Taking a Girl Scout Troop to Disney

Happy New Year!

Troop mtg tonight and I finally got copies of the contracts back to parents tonight. Tonight we also made a countdown chain, so exciting.

The troop has a concern about using cinch sacks as bags cuz the cord cuts into their arms, so I asked them to research bag options under $5. We will see what they come up with.
So we have been inundated with snow the last two weeks. Sadly that meant our Disney January meeting where we were going to make our autograph book had to be cancelled.

The good news is I was able to call JetBlue last week and get an AMAZING group rate for our flights! Things I learned about JetBlue flights - if you have over 10 passengers you can lock in the lowest fare and only have to pay $50 per person as a deposit and not the full flight cost as a deposit and sign the group contract. Full payment and list of passengers is due 30 days before your flight.

So now everything is booked and our trip falls under our budget! So excited! Now we can add on a few things.
Hello Fellow Girl Scout Families!!! Our Troop has wanted to do this trip since they were Daisies!!! We proudly did our Myrtle Beach trip last year. We planned and had lots of discussions and as a troop planned our itinerary for this trip and how we plan to reach our goal to pay for everything. We have 2 Ambassadors and 1 Senior Girl Scout in our troop and we are so stoked for June 2016!!!! Our trip with lodging, rental car, fuel, Ruby Falls, Incline Railway, Disney 2 day park hopper, Kennedy Space Center, Sea World with all day dinning, Pirates Dinner adventure. This will cost each GS only 1140 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to sell each. or equal amount in money is $882.85 ea. We are currently selling our cookies and are so happy that while working for this wonderful adventure we are doing our service project also and have so many wonderful people helping with donations. Our service project is collecting money and items for Veteran's at Hines Hospital. We are trying to help 334 veterans. While we are working at this one we are planning next years to New York!!! We are truly blessed to have a wonderful home rental owner whom was a Girl Scout in the past whom gave us a discount with 4 bedroom and 3 bathrooms and private pool. We are happy that the leader found so many discounts and we are not having to stay on property or in busy area. We are so excited. We are shipping cookies across the country to reach our goals and have some wonderful soldiers whom are deployed whom we are sending Girl Scout Cookies too. We believe Disney Dreams really do come true. one web site that was great for updates on discounts was mousesavers.com Thank you to our Union members for discounts also. We hope every Girl Scout goes to visit a Disney Park. pixiedust::car::welcome::dogdance::yay: We are coming Mickey!!!!!!
Glad to hear your troop is doing this. Ours had a blast!

Just out of curiosity, where are you located? We are required to have five per a troop. It has been a challenge the last few years as we have seniors and ambassadors.
:thanks::flower1:They don't hold you to that for older girls. We have 1-2 girls in troops. Retention is important . Northwest Indiana !!!! We are near Chicago!!!
WOW Your trip sounds awesome! Are you doing our fundraisers too or just cookies? Think about doing can drives, you'd be surprised how much money a scout earns with cans. I made my scouts collect, count and bag all of their cans so they really had to be involved. My daughter made over $400 in cans in one yr.

This yr we're off to Niagara Falls but there's talk of going back to Disney - possibly even Disneyland!!
Working on our plans to Niagara Falls - we're going to walk across the Rainbow Bridge to symbolically bridge from Cadette to Seniors when we're there! OMG I'm so excited!!
Have to tell you something...a leader in my Service unit's mom passed away and the family decided instead of flowers they asked for all donations to our service unit! The leader called and said that her mom loved everything we (the service unit team) has been doing the least few years, especially the Camporee I ran last year. They knew she would love to have the donations go towards a camping event for the service unit.

So amazing and wonderful of this family. Plus I've been having a low moment (as we all do) about scouts and all the camp planning I do but not always well received. This made me so proud to be able to honor this mom with our camping trip in the spring! Shows that what we do makes a difference to the scouts and those around them!


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