!
I think there really needs to be a clear distinction made between "seafood" and "sushi". My wife loves seafood, perhaps more than I do. I love sushi, and she basically doesn't. There is something that happens to fish when it is cooked that changes its nature; its texture and taste. Before cooking, I feel that some fish (especially yellowtail and salmon) is utterly incredible. After cooking, it's just merely okay. My wife would probably disagree with me on that. So that's the best explanation there is for sushi: Just like some people like chocolate ice cream better than vanilla, and some people like vanilla ice cream better than chocolate. Both are liked by many, and each one is liked by many to the exclusion of the other. It's all a matter of personal taste.
Not sure if it is a recent change, but we ordered Sushi last year at Tepanyaki on the DDP and were not charged OOP. It may have been an appetizer if I remember correctly.
Sushi is definitely NOT available at Teppanyaki on the DDP (info correct as of May, 2006). It has been moved to a separate "sushi menu" and is not part of the appetizer section any more. Same for lobster--it has been reclassified as a "side item" and is not available on the DDP.

Of course, you can pay OOP for sushi and/or lobster if desired.
dznyacct- I've been on the lookout for sushi info on the DDP too. In general, what I've gathered is it's been excluded as an appetizer or entree at Teppanyaki. Sushi is available as an appetizer at California Grill with the exception of the deluxe (most expensive) sushi platter. At Wolfgang Puck's Cafe I've read it may be ordered as an entree.
I'm really at a loss as to why sushi is so discrminated against on the DDP... :confused3
Sushi's a strange thing, I think. I think that a good number of folks either (1) won't order it no matter what, or (2) will order it with little concern about how much they pay for it. Another possibility could be that the cost of ingredients for sushi is a greater percentage of the menu price. (I'm not sure that that is the case, but if it is, that would explain why sushi is such a focus of restrictions.)
Laurabelle~ Thanks for your DDP sushi summary :thumbsup2 . I just made an ADR for Wofgang Puck Cafe, so I'm hoping that sushi as an entree will still be possible in September. Even if it is OOP, that's fine. I'm such a planner, it just would be nice to know ahead of time. Thanks again to everyone for their replies :wave: .
I also made an adr for sept at WP's specifically to get sushi. I would think their sushi combo would be considered an entree. When we used to book the gold plan, I know the sushi combo was considered an entree. Anyone know for sure??
dznyacct said:
Laurabelle~ Thanks for your DDP sushi summary :thumbsup2 . I just made an ADR for Wofgang Puck Cafe, so I'm hoping that sushi as an entree will still be possible in September. Even if it is OOP, that's fine. I'm such a planner, it just would be nice to know ahead of time. Thanks again to everyone for their replies :wave: .

You're welcome! We're going to California Grill and Wolfgang Puck's Cafe specifically for sushi. I'll make sure I post when I get back.
BTW- Great pic in your siggie line!

My dd and I are the sushi fans...we just started eating it last year. The first sushi we had was raw tuna and we liked it. We've also had California Roll and shrimp tempura which are great for those who aren't sure about trying raw sushi. We haven't tried eel yet, but I think we might try the Snake in the Grass at CG., and see what the special is at WPC...
My son got sushi at Seasons, the counter service in the Land, in June.
I highly recommend the bbq eel. It is my favorite and not really sushimi as it is cooked.
MemoryMakers2669 said:
We are going to CA Grill in December and I want to order it, but not sure what I am getting really.

If you're interested in trying sushi, especially raw pieces, CA Grill would be a great place to officially start .. try splitting a sampler or the sashimi with your husband? It'll give you different types of fish to try, salmon is quite yummy .. very soft, smooth and buttery in texture, Tuna is a bit more firmer than salmon but IMO it's sweeter (fresh fish = delicate sweet flavor = YUM!) than tuna (although fatty tuna belly gives salmon a run for it's money) and hamachi is a bit rougher with a stronger (somewhat salty) side for me. All three, of course, do have their respective "fish" taste but the first two tend to be very mild :) You just have to get used to how it looks and the fact that they're a bit colder than room temp.

*looks at their menu*

The "Spicy Sensation" seems simliar to a California roll too, especially if you like hot sauce :) Raw scallops are almost tasteless, they are a *bit* slimey compared to crab but it's like chewing sea water and with the avocado will play down the spicey sauce a bit. Tobiko (flying fish eggs) are little orange caviar and are salty/sweet. Snake in the Grass is cooked with fried shrimp, bbq eel (think sweet teriyaki sauce @ BBQ with a firm texture, sort of like smoked fish but it's broiled usually) and is quite yummy too =)

*more sushi babble* :
- maki are roll that's been cut into 4, 6 or 8 pieces (more depending on the size)
- nigri are sort of balls of rice flattened to form a base, wrapped with seaweed (nori) with a piece of something on top
- hand rolls are a half seaweed wrapped ice cone shaped with a core of something in the middle
- sashimi is just sliced raw fish, it's not technically "sushi" of any kind by itself.
- oshi is like nigri, but made with a box/press (I see this used more with Hawaiian "spam sushi" :D)

The ginger is used to cleanse your palate between bites/pieces. Most like to mix their wasabi in with the soy sauce and then dip their pieces in .. my mom mixes her soy sauce into the wasabi so it's more of a paste (and really, really gross looking .. but I don't use wasabi so thats probably just me, LOL!) and I like the "pure" flavor the best so there's only certain pieces that'll I dip in. I've been advised to use my ginger as a paintbrush to put a light layer of soy sauce onto a piece of sushi too =)

Sushi is technically supposed to be/used to be traditionally a one bite deal but it doesn't seem to be an issue in the States. If you want to take two bites, try to support a Nigri piece top to bottom at a slant with your chopsticks to mid point, and take a good clean bite up to that point. I have yet to figure out a way to eat a round/maki piece in bites without it falling apart *hangs head* Well ... I push some of the "filling" out and then squish the thing in my mouth but that's probably considered playing with my food :rotfl:

Easy ones to start out with :
- crab or shrimp salad pieces, smoked salmon, cucumber rolls (there's a big fat vegetarian roll that has a bit of strong flavor to it, it's not too bad tho, mountain carrots tend to have a distinct flavor also)
- BBQ eel (unagi) is broiled eel (a bit mushy/chewy) with a sort of teriyaki sauce (so sweet-ish)
- Tempura shrimp and/or soft shell crab are also yummy
- Tamago is on the sweet side, it's basically an egg "omelet" with a bit of sugar and chicken broth.
- raw tuna (fatty tuna belly is a higher grade) and salmon are good to start with, very simple taste/textures :)

Medium-ish ones :
- smoked salmon skin (crunchy!yum)
- spicy (or not, is up to you) scallop salad, spicy tuna salad (I don't like things *too* spicy, so I get these in a hand roll so there's more rice, sort of). These are both raw but the mayo helps drown out the fish if you need it to ;) Japanese mayo is thicker, slightly sweet sometimes and creamier than American mayo.. depends on the restuarant @ which types are used.
- tobiko (flying fish eggs), these are FUN (they slide all over the place!) .. although if you want to stay on the safe side, order it with something else, like on top of a California roll. They're tiny little orange eggs that you have to crunch down and pop in your mouth , they're a little salty. Basically caviar :D
- Rainbow (or sometimes Dragon Roll) usually have different types of fish and eel on top of a california type roll.

..and then some of the "scarey" ones/people will be very impressed if you try these ;)

- ikura (salmon roe), very salty and erm.. salmon roe flavored (I can't describe it) and they're fun to eat. I would suggest popping a few eggs in your mouth before taking a bite to get a taste of it. These are also very good with raw quail egg, which mellows out the flavor.
- sea urchin is very delicate, sort of like sea water but is buttery soft and melts in your mouth. It's slimey and slug looking, LOL.
Just got back from our trip today (6/22 to 7/2). We went to Teppanyaki for dinner and sushi is NOT on the dining plan. My wife and I LOVE sushi so we ordered it oop.


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